Let Go of that Shou

Chapter 34: Jiaomujiao


"It was in the middle of the night last night." Someone rubbed his neck and said, "Who is beating gongs and drums and howling? It's so noisy that I can't sleep."

"Yes, yes." Many people responded and walked onto the board: "I didn't sleep well all night."

You Mengzhe was still watching, Yu Wenhong had no idea, and he didn't bother to discuss it, so he just threw a copper coin and decided on the ship on the right way.

In the early morning, the white belly of the east was exposed, and someone shouted wildly: "Look! Look! Whose ship is that?"

A gorgeous big ship came slowly from the mouth of the Hanjiang River in the south, and turned around at the pier in Donghai County. The varnished hulls were resplendent and glittered in the first rays of dawn.

When it was heading towards the pier, You Mengzhe heard the magnificent music in a daze.

"This ship is ready." You Mengzhe said, "Find a way to get on this ship."

"Dang! Dangdang!" The sound of chime bells resounded through the clouds, instantly pacifying all the people in Jiang Hu, and saw two rows of six chime stands on the deck, and a woman in a light gauze kneeling in front of each chime bell stand, Ring the bell with a hammer.

There was another piece of music coming out from the big boat, which was extremely brilliant and showed off its wealth.

Zhang Yuanshan had his hands behind his back, a black robe fluttering in the morning wind, looking down at the crowd of quacks on the pier from a high position.

"I heard that the dumb man is the son-in-law of the Canghai Pavilion." Tang Hui waved his folding fan and said with a light smile, "What does the leader think?"

Zhao Feihong's face was livid and he didn't say a word.

The butler got off the boat, cupped his hands and said, "Hero Zhao, my master invited him to board the boat and go to Qinglong Mountain together."

Zhao Feihong snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Go back and tell him to let him get off the boat. The brotherhood of many years will end today!"

The housekeeper went back to report that You Mengzhe took Yu Wenhong's hand and sneaked through the crowd. When Zhang Yuanshan got off the boat, Yu Wenhong hugged You Mengzhe and made a light leap. He pulled the side of the boat with one hand, flipped up a little, and turned over again , Turned over to the back of the ship several times in a row, and when he jumped onto the deck, he casually knocked down the guard point on the side of the ship, and the two sneaked down to the cabin.

Entering the second floor of the cabin, there was almost no one there. You Mengzhe pushed open the doors one by one, took a look, it was Zhang Yuanshan's bedroom, and the rest of the rooms were cleaned up, it was really a luxury box.

It went down another three floors, which was the storage place. There were two guards outside the first warehouse, and You Mengzhe swaggered past.


"Where did it come from!"

The guard stepped forward to question him, and Yu Wenhong flicked his fingers twice to knock him down. You Mengzhe asked curiously, "What kind of place is this? Just hide here?"

There was a lock on the door. You Mengzhe took out the Jiuyi Tianzun sword and swiped lightly, and the door opened. Push the door and go in. There is a pile of golden gold inside. Pay out.

You can't live here. You Mengzhe threw the guards in, closed the door, and walked down to the lower cabin. The last floor is where water, rice and noodles are placed, and there are a lot of bacon and bacon. Beyond that is the stable, which is a good place. You Mengzhe found a clean small firewood house, and planned to smuggle here.

There is also a small window behind the stables, and there is noise from outside.

The two leaned on the window and looked out. On the pier, the dispute between Zhao Feihong and Zhang Yuanshan had reached a fever pitch.

Zhao Feihong roared recklessly, obviously unable to contain his anger.

Zhang Yuanshan listened quietly all the time, didn't sign language, just stood there and let others scold him.

There was no sound on the pier, You Gutian curled his mouth, looked not far away for a long time, and ordered his subordinates: "Send a mat to Daxia Zhao."

So the members of the Demon Cult brought a roll of straw mat, shook it open and carried it, Zhao Feihong took the long sword and cut the straw mat in two!


