Let Me Live!

Chapter 2: Ah it didn't die


On the fifth day after Hai Ri came here, he drew a murderer card in the first round and worked hard to avoid the fate of going back to a vegetative state and earned a point. The price was that a little girl under the age of twenty went home instead of him.

On the way home, Sheng Canyang and Hairi took the bus and planned to go back to District 9. Hairi was 1.8 meters tall, and Sheng Canyang was 1.9 meters tall. It was a bit crowded on the bus. The bag was thrown on the luggage rack.

Hai Ri couldn't hold back, and said, "Have you guessed that I'm the murderer?"

Sheng Canyang nodded casually, pushed down his peaked cap, hugged his shoulders, and seemed to be going to sleep.

Hai Ri bowed his head to play games and died. He didn't really believe his words, so he asked casually, "Who did you vote for?"

Sheng Canyang: "You."

Hai Ri: "..."

"Why?" Hai Ri was startled.

I don't even know what I'm asking with this "why". Is it asking why you know it's me, or why you voted for me? Are you afraid that I will be cold

Sheng Canyang automatically understood it as the former, and said, "In the first round, the murderer wasn't you."

Hai Ri was silent for a moment, then went to play match 3 games. With just this sentence, Hai Ri understood that Sheng Canyang had indeed seen through his methods thoroughly.

The rules of this game are generally two rounds, the murderer in the first round and the murderer in the second round will not be the same person. After hearing the news, Hae Il stood up after the murderer in the first round was voted out, saying that the first round was a misjudgment and he was the murderer. So in the second round, we eliminated him first. In fact, you can't play like this, it's too risky, because if the real murderer jumps out, Hai Ri will be exposed on the spot.

The reason why Hai Ri said this was because he was convinced that the person cast in the first round was indeed the murderer, and there was no murderer here, so he dared to replace him.

Hai Ri put his head on the seat in front of him, playing match 3 games, the phone made a special effect sound of ding dong ding ding, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and his energy was exhausted, he couldn't figure it out, turned to Looking over at him, he said, "Why do you think I'm lying? What's wrong with me?"

Sheng Canyang closed his eyes to sleep, and suddenly smiled when he heard the words, opened his eyes and looked at Hai Ri, and said, "Brother, I am the murderer in the first round."

Hai Ri: "..."

Without exaggeration, Hai Ri broke out in a cold sweat.

If it wasn't for Sheng Canyang who was the murderer in the first round, he would be completely cold now. That is to say, when Hai Ri said that he was the murderer of this round on the first day, Sheng Canyang knew that Hai Ri must be the murderer, and he spent the next few days watching his performance.

Sheng Canyang didn't expose him, or even question him.

Hai Ri said: "How could it be you? The one in the first round really died unjustly? His evidence is solid."

Sheng Canyang: "Do you want a replay?"

Hai Ri got a little motion sick from playing with his mobile phone, so he also lay down on his back and said, "Forget it."

Sheng Canyang also closed his eyes.

After a while, Hai Ri opened his eyes: "Let's repeat it."

Sheng Canyang met Hai Ri on his way here. The two came from the same place and happened to be on the same mission, so they went together. Logically speaking, in fact, there is no friendship, and Sheng Canyang is benevolent to this extent.

However, Hai Ri still has a secret that he didn't reveal.

Sheng Canyang is Hai Ri's idol.

Sheng Canyang was an idol during his lifetime, also known as idol. He made his debut abroad and was somewhat popular. Before he committed suicide by jumping off a building, he was only nineteen years old.

Hai Ri didn't expect to meet him here at all. He met him on the bus the next day, and he was stunned. But then he thought, Sheng Canyang committed suicide. He is a Chinese citizen. If he died, it would be true. It's in charge here.

Hai Ri knew this kid from a long time ago, he is very popular in foreign countries, he can be regarded as all the rage. On the night of the debut of the seventh place, Chinese and foreign fans cursed, and it was briefly trending for a few minutes. The hot search is called "Sheng Canyang is not worthy".

Three years ago, at the end of a term, Hai Ri was lying on the window, annoyed to death by the construction schedule, swiping his phone in boredom, accidentally clicked on the trending search, and found a video from a fan, Sheng Canyang was wearing a heavy white overalls down jacket, sitting Playing the erhu on the stairs, playing "Trouble Maker", there is a small window above the stairwell, the sun is shining on him, his hair is clean and short, he is playing while laughing, the boy who recorded the video for him The camera shakes and is a bit blurry, and he is also laughing.

Sheng Canyang shook his shoulders and shook his head following the chorus part of the trouble maker. The music was coherent. The ancient Chinese instrument erhu played modern pop songs. The heavy voice hummed cheerful tunes, bringing a strong funny atmosphere, which was very funny.

