Lessons on Raising a Partner

Chapter 134: Backtracking & Cesi Census 1


"Father, are you there?" Backtracking asked softly with half of his head poked out from the door of the mechanical room.

The old Oliver turned his head, took off his reading glasses and saw Backtracking, showed a loving smile, and waved to Backtracking: "Of course, my child, come quickly."

Backtracking was a little excited, he moved his body forward, but was stuck by the door frame, he was a little frustrated, and sat down on the ground: "Father, you designed me to be too fat, I can't get in, why did you put me Make it like this?"

"Don't you like backtracking?" Olivern walked up to backtracking and touched his forehead, "You have a group of brothers and sisters, and they will protect you."

"But I will hurt, I don't like pain, why am I the only one who has tears?" Looking back, the immature childish voice is full of grievances, and he, who has richer emotions than other primitive mecha fighters, is obviously more curious.

"Because backtracking is still a child, you will be in pain before you know what you like and what you don't like."

"What about the tears?"

"Tears are shed for the one you love, and you cry when the one you love hurts."

"Then I'm hurt, will you cry for me?"

"Of course, because you are my child."

But the curious baby still can't understand some things in retrospect: "The Sisi Pucha is definitely not your child, and he is not someone you like, because you won't shed tears for him when he is hurt."

Hearing Hui Tuo's innocent words, Oliver was stunned.

He shook his head, waved his hand at the backtracking, and went back to the experimental table to continue his research: "You are still a child, go and play with your brothers."

"They won't play with me, they dislike me as a child." Backtracking was very aggrieved, "Sisi Pucha is gone, no one will play with me anymore."

But Olivern never looked back, he just lowered his head and continued these endless experiments. Seeing Olivern ignoring him, backtracking was a little lost, and he left the mechanical room.

Backtracking was very boring. He sat on the roof of the mechanical testing center and counted the stars in the sky.

Nightmare sat down beside him: "What? No one plays with you anymore?"

"Why are you talking to me? I don't even know where I've counted." Backtracking was very upset.

Nightmare sneered: "Only children can be so boring."

"Who said, Sisi Pucha also counted with me. He is an adult, but he never told me that this kind of behavior is boring."

"But he still left. The ex-husband is too deceitful."

Backtracking lowered his head, looking very sad.

"Do you know why he left?" Meng Meng couldn't help asking when he saw him like this.

"He had a quarrel with his father." Backtracking turned his head and said softly, "I heard it at the door that day. He said that he didn't want to become a lunatic who only knew how to do experiments as a whole. He called his father a psychopath and said he hated him."

Nightmare shrugged: "That's really unfortunate."

"Well, so Cersei left, and he told me he was going into business, that money was the best thing in the world, but he also said that when he came back, he would bring me a teddy bear .”

"Oh, then he won't be coming back."

Hearing this, Huihui suddenly turned his head and asked incredulously, "Why?!"

"Because only children can be deceived." Nightmare stood up and left after leaving this sentence.

"Cersi Pucha won't lie to me!" Huihui shouted loudly, and then sat back immediately. He felt hot and sour in his eye sockets, as if something was about to gush out impatiently.

But it also didn't show up in the end, like Ceci census.

Cesi census has been away for nearly 200 years, such a long time, enough for a child to grow up.

Backtracking is not like other primitive mecha warriors who are born with memory chips. Like a real child, he absorbs knowledge bit by bit from books and grows gradually. He also gradually began to discover something wrong, such as why only he has so many rich emotions, while other primitive mecha fighters do not; why Cesip Cha is obviously Oliver's child, but never calls him dad.

Oliverne is the greatest mechanic in the Empire, there is no doubt about it. As a big man familiar to the entire empire, he inevitably has some fans. Ceci Cuchau's mother, Mary Jane, was one of them.

But she didn't become a fan of Oliverne after he became famous.

Mary Jane was a classmate of Oliver's, and she was his most loyal fan when she was still a student. She is the daughter of an interstellar businessman, and a lot of money is needed for mechanical experiments. Mary Jane is Oliver's first customer without hesitation. From the first part to the last thing she bought before her death, Oliver Grace works.

Oliver was not outstanding in appearance, and Mary Jane just liked him so much that she was never willing to buy a piece of good jewelry or good clothes, but she was willing to buy Oliver's most expensive work.

