Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 27: Shooting the Sun


Zhou Wen was slightly surprised. He had also heard the name of the Sun Shooting Jue. This is an epic-level skill that is as famous as the invincible invincible skill. In comparison, the Sun Shooting Jue is even more precious.

After all, the cultivation requirements of the Invincible Invincible Art are too strict, but the Sun Shooting Jue does not have so many requirements. As long as you are willing to work hard to practice, even a person with mediocre aptitude will have certain achievements.

Moreover, the Sun Shooting Jue is also a very aggressive Yuan Qi Jue, which is more popular than the Innate Invincible Magic Art, which is mainly used to strengthen the body.

However, as far as Zhou Wen knew, the Sun Shooting Jue was the unique vitality art of a big boss in the federation. Except for the descendants of that big boss, no one else had the chance to get the Sun Shooting Jue.

"How could Dad have the Sun Shooting Jue? Nine times out of ten, he obtained it with the help of the An family's influence, right?" Zhou Wen guessed in his mind.

Zhou Wen did not refuse the Sun Shooting Jue because of such speculation. Since Zhou Lingfeng gave it to him, even with the help of the An family, Zhou Lingfeng should have paid the price. Now that the price has been paid, Zhou Wen naturally has no reason to refuse. Can't live up to Zhou Lingfeng's wishes.

After all, from childhood to adulthood, in addition to living expenses, Zhou Lingfeng gave him only a few things, which can be counted with fingers.

"Finally, I haven't forgotten about my son." Zhou Wen didn't go to see Shooting the Sun Jue immediately, turned off the computer, pulled out the USB drive and put it away, ready to eat something first.

Practicing Yuan Qi Jue does not happen overnight, even if he already has a foundation of 9 points of Yuan Qi, it will be faster to practice other Yuan Qi Jue, it is not something that can be practiced in ten days and half a month, so there is no need to rush.

When I opened the refrigerator, I found that there was nothing left in it. I looked at the cardboard box in the corner of the living room, and there was not even a packet of instant noodles in it.

Zhou Wen hesitated for a moment, gave up the plan to order takeaway, washed his face, changed his clothes, and prepared to go out to eat something, and bought some food stock on the way back.

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, there were very few pedestrians on the street.

When Zhou Wen was a child, he heard from his grandfather that before the storm of another dimension, even a small city like Guide Mansion was brightly lit in the middle of the night, but now it is rare to see such a scene.

The street lights were a little dim, which made Zhou Wen feel a little uncomfortable. His anemia seemed to be getting worse.

Too much blood was consumed during this period. Fortunately, he was young enough and strong enough. If he was an elderly person, his own hematopoietic function would definitely not be able to supply enough blood if he was replaced by an elderly person, and problems would have occurred long ago.

"I'll go to the supermarket to buy some brown sugar later, and make some brown sugar water to drink. I hope it will be useful." Zhou Wen muttered to himself.

He also knew that it might not be of much use, even if he went to the hospital to see a doctor, it would not be able to solve his actual problems.

If he really wants to solve the problem of excessive blood loss, there is only one way to make the bloody villain in the game die less. As long as the bloody villain doesn't die, he doesn't have to waste his own blood.

"Cough cough!" Zhou Wen was walking when he heard the sound of a man coughing in front of him. He looked up and saw an old man walking over with a hunched body on the opposite side, with his head lowered, and one hand lightly held in front of his mouth, from time to time coughing.

Zhou Wen didn't pay much attention and continued to walk forward, but who knew that the old man fell to the ground with a plop when he was less than three meters away from him.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Zhou Wen walked over to check on the old man's condition.

The old man seemed to have nothingness. He sat on the ground and couldn't get up for a while. He said weakly: "It's okay, it's just that when people get old, they will have more diseases and are useless. Rest for a while and you will be fine."

"Then let me help you sit next to me." Zhou Wen saw a bus stop not far away, and there were benches for passengers to rest while waiting for the bus.

The old man nodded, Zhou Wen reached out to hold his arm, and helped him to sit on the bench.

Zhou Wen habitually looked at the old man. He seemed to be in his seventies or eighties, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face. However, judging from his thin cheeks and facial features, the old man should have been an old man when he was young. handsome man.

Zhou Wen felt a little pity in his heart. An old man of his age is the most tragic generation.

When the interdimensional storm lowered, it caused huge chaos. Those ten years were the most chaotic and darkest period in the entire history of mankind.

And the root of this confusion is not the terrifying alien creatures, but human beings themselves.

Most of the other-dimensional creatures cannot break out of the different-dimensional domain, so except for the area originally occupied by the different-dimensional domain, humans in other areas are not in great danger.

However, when human beings discovered that they could become superhumans by using dimensional crystallization, many human beings who gained power revealed the darkest and most terrifying side of human beings.

In that turbulent and dark era, there were many terrifying big devils and ambitious people among the human beings. Human beings killed each other, which can be described as a river of blood.

At the age of the old man, he came from that dark age. His age had surpassed the golden period of cultivation in that era, and there was no such stable supply of education and resources as in that era. Most people of his age Men have never practiced much, and even if they practice, their achievements are mostly very limited.

It is not a pleasant thing to be lucky enough to live up to now without dying in that dark and chaotic era.

Because the human beings who cultivated since childhood not only have strong immunity and rarely get sick, but also have a slower aging speed and a certain extension of life span, which is far beyond the comparison of the old people from that era.

Nowadays, when many human beings are in their 40s or 50s, their appearance and state are similar to those of their 20s and 30s.

Even if you get old in the future, at the age of the old man, you won't be as weak and sick as the old man.

"Uncle, if you have nothing to do, I'll leave first." Seeing that the old man's condition improved, Zhou Wen was about to leave.

"Young man, meeting is fate, can you talk to me?" The old man looked at Zhou Wen with cloudy eyes, and said in a weak voice.

"I don't know how to chat." Zhou Wen didn't say this to reject the old man, but that he really couldn't chat.

"It's okay, let me ask you a few questions." The old man smiled, but immediately coughed again.

"Ask." Zhou Wen said standing in front of the bench.

He usually plays games and rarely communicates with others. It seems that it is not a bad thing if someone is willing to chat with him.

Of course, the premise is that the question asked by the old man will not make Zhou Wen feel too difficult to answer.

"Do you like women with big breasts or women with small breasts?" Zhou Wen was slightly taken aback by the question asked by the old man.