There was an explosion on the pier, and everyone shouted excitedly: "Severe the seat and judge justice! Cut the seat and judge justice!"

Zhang Yuanshan's face became very ugly, he turned around and boarded the boat with a flick of his sleeves, the sound of chimes chime rang out magnificently, and tens of thousands of people from all walks of life watched Zhang Yuanshan board the boat.

The big ship pulled anchor and set sail, Zhang Yuanshan kicked a chime into the water with one foot, and sighed.

The chime bell fell from the ship's side, passed in front of You Mengzhe, and fell into the sea with a bang, You Mengzhe shook his head and sighed: "This is the end of friendship."

Yu Wenhong echoed: "So it's better to forget each other than to forget each other in the rivers and lakes."

You Mengzhe nodded sadly, saying it was his own fault, but in fact it had nothing to do with him, saying that the matter had nothing to do with him, and it was all the fault of his mother, life is impermanent, life is impermanent...

So they lived in the stables, and when the boy came down to groom twice a day, they avoided them, so as not to be heard by Zhang Yuanshan, and went up three times to steal food. Yu Wenhong was very skilled, but no one noticed.

After eating and drinking enough, at night, Yu Wenhong hugged You Mengzhe, and the two sat by the stable to look at the scenery outside. The moon is getting rounder and rounder these days.

"How does he know which way to go?" You Mengzhe asked.

"Your mother said it." Yu Wenhong thought for a while, and replied: "In the first month, the wind blows from north to south, and in August, it blows from south to north."

The two looked at the pancake-like moon again. In the quiet sea, there was only such a silver light shining at the end of the sky. Yu Wenhong stretched out his big hand and patted You Mengzhe back and forth. You Mengzhe played with his fingers and pinched him. hand, pinched his face again, while Yu Wenhong hugged him and kept kissing him.

You Mengzhe said, "Shall we return to Central Plains in the future?"

Yu Wenhong said: "Look at you, I will follow you wherever you go, it doesn't matter."

You Mengzhe nodded and said, "That's good."

Yu Wenhong said again: "After seeing the pavilion master, let's hurry down while the dry tide has not receded. Do you want to go to Xichuan? I will take you to Fengshan Mountain for fun. Autumn is beautiful over there..."

You Mengzhe said, "That's great."

He suddenly turned his head to look at Yu Wenhong, and felt that he was talking a lot now and had some ideas, unlike the first time he asked and answered, he seemed to be trying to change these days and find something to do with You Mengzhe, but Yu Wenhong is not as knowledgeable as Zhao Feihong, and he is not from a family like Zhang Yuanshan, so he racked his brains, thinking about it is nothing more than ordinary fun, and the most he eats is steamed buns.

However, in this world, it is too difficult to find someone who is good to oneself and obedient. Zhang Yuanshan is one of them, but it is impossible for his father to marry and live, so Yu Wenhong is left. You Mengzhe is quite content, having such a master by his side is already very satisfying.

"What are you doing here?" You Mengzhe said.

"Then what?" Yu Wenhong asked.

You Mengzhe laughed and said, "Of course it's that..."

Yu Wenhong laughed, the two hugged each other, and took off their clothes in the cabin. You Mengzhe rode on Yu Wenhong with his robe loosely draped over his naked body, and the two began to fuck.

Yu Wenhong lay on his back for a while, then got up to hug him again, pushed him against the wall, and hugged him from behind, the two of them fell in front of the window, Yu Wenhong slowly pushed his back from behind, and You Mengzhe couldn't help moaning , looking at the bright moon in the sky.

After finishing the work, both of them were tired, so they fell asleep in the cabin.

The next day, You Mengzhe was woken up by a drop of water. When he opened his eyes, it was raining heavily outside. Yu Wenhong was closing the window. When You Mengzhe sat up, he felt the boat under his feet tremble and there was a loud boom.

"Are you stranded?" You Mengzhe asked.

