Lessons on Raising a Partner

Chapter 130: Uncle Ye & Paladin 3


"I'm already a high-ranking knight. In a few years, I will become a knight of light. Not surprisingly, I will become the youngest paladin in history when I'm thirty." The boy's voice was changing It was hoarse, but Paladin listened carefully.

Ye Lian was sitting on a chair, holding a bouquet of yellow roses as a model for Paladin. One day a few years later, the young man suddenly brought flowers to Paladin every day, almost without repetition, as serious and shy as if he was on a date with his lover. : "When I become a paladin, no, maybe when I become a knight of light, I can take you out of here."

Paladin shook his hand, and a good painting was ruined just like that. He lowered his eyes and said lightly, "No need, I won't leave here."

Ye Lian was stunned for a moment, a little angry: "Why, you obviously don't like the Gabriel family, don't you? Then why don't you leave here? Because of your father?"

The boy threw away the bouquet in his hand, walked up to Paladin and questioned him, obviously he already knew a lot of secret things, he didn't understand, Paladin's father was obviously so bad, why Paladin didn't want to leave, he wanted to expose it to his father The ugly face of the Gabriel family was stopped by the teacher.

Palatine sighed: "No, it's for my own beliefs."

The conversation broke up badly. For the first time, Yelian didn't stay in Palatine's room until dawn, and Paladin sat silently in front of the drawing board until dawn, looking at the yellow rose that Yelian threw on the ground—it had already Some withered, but still younger than him.

Paladin stretched out his hand and brushed a strand of hair from the back to his chest, staring at his all white hair, dazed.

The candles in the room were burning and crackling, which brought Paladin back to his senses.

He lowered his head and suddenly cried out.

But no one will come to comfort him.

After that night, Ye Lian did not come to Paladin for several days. Paladin sometimes lay on the bed, sometimes sat in front of the drawing board, but he was always waiting for Ye Lian. A floor tile, I don't know what I am looking forward to, and what I am disappointed with.

Maybe he won't come today.

Paladin was a little uncomfortable today, his head hurt, he sat in front of the drawing board for a while, and then climbed into bed.

Before closing his eyes, Paladin glanced at the candlesticks on the wall—the candles in the stone house are specially made, and they will not be extinguished within a hundred years, illuminating the whole room like daylight, but so what, he can neither Completely fell into darkness, and could not obtain real light.

Ye Lian pushed away two bricks this time: "Have I gained weight? One brick can't come out. I have doubled the size of the tunnel these days. Paladin, do you miss me..." Ye Lian thought to himself While talking, he found that Paladin didn't respond to him at all. He looked up and found that Paladin was huddled under the quilt, leaving only the back of his head with gray hair—this is very abnormal.

"Paladin? Paladine?" Ye Lian quickly crawled out of the tunnel, rushed to the window of Paladine and patted his face, but what he touched was cold and wet with sweat.

"Yelian..." Paladin seemed to have been woken up, and seemed to be still in a nightmare. He frowned and whispered Yelian's name. Yelian was about to die, his blue eyes were full of worry— If you know that you won't lose your temper with Paladin that day, wouldn't it be fine if he doesn't leave and just knock him unconscious and take him away? He took him away as Gabriel's people brought him here, which is fair, but he didn't expect to make Paladin mad.

"Paladin, why are you uncomfortable?" The young man lowered his head and whispered in the young man's ear.

"I am cold… "

Without further ado, Ye Lian stripped off his clothes and lay down under the quilt. When he met Paladin, he was shivering from his icy body temperature, but he still hugged him without hesitation: "When I was young, I gave you nectar, now I give it to you." If you share your body temperature, maybe your life will be given to you in the future."

"...But I'm willing to share it with you." Ye Lian put his arms around Paladin's waist and said in a low voice, and he secretly laughed after speaking.

You are like a precious gem, I want to use everything to take you away, I only wish you to be the most dazzling existence around me.

"What are you doing so mysteriously?" Paladin felt a little helpless, touching the black cloth covering his eyes.

Ye Lian has grown up and is a head taller than Paladin. The young man's tall body seems to be able to shield his beloved from all wind and rain. He is holding Paladin's hand and walking forward slowly, with a gentle and magnetic voice in his ears. Bian whispered: "I have a surprise for you."

"For you, real sunshine." Ye Lian pulled off the black cloth, put his arms around Paladin's waist and kissed him on the side of the face, "Do you like it?"

Paladin looked at the place where "Sunshine" was originally hung, dazed - "Sunshine" had been taken down by Ye Lian, and it was placed on the wall, and he cut a small square window on the wall, so that Paladin could see the outside world. Sky.

and bright sunshine.

