Let Me Live!

Chapter 15: fire girl


The two found a ramen restaurant and sat down. Hai Ri pulled the chair away for Liu Jie in a gentlemanly manner, and then sat down by himself.

Liu Jie said: "Sister, if you are not gay, you are really my heavenly dish."

Hai Ri laughed, and received a message on his mobile phone. When he clicked on it, he saw that Sheng Canyang had sent a photo. It was a barbecue table with two fruit plates on it. It appears to have arrived.

Hai Ri felt that the two children were desperate to ride bicycles. He was afraid that they would bump into someone on the road, so he felt relieved when they arrived safely. He pointed to the waiter in the store and asked Liu Jie, "Who are these people?"

Liu Jie put her clothes on the back of the chair behind her and said, "Some stranded guests."

"A stranded guest?"

Liu Jie: "I don't want to go back, and I don't want to die. I think this place is better than real life, so I stay here and settle down."

Hai Ri: "Can it still be like this?"

"Yes," Liu Jie said heartily, "There are a lot of strange people here."

Liu Jie pointed to the menu and said to him: "Opening a shop here doesn't make money. You can have a full meal with more than ten points. It's really nothing, and you have to pay the rent. Many people do this just to find the feeling of being alive." There are a lot of people who don’t want to die after coming here, they can go back directly, and if they have a lot of points, they can also try to stay here for a few more years.”

Hai Ri looked around, looking at the customers and waiters in the room, many of them had their own stories written on their faces, but these people's faces were calm.

After coming here, Hai Ri has no more panic attacks, anxiety and insomnia, and even his appetite has recovered. In every respect, this is much better than the real world. Just to be on some pretty scary missions - nothing compared to real life.

Liu Jie asked, "Sister, why did you come here?"

"Depression?" Hai Ri was not sure, and said, "I didn't complete a mission, so I went home and committed suicide."

Liu Jie raised a glass to him, with lemonade in the glass, and said, "Me too."

Hai Ri didn't care. He flipped through the menu and said, "I'll eat the beef brisket noodles."

"I advise you not," Liu Jie took a sip of lemonade, "the only Lanzhou ramen is worth eating here."

Hai Ri: "How long have you been here?"

Liu Jie looked at him with a smile: "It's only a few months, sister, I'm not a stranded guest."

Hai Ri: "Me too, because I have no money."

Liu Jie laughed heartily.

Hai Ri feels that this woman has some inexplicable charm, lonely, strong, refreshing, she doesn't look outstanding at first glance, but after getting along with her, she is very attractive.

Hai Ri raised his hand to call the waiter, and said, "Two Lanzhou noodles."

The waiter nodded and asked, "Anything else?"

Hai Ri was about to speak when the phone rang again, Liu Jie asked, "That's all, did you make friends when you first came here?"

Hai Ri opened it, and saw a message from Sheng Canyang: "What about you?"

While typing, Hai Ri asked Liu Jie, "Do you know Sheng Canyang?"

Liu Jie took a sip of water, looked at his mobile phone, and said, "Of course, him?"

Hai Ri nodded and sent a message: "Eat ramen [stay]."

He buckled the phone and looked at Liu Jie: "I want to ask you something—"

After having dinner with Liu Jie, it was already 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Hai Ri was really tired and wanted to go back to sleep. Liu Jie said that he was going to go shopping, and Hai Ri broke up with her here. Be a decadent modern person on the bed and enjoy the comfortable solitary time.

It's not that Hai Ri has never thought about finding a boyfriend. He talked about one before. He was still in high school and didn't know much about it. Sweater, earrings around the ears, eyebrow nails on the brow bone, riding a bicycle every day, plugging earphones in the school gate and waiting for Hai Ri to finish class.

Hai Ri fell in love with his appearance, but he also knew that my dear, it was not the truth of love, it was just a joke anyway.

In fact, this relationship lasted for a long time. In the end, it was Hai Ri who was admitted to college, and the boy went to a private school.

After that, Hae Il never found a boyfriend, and felt that he couldn't find a suitable one. Although most of the time he lived happily, he still felt lonely sometimes.

