Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 55: The role of Zen


Gu Gu put the little milk cats aside, and Zhou Wen saw that there were three other cats on the grass next to them, two small and one big, these four cats were obviously a family, and the mother cat brought the three little milk cats on the grass bask in the sun.

There are two bowls next to the grass, one bowl contains water, and the other contains cat food. You don't need to think about it, these should be prepared by Classic.

Putting down the cat's classics, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold, staring at Zhou Wen like a ghost, and said coldly: "If I hear any rumors outside, you will die."

With his ferocious face like a ghost, coupled with his icy cold voice, Zhou Wen would probably have scruples in normal times, but because of the previous description of Gu Gu holding the little milk cat high, he always dangled in front of his eyes. At that time, Zhou Wen couldn't feel awe.

"Don't worry, I'm not a talkative person." Zhou Wen said.

"That's the best." Gu Dian said coldly, ignored Zhou Wen, bent down to put away the two bowls, and glanced at the four cats playing on the grass before turning and leaving.

After walking a few steps, Gu Gu stopped again, and said without looking back: "Also, don't try to hurt them, or you will die as well."

After saying this, the classic left in a big stride.

"Li Xuan said that Gu Gu not only has a vicious face, but also a very bad person. As long as he is given money, he is willing to do any bad thing. Looking at it now, he may not be as bad as the rumors said. It can make cats, who are extremely defensive, so vicious. Get close, and even let him get close to the little milk cat, maybe he is not as vicious as the rumors say." Zhou Wen glanced at the big, three and small four kittens, thinking to himself.

Pets such as puppies and cats are no longer as favored as they used to be in this era. After all, their function is only for viewing, but companion pets have magical powers, and people are more willing to spend money on companion pets.

Most of those precious breeds of pet dogs and cats in the past have become stray dogs and stray cats, and are no longer loved by humans.

The times have changed, and many things have changed. In the past, those figures who were able to fly over the walls and lift a thousand catties could become legends and be passed down by ordinary people. It has been passed down to this day because there were very few human beings who had this ability in the past.

But in this era, as long as one can reach the legendary level, it is not difficult to lift a thousand catties. Everyone can become a legendary figure like before. Legendary level is no longer rare nowadays. Human beings also have the opportunity to be promoted to the legendary rank in their 30s and 40s.

However, it is not so easy to be promoted to the epic level at the legendary level. This requires the superposition of talent, vitality, resources and other aspects to be able to succeed. It is not something that can be achieved by one's own efforts.

After all, being able to be recorded in the annals of history, and becoming a character praised in poetry, is basically an existence close to mythology.

When Zhou Wen practiced bitter meditation before, he planned to advance to the legendary level during his college years. This speed is already considered a genius among human beings.

But now the bitter Zen in his body has been covered by the Lost Immortal Sutra, and it is not an easy task to use the Lost Immortal Sutra to advance to the legendary level.

During this period of time, Zhou Wen repeatedly studied the Lost Immortal Sutra, and found that the Lost Immortal Sutra is very different from ordinary vitality formulas.

Ordinary vitality formulas, such as bitter meditation, to promote the state is actually to break the shackles of oneself. With that shackle, the upper limit of human strength, speed, physique and vitality are locked. No matter how much supplements are eaten, it is useless and cannot continue. promote.

Only after the shackles are broken, the upper limit of the human body will be opened. While continuing to improve, one can also obtain a fate that is almost innate, which is commonly known as a legendary fate.

However, after Zhou Wen repeatedly studied the Lost Immortal Scripture, he did not see a description related to breaking the shackles.

So until now, Zhou Wen hasn't figured out how to use the Lost Immortal Scripture to advance to the legendary level.

After finally finding a supermarket in the academy and buying the daily necessities he needed, Zhou Wen returned to the dormitory to pack up, took out his phone, and started the dungeon activity again.

It was difficult for the ant nest to make progress in a short period of time, so Zhou Wen chose to enter the underground Buddha city.

I brushed the Buddha Heart Lotus in the lotus pond, but none of the companion pets came out, and the mutated bone ant was swallowed by the huge blood-colored Buddha Heart Lotus.

Zhou Wen controlled the blood-colored villain to go to the Little Buddha Temple. Before climbing the stone steps, Zhou Wen asked the blood-colored villain to activate the vitality technique mind meditation.

The road in front of the Small Buddha Temple is very strange, no matter how you go, it will be a dead end, and Zhou Wen didn't find out the reason.

The use of mind meditation is also a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but I feel that the mind meditation comes from the Buddha's heart lotus, and it may be useful.

What surprised Zhou Wen was that before, the blood-colored villain would die suddenly when he walked to a place where he could see the plaque of the Little Buddha Temple.

"Xin Zen is really useful?" Even Zhou Wen himself was a little surprised.

Controlling the blood-colored villain to continue to move forward, nothing happened along the way, but Mind Zen is a kind of vitality skill, and it needs to consume vitality when using it.

Mind Zen is a vitality skill that continuously consumes vitality, and consumes about two points of vitality every minute.

All the way up the stone steps, when there was still a short distance from the mountain gate of the Small Buddha Temple, the vitality was finally exhausted.

As soon as Xin Zen stopped, the blood-colored villain fell to the ground and died suddenly, and the game screen went black.

Now that he knew the usefulness of mind meditation, Zhou Wen couldn't wait to resurrect the blood-colored villain again, and came to the stone gap of the Little Buddha Temple again.

This time, after Zhou Wen activated the Mind Zen, he controlled the blood-colored villain to run towards the Little Buddha Temple at full speed, but the blood-colored villain only ran to a place about ten meters away from the mountain gate, and his vitality was exhausted, and he died suddenly again.

"At my current speed, the duration of Mind Zen is simply not enough for me to rush into the Little Buddha Temple. Is it possible that I can use Heart Zen to rush in when I am promoted to the legendary level and my vitality is strong enough? But I am promoted to the legendary level , I don't know how long it will take..."

Zhou Wen changed his mind and thought again: "For some vitality skills that continuously consume vitality like Xin Chan, the higher the stage number, the less vitality is consumed. I don't know if this is the case with Xin Chan? The current Mind Chan is seven stages, if If you can create an eighth-level or ninth-level mind meditation, you may have a chance to rush into the Little Buddha Temple."

Anyway, there was nothing else to do, so Zhou Wen continued to brush the Buddha Heart Lotus in the lotus pond with the attitude of giving it a try, hoping to gain something.

After swiping more times, Zhou Wen discovered a rule. The blood-colored Buddha-heart lotus sank at the bottom of the water at the beginning. Enraged, he rushed out of the water to fight.