Let Go of that Shou

Chapter 25: Kei water leopard


On the third day of March, the Dayu military examination.

It has been the 486th year since Li Mou, the great ancestor of Yu, won the world with a warrior. After years of development, both civil and military disciplines have shown unprecedented prosperity.

Up to now, nearly 4,000 people have been selected for the martial arts exam. Since the second day of February when the dragon raised his head to apply for the exam, a large number of martial arts people have flocked to the capital from all over the country to go to Beijing for the election. For a time, the exam was unprecedented, exceeding the scale of the imperial examination every two years.

The capital also ushered in the martial arts competition with the largest number of candidates in history. Similar to the imperial examination, the military examination is also divided into four levels, namely the children's examination, the rural examination, the general examination, and the palace examination. After the examination on the second day of February, nearly 100 of the 4,000 people left, waiting for the martial arts examination on the third day of March.

Yu Changqing was included among the nearly 100 people. As a police officer of the capital, Yu Changqing had the priority to enter the examination. There is no need to take the exam at the local level first. As the saying goes, if you learn martial arts well, the goods will be with the emperor's family, and the world will be peaceful. Entering the court and becoming an official is full of majesty, which is a good way.

On the one hand, Jianghu people look down on the court salary, and on the other hand, they flock to thousands of hectares of fertile land, beautiful wives and beautiful family members. It can be seen that it is not all the people in the world who laugh at themselves and go to sleep after laughing. Compared with the integrity of a hero, the former is obviously more dominant.

But the martial arts people handed over to the imperial court, but the imperial court did not necessarily think highly of him. The test is divided into internal and external. The internal test is based on strategy, military tactics, camp formation, astronomy, and geography. In the outfield, there are three tests: bow horse, stone lifting, and ring. Those who are not good in the field are not allowed to take the test in the field, so that almost half of the illiterate warriors are screened out.

The test papers that answered the wrong questions were passed through the hands of the examiner, and more than a thousand people who knew martial arts and did not understand strategy were screened out. If so, there were nearly a hundred others.

However, the warriors who were screened out did not return to their hometowns, and each stretched their necks to wait for the palace examination on the third day of March.

The palace test only has an outfield, and all the archers, horses, and stones have been tested in the general test, and the easiest and most exciting arena is left. On the day of the palace examination, there were huge crowds of people, and the alleys were empty. The Xuande Gate of the Imperial Palace was opened, and three seats were set up in the Meridian Gate school grounds. First came the Forbidden Army, and the Imperial Forest Army was surrounded like an iron bucket, and the Cavalry Army maintained order on the periphery of the crowd. The military flags fluttered in the bright spring scenery on the spectator table.

Li Yi, the emperor of the Yu Kingdom, occupies the ninth and fifth place in the banquet. Rumors of assassins in the Lantern Festival Night Palace leaked out, and there have been discussions in the alleys of the capital. Now Li Yi has to come to refute the rumors in person.

The imperial guards couldn't help but tense their hearts in the previous assassination case in the palace. There are quacks everywhere, and another assassination is no joke. But Li Yi said that it doesn't matter, there are very few folk masters in the country of Yu, and there is nothing to worry about, the real masters are all in the court.

When the Xuande Gate opened this year, there were probably tens of thousands of people who flocked to watch. The commander of the imperial forest army was worried, and he didn't really feel relieved until he saw a person sitting in a guest seat.

That person is Zhang Yuanshan, Zhang Yuanshan is outstanding in martial arts, he lives in seclusion, this is the first time in several years to appreciate martial arts, with him in charge, it is expected that nothing will happen.

Zhang Yuanshan was wearing a black gold battle armor which was rare, and when the sun came up at three poles, he bowed his hands to the ninety-five commanders of the imperial forest army next to him, and motioned for You Mengzhe to sit down. Tell him to sit down and not make trouble.

For a moment, everyone in the three stands looked at them.

It was the first time in You Mengzhe's life that he saw such a spectacle. The people under the stands were all the Imperial Forest Army. Seeing that the posture was not tens of thousands, there were eight thousand, and there were mountains and seas of people outside. He was very surprised to see it.

"Hello, Master."


"What wind brought the master here?"

Officials from left and right greeted Zhang Yuanshan one after another. Zhang Yuanshan glanced at him and signed to You Mengzhe. You Mengzhe smiled and said, "My father wishes everyone well."

The six ministers, the important officials in the court laughed one after another, and received Zhang Yuanshan's greeting, and accepted them as soon as they were good.