The good men in the world are really dead. Hai Ri pressed the elevator expressionlessly, thinking to himself: "I'm both single, so their affirmation isn't love, it's just making ends meet."

When he went back, the room was still the same as when he left, a bit messy, he kicked his shoes aside casually, then fell down on the bed, stood upright for half an hour, then struggled to sit up all of a sudden, quickly ran to the bathroom and began to take off his clothes. Clothes, turn on the shower and brush your teeth while taking a shower.

The shower made the sound of water, and Hai Ri sang along with the sound of the water: "Love is not something you want to buy, you can sell it if you want to buy it, you have to be sincere! You have to understand! Let go of your love!"

He suddenly raised his arm, pointed in the air, posed for a pose, and sang: "At the beginning, you wanted to separate, so separate! Now you have to use true love to change me back!"

Hai Ri changed his action again, brushed his hair back into a big back, raised his finger and shook it: "Love is not something you want to buy, you can buy it if you want it."

After singing a line over and over again for twenty minutes, he walked out after taking a shower, and it was already dark. I don't know if it's clean or not, but my voice is hoarse.

He was lying comfortably on the bed, and suddenly wanted to clean up, taking the route of refinement, and just sat up when the doorbell rang.

With a lollipop in his mouth, Sheng Canyang was standing outside leaning against the door frame playing with his mobile phone. When Hai Ri opened the door, he handed him a huge paper bag without looking up.

Hai Ri: "?"

"Take a bath so early?" Sheng Canyang finally raised his head after sending the message, glanced at him, and said in a daze, "Didn't I see the message I sent you?"

Hai Ri: "Just came out, what is this?"

He opened it and saw a lot of clothes, which looked like Sheng Canyang's style, and there was a disposable lunch box on top, which seemed to be a barbecue takeaway.

"For me?" Hai Ri was a little surprised.

Sheng Canyang said casually, "Yes."

"The clothes are mine," Sheng Canyang said, "Do you mind?"

Hai Ri thought to himself, "Are you joking?"

He said, "I don't mind."

These are Sheng Canyang's clothes! Who would mind the clothes that Sheng Canyang wore? Does such a person exist in this world

Hai Ri was really a bit surprised, and he was very moved. He really didn't have any clothes to change and wash when he came here. He had been participating in missions before, so it was fine to wear the character's clothes, but he couldn't help it when he came back. He also planned to buy two pieces after taking a rest tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Canyang sent charcoal in a timely manner.

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, good boy. Hai Ri burst into tears.

Sheng Canyang said, "Are you okay?"

Hai Ri's expression was very strange, and he said kindly: "It's nothing."

"Why is your voice hoarse?" Sheng Canyang asked blankly.

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang looked at him, and Hai Ri could only say in embarrassment, "I'm catching a cold, hahaha."

Sheng Canyang: "Oh."

He waved his hand casually and said, "Let's go, 8."

"Wait a minute..." Hai Ri suddenly subconsciously said.

Sheng Canyang turned around, raised his eyebrows, and signaled if there was anything else.

Hai Ri couldn't say anything, he just suddenly didn't want to let Sheng Canyang go. Emotions are too complicated, people often do not understand their own feelings, but do some behaviors subconsciously.

After Hai Ri stopped the person, he suddenly realized that he had nothing to say, so he said, "If you need me, you can come to me."

"Got it," Sheng Canyang looked at him and said, "Is there anything else?"

Hai Ri said honestly, "It's gone."

Sheng Canyang nodded, scratched his head, turned around to leave, hesitated for a while, and said with a terribly handsome face: "I just didn't get used to it when I first came here, just get used to it."

Hai Ri: "..."

"Thank you," Hai Ri said sincerely, "I am very touched, really."

Sheng Canyang took out a lollipop from his pocket, the original Alpine flavor, threw it to him, and said, "8."

"8," Hai Ri said with a smile, "good night."

Sheng Canyang turned and left.

Hai Ri looked at his back, holding the bag of clothes and takeaway in his hand, not knowing how he felt. The warmth from a handsome guy is naturally touching and happy, but the kinder Sheng Canyang is, the more worthless Hai Ri feels. I feel that the world is not worthy of Sheng Canyang's sincerity, what he should have is far more than that.