"I found someone to learn some magic and made a disguise outside. You don't have to worry about being discovered, just be careful when you look at the sun. I'm staying a little late today and I'm leaving. I'll come see you at night... why are you crying? Already?" Ye Lian waited for a long time, but found that the person in his arms did not respond, and looked forward, only to find that Paladin was crying.

"You don't want to be so nice to me..." Paladin turned and buried his head in Yelian's arms, and said sullenly.

You will make me reluctant to die, reluctant to leave you.

Ye Lian raised Paladin's chin, looked at his gray pupils soaked in tears, and suddenly bit Paladin's lips, until his pale lips turned red and then let go: "Kiss on the lips means possession, Paladin, Can you wait for me for a few more years? Wait for me for a few years, and I will definitely take you out of here."

"… Ok, I will wait for you."

Paladin lowered his eyes, as if he had made a decision, and seriously agreed to Ye Lian.

With Paladin's guarantee, Ye Lian left with peace of mind. Paladin usually doesn't make promises lightly, but once he makes a promise, he will never change it.

This morning, after Yelian left, Hill Gabriel came to this stone house for the first time.

Sitting in front of the drawing board, Paladin stopped painting when he saw Hill Gabriel.

Hill Gabriel took a closer look, and saw a young man without a face in the painting. He is holding a bouquet of yellow roses and has dazzling blond hair.

"It took you so many years, the people in the painting have all grown up." Hill Gabriel's voice was a little gentle, but Paladin's hand trembled.

He put down his paintbrush, walked to the astrology table and sat down: "There are no stars in the daytime, so I can't watch them."

"This time it's not astrology, it's calculation." Hill Gabriel walked around to Paladin and pressed his book, "Help me calculate the fate of Nord Continent."

Paladin overturned the astrology table, gasping for breath: "You asked me to calculate the fate of the continent, and exchange my life for a prophecy... Why... Why do you..."

"This is the last time. As soon as the calculation is over, I will let you leave here, and you can go and see the outside world."

leave here…

Paladin's fingers gradually clenched, using astrology to calculate fate, almost exhausting a person's entire life, he only promised Ye Lian yesterday that he would leave here with him...

But even if he didn't help Hill Gabriel calculate, he couldn't leave here, and maybe he couldn't wait for Ye Lian's time at all. , he will die.

"I can't..." Paladin stepped back.

Hill Gabriel approached step by step: "You can, you are the most powerful astrologer in the Gabriel family for a century, and only you can survive the entire calculation process... As soon as the result comes out, I will let you go immediately, You can go anywhere you want."

Paladin closed his eyes, recalling Ye Lian's figure.

"Okay...Give me three days. During these three days, don't let anyone disturb me."

Ye Lian felt that today's Paladin was a little strange.

Because he is too gentle.

Although Paladin is usually very gentle, but not so... greasy.

"Yelian has grown up..." Paladin pulled Yelian onto the bed, sat beside him and stroked his face, "I'm in my thirties this year, much older than Yelian..."

Ye Lian grabbed Paladin's hand with his backhand, and the roots of his ears were a little red: "Paladin is not old at all, what if one day I am older than you?"

"... Then do you like me?" Paladin smiled, his pale gray eyes gleamed slightly in the candle, like precious gems, which caught Ye Lian's eyes. Many people praised his eyes for being beautiful, But Ye Lian always felt that it was because those people had never seen Paladin's eyes.

But that was all right, the Palatine belonged to him alone.

"I like..." Ye Lian's Adam's apple slipped, "I, I have liked you since I was a child. Actually, I have seen you before. You are a pastor and saved my teacher. That's why I followed you here secretly. But I don't know what material this chain is made of, so I can't take you out of here yet..."

"I like Yelian too..." Paladin sighed softly, and sat on Yelian with his legs apart.

Ye Lian was so frightened by Paladin's sudden movement that he almost jumped up, but he was kissed by Paladin. The white-haired young man's soft tongue stuck in, hooked Ye Lian's tongue and stirred it lingeringly, making the sound of dripping water, Ye Lian Lian's eyes widened. Paladin didn't close his eyes, but half-closed them, watching him with emotions Ye Lian couldn't understand.

"Paladin, what's wrong with you—hiss!" After the kiss was over, Ye Lian was about to ask him what happened today, but Paladin's nimble fingers had already untied Ye Lian's pants, and he held his half-cocked mouth and masturbated Moving, feeling the columnar object in his hand gradually waking up.