Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 79: Crazy spawning


"It's so fierce!" Zhou Wen not only didn't feel depressed, but his eyes lit up, and he felt excited.

The attributes of the Silver Winged Flying Ant were considered top-notch among the legendary ranks, but they were slaughtered by demonized generals. Such a powerful existence gave Zhou Wen the urge to get it.

Whether it's the demonized general's companion pet or the demonized general's vitality skills, they are all of great value, especially the vitality skill that can absorb the silver-winged flying ants is simply a magical skill.

Without any hesitation, he was reborn directly from a drop of blood. After resurrecting the blood-colored villain, he directly chose to enter the copy of Hulao Pass.

Ordinary demonized soldiers didn't mean much to Zhou Wen. They rushed all the way like cutting melons and vegetables, and soon met the demonized generals who came on horseback.

But this demonized general is a little different from the demonized general Zhou Wen has seen before. Although this demonized general is also black armor and black helmet, there is no engraving on the helmet, and he is riding a black horse, and his stature is slightly shorter. The weapon he wears is an ordinary spear.

After fighting, Zhou Wen discovered that this should be the ordinary demonized general mentioned in the school strategy, and it is not the same thing as the engraved demonized general Zhou Wen saw before.

Although ordinary demon generals were quite strong, they were no match for the Silver Winged Flying Ant. After fighting for about ten minutes, they were cut off from their horses, and a vitality crystal exploded.

The vitality crystal of 15 points can't help Zhou Wen's sudden shackles. Except for the physique which is 11, the upper limit of other attributes is 10, which cannot exceed this limit.

Zhou Wen continued to control the blood-colored villain to rush towards the Hulao Pass. The more he went to the Hulao Pass, the more demonized soldiers became. He even encountered two demonized generals, but nothing useful was revealed.

The gate of Hulaoguan was already in sight, and Zhou Wen wanted to continue to charge forward, but suddenly he heard the sound of a bowstring, and then a cold arrow flew like lightning from above the gate of Hulaoguan, directly killing the bloody little girl. People were shot and killed in the chaos.

"What the hell is that?" Zhou Wen heard the sound of the bowstring because of the listening earrings, but he didn't see who shot the arrow at all, and he didn't come to control the blood-colored villain to dodge.

Zhou Wen was obviously not satisfied with such a result. Rebirth from a drop of blood entered the game, but this time he did not enter the Hulao Pass, but advanced to the Ant Nest, the Ancient Imperial City and the Underground Buddha City. The mutated Buddha Heart Lotus swiped it once, and then went to Hulao Pass.

As a result, this time I still did not see the engraved demonic generals, but only met two ordinary demonic generals. After killing the two ordinary demonic generals, when Zhou Wen wanted to get closer to Hulao Pass, he was shot again by the direction of the city gate. The cold arrow that came shot and killed the spot, this time Zhou Wen still didn't see who shot the blood-colored villain.

Instead of entering the game immediately, Zhou Wen entered the college's online database and studied the information on Hulao Pass in detail.

There are quite a lot of information about Hulao Pass, but there are not many about engraved demon generals. It is just that occasionally you will see engraved demon generals outside Hulao Pass. The number is very rare, and sometimes only one or two months may appear. bit.

And there are still many bigwigs who are staring at those engraved demon generals. I heard that the vitality skills of the engraved demon generals are very valuable, but Zhou Wen didn't even find the vitality skills of those engraved demon generals.

As for the Hulao Pass, several epic-level powerhouses rushed into it, but escaped with serious injuries. So far, human beings have not been able to break through the Hulao Pass.

The five-mile area outside Hulao Pass is listed as a restricted area, and ordinary students and teachers are not allowed to enter it, otherwise they will be responsible for any accidents.

No detailed information on the engraved demon general was found, so Zhou Wen could only try it himself, and was reborn again and again, hoping to meet the engraved demon general who was brushed outside Hulao Pass again.

But every time before going to Hulao Pass, Zhou Wen would first go to the Silver Winged Flying Ant, Withered Bone General and Mutated Buddha Heart Lotus. Some legendary companion eggs broke out, and some ordinary companion eggs were also brushed, which Zhou Wen regarded as The food was fed to the silver-winged flying ants and Di Ting.

Di Ting also needs to eat, but it is picky eater, it only eats companion eggs, and has no interest in hatched companion pets, which is different from silver-winged flying ants.


For several days in a row, Zhou Wen was frantically spawning monsters. When Zhou Wen cut off the mutated Buddha Heart Lotus again, a mutated Buddha Heart Lotus crystal exploded, which is also the crystal of vitality skill.

This thing is even rarer than the companion egg of the mutated Buddha Heart Lotus. Zhou Wen even had three companion eggs, and only one came out of the crystallization of the vitality skill of the Mutant Buddha Heart Lotus.

"I already have Blood Zen, I hope it won't be Blood Zen this time." Zhou Wen carefully went through the information on the crystallization of vitality skills.

Variant Buddha Heart Lotus Crystal: Lotus Buddha Body (Nine Stages).

Zhou Wen's eyes lit up, and he didn't hesitate to let the blood-colored villain integrate the crystal of vitality skills.

The lotus Buddha body is the blood-patterned Buddha light body protection vitality skill of the mutant Buddha heart lotus, and it is also the best of the ninth stage, Zhou Wen couldn't ask for it.

Fortunately, the vitality skills of the Buddhist system are relatively mild. Although they are at the legendary level, they did not cause too much burden on Zhou Wen's body, allowing Zhou Wen to successfully obtain the ninth-level lotus Buddha body.

Zhou Wen tried to operate the lotus Buddha body vitality skill, and shallow blood streaks immediately appeared on the skin of the whole body, like petals covering the whole body, with a faint Buddha image hidden in it.

The lotus Buddha body needs to consume a little vitality skill every second, and Zhou Wen's 10 vitality skills can only last for ten seconds, and this is still without using other vitality skills.

"This vitality skill is good for everything, but the vitality is consumed too quickly." Zhou Wen thought greedily.

Entered the game and tried the role of the lotus Buddha body. Under the attack of the same mortal-level demonized soldiers, Zhou Wen could be invulnerable with the lotus Buddha body, and the defense was really good.

In the case that ordinary demonization will not use the vitality skill, the lotus Buddha body can also block their attacks. If the vitality skill is used, the lotus Buddha body will not be able to block it, but it can also avoid being directly killed in seconds.

Of course, this was under the condition that ordinary demonized generals could attack the blood-colored villain. In fact, with the silver wings transformed from silver-winged flying ants, the attacks of ordinary demonized generals would not be able to touch the blood-colored villain at all.

As for the cold arrow shot from Hulao Pass, it can still accurately penetrate Zhou Wen's body. The protection ability of the lotus Buddha body is like paper, with no obvious effect, and it cannot be avoided even with Silver Wing Dodge.

"The one who shot this arrow in Hulao Pass is probably an epic-level dimensional creature." Zhou Wen didn't dare to get too close to Hulao Pass, so he could only look for demonized generals outside.

I don’t know how many times I have swiped through Hulao Pass. This time, not long after Zhou Wen came outside Hulao Pass again, he saw a red horse galloping towards him. The demonized general on his back was majestic and tall, a monster like a sea emperor halberd. The gun is very conspicuous, and the helmet is engraved with writing, which is exactly the engraved demonized general Zhou Wen was looking for.

But Zhou Wen took a closer look, but was taken aback again, because the engraving on the helmet of this demonized general was different from the one Zhou Wen had seen before.