Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 78: Demon general


"Ms. Wang, it's not good for you to use the test questions for special admissions in the past two years on ordinary students, isn't it?" In the school office, Liu Zhengyan looked at Wang Hao and said.

"These little guys are all arrogant and arrogant. If you don't let them suffer, I'm afraid it will be difficult to teach them in the future. Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I have a sense of proportion in this matter." Wang Hao said confidently.

Naturally, Wang Hao didn't really want to force the students to drop out of school. She had already prepared a strategy for killing the demon general. As long as those students were willing to look up the information of the demon general, they would be able to find the strategy she specially wrote.

After studying the strategy thoroughly, it is not difficult to kill the demon general within ten days.

Most students would go to the school to check the information, Zhou Wen was obviously not among them, he did not go to check the information, but went straight to the Hulaoguan Dimensional Domain with Li Xuan.

Hulao Pass is also underground. Zhou Wen and Li Xuan took out the temporary pass issued by the school to enter Hulao Pass.

The pass is only temporary and will be taken back after ten days, and it will not be so easy to enter Hulao Pass at that time.

It’s not that the school is reluctant to open Hulao Pass, but that there are too few resources in Hulao Pass. After all, the reality is not a game. Those dimensional creatures will not be refreshed after killing them. You have to wait until new dimensional creatures come in from the dimensional crack. Refresh is much slower.

Therefore, extra-dimensional fields specially prepared for students, such as Hulaoguan, are usually opened regularly to ensure that there are enough extra-dimensional creatures inside.

Zhou Wen found a familiar pattern of small hands on the outside of Hulao Pass, but this time the pattern of a tiger head gate was held in the palm of the small hand.

Before entering, Zhou Wen took a picture of the small hand with his mysterious mobile phone, and he successfully downloaded the copy of Hulaoguan game.

Now that we're here, let's follow Li Xuan into Hulao Pass to take a look. There are many students from the same class who came together, and they all come to see the situation of Hulao Pass first.

On the underground ancient battlefield, groups of demonized soldiers were wandering. The uniforms of those demonized soldiers were in tatters, their eyes were blood red, and their skin was dark and exuded a luster like pig iron.

There are also several types of demonic soldiers, most of them are holding spears, some are holding knives and shields, and a small number of demonic soldiers holding bows and arrows will appear.

Most of these students are geniuses from various high schools, and it is not difficult to deal with ordinary demonized soldiers, but there is no trace of demonized generals nearby.

"Should we go inside and find a demon general, so we can complete the test today?" Li Xuan said with a smile.

"Another day, let's go back and study the materials of Hulao Pass first." Zhou Wen didn't want to underestimate any other-dimensional field, that would be tantamount to pushing his own life on the edge of the knife.

Although he now has the ability to kill legendary creatures, the abilities of legendary creatures vary widely, and no one can guarantee that he will not have problems.

"You're just being too cautious. With our ability, we can just go in and finish the job." Li Xuan laughed.

Zhou Wen ignored him and turned directly out of Hulao Pass. After returning to the dormitory, he went to the college's official website first to check the information on Hulao Pass.

Zhou Wen naturally saw the strategy that Wang Hao put on the top. He clicked in and took a look. There is a detailed strategy introduction in it. As long as the method of using the strategy is coordinated properly, he wants to kill a legendary monster. Will really not be difficult.

However, there is a special note in the guide. The demonized generals mentioned in the guide are just ordinary demonized generals. If you encounter the demonized generals with the words on the helmet, you must stay away immediately.

After studying the information, Zhou Wen opened the game copy and entered the Hulaoguan game.

The game scene is almost exactly the same as the real Hulaoguan, but it is a Q version, which does not look so bloody and scary.

With Zhou Wen's strength, it was easy to kill ordinary demonized soldiers. Groups of demonized soldiers could not pose any threat to him. They rushed all the way to the Hulao pass.

The Silver Winged Flying Ant killed ordinary demonized soldiers like cutting melons and vegetables. After rushing for a few miles, it suddenly saw a demonized general galloping towards him on a demonic horse.

The whole body of the magic horse was crimson red, like a cloud of fire, its speed was astonishingly fast, it almost reached the Silver Winged Flying Ant in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, the demon general was even more majestic, wearing black armor and a black helmet, with a strange weapon in his hand, which looked like a gun, but there were two crescent blades on both sides of the gun tip, which were more than three meters long. Trident of the Neptune in mythology.

The jet-black gun body glows faintly with red light, although it is a Q version, it can still make people feel its ferocity and dominance.

When Zhou Wen glanced over his helmet, he saw a circular shallow groove on the forehead of the helmet, with the word "cloth" engraved in it.

"Boom!" The Demonic General raised his spear at the Silver-winged Flying Ant and stabbed at it. Flames erupted from the tip of the spear, making the strange spear look like a flaming evil dragon, rolling towards it quickly and quickly. The Silver Winged Flying Ant is obviously a vitality skill.

Under Zhou Wen's control, the silver-winged flying ant used its silver wings to dodge the stabbing power of the demon general. At the same time, the tail needle flickered and shot a magic light needle, pointing directly at the demon general's eyes.

"Roar!" The demonized general let out a roar, and the flame light and shadow blooming like lotus petals on his body abruptly blocked the magic light needle. At the same time, the strange gun in his hand carried a terrifying flame, and rolled towards the silver-winged flying ant in the air again.

Zhou Wen hurriedly let the silver-winged flying ant fly higher, trying to use the high-altitude distance to prevent the demon general from attacking it.

The silver-winged flying ants rushed to a height of more than ten meters. Originally, Zhou Wen thought that at such a height, the monster gun in the hand of the demon general should not be able to reach it.

But who would have known that the demon horse under the demonized general jumped up and rushed to a height of more than ten meters, and in an instant the distance from the silver-winged flying ant was shortened, and the strange spear in the demonized general's hand rolled like a raging fire Towards the silver-winged flying ants.

The silver-winged flying ant is indeed the king of the low altitude. Between the vibrations of its four wings, it avoided the attack of the strange gun like a silver lightning. But in the next second, something that surprised Zhou Wen happened.

The demonized general sucked the silver-winged flying ant in the air with one hand, as if the entire space collapsed towards his palm, and the silver-winged flying ant, which was at least two meters away from him, was sucked in front of the demonized general , no matter how the four wings vibrate, it is difficult to escape the control of that suction.


The strange spear slashed down, and the immobile silver-winged flying ant's head was immediately chopped off. Zhou Wen controlled the blood-colored villain to turn around and retreat. It was difficult for the blood-colored villain to compete with such a top legendary creature with his own strength.

But it was too late for Zhou Wen to retreat, and saw that the demonized general didn't chase after him, but sat on the back of the demon horse, and shot the strange spear directly at the blood-colored villain.

I saw the flaming evil dragon rushing across the sky, the blood-colored villain didn't have time to dodge, he was directly nailed to death on the yellow sandy ground of the battlefield, and the screen went black.