Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 103: revenge


Zhou Wen saw that the three-eyed antelope didn't use brute force, otherwise it would have been able to bite through even the tough withered yellow grass. Zhou Wen's backpack would have been torn to pieces if it randomly pulled it.

The antelope bit the zipper with its mouth, trying to open the zipper. Most likely, it wanted to eat the withered yellow grass that Zhou Wen dug away.

Zhou Wen took off his backpack and hugged it in his arms, and continued to walk up the mountain with his back facing the three-eyed antelope. Anyway, the other-dimensional creatures in Laojun Mountain would not hurt people, and he was not afraid that the antelope would do anything to him.

The antelope obviously didn't give up, so it circled around Zhou Wen, trying to stick its head into the backpack.

Zhou Wen could only keep moving the position of the backpack to avoid the antelope's head. Although the antelope didn't use brute force, its speed was surprisingly fast. Zhou Wen didn't pay attention, and it opened the zipper of the backpack with its mouth.

"This three-eyed antelope is extraordinary. It wants to eat yellow grass so much, and the grass must be something extraordinary." Thinking of this, Zhou Wen quickly hugged the backpack tightly in his arms, pressing the mouth of the backpack tightly. dead.

The three-eyed antelope didn't give up either. Its head went straight into Zhou Wen's arms, determined to eat the grass in the backpack.

Although the three-eyed antelope didn't use brute force, its physical strength, speed, and reaction ability were much stronger than Zhou Wen's. Zhou Wen couldn't beat it, and it seemed that the three-eyed antelope would succeed.

Zhou Wen was unwilling, but not to mention that he couldn't do it on Laojun Mountain, even if he could do it, he wouldn't dare to do it with this antelope.

The withered yellow grass had already been exposed. Seeing that the antelope was about to open its mouth to bite the grass, Zhou Wen's heart moved suddenly, and he opened his mouth to spit on the grass.

The saliva was sprayed on the withered yellow grass, and there were spit stars all over it.

The three-eyed antelope, which had opened its mouth, was stunned for a moment, looking at the withered yellow grass covered with spitting, and then at Zhou Wen, with a very strange expression.

"Do you want to eat it? If you don't eat it, I'll take it away." Zhou Wen spread out the backpack generously, but the three-eyed antelope didn't respond at all, but looked at the withered yellow grass with a complicated expression.

Seeing that it didn't respond, Zhou Wen zipped it up, put his backpack on his back and ran up the mountain.

The scenery of Laojun Mountain is really good, but Zhou Wen didn't see the little hand pattern.

Although the three-eyed antelope didn't eat the withered yellow grass, it didn't leave either. It just followed Zhou Wen slowly, and had no intention of attacking Zhou Wen, nor did it know what it wanted to do.

Laojun Mountain was originally not very high, but after the storm in another dimension, the space on the mountain seemed to be stretched. It didn't look like a very high mountain. Zhou Wen ran for a long time before gradually approaching the top of the mountain.

From a long distance, you can see the picturesque scenery on the top of the mountain. There is a piece of ancient buildings with ups and downs. The buildings are not majestic, but they are built on the top of the peak, surrounded by clouds, just like the fairy mansion in myths and legends.

At the end of the stone steps, a wooden building that looks like an archway stands upright, with the words "Zhongtianmen" engraved on it.

In front of the archway is a stone statue, an old man riding on the back of a stone ox, looking forward to the sky, while the stone ox turned its head and looked sideways at the sky.

Zhou Wenlai had read the information on Laojun Mountain before, and knew that this stone statue should be Li Er, the founder of Taoism.

Before the storm in another dimension, although Laojun Mountain was a scenic spot, it was not well developed, so not many tourists came here, and local old people often came here to climb the mountain to exercise and watch the sunrise of the sea of clouds on the Golden Summit.

Judging from the data, the stone statue was also carved in modern times, so there should be nothing unusual about it, but when Zhou Wen approached the stone statue, the mysterious phone vibrated.

Zhou Wen quickly took out the mysterious mobile phone, which had automatically turned on the camera function, and quickly locked onto Shi Niu's forehead, where Zhou Wen's familiar small hand pattern was impressively displayed.

"Finally found it." Zhou Wen was overjoyed.

Before coming to Laojun Mountain, the princess had repeatedly told everyone that it is absolutely impossible to cross the Zhongtian Gate, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

If you still can't find the little hand pattern here, Zhou Wen will not dare to go any further.

The screen of the mobile phone has already shown that it is loading, and the copy of Laojunshan must be in hand. Zhou Wenzheng was delighted when he suddenly felt a hard hit on the back, and his figure flew up involuntarily.

That force was so tyrannical that Zhou Wen couldn't control his own power, but that power was very strange. Although the force was heavy, it didn't hurt Zhou Wen's muscles and bones, but made Zhou Wen fly uncontrollably into the Zhongtian Gate.

Zhou Wen was in the air, and looked back, only to see the three-eyed antelope standing where he had just stood, raising its head and smirking at him.

"Damn it, didn't you say that the other-dimensional creatures in Laojun Mountain are very kind? This three-eyed antelope is so vengeful, and it came back in a blink of an eye. The rumors are really unbelievable." Zhou Wen was secretly depressed.

He has always been wary of the three-eyed antelope, but just now he didn't hear any movement at all, and he was already knocked into the air.

The time in the air was very short. Zhou Wen crashed directly into the Zhongtian Gate. After landing on the ground, Zhou Wen immediately stood up like a carp, wanting to rush out of the Zhongtian Gate immediately.

But when he looked back, Zhou Wen was stunned. He had just passed the archway engraved with the words Zhongtianmen, but looking back now, he found that the archway, the stone statues and stone steps outside were gone. There is a cloud-shrouded cliff.

"Is it a hallucination?" Zhou Wen came to the edge of the cliff cautiously, looked down, and a gust of mountain wind almost blew him off.

"Baa!" The sound of a sheep bleating not far away made Zhou Wen startled, and quickly turned his head to look over, only to see the three-eyed antelope standing on a rock not far away, looking at him mockingly.

"In these days, even a sheep can't be offended." Zhou Wen licked his lips, ignored the antelope, and picked up his mobile phone to take a look.

He figured it out, the three-eyed antelope didn't dare to hurt him on Laojun Mountain, that's why he bumped him into Jinding, trying to use the power of Jinding to deal with him.

Zhou Wen made up his mind not to go forward, just stood here and waited, and then used the mobile game to explore the way first, to see what is so weird about the golden dome of Laojun Mountain.

There was no loading screen on the phone screen, and there was an icon of a stone cow on the desktop, with the words Laojunshan written on it.

Zhou Wen was about to click on the icon of Laojun Mountain, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

Seeing that the fine hairs in his pores gradually became thicker and larger like grass buds, and sprouts and leaves were born, and the person was about to become a human-shaped grass altar, which surprised Zhou Wen.

"Not good!" Zhou Wen was shocked in his heart, but his thoughts turned quickly, and he instantly thought of the newly learned vitality formula of the wordless stele, and quickly switched the lost fairy scriptures to the vitality formula of the wordless stele.