Yu Wenhong didn't know, so he opened the window and took a look. The wind and rain poured in, and he closed it again.

"I'll go up and have a look." Yu Wenhong climbed up the stairs and looked up, when footsteps came from the third floor, You Mengzhe hurriedly gestured, and the two turned to the back of the stairs.

"Get your horse ready!"

"Master is waiting!"

"It's raining too much outside!"

"No, we must go ashore now!"

Five or six people went down to the bottom, pulled out their horses, and pushed open the trap. There was an ingenious design in the belly of the boat.

The servants led the horses out, and this was just right, You Mengzhe and Yu Wenhong disembarked along the gangplank, only to see dark clouds sweeping across the sky, hurricanes raging, and a gray area in front of them, the island seemed to be shrouded in lightning and thunder.

Yu Wenhong blocked the rain for You Mengzhe: "This is it! Come with me!"

There are boats docking everywhere, the sky and the earth are dark and dark, the boats of Zhengzheng and Demon Cult crashed into the rocky beach one after another, ran aground, overturned and overturned, and the waves rolled onto the island. Zhao Feihong's voice was used to keep everyone from panicking.

On the other hand, the congregants of the Demon Sect were very obedient, and even the martial arts sects attached to the Demon Sect acted in unison.

"Come here!" Yu Wenhong took You Mengzhe's hand, jumped in the chaotic reef, and finally hugged him horizontally, jumped over the reef formation, and entered the island area amid thunder and lightning.

You Mengzhe said, "Is it here?"

Yu Wenhong said with water all over his face: "No! Meng Zhe! Breathe in!"

There were flying waves everywhere, and as soon as You Mengzhe took a breath, Yu Wenhong covered his mouth and nose, and dived into the water from the reef formation.

You Mengzhe: "..."

The sea water was turbid, and then turned black and blue. Yu Wenhong stretched his feet to kick the water, led him to dive continuously, found a dark reef hole, got in, dived in the water for a while, and Yu Mengzhe gasped suddenly when his head emerged .

This is a remote underwater cave. The two went ashore wet. Yu Wenhong rummaged under the stones, found flint and tinder, and lit a fire.

"It's true that no one will find it this way." You Mengzhe said.

Yu Wenhong took off Meng Zhe's clothes and helped him wring them dry. He said with a smile, "The stones outside look exactly the same. No one can find this place. If it weren't for the dry tide, the stone beach would not be exposed at all. Passing here will hit the rocks." , the ship sank first.”

You Mengzhe understood, it was at least five or six miles from the place where he ran aground just now, it seems that this place is not normally accessible.

"Stop roasting." You Mengzhe said, "Let's go."

Yu Wenhong said: "There are still two days to go, don't catch a cold."

You Mengzhe was moved and said, "So far?"

Yu Wenhong was standing naked, and You Mengzhe was also sitting naked. The two of them were sincere. Yu Wenhong smiled, a little embarrassed. He noticed that Yu Wenhong's crotch was raised, pointed at him straight, and laughed: "It's not that I haven't seen it, what are you doing shyly!"

Yu Wenhong ignored him and twisted his clothes on his own. You Mengzhe couldn't help but push him. The genitals between the two crotches were stiff and pressed against each other. Yu Wenhong hung the clothes to dry. Yu Wenhong's mouth was dry, so he hugged him and fucked him in the cave. After hugging for a while after finishing, You Mengzhe stared blankly at the fire, thinking that it would be better not to say anything.

Yu Wenhong didn't know how to talk about love, and whenever he couldn't express his feelings, he hugged You Mengzhe and kissed him. He couldn't help but do it again. You Mengzhe couldn't stand it anymore. He thought his energy was like a horse, and said: "Rest. ... a break."

"Hmm." Yu Wenhong hugged You Mengzhe again.

