Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 16: load


The vegetation outside the ancient city is extremely lush. The willow trees on the banks of the moat have grown to a height of more than ten meters, and even the ordinary grass on the roadside has grown to the height of half a person.

The surface of the river is covered with lotus leaves the size of small boats, and the blossoming lotus flowers are bigger than the washbasin, showing a strange red color, as if stained with blood.

Affected by the different-dimensional domain, the nearby animals and plants have undergone changes to varying degrees, but they are not as serious as those in the different-dimensional domain.

There are real guns and live ammunition troops stationed outside the ancient city, and tanks are patrolling nearby. No one is allowed to enter the ancient city without a pass.

There are even surface-to-air missiles deployed nearby, but Zhou Wen has never seen those missiles launched.

In fact, the threat of thermal weapons to other-dimensional creatures is very limited. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes in a different-dimensional field, it is difficult to cause too much damage. Many other-dimensional creatures can even absorb the energy generated by nuclear bombs to evolve and become even more terrifying.

Ordinary bullets are even more useless. If they hit a different-dimensional creature, they will be swallowed and fused.

Only bullets made of special materials can cause damage to other-dimensional creatures, but those materials are very scarce, and it is too wasteful to make bullets that can be consumed at one time. They are usually used to make cold weapons such as swords.

Thermal weapons have little effect on alien creatures, but they are still very lethal to human beings. Therefore, the main function of thermal weapons is to maintain the order of human society.

Zhou Wen didn't have a pass, but the admission ticket on his body was a pass in disguise. During the actual combat test, he had a chance to form a team and enter the ancient city of Guide from the north gate.

The ancient city of Guide has four gates, east, west, north, and south. It was originally a small city, and it took less than ten miles to go around the city.

However, after the storm of another dimension, the ancient city of Guide changed into a domain of another dimension, and the internal space was unknown how many times larger than before. Human beings have not yet been able to fully detect the entire ancient city of Guide.

Entering from the four gates, east, west, north, south, the creatures of different dimensions that can be encountered are somewhat different. Among them, the creatures of different dimensions at the north gate are the weakest. As long as they don't go too deep, there is generally no great danger.

Because the admission ticket can only verify the registration of the four people who entered together, and the other two team members that Li Xuan and Zhou Wen haven't met haven't come yet, and the entry time hasn't come yet, so Zhou Wen can only stand outside the gate of the ancient city wait.

The north gate of the ancient city is old and mysterious. The blue bricks of the gate tower are mottled and dilapidated, and many places have been weathered and decayed.

However, Zhou Wen heard that the troops used to bombard the ancient city of Guide with a large number of missiles. Rows of missiles bombarded for more than ten minutes, but the seemingly decayed ancient city building did not break even a single tile.

The plaque above the city gate is engraved with three ancient traditional characters of "Guide Mansion", which are ancient and vigorous, as if lingering with the aftertaste of a thousand years of history.

Zhou Wen's gaze finally fixed on a strange pattern behind the door plaque.

The pattern looks like a small hand-shaped dent left by a baby's palm on the city brick, but within the dent of the small hand, there is another engraved pattern similar to a garlic head or an onion pattern.

Naturally, there was no such pattern in the ancient city of Guide before. It is said that this strange pattern appeared on the back of the door plaque after the storm in another dimension, but no one knew what the pattern meant or who carved it. .

Zhou Wen was looking at the pattern, but suddenly felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.

Zhou Wen thought it was Yu Qiubai or Li Xuan who was looking for him, but when he reached out to grab the phone in his pocket, he was taken aback.

Because the mobile phone in this pocket is not the ordinary mobile phone he usually uses, but the mysterious mobile phone. The mysterious mobile phone does not have the function of making and receiving calls at all, and it has never vibrated. Why is it suddenly like this now

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Zhou Wen took out the phone from his pocket, and saw that the phone screen had automatically lit up, and a camera icon was flashing.

"Why haven't I seen this camera app before? What's the use of this thing, is it for me to take a selfie?" Zhou Wen was puzzled, and clicked the icon of the camera.

Like an ordinary mobile phone, the mobile phone has entered the camera mode, but it is not Zhou Wen himself, but the rear camera.

Fortunately, taking pictures is not prohibited here in the ancient city, and the soldiers guarding Zhou Wen saw that Zhou Wen was taking pictures with his mobile phone, so they didn't intend to stop him.

Zhou Wen raised his mobile phone and pointed at the trees and flowers next to him, wanting to try to see what the camera function is useful for.

But Zhou Wen soon discovered that the camera function seemed to be broken, and there was no way to press the shutter to take a photo.

Zhou Wen tapped his finger on the screen of the phone, but the phone was still on the camera screen, without any response.

"What the hell is this?" Zhou Wen raised his phone and shook it around. When the picture of the small hand on the city gate appeared in the photo, there was a beep, and the phone responded.

Zhou Wen was surprised. Looking carefully, he found a small green frame appeared on the phone screen, locking the weird little hand pattern on the city gate.

After beeping three times in a row, I saw the small hand pattern enlarged on the screen, the ancient city behind it gradually blurred, and a line of words appeared below: Loading...

"Could it be that..." Zhou Wen looked at the screen of the phone that had been loading all the time, and a thought flashed in his mind. This thought shocked him, and he couldn't believe it.

But not long after, the mobile phone proved his guess, the loading was completed, and then the little hand pattern turned into an icon, which appeared on the desktop of the mobile phone, and stopped next to the ant nest icon , there are three words "ancient imperial city" below.

"It really turned into a copy of the game?" Zhou Wen was surprised and delighted, endured the excitement in his heart, and clicked the icon of the ancient imperial city.

Sure enough, the phone screen turned into the game loading screen that Zhou Wen was familiar with. After a while, the game screen changed to the north gate of Guide Ancient City. The difference from reality was that the gate of the north gate had already been opened.

Zhou Wen secretly dripped a drop of blood on the phone screen, turned into a blood-colored villain in the game, and walked directly into the city gate.

Old stone streets, antique old wooden buildings, although Zhou Wen has never entered the ancient city of Guide, but he has watched the video of the ancient city in the online video, which is exactly the same as what he sees now.

Before Zhou Wen could continue the comparison, a skeleton holding a bone stick and wearing tattered cloth strips appeared on Stone Street, running towards the blood-colored villain.

This thing Zhou Wen has also seen in the video, it is the bone soldier of another dimension creature in the ancient city of Guide.