Lessons on Raising a Partner

Chapter 126: tree tree tree


A black shadow flicked across the light blue water, Yayulong's huge black dragon wings fully stretched out, cutting through the sound of the wind, casting a black shadow on the fine sand on the seabed, and the warm sunlight hitting the smooth scales , refracting the halo of dreams, swinging from the root of the wing to the tip of the wing like a wave.

August turned back into a dragon form, and flew Hai'an on the main star—choosing the big tree for the two of them to settle down.

And Hai'an summoned emerald green vines to tie August's dragon neck, then sat on his back, and then used wind magic to prop up a protective cover to prevent him from being blown away by the strong wind generated during flight.

"August, just that tree." Hai'an touched the dark red soft scales on the back of August's neck, and told him that he had found the big tree he wanted—after August transformed back into the dragon form, basically I couldn’t hear what Hai’an said, but before he turned back into Yayulong, August told Hai’an that there was a special scale on his neck, and when Hai’an found the big tree he wanted to live in, he would touch this scale , then he will stop.

Sure enough, after Hai'an gently touched the dark red scale with his white palm, August let out a deep cry, folded his scales and landed on the shallow sea.

"Which one?" August hugged Hai'an across his arms, stood on the soft sea and lowered his head to ask Hai'an.

Hai'an put his arms around August's neck, raised his head and looked at August against the sun—August's facial features were very deep and cold, but when he looked at Hai'an, he always unconsciously With a soft expression, his eyes were full of affection and love that he hadn't noticed before.

Seeing Haian staring blankly at him, August showed a smile, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think your lover is super handsome?"

Hai'an: "..."

If you don't come back to your senses, maybe August is going to play a hooligan again.

Hai'an patted August's handsome face: "Put me down."

"I can walk with you in my arms."

Hai'an was a little guilty. Today, he was still wearing the elf robe that August had made for him. It was okay when he was standing, but if he huddled in August's arms like this, the clothes would stick to his body...

"No, I will feel sorry for you if you are tired." Hai'an lied openly, kicked his legs out of August's arms, and then hurriedly took a few steps forward, as if trying to cover up something.

August looked at Hai'an's back, his dark red eyes slightly narrowed: "Bitch, are you wearing underwear again?"

Hai'an froze and stopped, and August stepped forward and pinched his ears.

"Ah—don't pinch..." Hai'an groaned, covering his ears and looking at August pitifully.

"Where's the underwear? Where did you hide it?"

"Burned by me..." Hai'an lowered his head and whispered.

August was about to be laughed at by Hai'an, he lifted Hai'an's chin and bit his soft face, leaving two rows of neat teeth marks: "You have learned how to destroy corpses."

Hai'an knew he was wrong, tugged at August's arm, pointed to a huge tree in front of him, and wanted to change the subject: "August, let's go and see that tree." After finishing speaking, Hai'an He took the initiative to hold August's hand and walked towards the big tree.

"August, what's the name of this tree? There seem to be small white flowers on this tree." Hai'an stretched out his hand and touched the rough bark.

In Nord Continent, the elves live in tree houses. The tree is called Pipilu, which is very thick, but a little short. It can only be made into a two-story tree house at most. Only the queen and the elders live in Pipi. Lu is relatively tall and can be made into three layers. The tree house in August's hometown is not only thicker than Pipiru, but also many times taller, probably to facilitate the free entry and exit of the prototype Yayu dragons.

August followed Hai'an's hand and raised his head. When he saw the big tree, he was stunned for a moment. He touched Hai'an's head and said softly, "This tree is called Adair. It was originally a person's name. Legend has it that he is the ancestor of Yayulong, who brought tree species from the deep sea, and people named this tree Adair in memory of him.”

"Ah." Hai'an's eyes lit up, "It turns out that you also have a legend, and it's similar to our legend. Our elves live in a tree called Pipilu. Do you know why?"

Hai'an has grown taller in the past few days, and now it just reaches August's chest. Seeing Hai'an tugging on his clothes, looking at him expectantly with eyes as clear as emeralds, August only feels that his heart is like summer As soft and sweet as ice cream, he took Hai'an into his arms and asked in cooperation, "Why?"

"There are ten races in my world. There is one race called dwarves. They are generally... relatively short. About tens of thousands of years ago, dwarves and elves were still good friends..."