The time between the two is not important at all, it doesn't matter how long they stay, but if they sit down again, fearing that they won't be able to get out of the cave in the dark, Yu Wenhong arranges their clothes, puts them on, carries You Mengzhe on his back, and walks barefoot in the tunnel.

"This cave is really far away." You Mengzhe said.

"Well, it is said that it was drilled out by a sea snake before." Yu Wenhong explained the sea snake vividly, as if he had seen it with his own eyes. You Mengzhe laughed amusedly, and the two turned their heads and kissed again.

After walking for a long time, I gradually saw the light. This long and deep underwater tunnel was 20 miles long. After walking for more than two hours, from noon to dusk, I finally saw the light. , a hurricane came and went quickly, and the sky was blood red in the evening.

The green hills stretch for thousands of miles, the August hibiscus in full bloom stretches from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, and there is a village in the distance!

"I'm hungry!" You Mengzhe yelled, "Is there anyone living here?!"

"Yes." Yu Wenhong said with a smile: "This is called Qinglong Town, and there are quite a few people there. I'll take you to the market to have a look, this way..."

There are fairy grasses and fairy flowers everywhere, all of which are strange plants that You Mengzhe can't name. There is a maple forest in front, and the maple leaves are faintly frosted.

The man in white said: "You are about to lose."

The sound of chess pieces knocking on the board.

"Not necessarily." Another man in black armor said.

"Hey! You guys!" Yu Wenhong laughed.

The two turned their gazes to Yu Wenhong, and then to You Mengzhe, with a very surprised expression on their faces. The man in white got up and smiled, "Is this Qing'er's child?"

"He's back now?" the man in black armor said, "I thought it would take three to five years."

Yu Wenhong put one hand on You Mengzhe's shoulder, and the man in white came over and looked at You Mengzhe, making him very uncomfortable.

You Mengzhe said: "It's amazing, you two have exactly the same face!"

The man in white: "..."

The man in black armor: "..."

Yu Wenhong laughed loudly, and the man in white laughed and said, "I have the same appearance and temperament, your mother must be Qing'er."

You Mengzhe said: "You are..."

Yu Wenhong said: "This is Tianzun, and the stern-faced one over there is Mingzun."

They are actually a pair of twins. You Mengzhe sighed that there is such a talent in the world. They don't look very big. The Tianzun in white robes has a handsome face, while the Heikai Mingzun has a stern face. Yu Wenhong took You Mengzhe to sit down, and the Tianzun He and Mingzun both reached out.

You Mengzhe was taken aback, Yu Wenhong hurriedly indicated that it was okay, Tianzun touched You Mengzhe's head with his finger, and Mingzhe pressed You Mengzhe's shoulder, as if greeting him.

"Why did you two run down the mountain?" Seeing that You Mengzhe didn't talk much, Yu Wenhong knew that when he first met the two of them, he was afraid of having a bad temper, so he didn't dare to speak rashly.

Tianzun said: "I heard that there is someone in Zhongyuan, the pavilion master sent us to come down to have a look."

You Mengzhe remembered, and quickly asked: "Have you handed over? Be merciful, don't beat me to death, one of them is my father."

Mingzun said indifferently: "Which one is your father?"

You Mengzhe said honestly, "I don't know either."

Tianzun said with a smile: "I can't even recognize my own father."

You Mengzhe said: "I was just trying to find a way from my grandma, please ask her to help me recognize my relatives with a drop of blood... It's all here now, so I just don't have to run again." As he spoke, he glanced at Mingzun and Tianzun, feeling that this pair of twins The child is really flawless and beautiful, I have never seen such a talent in my life, I am both envious and admired in my heart.

But I don't know why, but I can't think of anything else, I just think it's very beautiful, very beautiful.

Yu Wenhong smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, Meng Zhe, they are both paper tigers. Especially this black guy."

You Mengzhe hummed, and looked at Yu Wenhong again. Yu Wenhong is also a handsome man, but compared with them, his temperament is worse after all. meeting.