You Mengzhe looked around, and turned back to look at Zhang Yuanshan after a while. The sun was shining brightly, shining on Zhang Yuanshan's black and gold battle armor. This man had a handsome figure, and it was the first time You Mengzhe saw him wearing armor. His wrist armor was icy cold, and his skin under the chest guard was scorching hot , as if he could feel the temperature of his naked skin, Zhang Yuanshan has a handsome appearance, he is simply a natural hanger for clothes, whether it is a robe or armor, the upper body looks extremely good-looking.

"Hey, Dad." You Mengzhe touched and rubbed, just trying to find something to say.

Zhang Yuanshan turned his head sideways, put his ear to You Mengzhe's lips, and listened to him.

In the distance, there were many ladies from official families and concubines in the palace, each holding a round fan, and their eyes were all focused on You Mengzhe and Zhang Yuanshan. You Mengzhe is wearing a sky blue robe, his face is like a crown jade, his lips are vermilion, his eyes are like lacquer, and there is a luminous night pearl pinned to his collar, which is pinned to a fox fur collar.

Zhang Yuanshan's features are handsome and handsome, the two of them are as perfect as jade.

You Mengzhe was chattering, Zhang Yuanshan nodded from time to time, occasionally he couldn't help smiling, and patted You Mengzhe on the back of the head.

"Is this the adopted son of the Grand Tutor?" Someone in the front seat turned around and asked.

Zhang Yuanshan didn't answer, as if he didn't want to talk to anyone at all.

You Mengzhe laughed and said yes.

Not long after, the buzzing sound in the school grounds stopped, and the eunuch sang: "Your Majesty is here—"

"Long live my emperor!" Hundreds of officials in the stands stood up to salute.

"Long live my emperor!" There was a thunderous roar in the school grounds, the imperial army and common people shouted long live, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

"Everyone loves you." Li Yi's smiling voice sounded five steps away, and all civil and military officials sat down one after another. On the left side of the dragon chair is the queen holding the prince, on the right side is Zhang Yuanshan, and on the right side is You Mengzhe.

There is only Zhang Yuanshan between You Mengzhe and the emperor! There were at least fifty officials in the stands, and the prince, princess and uncle's family sat on the right side of the queen. On the left of Zhang Yuanshan and You Mengzhe are the senior scholars and the six ministers, and the next row is the generals.

Zhang Yuanshan actually sat next to the emperor, it can be seen that he is extremely honored, no, this emperor has no other brothers? You Mengzhe thought about Dayu's feudal feudalism again. He expected that all the other princes had been confiscated, and only Zhang Yuanshan remained in the capital. The relationship is quite strange...

"Yuan Shan, is this Meng Zhe?" A clear voice came.

Zhang Yuanshan nodded, put one hand on You Mengzhe's shoulder, and turned sideways for Li Yi to look at.

Does the emperor still recognize himself? You Mengzhe was startled, thinking of Sun Bin's assassination in the imperial study on the day of Lantern Festival. At that time, the two were making a fuss behind the bookshelf, and the emperor heard his voice. What if he recognized it

Hehehe... You Mengzhe smiled stiffly.

Li Yi was a little embarrassed and asked, "Can Meng Zhe...can talk?"

Zhang Yuanshan: "..."

You Mengzhe: "..."

Zhang Yuanshan casually tapped You Mengzhe's shoulder with his fingers, and You Mengzhe understood that he meant to tell himself not to be afraid, it was almost two months ago, and he probably couldn't remember it.

You Mengzhe found out when he wanted to find out. Anyway, he was also arrested, so he will have to explain clearly at that time, so he thought about it and said sincerely: "Yes, I can talk."

Li Yi nodded and didn't know how to answer the words for a moment. The queen over there was struggling to bear the smile, You Mengzhe said, "You... good. I have met the emperor, long live, long live!"

Everyone: "..."

The queen put a cup of tea to her lips, and laughed loudly.

Zhang Yuanshan propped his forehead with his fist, and immediately laughed, laughing out of joy.

Li Yi laughed, waved his hands and said, "You... um, very interesting."

Zhang Yuanshan smiled handsomely, his face was flushed, he bowed his hands repeatedly to Li Yi, signaling to take care of him, he didn't know the rules, glanced at You Mengzhe, couldn't help laughing, and patted him on the back casually.

Li Yi handed over a jade pendant and said, "Yuanshan, you dropped it in the imperial garden that day."

Zhang Yuanshan took it and handed it to You Mengzhe, You Mengzhe said: "Is this for me?"

Zhang Yuanshan nodded, another princess on Li Yi's right hand smiled and said, "This is the first time I see the Grand Tutor laughing."

Zhang Yuanshan shook his head with a smile, indicating that everyone is free, that handsome smile immediately overwhelmed all the female relatives, Li Yi was wearing a brass battle armor, Zhang Yuanshan was wearing a black gold armor, they were the two most conspicuous today. Shaoqing Li Yi personally introduced You Mengzhe's family members during the banquet, implying that he treated You Mengzhe's family members that day.