When the gods came to the Nordland, only seven races were originally created, three of which became independent later, and the lovers and elves who lived together in the forest had a very friendly relationship. Pipiru, the elder of the dwarves, found a To plant trees, you can hollow out your heart and live in it. In the early days of the Nordland, there were frequent wars between races. The dwarves and the elves signed a friendship contract. The elves, and the elves also sent priests to teach some talented dwarves in the dwarves to learn magic and healing.

So the elves have been living in the tree since then, and among the dwarves who are good at forging and metallurgy, there are also extremely talented priests.

But later some people in the elves were tempted by the demons, which made Ji alienate the relationship between the dwarves and the elves. The friendly contract was torn up by the elders and queens of both sides. I also vowed that I would never live in the Pipilu tree where the elves also lived, and moved to the plateau snow mountain to live in a cave. inside.

At the same time, the fallen elves lurking in the elf tribe launched a rebellion and colluded with the demons to wantonly slaughter other elves. This move shocked the angels, because it involved the demons, they finally sent a seraph, The rebellion was suppressed, and at the same time, the elves who rebelled were cursed. From then on, the dark elves were born: their hair, eyes and skin were dark black or gray, and they were always different from the white elves with golden hair.

"... That's how the war of elves came about." Hai'an felt a little depressed as he spoke, "I was not yet an adult at the time, and I hadn't finished reading the history books. Wars, but they've been fighting for over a thousand years since I was born."

August hugged Hai'an even tighter: "I haven't finished telling you the legend of the Adair tree, but this tree actually has a name called the Peace Tree."


"Because it will bloom." August picked up a small white flower floating in the shallow sea and put it in Hai'an's palm. "This is its flower. It is said that when it blooms, the war will stop."

Hai'an lifted the small white flower and brought it close to his eyes: "It's so beautiful. I like this flower, let's live here!"

"Okay." August stroked Hai'an's long silver-white hair. What he didn't tell Hai'an was that the reason why the white flowers of the Adair tree were legendary was because it hadn't bloomed for a hundred thousand years. Even the older generation of Yayulong forgot whether it will bloom or not, thinking it was just a legend.

"Do we live in the heart of the tree?"

"No, we live on the platform among the branches."

Hearing this, Hai'an became even more curious: "I want to go up and have a look."

Hai'an put both hands on the trunk, a bunch of vines grew out, and then weaved into a soft ladder, which grew straight into the canopy: "Let's climb up." After speaking, Hai'an first held onto the vines and climbed up , Climbed several meters in a few seconds.

The elves live in the forest, and they are basically vegetarians. Their skills in climbing trees and picking fruits are top-notch. Even a tree as tall as Adair is not a problem for Hai'an.

August imitated Hai'an and grabbed a section of vine, but before he started to climb, he tore the section of vine with all his strength.

August: "..." Am I really heavy

Not wanting to lose face in front of the subject, August took a few steps back, turned back into a dragon shape, and directly flew towards the top of the tree with Hai'an in his claws.

Hai'an was climbing the rattan ladder well at first, but then he felt his body lighten up and his eyes blurred. When he came back to his senses again, they had already reached the platform at the top of the tree.

"Wow~" Hai'an widened his eyes and sighed, he had never seen such a fun place.

The top of the Adair tree is not densely packed with branches, but a naturally formed circular platform. The branched branches are all gathered around the round platform, forming a circle of railings, leaving only a gap for people to enter and exit, and then on the top of the head. Woven into a domed dome, leaving only a round hole in the center through which sunlight casts a beam over the top of the tree during the day.

"You can put a bed there." August put his arms around Hai'an's waist from behind, and pointed to a raised platform on the left side of the round platform, "But I have to get the stairs out first, otherwise it's not easy to go up."

Hai'an turned around excitedly: "Can we really live here in the future?"

"Yes." August smiled, and used his fingers to brush away the messy hair caused by Haian's sudden turn. His originally cold facial features were unbelievably soft, and his dark red eyes were full of Haian's reflection. "There will be star bugs here at night, which are as bright as zirconium gold elements. The dome will not leak when it rains. We can live here forever. If you want to travel to other planets, I will drive a vagrant No. Take you to…”

As August said, he pressed a kiss on Hai'an's forehead.

Hai'an's ears were a little red, and he felt that there should be no one here, so he took the initiative to hug August, buried his face in August's chest, listened to his steady and strong heartbeat, but missed August's rare appearance White Fang's smile.

You are like a little star, gently waking me up in front of the window in the middle of the night, bringing me into the quiet night sky, even if I plunge into the unknown darkness, I have no intention of escaping, because you have embraced me In the arms, shine together.