But Olivern prefers to do experiments. Before he became famous, he would spare some time to accompany Mary Jane, but after he became famous, he even used the experiment as an excuse and completely separated from Mary Jane.

And when they separated, he didn't even know that Mary Jane was pregnant. He didn't know that he had a child until Mary Jane appeared in front of him holding Sisi Pucha. But he wasn't ready to be a father.

He had been absent from Cecilia's entire childhood, and most of Mary Jane's life.

Mary Jane suffered from severe depression after giving birth to Sisi Pucha. When Cecily Pucha was 10 years old, she jumped from upstairs. Sisi Pucha stood at the window where her mother jumped and witnessed all this .

No one took care of Sisi Census, so Olivern had to take him to the experimental center.

"Do you like these robots very much? They are cold, lifeless, thinking, and nothing." Sisi Pucha touched the model of the original mech warrior and asked his father. He didn't understand why his father would rather He stayed in this cold and gloomy laboratory all day long, and he didn't want to go home to take a look at him and his mother.

"Sisi Census... Robots are also alive. Maybe one day, they will have emotions and thoughts that are not programmed, just like humans."

Hearing Oliverne's words, Cesi Pucha laughed, as if he had heard a wonderful joke: "Then you want to tell me that there are things that robots have, don't you?"

"Oliver, you are so ridiculous. You created a new life with your own hands, but you also destroyed another life, and two hearts that love you."

The original mecha fighters were born one after another, but none of them had complete emotions. Maybe it was Ceci's words that really made Olivern feel some emotions and thoughts, which made him dare not completely create a robot with all human emotions. .

On one year's birthday night, Cesip found Oliver and asked him for a present—

"Today is my birthday."

"Sorry... I, I forgot..." Olivern got up from the laboratory table in a panic, wiped his oily hands, and stammered.

"Anyway, you never remember." Sisi Pucha sneered, "I want a gift, you can make me a primitive mech warrior, the one that has all the emotions of a human being, and I want him to be like a little Like a child, grow up with me."

Olivern agreed to Sisi Census's request, and two months later he created a retrospective, and the color of the mecha was chosen as Sisi Census's favorite purple.

But Sisi Census left at his coming-of-age ceremony a year later, leaving Oliver En with a mind only as big as a 5-year-old human child.

Olivern seems to have truly realized the difficulty of raising a child. He also discovered that his son has lost the childlike innocence and happiness that a child should have since he was very young, and has become as mature and indifferent as an adult.

Two hundred years later, Sisi Pucha received a letter—a letter from his father's apprentice.

The letter said that his father was dying and he wanted to see him one last time.

Ceci Pucha thought over and over again, and finally decided to go back, but heard some conversations at the door of the mechanical room—

"Teacher, you have lived for such a long time, and you have been dealing with robots almost all the time. What kind of existence do you think they are?"

"They are as important to me as the oxygen and food I need to live."

"So... compared to your son?"

"There's no comparison between them at all. The original Mech Warriors were flawless, precious and shining like jewels, while Sisi Census was just..."

Sisi Pucha didn't continue to listen, he was dazzled by anger and embarrassment, and Oliver's apprentice smiled with satisfaction when he saw the shadow leaving the window.

And Sisi Pucha rushed to the maintenance room of the original mecha warrior, took out the Nading cores of the original mecha warrior one by one, packed them and took them away.

"Cixi Pucha, are you back?!" A voice full of surprise rang in his ears, Sisi Pucha turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and saw Huihui's familiar purple figure.

"Nightmare told me that you would not come back, and I said you would not lie to me!" Sisi Pucha stood in the shadows, looking back to see him very happy, but when he approached, he found Sisi Pucha He was crying, his face was covered with traces of wanton tears, his eyes were flushed, "You... why are you crying?"

Backtracking approached Sisi Pucha, knelt down in front of him, and wanted to wipe his tears with his fingers, but he was afraid that he would hurt him, so he didn't touch him directly: "Why are you crying? It's because you like him so much." Me? I didn't see the bear you said you were going to buy me, did you forget? I'm not mad, it's okay if you forget, I'll forgive you, because I also-like you... "

Backtracking said the last two words in a low voice, and Ceci Pucha didn't hear it at all. He tore off the line connecting Backtracking's power supply repair, and Backtracking's electronic eyes flashed a few lights, and finally went dark completely.