Lemon Soda Candy

Chapter 30: Soda


Public Confession

It was a sunny day when I reported.

When Zhou Anran arrived at the school gate, he received another WeChat message from Cen Yu.

Cen Yu also did well in the exam and was admitted to another 985 university in South City, and also reported today.

Zhou Anran unlocks his phone in the sun.

Cen Yu: [Have you arrived yet?]

Cen Yu: [My cousin and his friends are already waiting for you at the door]

Cen Yu: [I sent him your photo. When you arrive, just stand at the door and wait. He should be able to find you.]

A few days ago, Cen Yu told her that she had a cousin who was a junior at University A and she would ask him to help her report.

Zhou Anran was a person who was afraid of trouble, but he could not resist Cen Yu's enthusiasm, and finally agreed in a daze.

She lowered her head and replied: [Arrived]

As soon as the message was sent, Zhou Anran felt a shadow in front of him, and a strange male voice was heard.

"Is it Zhou Xuemei? Xiaoyu's friend?"

Zhou Anran looked up and saw a boy wearing glasses standing in front of her. He was slightly plump and had a very friendly appearance. He looked like the same person in the photo that Cen Yu had sent her.

It should be Cen Yu’s cousin Xu Hongliang.

She nodded: "Hello, senior."

Xu Hongliang enthusiastically greeted Zhou Xianhong who came to see her off: "Hello, uncle and auntie, I am the cousin of Zhou Xuemei's friend, my name is Xu Hongliang."

As he reached out to take the luggage from Zhou Xianhong, he suddenly turned his head and looked back: "Sister Qin, someone is coming."

Sister Qin

Cen Yu seemed to have said just now that her cousin and friends came to pick her up.

Zhou Anran looked in that direction.

A tall and thin girl walked out from the shade under a big tree not far from the school gate. She was wearing all black and her hair was tied into a neat ponytail. In the sunlight, one could vaguely see a hint of purple on the ends of her hair. Like the photo on the bulletin board of No. 1 Middle School, her facial features were not too perfect, and her single eyelids were more obvious in real life, but when combined together, she had a unique kind of beauty.

The girl stopped in front of her, her face expressionless and her voice cold as she uttered three words: "Yu Bingqin."

Zhou Anran didn't expect that cousin Cen Yu's friend was the famous former science champion of No. 1 Middle School. She was stunned for two seconds before she remembered to greet her: "Hello, Senior Sister Yu."

Yu Bingqin nodded at her, then greeted her two parents with a calm expression.

A boy appeared from nowhere next to her, greeted her warmly and took the luggage from He Jiayi's hand.

Zhou Anran was still a little confused when he saw Yu Bingqin raise her chin towards the door and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to report."

After entering the school, Xu Hongliang and another senior took Zhou Xianhong and He Jiayi to the parent waiting area to rest, while Yu Bingqin took Zhou Anran alone to handle the formalities.

Yu Bingqin didn't talk much, and only said one sentence to her on the way: "I'm also from the School of Life Sciences."

Zhou Anran had never seen such a cool girl before. He tried to hold it back all the way, but he couldn't help it. When he was about to reach the registration place, he secretly took another look at her.

But he was accidentally caught by Yu Bingqin.

"Is there something on my face?" She still spoke without any tone, but her voice was very pleasant, very low and with a certain metallic texture, which was particularly recognizable and pleasant.

Zhou Anran quickly looked away, the tips of his ears slightly reddened. He wanted to compliment the senior sister on her beauty, but he didn't have the nerve to do so, so he just shook his head randomly.