You Mengzhe didn't know the rules, so he asked each other hello one by one, and everyone didn't laugh at him, and just passed by indiscriminately. The queen also rewarded You Mengzhe with a pair of jade dice. The queen mother didn't come. After seeing each other in turn, Li Yi sat upright, and Zhang Yuanshan signaled that it was time to start. up.

Li Yi gave the order, and when the golden gong rang, there was another burst of shouting in the school grounds. The imperial army lined up in a square formation, You Mengzhe casually tied the jade huang as a waist pendant, Zhang Yuanshan frowned slightly, and leaned over to help him fasten the jade huang.

You Mengzhe looked down and saw two people coming up from the stands, jumping onto the ring.

The singing officer said loudly: "Linwu in Taizhou, Guanzhanyue in Xichuan—"

The spectators talked a lot, Li Yi joked: "You have to wear that jade pendant properly, don't bump into the family heirloom of the Zhang family and lose it."

Zhang Yuanshan carefully tied the jade huang to You Mengzhe's waist pendant, nodded, and You Mengzhe said, "This is a family heirloom?!"

Li Yi nodded and smiled, "Da Yu doesn't recognize anyone, he only recognizes this Yuhuang, look."

Speaking of which, Li Yi took out the jade huang around his waist, and You Mengzhe looked at the sunlight and saw that it was a pair, and the two huang huang just became a pair, and the eight characters were engraved on the back: prosperous world, beautiful rivers and mountains.

The queen hugged the three-year-old little prince, and said with a smile: "Put it away, and I will be the emperor's companion in the future. This is the rule of our Dayu since the founding of the country."

You Mengzhe nodded slowly, and all the officials looked sideways, thinking that this guy just recognized a godfather, and he is on the way to the sky, and there is no such good thing in the world.

The chatter was endless, it was lively, You Mengzhe watched it for a while, you come and I go back and forth like tricks, although You Mengzhe lost all his energy, but he has studied under Zhao Feihong and Zhang Yuanshan for quite some time, plus What he learned in Yuheng Mountain last year, the depth of the opponent can still be seen.

The first couple fought endlessly, like playing monkeys, they couldn't tell what was going on, so You Mengzhe leaned over and said to Zhang Yuanshan, "Father, these two don't know martial arts very well."

Zhang Yuanshan turned his face to the side, nodded, and spoke to You Mengzhe in sign language. However, when You Mengzhe saw Zhang Yuanshan was handsome, with the sun shining between his brows and eyes, his heart fluttered, and he couldn't help kissing his lips.

Zhang Yuanshan: "..."

You Mengzhe smiled, Zhang Yuanshan frowned and wanted to beat him up, You Mengzhe hurriedly avoided, Zhang Yuanshan didn't bother to explain to him, and motioned him to just watch and don't talk too much. After a while, he took his hand and put it on his lap. The back of You Mengzhe's hand was a little cold, but Zhang Yuanshan rubbed his big hand repeatedly, which made it a lot warmer.

You Mengzhe whispered again: "Hey, Dad, please say something nice for Brother Yu."

Zhang Yuanshan glanced at him and didn't answer.

You Mengzhe arched and rubbed against Zhang Yuanshan's body like a monkey, Zhang Yuanshan pressed his head to let him sit down, Li Yi laughed again and said, "What's the trouble?"

Seeing You Mengzhe's appearance, the prince came over to Li Yi to hug him, but Li Yi could only smile and let the little prince sit on his lap.

Zhang Yuanshan simply embraced You Mengzhe, let him lie on his lap, and gestured to Li Yi, meaning to leave him alone, and You Mengzhe immediately said: "My father said that there is a character named Yu Changqing who is excellent in martial arts." …”

Zhang Yuanshan: "..."

You Mengzhe smiled ambiguously at Li Yi: "You understand, huh?"

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked dumbfounded, but Li Yi seemed to think of something and said, "Yu Changqing?"

You Mengzhe said: "Hey, that's right, that's the one, huh? Huh? Remember?"

Zhang Yuanshan looked like he was going to get angry, You Mengzhe was still very smart, so he stopped talking immediately.

"Yu Changqing... Well, I remember." Li Yi ordered: "General Tang Ze, show me the list of military candidates."

Li Yi's voice was not loud, but the rest of the people were very surprised. You Mengzhe didn't know that Li Yi usually had a one-sided personality, especially in martial arts. He would never listen to things like imperial examinations. Besides, You Mengzhe's performance was too obvious. Could there be something tricky in it?

Tang Ze, the great general who protects the country, handed in the roster, and Li Yi flipped through it on the spot. Zhang Yuanshan was a little surprised, and watched You Mengzhe make a gesture. I only briefly mentioned Yu Changqing's meritorious service.

