Lessons on Raising a Partner

Chapter 136: Blind & Reston


Reston is an otaku.

He always felt that he was different, especially before Shilidney came, he was the most educated person on the vagrant.

As a top student who graduated from the best military university in the empire, Reston was even somewhat conceited, and had always lacked interest in the outside world. He thinks that the outside world is boring and uninteresting to him, not even as comfortable as taking a nap.

Anyone who likes nerds knows how attractive a house and a bed are to them, especially if you have an optical computer with Internet access.

They can stay in the house all day, with a book, an optical computer, and their sofa or soft bed. The reasons why they don't want to go out are also very simple, and some reasons are even inexplicable, such as being too lazy to move, social phobia, or fear of getting tanned after going out, etc. And Reston's reason for not wanting to go out is also very simple - he thinks he is too handsome and will be surrounded by people when he goes out.

Until one day, a few new members came to the Wanderer—August's plant cheap, and Lidney's plant blind.

It was only then that Reston began to understand that there was still a little ancestor in this world waiting to torture him every day.

The encounter between Blind and Reston was wonderful.

That was the night August and the others left Flower Street.

Reston chewed a banana and watched porn in the hall—the same plate Carl had brought back from the black market.

As a man who has been single for hundreds of years and is still an otaku, Reston will definitely have some physical needs, but he has never gone out to find others. At most, he can find some resources on the Internet to get enough food and clothing.

After all, Reston thinks that he is still a very conservative man—the future StarCraft is indeed very open, but Reston is still stubborn. He wants to marry the person he loves the most and be together forever. I leave my own self to the person I love the most, instead of messing around when a certain desire is on the top.

Before Reston came to the Wanderer, his conservativeness was often ridiculed by his classmates and colleagues, who thought he was scum, but since Reston came to the Wanderer, he was relieved—the ship was full of A bachelor who has been single for hundreds of years, although there is a married Jemin, but Jemin's wife has already died, and he is still so loyal, and this feeling has changed after he knew that August fell in love with cheap It's getting stronger.

August is really miserable. Fortunately, Jianjian has become a human being, otherwise he would have been masturbating to a pot of plants for the rest of his life.

Reston shook his head and sighed. The deafening groans in the hall did not arouse his interest. He stuffed half of a banana into his mouth and got up from the recliner. He was about to go back to his room to sleep, but he accidentally stepped on something.

The thing made a crisp "cracking" sound, and it was a little harsh on the feet. Reston moved the sole of his foot, and a few blood-red mucus were directly pulled out from the shoes and the floor. Reston frowned, squatted down and looked at it carefully. with that thing.

As a result, at this moment, there was another sound of something falling on the floor, like a "gurgling" sound made by small round beads hitting the floor, which was a bit dull and not pleasant at all, and the hall was brightly lit at this time. It was a little dim, but this sound seemed a little eerie.

Reston followed the sound and found a few staring eyes on the smooth floor, with bloodshot eyes all over the whites. They were staring intently at the big screen playing pornography behind Reston.

"Blind?" Reston frowned, and picked up those eyeballs from the ground. Just at this time, the pornography on the big screen was also finished, and Reston turned off the projection, and then in the hall Li patrolled around, but found no sign of blindness.

And the few eyeballs he just picked up also disappeared.

But Reston was sure that what he saw just now was not a hallucination, the touch and hearing were too real, but how did the blind eyes come to the hall? Blind's body is not here, could it be that the door was not locked before Lidney left, so Blind's eyes rolled over

Reston decided to see for himself.

The crew’s rooms are not too far apart from each other. Lidney’s room is behind his room. Reston walked over and saw that half of the door of Lidney’s room was not closed. Reston poked his head in the door Slit, look at the blind who was placed on the table.

At this sight, Reston smiled with interest—his blind eyes were all shut.

He seemed to be pretending to be asleep, but Reston, as a half-scholar, knew that the teardrop plant would not completely close its eyes when it was really sleeping, so blindness must be pretending to be asleep.

Reston walked into the house lightly. Lidney's room was also covered with thick floor tiles, and Reston could not make any noise when he walked on it.

After getting close to Blind, Reston slowly bent his body down and stared at Blind for a long time. Maybe Blind thought he had fooled Reston, so after a few minutes, Blind quietly Opened a few eyes and used the slits to see if Reston Reston was gone.

As a result, when blind blind opened his eyes, he saw two eyes that were also wide open. The blind blind who has countless eyeballs was also taken aback by the two eyeballs this time. He immediately closed his eyes, trying to pretend that he had never woken up. Same thing.

After a long time, it seemed that there was really no movement, so blindly opened all his eyes and looked around.

The room is very quiet, only the sound of the ticking clock, other than that, there is no trace of people. Could it be that what I saw just now was a hallucination

"Wow!" Suddenly a head protruded from under the table, making a grimace—it was Reston hiding under the table.

Blind is really scared to pee this time, he is just a plant, he doesn't even have a heart, this scare, he can only cry.

So after Reston made the grimace, he saw Blind blink his eyes, and then countless teardrops rolled down his eye sockets, splashing dull water on the table.

Reston was dumbfounded.

He actually made a pot of plants cry? ? ! !

Reston began to panic, he touched Blind's body, trying to comfort him, but was pulled away by Blind with a branch: "Blind... are you okay?"

However, Blind just turned around and continued to cry, ignoring Reston. Reston was a little embarrassed, and went around in front of Blind: "Um, I can make it up to you..."


After thinking about it for a while, he stopped crying. He thought that the movie Reston watched in the hall was not bad. It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and blindly staring at Reston's optical brain, Reston could only shake his right hand and ask, "Do you want to type?"

Blink blindly.

So Reston took off the optical brain from his wrist and handed it to Blind. Blindly knocked on the transparent display screen with his eyeballs "Kang Bang Bang" and output a line of small characters. Reston looked at it and couldn't help but read it out: "I-want-watch... a movie?"

"Watching a movie? What kind of movie?"

He gave Reston a blind look, as if saying to him: What are you pretending to be innocent? So blindly typed another line of small characters on the optical brain: "Pornography, don't tell me you don't have any."

Reston: "…"

He really couldn't understand why a potted plant would be interested in pornography

Can plants be masturbated? cannot. Can plants be hard? cannot. Then what's the use of him watching pornography

But Reston promised to compensate Bianxia, and he couldn't break his promise, so he left with Bianxia in his arms and went to the hall to show him the film.

In the end, Reston discovered that Blind is simply a porn fanatic. He has many eyeballs, and asked Reston to find him more than a dozen monitors, each displaying different pornographic films, and a few eyeballs look at one. Pornography, watching with gusto.

"Blind..." Reston waved his hands in front of Blind, "Look at this, what's the point?"

Hearing the words blindly, the branch lowered, and typed a sentence on the optical brain several times: "I can't feel good, why can't I take a look?!"

Reston: "..." The nonsense was so reasonable that he couldn't refute it.

In this way, the pornography alliance between Xiaxia and Reston was established. Every night and day when August and the others go out, they watch porn in the lobby, go through all kinds of styles, poses, and props. A light-brain screen that is convenient for typing has been built, and cross-species communication between plants and humans has started.

So what if you have vines, you can also type blindly.