Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 132: Not the same as Xian


The pattern on the lamp body shines, turning round and round like a revolving lantern, and the flame of the lamp also ignites spontaneously, swaying and dancing at the lamp mouth, indescribably strange and charming, just like a seductive woman with virtual flames twisting her body and jumping With a voluptuous dance.

Zhou Wen's gaze was attracted by the strange flame, as if that flame was the most beautiful woman in the world, and people couldn't help but get caught up in it, unable to look away from the flame.

Zhou Wen's mind was extremely tenacious, and he felt something was wrong, so he forcibly moved his eyes away from the lamp flame.

But when he moved his eyes away from the lamp flame, he was attracted by the flickering and flowing patterns on the copper lamp. At this time, Zhou Wen suddenly discovered that those patterns were not simple patterns, but a kind of ancient characters. The monster's strange power is countless times stronger than the lamp flame, so Zhou Wen couldn't help but be attracted by it.

"How could this happen!" Zhou Wen's fingers on his left hand suddenly moved by themselves, beating unconsciously as if he was playing a piano, but his consciousness did not let his fingers do any movement at all.

Zhou Wen wanted to use his other hand to control his left hand, but the fingers of the other hand moved accordingly.

Soon, not only his fingers, but Zhou Wen's whole body moved uncontrollably. This movement was not irregular. Zhou Wen found that his body was dancing.

Zhou Wen has never been in contact with dance, and he has no interest in dance. He doesn't even watch dance shows, but at this moment, he looks like a professional dancer, his body seems to be moving to the rhythm of some kind of music. Dancing, making all kinds of movements that even he himself hadn't thought of before.

And these dance moves of his, no matter how you look at them, are the dance moves of a woman, very enchanting and charming, light and elegant.

But when a big man jumped out, it looked very funny. If Li Xuan saw Zhou Wen dancing this kind of dance here, he would probably lie on the ground laughing.

Zhou Wen tried hard to control himself, but it was useless. He switched several vitality formulas in succession, but none of them worked. His body twisted more and more violently, and there were many movements similar to winking .

Soon Zhou Wen discovered that his movements were exactly the same as the beating of the lamp flame, as if he was a puppet controlled by the lamp flame.

"Damn... what the hell is this..." Zhou Wen felt like he was going crazy.

As Zhou Wen danced faster and faster, the Lost Immortal Sutra that was running automatically slowed down, and as the Lost Immortal Sutra slowed down, Zhou Wen's body also gradually slowed down.

When the Lost Immortal Scripture completely stopped functioning, Zhou Wen's body also stopped twisting completely.

But in the next second, the vitality in the body flowed wildly, but it was no longer the route of the Lost Immortal Sutra, but another vitality formula that Zhou Wen had never practiced before.

"The pattern on the oil lamp is also a kind of vitality formula?" Zhou Wen was surprised, but also a little happy.

This kind of vitality formula is very weird, and it is different from the vitality formula that Zhou Wen has come into contact with before. It seems to have countless strange changes, sometimes light and graceful, and sometimes as fast as a rainstorm, giving Zhou Wen the urge to dance through the air.

Time passed by, and when Zhou Wen regained control of himself, his body had already practiced that kind of vitality art.

The oil lamp that was suspended in the air suddenly lost its brilliance and fell to the ground, returning to its original dilapidated appearance.

Zhou Wen was about to pick up the oil lamp, but he suddenly felt that something was wrong with his body. The vitality formula he had just practiced dissipated, and the Lost Immortal Scripture started to work again.

It's just that the operation this time is different from any previous ones. The vitality spreads all over the body, circulating like blood.


Zhou Wen only felt a buzzing in his brain, and a voice kept echoing.

"If the gods are against me, I will kill the gods... If the gods are against me, I will kill the gods... I will not talk to the gods... I will not be the same as the gods... I am me..." The voice was presumptuous and rampant, but there was a kind of trembling and fear The magic power, but it makes people's blood boil, as if there is something surging in the heart, wishing to poke a hole in the sky.

Zhou Wen was no stranger to this voice. During the countless nights when he practiced the Lost Immortal Sutra, this voice kept whispering in his ears, but before, he couldn't hear what the voice said at all.

Today he finally heard what that voice was. It was a woman's voice, but it had a breathtaking aura, as if creatures from all heavens and worlds were about to prostrate at her feet.

Although Zhou Wen only heard this voice, a picture involuntarily emerged in his mind. Countless gods and Buddhas of the heavens were prostrate on the ground, and they were all worshiping a woman, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

It's a pity that this is just Zhou Wen's own imagination, and he can't see the woman's face clearly. He only feels that her temperament is incomparable. She seems to be superior, but it is not the kind of holiness of the immortal Buddha, with a murderous aura.

The voice in my head became weaker and weaker, and it seemed that it was about to collapse. In the end, it was almost inaudible.

Zhou Wen vaguely heard a sentence at the end that seemed to be a little different from the previous repeated sentence: "Re-advent... day... immortal death... time..."

It's just that the sound was too low at the back, and it was about to collapse, so I couldn't hear the complete sentence at all.


The Lost Immortal Sutra running in his body seemed to explode, and all the cells in his body seemed to bloom together, making Zhou Wen wonder if his body exploded.

fall... keep falling...

Zhou Wen felt as if his consciousness had fallen into the deep sea, constantly falling and sinking, and finally his consciousness was completely submerged in darkness.

Zhou Wen hasn't really had a good night's sleep for a long time since he practiced the Lost Immortal Sutra.

Every time he falls asleep, no matter when and where, there will be a voice whispering in his ear, like Buddha chanting scriptures, or the temptation of the devil.

Coupled with the suffocating ghost press experience, if it was someone else, I am afraid that I would have gone crazy.

Zhou Wen played games desperately every day, although he wanted to improve his strength, but he didn't have any thoughts of escaping sleep.

Until today, the feeling of being haunted by evil spirits has finally completely dissipated. Zhou Wen slept very sweetly and soundly, as if there is nothing in the world that makes people happier than a good night's sleep.

When Zhou Wen woke up, he stretched. He felt so comfortable that he almost groaned, and all the cells in his body seemed to be cheering comfortably.

Zhou Wen pressed his palm on the bed, wanting to sit up, but when he pressed it, his body bounced straight up, hitting the ceiling with his head, and half of his head crashed into the ceiling made of reinforced concrete. It hung like that from the ceiling.