Li Yi looked up at You Mengzhe, and You Mengzhe stuck out his tongue, pretending not to know anything.

Thoughtful, Li Yi tapped his fingers on the table. Several pairs had been changed in the arena below, and before he knew it, he had passed the primary election.

"Si Li Yu Changqing—"

Ah that's him! You Mengzhe looked down with his heart hanging, and saw that Yu Changqing was still wearing the red policeman's robe, holding a dark blunt knife in his hand, and the fighters had to change their weapons, so as not to splash blood on the ring and be disrespectful to the emperor.

"Fengguan Lihou—"

Another person jumped onto the ring, wearing battle armor, obviously from the ranks of the army, and the surrounding guards applauded loudly for his momentum, compared to Yu Changqing's prestige was much inferior.

After the sound gradually died down, You Mengzhe held Zhang Yuanshan in his mouth and blew "Bi'er" with his fingers. The melodious and provocative sound came from near the dragon chair, and the audience in the audience jumped in shock.

When Yu Changqing found out where You Mengzhe was, he blew "Must-" with his fingers in his mouth, laughed heartily, and beckoned, with a knot wrapped around his wrist, which was the tassel of the knife that You Mengzhe had given him earlier.

You Mengzhe blew "Bibier—" again, and Yu Changqing followed suit. The whistles of the two were back and forth, and the affection was endless, and all the onlookers were in an uproar.

Zhang Yuanshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry and withdrew his hand, he poked You Mengzhe with his finger.

Under the stage, Yu Changqing drew his knife, clasped his fists, and said loudly, "I'm asking for advice!"

Yu Changqing is known as Wanli Duckweed. Although he doesn't specialize in internal martial arts, he has some foundation after all. A long knife is shaken to shuttle back and forth like a butterfly. The gait is erratic and beautiful, leaping vertically, lifting the body and striding forward, every step and every mistake is well-organized, and the end is chic and graceful.

Most of the applause around was women and teenagers, Li Yi just watched silently, not commenting. The queen asked: "Yuan Shan, as a grand tutor, what do you think of this man's sword skills?"

Zhang Yuanshan looked at it for a while, and made several gestures towards Li Yi, which meant: the saber technique is useless.

You Mengzhe translated: "My father said that he is really good at dancing swords!"

Zhang Yuanshan: "..."

"Yes." The eldest princess next to the queen said: "Look, queen mother, Li Hou is being suppressed and beaten by him."

Zhang Yuanshan made another gesture. Li Yi was ignorant of the dumb language. Usually, Zhang Yuanshan brought the butler with him when he met with Li Yi. Occasionally, when he was alone with Li Yi, he would use pen and paper to talk. When he came to watch the battle today, he thought that since You Mengzhe could read sign language, he would simply So the housekeeper was not allowed to sit at the table, but You Mengzhe was treacherous and cunning, so he came here.

Zhang Yuanshan made a few gestures casually, looked at Li Yi, and nodded. His original intention was: there are many flaws, but generally speaking, it's okay.

You Mengzhe took the opportunity to translate: "My father said that this saber technique is natural, it's really... indescribable, His Majesty can figure it out. Hmm, eh?" He winked at Li Yi again as he spoke.

Zhang Yuanshan: "..."

Zhang Yuanshan gestured towards You Mengzhe, which meant: You are deceiving the emperor! Immediately, they combined their palms and put everything on You Mengzhe's neck, threatening him: Be careful of being decapitated!

You Mengzhe clutched his chest, with an expression of "my heart is about to break", Zhang Yuanshan talked to the duck, but immediately he had no choice.

"What did the Taifu say?" the eldest princess asked curiously.

You Mengzhe said: "It's nothing, dad said that Marquis Li's martial arts are useless, and he is easy to lose his head when he goes into battle." As he spoke, he turned to Zhang Yuanshan, hugged his neck, rubbed and arched affectionately, and the little prince followed suit. You Mengzhe hugged Li Yi's neck like that, and the emperor's banquet burst into laughter for a while.

You Mengzhe acted coquettishly, so Zhang Yuanshan had no choice but to let him take a sip of the wine, and feed You Mengzhe some more.

The Queen laughed and said, "It's the first time I've seen Yuan Shan so happy."

You Mengzhe happily said: "Yes, yes, hehehe."

Yu Changqing did indeed have some real skills, he evened out his opponent in a few rounds in the primary election, and when he stepped down from the stage, he blew "Must—" and jumped off with a smile.

Li Yidao: "Yu Changqing's family was still a big family in the past, and he was able to make plans in the field..."

