Lessons on Raising a Partner

Chapter 133: Dean


"wait me back."

"Okay! I will definitely wait for you to come back!"

wait me back…

wait for me…


Dean didn't know how many years he had waited, he only knew that every day, every hour, even every second without Abby made him want to die immediately in pain.

When he was silent, when he was quiet, when the sun was rising, every moment of his life, he was thinking of Abby; the bright rose, the dusk of sunset, the night of full moon, every scene in the world, he was able to touch I came across the memories related to Abby and wanted to share these scenery with him.

I've seen the ocean you haven't seen, I've seen the sunset you haven't had time to see, the songs I've heard, everyone I've seen, every blink of an eye, has your shadow on it, Even every gasp, every breath stop is you.

You are so important to me, how did I survive without you...

Dean doesn't know how to stop thinking about a person, how to end this endless pain. Sometimes he wonders whether people have such a saying in a previous life, and whether he committed too many crimes in his previous life, so he is made to be like this in this life. Live in pain, use every breath and every heartbeat to remember a person, and live in pain in a world without him.

"Aren't you going to sleep? You've been sitting here for three days and three nights." Paladin sat down beside Dean and sighed.

"Has it been three days?" Dean said this in a trance, his voice was extremely hoarse after he hadn't said a word for three days, "When I'm here with Abby, I always feel less painful, teacher Look, he's still warm."

Dean touched the white candle beside him. The hot flame burned his hand, but he didn't seem to feel it at all. Paladin widened his eyes and patted his arm away: "Hey, your hands are familiar!"

Grabbing Dean's arm, Paladin cast a healing spell on him to heal his burns, but Dean didn't respond at all from the beginning to the end, as if the palm that had just been burned was not his.

"You..." Paladin didn't know what to say to him. Such an incident happened between his two students, which made the two people who were originally good become half dead, and the other one was no different from death.

That day, Dean rushed to the church naked, holding Abby in his arms, knelt on the ground and begged Paladin to save him. Paladin was shocked to see his student's body covered in mud, not to mention the red and white things between his legs. speechless.

"I... I can't save him..." Paladin lowered his eyes and clenched his fists tightly.

"Impossible! Teacher, you must have a solution, right? He is still so young...he hasn't had time to see the outside world..." Dean grabbed Paladin's robe, leaving bloodstains on the snow-white sacrificial robe, his eyes burning With the last hope.

Paladin's throat slid, but he could only watch the light in Dean's eyes go out: "I read your memory, Abby killed that strong... your man, his soul is stained Blood, there is nothing I can do..."

Dean sat on the ground blankly. In the chaos, only one of the thugs died.

When Abby saw that he was being overwhelmed, she broke away from the others, jumped over and bit the throat of the man who was pressing on him, and then hugged him tightly, blocking everyone's punches and kicks for him , didn't let go until the time of death, Dean was actually buried alive-the mob thought they were both dead, but in fact only Abby died, and Dean's blood awakened the nightmare.

"I lit a soul candle for him. As long as the flame doesn't go out, it proves that his soul still exists. Maybe he can still feel it when you talk to him." Paladin turned Abby's body into a candle, Put it next to Dean.

"Those people... they should be damned... why... why! why!!!" Dean's eyes were full of tears, he roared and rushed out of the church. Paladin chased him out, but only saw him sitting on the back of Nightmare and leaving .

"Dean!!" Paladin yelled a few times, but he didn't see Dean coming back. He could only return to the church, put the candle on the ground on the candlestick, and watch it glow warmly. After a long time, Paladin left the candlestick , sat down on the bench and prayed.

The next morning, after Paladin opened the door of the church, his eyes widened and he stepped back a few steps before standing still. Dean stood in front of the candle holder, gently stroking the candle representing Abby's soul with his clean right hand. a candle.

There were many white candles on the candle holders, but Dean recognized Abby immediately. He was wearing a black windbreaker, and there was a pool of red blood under him. Paladin took a closer look, and found that the windbreaker should have been gray, but it was stained black with blood. Nightmare was standing by the door, and the blood stains spread from the door to the Before the candlestick.

Dean turned his head when he heard the sound, his eyeballs turned a dull gray, just like the gray foggy city's forever gray and low sky, but he had a sick smile on his face: "Teacher, can I be able to do this in this way?" With Abby?"

He raised his left hand and let go of what he was holding—it was a pile of shapeless flesh and blood.