Hairi disassembled the lollipop, threw it into his mouth, threw his clothes on the floor, and didn't want to clean up the room anymore. He lay on the bed with a "big" character, and felt that it was chrome. When he touched it, it was his mobile phone. Sheng Canyang took ten minutes I sent him a message before: "Are you home?"

After a while, another message was sent: "I'll send you something."

Hai Ri found his cutest and cutest expression for him, a little rabbit holding a carrot, smiling out its small rabbit teeth, with the words: "Love you."


After a while, Sheng Canyang replied: "That's unnecessary."

Hai Ri lay on the bed and laughed loudly.

When he woke up the next day, he didn't even cover him with the quilt. He fell asleep with his mobile phone in his arms last night, with a lollipop stick in his mouth, which made his lips numb. Swiping the phone with swollen eyelids, the trilogy of waking up is: log in and sign in with happy Xiaoxiaole, open Kuaishou to see if there is any update from the anchor, and check the news on Weibo.

After all the work was done, it was almost noon, and he was about to get up to take a shower with his bird's nest head on his head, when he received a friend request.

Although it is said that this account ID is called "Chicken Overlord".

Although, the avatar of this account is always Siberian tiger.

But Hai Ri somehow knew that this person was Huang Mao.

Hai Ri passed the friend application, but there was no response there. When he came back after brushing his teeth, he saw the news of that person.

"Brother Hai, hello."

Hai Ri: "..."


My surname is not Hai. " Hai Ri replied.

"Brother Ri."

Hai Ri: "Can I just call you brother?"

"I'm Liu Yifan [呲牙]."

That's right, it is indeed Huangmao's name. Before Hai Ri could reply, he said again: "Brother Yang asked me to beg you, can you come over to the show this afternoon?"

Hai Ri asked strangely, "Please?"

Huangmao: "Please."

Hai Ri said speechlessly, "That's not what I meant."

Hai Ri thought for a while and asked, "Why did Sheng Canyang send you here? What about him?"

There was no reply to the message for a long time, Hai Ri thought he had said something wrong, and was about to ask Sheng Canyang, but Huang Mao replied a message and sent a photo. It was Sheng Canyang wearing a black baseball uniform and jeans. , boarded the double AJ, stood on the stage, and seemed to be singing.

Huang Mao: "His show this morning. He's performing on stage bro."

From his words, Hai Ri felt that he really came to ask for himself, and he said one brother at a time, "Okay, please send me the address."

Huangmao: "?"

"Don't dare to talk nonsense." Huang Mao said, "I'll pick you up, brother, what car do you want to take?"

"Motorcycle, car, battery car or bicycle?"

Hai Ri: "..."

Huangmao: "None?"

"The helicopter is now on loan [bad], if you really want to take it, you can take it, I'll get it back."

Hai Ri: "No need! No need, anything is fine! I won't choose!"

How rich is Sheng Canyang? Hai Ri is insane, why would he give him two thousand for being so rich? Still have to pay

Huang Mao: "Okay brother, see you this afternoon."

Hai Ri sat up in a bird's nest, feeling as if he was still in a dream. The helicopter was attached to his temple, and it hurt from jumping.

He picked from the clothes bag under his feet, and took a white sweater and black overalls. Sheng Canyang also brought him a pair of sneakers. Sheng Canyang was tall, the tallest one in the group, and Hai Ri was not low. It's purely a genetic problem, as a zero, growing so tall is also one of the reasons why he is still single. But at this time the advantage came, he was wearing Sheng Canyang's clothes very well.

Sheng Canyang is slightly hunchbacked, probably because all tall boys have this problem. They don't like to stand up straight, but they bring a cynical coolness when they put on clothes. Hai Ri has broad shoulders and long legs, standing He was neat and tidy, and he put on Sheng Canyang's clothes, with completely two temperaments.

When Hai Ri went downstairs, Huang Mao was taken aback when he saw him, then laughed and said, "Brother Hai.


Hai Ri was a little helpless, too lazy to correct him.

Huang Mao came in a car with a cigarette in his mouth, waiting for him outside the car, he quickly took a sip when he saw him, got in the car and planned to throw it along the car window, but Hai Ri said: "Give me a cigarette." Son."