You Mengzhe looked up, Li Yi's words were meant for the queen, the queen took the scroll with a smile, the eldest princess's eyes lit up and said: "Is it the arrester?"

Li Yi nodded and said, "Old Wang's closed disciple."

The audience began to fight again, this time it was two pairs of two pairs, each took half of the ring, the loser stepped down, and the winner continued to fight. After ten rounds in a row, six or seven people were eliminated in one go.

You Mengzhe knew that nothing could be decided in this arena, it was just for the examiner to see the strength of the crowd, and when it was getting to the west, the last match came as expected.

Yu Changqing fought four rounds with the wheel, and he was already a little out of breath. The last opponent was a big guy with a strong body. Although he could fight until this time, he might not be able to enter the top three, but at least he left a deep impression on the emperor in the stands. Career is fine.

You Mengzhe, another big man who was left behind, didn't hear clearly either. Even though it was the most exciting moment of the battle, the viewers were getting a little impatient. Yu Changqing's reputation is not well known, and the big man is from Nanyi, few people in the capital recognize them. On the contrary, there is little interest.

Li Yi, Zhang Yuanshan, and Tang Ze, the General Protector of the Nation, all focused on watching the audience.

The sun was setting in the west, and a blush appeared on You Mengzhe's face, and he heard Li Yi say, "Yu Changqing does have some roots."

Zhang Yuanshan pondered for a moment, nodded, and made a gesture. You Mengzhe translated without looking at it: "It's very solid... oh, oh." .

The eldest princess and the queen laughed wildly, Zhang Yuanshan pinched You Mengzhe's ears, and suddenly couldn't help laughing, hugged him in his arms, patted him, and wrote on You Mengzhe's neck with his fingers: Don't talk too much, the emperor has made a decision long ago.

You Mengzhe understood that Yu Changqing couldn't get away with his fame this time, but he still wanted to help him with something after all.

Yu Changqing was exhausted from fighting in the arena, but the more exhausted he was, the more he could see a person's martial arts foundation. At this time, all false moves and saber techniques were no longer practical. Only the actual attack and defense remained. Both sides kept a close eye on the opponent's movements, looking for every possible opportunity to defeat the enemy.

The big man wielded a heavy hammer, obviously he had been fighting for a long time, and his body and mind were gradually exhausted. He was able to fight until now with his willpower. If there is no first place, taking the second place is already an unexpected good result. As soon as he didn't want to fight in his heart, his face became dissatisfied, Yu Changqing dodged several times in a row, and finally Yu Changqing jumped up, somersaulted over the big man's head, drew a knife and hit his backhand, the big man staggered and jumped. Get off the ring.

The onlookers all sighed helplessly, and also felt a little disappointed. They did not expect that a martial arts exercise would end like this.

Yu Changqing was sweating like rain, gasping for breath as if he was exhausted, bowed his body and held his knife in his hands, bowed to a group in the stands, and knelt down on one knee facing the emperor's seat to the north.

You Mengzhe said loudly: "Okay!"

So the applause from all around was sparse, selling You Mengzhe's face.

Li Yi beckoned, the examiner stepped forward quickly, held the roster respectfully, and chanted to the roster in a low voice: "Yu Changqing, a native of Jiangzhou, currently lives in the capital, Sili Zhaoyin, Zhang Wu entered the capital in the seventh year The government leader is a fast-moving officer, his father Yu Lin is dead, and the only old mother in the family..."

After Yu Changqing finished his salute, he stood neither humble nor overbearing in the center of the ring, and the place under his feet was already wet with sweat.

"It looks good." Li Yi said with a smile to the queen.

The queen nodded. Yu Changqing was handsome and had the air of a military officer. Compared with the previous ones with fleshy faces, blue lips and white lips, skinny faces, and white-haired and childlike faces, they looked much more reliable.

The chief examiner's voice was not loud, only a small area near the stand could be heard, and it was supposed to be read to the emperor, and he continued, "...in the eighth year of Zhangwu, the civil affairs of the capital were censored by the Sili government, and they were fined twenty sticks; …”

When You Mengzhe frowned, Zhang Yuanshan stopped him immediately, not letting him interrupt, and waved his hands repeatedly to signal that it's okay, even the queen smiled at him, waving her jade hands lightly by her sleeves, and nodded.

Everyone must be included in such a book. Although Yu Changqing is usually indiscreet, what he said is light. There is no stain of adultery and crime. The three generations of his family have been very upright. After listening to it, You Mengzhe found out that Yu Changqing's Grandfather is actually still the guard of the shipping trough, and was a high official decades ago, but I don't know why the family has fallen to this point.

"It's quite romantic." Li Yi said casually.

The eldest princess interjected: "It's common for men to be flirtatious..."