Tianzun is more cheerful, but Mingzun is a little gloomy. I feel that Tianzun is more talkative and easy to joke.

Mingzun said: "It doesn't matter if a hero is born or not, it doesn't matter if he doesn't know his father. They are still on the way, and they won't be able to survive for a while. They overestimated Zhongyuan's skills."

You Mengzhe got up, Tianzun said: "It's just outside, from here you can see outside the stone forest."

You Mengzhe walked to the side of the woods and couldn't help saying, "Yeah."

This is already at the foot of the mountain. From the edge of the forest, you can see the vicinity of the beach below the mountain. Qinglong Mountain is in the shape of a sinister, and the mountain surrounds a large stone forest. The demon cult and decent people have entered the stone forest and are looking for a way out.

The stone forest is connected end to end, forming a majestic maze covering a hundred miles. At the end of the maze is a thousand steps, and after climbing the steps is the maple forest where they are standing.

And Mingzun and Tianzun sat on the only way to play chess.

"So we took a shortcut." You Mengzhe said.

"Well." Yu Wenhong explained: "It's troublesome to walk through the stone forest, and it takes a long time to detour."

"Don't go down." Mingzun reminded: "The road in the maze is very difficult to walk, according to Hetu Luoshu, Qimen Dunjia set up."

You Mengzhe said, "How long will they have to go?"

Tianzun said lazily: "It's hard to say, look at this posture, the three waves of people have to fight."

One group of people was in a mess, and it was the decent faction led by Zhao Feihong who entered the maze from the west, and the other group of people lined up in a long queue, it was You Gutian and his subordinates.

There was one more person—just one person, a little black dot, coming alone in the southeast.

"That guy is very brave." Mingzun's voice was indifferent, but with a bit of appreciation: "Dare to enter the battle alone?"

You Mengzhe said: "He...may be my father."

"Who do you want to be your real father?" Tianzun asked.

You Mengzhe thought about it for a while, and it was a bit difficult to do. He felt that everyone was a little unreliable. At this time, Yu Wenhong took the buns back and said, "Put your stomach first."

"He." You Mengzhe casually pointed at Yu Wenhong.

Both Tianzun and Mingzun laughed, and You Mengzhe looked down the mountain worriedly, and said, "What if we fight?"

Mingzun said casually: "The pavilion master has already made arrangements."

Tianzun patted his sleeves and said: "Just now we have put a lot of treasure chests in the maze, and the treasure chests are filled with pills to replenish physical strength and internal strength, and golden sore medicine for them to eat when they are tired."

You Mengzhe: "..."

Mingzun said again: "There are also a lot of equipment, swords and so on. Let them kill themselves."

You Mengzhe: "This is too cruel!"

"Treasure—" An ecstatic shout came from the maze below the mountain, followed by a cannibalistic riot and shouts of pain.

Ming Zun said: "Go back to the mountain, the martial arts of the Central Plains people are mediocre, and they haven't improved at all in these years."

You Mengzhe: "Just leave it alone?"

Tianzun smiled and said: "Leave it to the people in the village, let's go."

Yu Wenhong said: "Let's go together."

Mingzun turned sideways and said, "Don't you wait to take him for a walk up the mountain during the day to see the scenery? It's rare to come back once."

Yu Wenhong thought for a while and said, "That's right, let's stay in the village for one night first."

You Mengzhe had no choice but to bid farewell to them and go into the village with Yu Wenhong.

"Yu Wenhong, you're back!" The villagers greeted him one after another.

Yu Wenhong pointed at the top of You Mengzhe's head, and said with a smile, "This is my wife."

The corners of You Mengzhe's mouth twitched, and he greeted the residents of the town. He stayed in a residential house that night and ate ducks raised in spirit grass, fish caught in fairy springs, and vegetables grown on fairy mountains. Li took a look and saw that the fight was still going on below.

"Treasure—" the voice came from afar: "Treasure chest!"