Huangmao paused, and quickly touched his cigarette, his chest, and his trouser pocket. Finally, Hairi took the cigarette case from the car window, took out the lighter from inside, and put it on skillfully.

Huang Mao didn't say anything, started the car and turned around, Hai Ri held a cigarette between his fingers and flicked it out of the car window, squinting his eyes and swallowing the smoke.

Huang Mao was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Brother, I can't tell."

Hai Ri ignored him, and after a long time, he flicked the cigarette ash before saying, "Can't you see anything?"

Huang Mao: "You're pretty handsome."

Hai Ri laughed, and said: "How did your brother Yang tell you to make you like this?"

Huang Mao said: "I didn't say anything, let me communicate with you, it's a bit polite. The key is that I don't communicate well with people, am I not polite?"

Hai Ri: "Enough, indeed enough."

"That's fine," Huang Mao said, "I really don't want to play the male lead anymore, I look like a fucking dwarf standing next to him."

Hai Ri: "I'm not as tall as him."

Huangmao: "It's almost fine, anyway, it's still the same species, and we are two species directly."

"Small matter." Hai Ri threw away the cigarette butt, took another cigarette out of the case, lit it and took a puff, "How old are you?"

Huang Mao: "Seventeen."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri almost choked, glanced at him, but he didn't expect him to call himself "brother", but he was really so small.

Huang Mao laughed and said, "I look old."

Hai Ri: "It's okay."

Huang Mao: "My birthday is only seventeen this year. Brother Yang is two years older than me. Brother, how do you know Brother Yang? When I first met him, he was very cold."

Hai Rixin said: "Of course it is to influence him with love."

As far as Hai Ri was concerned, even a stone would be melted, let alone a kid.

Hai Ri said, "It's speculation."

Huang Mao smiled and said, "You two are handsome guys."

Hai Ri was noncommittal, anyway, it would be a little too fake for him to be modest at this time.

Huang Mao suddenly remembered something, turned on the music in the car, and said, "Listen to this first, I'm going to sing this afternoon."

After hearing the prelude, Hai Ri's expression changed, and he said, "I've heard it."

Huang Mao was quite surprised and said: "Really?"

Hae-il followed the prelude of the song, accurately clicked into the beat, and sang: "I remember when I was a very little girl, our house caught on fire—"

Huang Mao followed the melody with a smile and said, "Brother Yang really likes this song."

Hai Ri thought for a while, took a puff of cigarette, and said, "Me too."

The song is called "Is that all there Is", a not very well-known song, Hai Ri has heard it so many times that he can sing along without much learning.

Huang Mao: "No wonder Brother Yang likes you so much."

"You can eat indiscriminately," Hai Ri leisurely puffed out his cigarette, "you can't talk indiscriminately."

"Really," Huang Mao didn't understand what he meant, "We have always been in charge of the theater, and we have never found a newcomer. You are still the first."

Hae Il: "That's because I fit his requirements—I'm a vase."

"Aren't you there yet?" Hai Ri looked at the surrounding environment, but he didn't expect that the land area here is quite large, it seems to be bigger than a second-tier city.

"Here we are," Huang Mao made a turn, plunged the car into an alley, and then drove directly into a courtyard. The two of them walked down together. He said, "Welcome, brother."

When Hai Ri got off the car, he saw that the courtyard was very large, decorated like a courtyard in old Beijing. Through the glass, the room inside was a bit dark, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Huang Mao led him in, it was a downward The steps, covered with a red carpet, have been spread to the huge stage. On both sides of the carpet are auditoriums, and there is no one on it.

Sheng Canyang seemed to have heard the movement, walked out from behind the stage curtain, saw Hai Ri's outfit, glanced his eyes once, and said, "Here you are?"

Hai Ri: "Did you two do this?"

Hai Ri was a little shocked. He walked up to the stage and looked around. It felt like an old-fashioned movie theater.

Sheng Canyang: "Yes."

Hai Ri spread his hands and said, "What do you want me to do?"

Sheng Canyang: "There's nothing to do now, have you eaten yet?"

Hai Ri sat down on the ground and said, "Eat."