The queen's face darkened, and she scolded in a low voice: "Is this true?!"

The eldest princess kept silent in embarrassment, and winked at You Mengzhe, and the two smiled tacitly.

"Yu Changqing." Li Yi said after reading the roster: "Your family's martial art is the daily spear? If you have any unique skills, you will show them."

This is also a rule, if a martial arts leader has a family tradition of martial arts, he has to perform martial arts by himself. After a short rest, Yu Changqing regained his physical strength, bowed to receive the order, drew out the long iron spear from the weapon rack, and just as he was posing, Suddenly Meng Zhe on the stage said with a smile: "I'll practice with you!"

For a moment, countless eyes in the stands focused on You Mengzhe, You Mengzhe looked at Zhang Yuanshan solicitingly, Zhang Yuanshan pondered for a moment, and motioned to go.

So You Mengzhe quickly jumped down from the stands and climbed onto the ring, his clumsy behavior made everyone around him laugh.

"You..." Yu Changqing said with a smile: "My dear brother, go down quickly, don't make trouble."

You Mengzhe waved his hand, took out the iron rod and weighed it, staggered two steps sideways on his left and right feet, wobbled and stood firm, pushed with one palm, and small-scale laughter resounded in the stands.

"I don't have any inner strength." You Mengzhe said: "After learning some stick techniques, how about doing a few moves with you? Just click it."

Yu Changqing immediately understood that You Mengzhe was afraid that he would be fatigued, and his internal energy would not be sustained when he danced the gun. If the two of them only used tricks and did not use their internal energy to fight each other, there would be no problem.

"This..." Yu Changqing pondered for a while, and suddenly heard Li Yi's voice from above: "Just play a few shots and see."

With the emperor's approval, Yu Changqing raised his guns with both hands and said, "Then obey orders."

You Mengzhe held a long stick behind his back and whispered, "Where are you dating?"

Yu Changqing twitched his eyebrows and joked, "Isn't it right in front of me?"

You Mengzhe teased: "Get out! I said the one I met when I was flying a kite that day."

Yu Changqing said with a smile: "I've been mad at you, why don't you do it?"

You Mengzhe said: "Let the horse come over—Zha!"

As soon as it fell, You Mengzhe shook off the long stick, and practiced martial arts with Zhao Feihong for a long time. He had already mastered the eighty-eight-sixty-four Tenglong stick techniques by heart, and hit Yu Changqing's chest with one stick!

Yu Changqing gave a good shout, carried the spear on the waist horse, swung away like a whirlwind, and walked away with the gun, and when the stick and the spear were about to touch, they swung in a circle in the air, You Mengzhe opened and closed his stick, and Yu Changqing The marksmanship has the potential to sweep thousands of troops. At first, the spectators were not uncommon, but when they saw You Mengzhe's "green dragon disturbing the sea", they couldn't help cheering loudly!

That style condensed Zhao Feihong's lifelong stick skills into Dacheng, the meaning of the stick was perfect, and the tip of the stick was from bottom to top, lifting up the twilight that filled the imperial city at dusk, flashing an arc of light, as if disturbing the rivers, lakes and seas, and the stick was the head!

Yu Changqing turned over and rolled in the air, then dragged the spear backwards, with a soft ding sound, the spear sticks collided lightly, then swayed the spear and turned around to dodge, and then took advantage of the fleeing momentum and shot the backhand in the chest, cracking it in seconds. You Mengzhe stick method!

At this moment, all the onlookers were moved. Although there was no sound of wind and thunder coming and going with sticks and spears, it contained two realms of martial arts-strategy and fighting, with an unspeakable artistic conception under the setting sun.

"Again!" You Mengzhe drew his stick back to defend, swung away the long spear that Xu Xu had stabbed in his chest, and then shook the momentum, the stick couldn't stop drawing circles for a moment, one circle turned into two circles, then it turned into four, then into eight, and in an instant There are countless phantoms in the room, one move after another in a series of stick techniques, the first move is not old, and the latter move is born again, continuously pressing on Yu Changqing.

The applause rang out, You Mengzhe was not fast with his stick, but completely blocked Yu Changqing's way out, Yu Changqing drew back, leaned over and swept his legs, You Mengzhe drew back and jumped up, the two of them clashed with each other in mid-air, and then clapped their hands together Use your strength to leap away.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, You Mengzhe abandoned his stick, Yu Changqing abandoned his gun, they clapped their palms each, and greeted them empty-handed!

You Mengzhe twitched, took wrong steps, raised his palms, slashed, chopped, and his palms were like an eagle grazing the sky, while Yu Changqing used tiger fingers to fend off the enemy. In just a short while, the two of them performed dozens of moves. The two stood on one side of the ring and cupped their hands in the distance. Yu Changqing was smiling, half in the twilight, half hidden in the shadows, saying something with his lips, and the tassel on his wrist reflected the five-color brilliance.