"It's just a hemostatic grass! Don't grab it! Ah—"

The miserable voice resounded through the night sky.

You Mengzhe sighed so much that he climbed up the tree and looked towards the northeast corner. A lonely torch fluttered in the sea breeze. You Mengzhe was a little worried that Zhang Yuanshan was alone and alone, so he asked Yu Wenhong, "Do you know the way?"

Yu Wenhong said: "I know, can I go down and show him the way?"

You Mengzhe said: "Let's go down together, I will follow you."

Yu Wenhong seemed a little hesitant, You Mengzhe said: "Are you afraid of going the wrong way?"

Yu Wenhong waved his hand and said, "No, what if he is really your father? Do you want to go with him?"

You Mengzhe understood, and said, "No, I'd better follow you and visit him occasionally."

Yu Wenhong smiled and said: "That's it, come with me." As he said, he led him down the steps and into the maze. The shouts of killing became louder and louder. People have completely lost their direction, and sometimes they seem to have stepped out, and sometimes they are far away.

Yu Wenhong looked around, muttering formulas in his mouth, and led Meng Zhe left and right.

"There's a treasure chest!" Someone yelled again.

You Mengzhe couldn't bear to see it, and said: "There are some gold sore medicines inside! It's worthless, don't grab it!"

Many people broke their heads and rushed up to grab a treasure. Zhao Feihong's voice suddenly sounded from behind the stone pillar.

"Meng Zhe?!"

"Meng Zhe!!!" Zhao Feihong roared.

You Mengzhe was stunned for a short while, with mixed feelings in his heart, his lips moved.

The next moment, You Mengzhe yelled: "Come and catch me—come and catch me—" and ran away in a hurry.

Zhao Feihong: "..."

"Wait!" Zhao Feihong said, "Meng Zhe, I have something to tell you!"

Zhao Feihong chased behind the stone wall, and You Mengzhe had already disappeared.

You Mengzhe was exhausted from running, and stopped at the end of a fork in the road, bowing and panting. Something seemed to be pricking his heart—in this dark night where you can't see your fingers, the waves in the distance are one after another.

You Mengzhe straightened up, suddenly found that he was lost, and panicked: "Hello!"

Someone behind him hugged him tenderly, and You Mengzhe's heartbeat seemed to miss a beat. When he turned his head, he kissed Yu Wenhong's familiar soft lips, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death." You Mengzhe reached out to rub Yu Wenhong's big hand, his palm was warm and safe.

Yu Wenhong said: "Don't be afraid, I'm always here."

The dark clouds dissipated, and a full moon appeared in the sky. The two walked forward under the moonlight, turned around several forks, and finally found the person who was alone, but it was not Zhang Yuanshan, but You Gutian.

With the sound of weapons, You Gutian was protecting the urn with one hand, holding a sword to push back the besieging enemies, with disheveled hair and blood all over his body.

You Mengzhe was taken aback, but Yu Wenhong didn't expect it to be You Gutian.


A tiger roared, and You Gutian let out a long breath. He leaned on the ground with his sword in his left hand, and held the ashes urn in his right hand, his whole body was on the verge of falling.

You Gutian whispered: "Meng Zhe."

A pool of blood spread from under You Gutian's feet, and he looked up at You Mengzhe, as if waiting for something.

"Father." You Mengzhe blurted out unconsciously.

"Father!" You Mengzhe rushed over, hugging You Gutian tightly.

You Gutian closed his eyes, staggered, and fell into a pool of blood.

"Father!" Only then did You Mengzhe realize that there were two huge blood holes on You Gutian's back, and his robe was soaked in blood.

You Gutian's face was pale, and You Mengzhe noticed that there were broken limbs and discarded swords all around.

"This, this... what is this! Is it poisonous?" You Mengzhe exclaimed.

A giant snake spit out snake letters and looked at You Mengzhe threateningly.