Sheng Canyang took out his phone, found a song, and played it. It was "Is that all there Is" in the car just now. He sat next to Hai Ri and said, "Play this, just this song .”

The prelude started, and Hai Ri said along with the melody: "There are no words of mine, aren't they all yours?"

"Hush," Sheng Canyang put his finger to his mouth, beat to the beat of the music, with a serious expression on his face, Hai Ri subconsciously shut up, and heard Sheng Canyang say the first string of words in a low voice: "I remember when I was a very little girl, our house caught on fire. I'll never forget the look on my father's face as he gathered me up in his arms and raced through the burning building out onto the pavement."

Hai Ri suddenly looked at him calmly, and suddenly felt the weight of the lyrics, he had never heard such a heavy artistic voice so close.

Sheng Canyang lowered his head, his high nose bridge was more superior when looking down, and his short eyelashes drooped down, looking at the lyrics: "And when it was all over I said to myself, 'Is that all there is to a fire?' Is that all there is?"

Hai Ri: "..."

Seeing his eyes, Sheng Canyang froze for a moment, snapped his fingers in front of him: "What's wrong?"

"What did you say?" Hai Ri came to his senses, he was really attracted by Sheng Canyang's voice, he didn't expect it to be so smooth and pleasant, Hai Ri said, "What orders do you have, little genius."

Sheng Canyang: "Can you come for a while?"

Hai Ri suddenly felt a little stressed. Before he could say anything, Huang Mao said, "He can sing, can't he? Brother Hai."

Brother Hai had no choice but to say: "Just a little bit, show me the lyrics."

Sheng Canyang handed him the phone, Hai Ri looked at the lyrics, coughed lightly, and then sang along: "If that's all there is, my friends, Then let's keep dancing. Let's break out the booze, And have a ball—"

Huang Mao said happily: "Yes, Brother Yang, is it possible?"

Hai Ri was still somewhat nervous, feeling that he was not performing well as usual, but Sheng Canyang had already stood up, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said, "It's great."

Hai Ri was seriously unconfident, and asked, "Is it true?"

"Really," Sheng Canyang looked down at him and said, "Didn't I underestimate you?"

Facing the light, Hai Ri couldn't keep his eyes open: "I told you everything, I'll let you know."

Sheng Canyang still said the same thing: "I can be regarded as a master, but can I still be regarded as a descendant?"

Hai Ri's answer was different, he said seriously: "You are nothing, brother."

Sheng Canyang looked at him without saying a word.

Hai Ri also looked back at him.

Huang Mao looked at the two of them, then at Sheng Canyang, then at Hai Ri, and said blankly, "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." Hai Ri stood up and said politely, "Shall we start?"

Sheng Canyang walked to the curtain and removed the curtain, and there was a black open space behind. A few tables and chairs were set up, with some white paper on them.

Sheng Canyang said: "Let's get the words right here, this scene is called "Fire"."

Huang Mao added: "It's called "Fire Girl" in Chinese."

"I've never heard of this drama." Hai Ri went down to look at it casually. There were only some music scores written on the white paper on the table. Hai Ri put it down, turned his head to look at them, and asked, "Who wrote it?"

This was originally a very simple question, and he didn't want to ask it, but Hai Ri suddenly noticed that Huang Mao's eyes moved, and his expression was very tense for a moment.

Sheng Canyang didn't respond. He sat on the table, looked at his mobile phone, and said casually, "It's not important."

Hai Ri: "?"

Huang Mao said: "Are you acting or not?"

"I didn't say no to acting," Hai Ri looked at him, puzzled, "Why are you suddenly nervous?"

Sheng Canyang said: "Leave him alone."

Hai Ri said nonchalantly, "Okay."

Sheng Canyang glanced at him and said, "It won't hurt you, it's good for you."

Hai Ri really doesn't care. He didn't care why Huang Mao was nervous, why there were only two of them, and he didn't care what Sheng Canyang meant by what seemed to be a promise but not a promise.

Hai Ri really doesn't care, he is bored, he can only choose to be a stranded guest or die, when life reaches this point, there is nothing to lose, Sheng Canyang will help him when he needs him, there is nothing to worry about .

Hai Ri said casually: "What are you talking about, I don't understand. Let's start."