Li Yi was the first to clap his hands and applauded loudly, the surrounding applause was like a sea, and the two of them saluted at the emperor's seat together.

The queen nodded, and the examiner came down with things to reward. You Mengzhe got two gold scorpions, and Yu Changqing got a silk and python pattern martial robe and a pair of martial boots, which was the first time ever! Yu Changqing was probably about to hand-pick the champion of martial arts, and many officials who were in a hurry came to say hello.

The emperor and the empress left the table, and the eldest princess looked at the table for a while before leaving. You Mengzhe thumped Yu Changqing's shoulder and said with a smile, "Want to drink?"

An old eunuch said: "Your Majesty has an order. Please Master Yu go to the side hall to take a bath and change clothes. There will be orders later."

You Mengzhe was listless, Yu Changqing smiled and said, "I'll come to you when I'm done."

You Mengzhe could only wave his hands and said: "It's okay, let's get together again in a few days."

Yu Changqing nodded with a smile, and saw Zhang Yuanshan coming down from the table, hurriedly bowing to salute, Zhang Yuanshan's black gold armor refracted the light in the twilight, holding You Mengzhe's hand, without looking at Yu Changqing, and left with his son.

"Father, you don't like him, do you?" You Mengzhe shook Zhang Yuanshan's hand, and his black gold wristband was attached with a metal glove, covering half of his palm. The black gold armor was cold, but his fingers were warm, and it felt strange to the touch. Strange touch.

The Imperial Forest Army didn't dare to stop them, and let Zhang Yuanshan walk around. As the number of people dwindled, the imperial guards closed the palace gates of the inner imperial city, and the setting sun set on the western mountain, and the afterglow dyed the whole city red like fire.

Zhang Yuanshan gently raised his palm in front of his eyebrows, and pointed to his chest, meaning: Do you like him very much

You Mengzhe smiled and clenched his fists with his fists facing each other, his thumbs flexed, meaning: I am good friends with him.

Zhang Yuanshan raised his finger, made a gesture of "disdain", and ignored him.

You Mengzhe laughed, leaned on Zhang Yuanshan, touched his armor, and hugged his waist. Zhang Yuanshan stood for a while, as if thinking of something, motioned him to follow him.

Walking through the imperial garden, Zhang Yuanshan stood outside a side hall, and You Mengzhe looked in, only to see that Yu Changqing had already changed his clothes, and Li Yishang's robe was on his body, and he was immediately refreshed, handsome and suave, standing in the hall without knowing what to expect. Who.

"Your Majesty is here-" the eunuch sang, Li Yi walked over through the front porch, saw Zhang Yuanshan and You Mengzhe standing behind the rockery and hadn't returned, so he beckoned them to pass, Zhang Yuanshan waved his hand, Li Yi turned and entered the hall without forcing .

Yu Changqing hurriedly knelt down on one knee to salute the emperor. Li Yi personally lifted him up and gave him a seat. His voice could be heard from a distance, and only a few words could be heard indistinctly, such as how is the mother at home and so on.

When You Mengzhe was eavesdropping, Zhang Yuanshan poked him on the shoulder again. You Mengzhe turned his head in a daze, and saw Zhang Yuanshan's left palm turned sideways, and the middle and middle fingers of his right hand were likened to a villain, moving around after being blocked by his left palm go.

You Mengzhe: "???"

Zhang Yuanshan retracted his palms and looked at You Mengzhe quietly. You Mengzhe didn't understand what he meant for a while, and suddenly he said with a tacit understanding: "Really?"

Zhang Yuanshan smiled helplessly, You Mengzhe took Zhang Yuanshan's hand and turned to the other side of the side hall to look.

There was no lamp in the hall, and the gold-like sunset covered the floor tiles, half gold powder and half red. Behind a screen stood the beautiful eldest princess, holding a round fan, quietly listening to the conversation between the elder brother and Wu Zhuangyuan outside the screen.

The eldest princess found them looking out the window, and lightly waved the round fan to let You Mengzhe in, but You Mengzhe waved his hand to signal that he would not come. The emperor is going to marry his sister, and Yu Changqing is probably going to be a son-in-law.

You Mengzhe had an indescribable feeling, happy for Yu Changqing, but also a little disappointed, he smiled self-deprecatingly, Zhang Yuanshan made a gesture, and the two quietly walked out of the corridor, footsteps echoed in the empty corridor.

Zhang Yuanshan looked at You Mengzhe while walking, his eyes were clear: How do you feel now

You Mengzhe made a sign language, which means: I am happy for him.