Yu Wenhong hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid, it's not poisonous, it will accidentally bite your own tongue occasionally."

Yu Wenhong stretched out a hand, tentatively moved forward, squinted his eyes, and turned his head to avoid the gaze of the giant snake. Its hissing sound was like a ghost under the moonlight night. What was even more frightening was that the snake's belly was bulging, and he didn't know it. How many people did they eat.

Yu Wenhong took one step forward, another step.

"What kind of monster..." You Gutian said: "My majestic leader of the Demon Cult... unexpectedly... can't beat a... insect..."

"Don't talk." Yu Wenhong whispered.

You Mengzhe couldn't express his fear just by looking at it. The giant snake was extraordinary, and the dangerous aura it exuded made people tremble.

Yu Wenhong said in a low voice: "Xingjun, I am Hong'er."

He gently pressed his hand on the snake's forehead, and the giant snake calmed down, narrowed its eyes, curled up, and stopped attacking them.

Yu Wenhong heaved a sigh of relief, and Chaoyou Mengzhe explained: "This is Qinglong Xingjun, our Canghai Pavilion's mountain-suppressing beast. It has lived for more than a thousand years, and has seen all kinds of martial arts. Don't be afraid of Meng Zhe."

The giant snake was covered with scales, which reflected the cold blue light under the moonlight. The scales were stronger than armor, and it hovered for dozens of steps. It moved extremely quickly, and no one could hurt it. A whistle sounded from far away on the mountain, and the God Snake Zhendao was summoned. He opened his eyes, and his eyes lit up yellow like lanterns. He turned his head and wandered, left the maze, and went up the mountain all the way.

You Mengzhe said: "What about my father?"

Yu Wenhong said: "No... I don't know, I have to go up to find Yaomu."

"Not poisonous." You Gutian's voice was low and hoarse.

Yu Wenhong squatted down to look at it, nodded and said, "Well, it's not poisonous. You can see that his blood is red, not black."

You Mengzhe said: "Is there any wound medicine... Take some out..."

Yu Wenhong: "The package is in the town."

You Mengzhe: "..."

"Hold him up." You Mengzhe bowed to carry You Gutian, You Gutian said: "No...Meng Zhe...listen to me."

You Mengzhe shouted sadly: "Get up! Follow me!"

"I can't hold it anymore..." You Gutian said, "Listen to me, Meng Zhe...I...cough! Cough!"

With tears in his eyes, You Mengzhe hugged You Gutian.

"You... take this... up the mountain." You Gutian continued intermittently: "This is your mother... I promised back then... to send her... home."

You Mengzhe burst into tears, and a shout sounded in the distance: "Here! Come here!"

"Let's go." You Gutian said, "Quick... let's go...Meng Zhe."

You Mengzhe shouted: "Then what do you do!"

You Gutian held You Mengzhe's hand, his breathing became weaker, and he whispered: "Call again, Dad..."

"Father—" You Mengzhe yelled sadly.


A long time ago, the little You Mengzhe ran across the Qinghua Hall, poking his head and shouting outside the hall.

You Gutian smiled, closed his eyes, and the peach blossoms scattered in the spring breeze.

You Gutian's hand hangs down weakly and falls to the ground.

"Meng Zhe!" Zhao Feihong's voice shouted from a distance: "You are fine!"

Yu Wenhong said: "Let's go."

He carried You Gutian's body on his back, and You Mengzhe walked ahead with the urn in his arms. When he returned to the maple forest, You Mengzhe said tearfully, "What should I do?"

Yu Wenhong also looked a little sad, and said: "Find a place to hide first, and ask the old pavilion master tomorrow to find a way."

Yu Wenhong put You Gutian's body in the cave where they came. You Mengzhe was in a daze as he walked, and then couldn't help crying.

The two walked away, and in the cave, You Gutian's "corpse" moved, then sat up, patted his robe, looked around, went out of the cave to look around, and then ran away in a hurry.