"Dean..." Paladin called Dean's name in a daze.

Dean walked towards Paladin slowly, with a strong stench of flesh and blood, stood beside Paladin, and said in a low voice: "Teacher, it is said in the Bible that pure and kind people will eventually reach heaven, and those who are full of sin , whoever has blood on their hands will go to hell."

"Abby and I can't go to heaven, so I'll accompany him to hell..."

After saying this, Dean and Nightmare left the Church of Erene together.

After that, Dean either fiddled with various materials and equipment in the laboratory to prepare for the overthrow of the inhuman rule of the evolutionary human beings of the Empire, or returned to the Church of Erene, guarding the fire that Paladin ignited for Abby. The soul candle is in a daze.

Paladin thinks Dean has lost his mind.

Relying on possessing the nightmare, he tortured himself unscrupulously, as if physical pain could relieve the despair in his heart.

But that despair cannot be erased, and Dean's hope has long since died.

He can only become more painful and desperate day by day. Those emotions are like a bottomless pit, tearing away every inch of his sanity and consciousness, making him so painful that even his soul screams and howls.

Before going to Imperial Capital, Dean and Nightmare watched the sunrise and sunset together.

"This is the most beautiful and quiet place I've ever seen." Dean grabbed a stalk of bristlegrass and shook it in his hand, looking at the sun on the half star that was about to sink into the horizon, he said to Nightmare, "Abby He told me that after he died, he wanted to be buried with me on a quiet planet, and I think it's not rough here."

"After I die, I want to be buried with you on the most beautiful planet. There should not be too many people on the planet, preferably only a few people, and there must be a happy couple, hahaha! It feels like we are still living .Will my hope be difficult?"

"No, I promise you, I will definitely find you a planet like that."

"Oh, why are you looking for it? I must have died after you. You are a pure human being, how could you live longer than me? But even if you are old, I still only love you. When you die In the future, I will sell our family property in Huajie Xing, talk to buy a boat ticket to take you to the most beautiful planet... "

Nightmare listened silently to Dean talking about his Abby's past, and wanted to imitate him in picking a dog's tail grass, but his fingers were too big to pinch at all.

Dean sneered, picked a large handful of dogtail grass and stuffed it to him: "You are a primitive mechanical warrior. I heard that Oliver en set your emotions like human beings. Will you be in pain? Will you be afraid?"

"No." Nightmare's voice was firm, "Because we are soldiers and don't need these emotions."

"Then you will definitely have regrets." Dean stood up and opened his arms towards the setting sun. "If you haven't suffered pain, you don't really feel like you have lived."

"Plump Purple will hurt." Meng Meng said suddenly.

"Plump purple?"

"Oh, it's backtracking, a little fat man, he not only hurts but also cries, he has a complete emotional system."

"Why?" Dean became interested and hurriedly asked.

"Because he's a kid, and you know, kids have some privileges."

Dean looked at the sunset and smiled: "Children, if I can become a child again, I hope that I will not meet Paladin when I was young, and I don't have to live so well. I will suffer all the hardships I should suffer when I was young." It's over, so when I grow up and meet Abby, there will only be joy and happiness left... "

Nightmare was silent and didn't know how to answer. He was originally the primitive mecha warrior who talked the least.

Dean patted Nightmare's arm: "Old man, let's go, let's cooperate again, and then you wish me happiness!"

Maybe it will be with Abby soon. Dean is in a good mood today. Nightmare looked into his gray eyes, was silent for a few seconds, and then wished him solemnly: "I wish you and Abby happiness."

"Thank you, we will be happy."

After the interstellar war, Nightmare took Dean and Abby's intertwined ashes, set up a grave for them on the companion star, and glanced back at him: "Shall I ask my dear to make you an emotional system?" , let you cry for once?"

Nightmare turned and left: "I don't want pain, it's enough for me to have happy emotions."

"You've never cried! How do you know how it feels to cry!" Backtracked shouted dissatisfied behind him.

cry? He'd seen Dean cry, on the first day they met and on the last day of Dean's life—when Abby left him and saw him again.

He felt as if he was in pain just looking at it, let alone experiencing it himself? He doesn't want to try.

Nightmare took all the property that Dean left to him to buy the wake-up stone, which was enough for him to guard the tomb for hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer. beautiful planet.

Because I want to be your most solid guardian forever, my master.