Zhang Yuanshan dismissed it, You Mengzhe said: "Really! I have encountered a good thing, of course I also hope that Brother Yu will have a happy life."

Zhang Yuanshan sign language: What good thing happened to you

You Mengzhe stopped and answered in sign language earnestly: I have an extra dad.

Zhang Yuanshan didn't make any further statement, and took him out of Donghuamen to go home. The two held hands and shook hands, and returned to Zhang's mansion in the dark.

That night everything was as usual, You Mengzhe was sweating in the evening, his internal energy was blocked again, he was sleepy and couldn't keep his mind up, and he felt sleepy after dinner, and it was still a bit cold in March, You Mengzhe shrank into the quilt and asked, "Hey, Father, when will you help me do my exercises?"

Zhang Yuanshan's snow-white singlet, with his underpants above his knees, showing his ankles, stood in front of the case and cleaned up You Mengzhe's Yuhuang with his own hands.

You Mengzhe said: "Do you want to wait for my master to come back? Why hasn't he come yet?"

Zhang Yuanshan nodded thoughtfully, then shook his head again. Zhao Feihong hadn't written yet, probably because he was stumbled by something in Xichuan.

There was the sound of footsteps outside, and a servant whispered, "Master, Master."

Zhang Yuanshan frowned slightly, flicked his finger, the oil lamp was extinguished where the wind was blowing, only the moonlight was cold on the ground.

You Mengzhe stood up and said, "What's wrong?"

The servant didn't answer, Zhang Yuanshan uncovered the quilt and lay down on the bed, You Mengzhe didn't understand, squeezed towards Zhang Yuanshan, his ankle rubbed against him, the dry skin was very comfortable when rubbing, when he was about to touch his abdominal muscles, there was a slight sound from outside—



You Mengzhe got up, Zhang Yuanshan was a little impatient, he sat up and motioned him to put on more clothes before going out, You Mengzhe said: "Come right away."

As he spoke, he put on a robe indiscriminately, put on wooden clogs, and ran out of the long corridor. Zhang Yuanshan's bedroom was in the east wing, and he went out to a hundred-step corridor, then walked through the garden, entered the backyard, and turned out of the woodshed to find the back door , You Mengzhe was out of breath from running, and stood for a while, followed by a young man to light a lantern and open the door.

Yu Changqing was wearing the imperial bestowed martial arts champion robe, and he was still bragging about it, You Mengzhe said: "It's the second watch, don't you go back to sleep?"

Yu Changqing hurriedly turned around and said, "Meng Zhe."

You Mengzhe smiled and said, "What? Are you on the rise?"

Yu Changqing said, "Will you go for a drink? The palace just came back from the palace."

You Mengzhe hurriedly said: "No, I'll accompany my father... my adoptive father."

Yu Changqing said, "I'm going to be a son-in-law, Meng Zhe."

You Mengzhe smiled and said, "Yes, congratulations. You don't have to be bullied anymore."

There seemed to be something flickering in Yu Changqing's star-like eyes. He looked at You Mengzhe, then at his hand, hesitated to speak for a while, and finally said, "Thank you, Meng Zhe."

You Mengzhe said: "Whatever, this time it's all up to you, hey, do you know? When the emperor heard Yu Changqing's name, he immediately thought of you."

Yu Changqing smiled embarrassedly, and You Mengzhe said, "I'm very happy that you can live well."

Yu Changqing pondered for a moment, and then said: "Meng Zhe, brother..."

You Mengzhe understood, and hurriedly said: "You don't need to say anything, just be your son-in-law well, aren't we good brothers?"

You Mengzhe opened his arms, and Yu Changqing was breathing tremblingly, and came forward to hug him tightly, with all the complicated emotions in this hug, and patted each other on the back.

The amorous feelings of that night seemed to have turned into the love and lingering love of youth, and the spring dream disappeared without a trace, drifting away in the night wind.

"Bibier—" the whistle sounded from afar.

You Mengzhe couldn't help laughing, knowing that Zhang Yuanshan was retaliating against him in the same way, and said, "My father is calling me."

Yu Changqing nodded knowingly, and said, "There will be more time to meet in the future."

You Mengzhe said: "Go to bed early."

Yu Changqing touched You Mengzhe's head, turned around and left with a wave of his hand. You Mengzhe closed the door with his own hands. At that moment, he seemed to feel that something was being rejected, as if he had locked some kind of emotion into his memory.

He stood in front of the door for a while, the orange light of the glazed lamp reflected his childish face, and Zhang Yuanshan's whistle came from a distance, so he turned around with a smile, and went back to his room to sleep.

After passing through the corridor in the backyard, in the garden like water and moonlight, You Mengzhe suddenly stopped.

"Who is it?" the boy asked alertly.