Then suddenly, the chorus ended, Sheng Canyang collapsed laughing and collapsed on the stairs, a moment later, his friend urged him in Korean, one more, one more, Sheng Canyang sat up and thought about it, motioned to stop laughing, and picked up the piano again Bow, the melody flowed out from his fingers, he played a song "Wang Ning Mei".

One is Langyuan fairy flower, and the other is beautiful jade flawless. If there is no romance, I will meet him again in this life.

Hai Ri watched the boy bowing his head and vibrating the strings in the video, and suddenly his heart moved. Then I started my star chasing career, watched their group release their first song, went on the first stage, became popular, appeared in magazines, Hai Ri even bought ten copies. He chased after him for a long time, until Sheng Canyang committed suicide last year.

Hai Ri sometimes looked at Sheng Canyang's face in the past two days, and still fell into a moment of confusion. His face overlapped with the face in the pictures and variety shows. He was handsome, tall and thin, and he was indeed that proud little boy.

Hai Ri thought of this nineteen-year-old boy standing on the rooftop of the twenty-fourth floor, he might have hesitated for a long time, then closed his eyes and jumped forward. Hai Ri's heart still twitched, feeling the pain.

Sheng Canyang didn't review the game for him, but only talked about his flaws, and he didn't show off by letting Hai Ri go. In fact, if Hai Ri didn't ask, he probably didn't intend to mention it.

Hai Ri took out the earphones, turned on the phone and picked a song, and the dynamic music came from the earphones. Sheng Canyang's voice was bright and bright, with a youthful air. After the chorus, Hai Ri picked up a piece of rap. Standing on tiptoe, beating the beat to the music.

The owner of the song was sitting next to him, closing his eyes and dozing off, saving his life.

He may never know how many times Hai Ri said hoarsely under his Weibo: "Mom loves you!"

Life really is like a fucking poem.

This upside-down world is like another exactly the same space opened up. The transportation is a bus, which connects several hub areas. They are now located in Central China District 1, and the place to go back is North China District 9. The journey takes about eight hours.

Hai Ri was a little motion sick, closed his eyes, and couldn't sleep. Halfway through the journey, the car stopped for less than three hours at a rest stop and asked everyone to go to the bathroom.

Hai Ri felt extremely sick, and said to Sheng Canyang, "Let me go."

Sheng Canyang took his leg away, and Hai Ri ran down quickly, and retched for a while by the pool, but he didn't spit out anything.

"Motion sickness?" a woman asked. "Water?"

She held an unopened bottle of mineral water in her hand, Hai Ri didn't pick it up, rinsed her mouth with the tap, and said, "No need."

"Motion sickness, you can eat some hawthorn slices," the woman asked, combing her short hair neatly, "Haven't seen you, newcomer?"

Hai Ri propped his arms on the edge of the pool, and nodded feebly.

The woman said, "Let's get to know each other. My name is Liu Jie. I'm also from District 9."

Hae-il smiled and shook hands with her.

Liu Jie raised her chin and asked, "Is he your friend?"

Hai Ri made a gesture to look back, and Sheng Canyang was standing by the flower pond, surrounded by a few boys with cigarettes in their mouths. They didn't look very old, they looked like Sheng Canyang's peers.

So there are his friends in the car

Hairi Nahan, then he still sits with me

He didn't think it was because Sheng Canyang liked him, but it was probably because Hai Ri didn't know when he got on the bus and directly occupied the seats of the two of them. Sheng Canyang took a look and sat down without saying anything.

Hai Ri said, "You know him?"

Liu Jie said: "Yes, we are neighbors, we both live on the fourth floor."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri said, "I also live on the fourth floor."

Liu Jie: "I'm 410, what about you?"

"408," Hai Ri said, "I just came here, and I only stayed here for one day, and I don't know if the rent will be renewed."

Liu Jie said happily: "It's a coincidence, Sheng Canyang 409."

Hai Ri glanced at Sheng Canyang and said, "It's really a coincidence."

Liu Jie also looked over and said, "His friends don't have people from the fourth floor."

Hai Ri glanced at her inexplicably, and Liu Jie smiled and said, "You don't know, do you? The fourth floor is full of people who committed suicide due to mental illness."

Hai Ri was stunned.

What kind of mental illness does Sheng Canyang have

Wait a minute

What kind of mental illness do I have? !

Liu Jie said: "Some people commit suicide because of money, some because of feelings, some because of a terminal illness, and some like us because we are sick. But it doesn't matter, after coming here, there will be different degrees of relief. .”

Hai Ri was extremely at a loss, turned his head to look at her with more sincere eyes, and said, "I'm not sick."

Liu Jie smiled and said, "Maybe, you can test your despair value."

The driver finished using the toilet, and shouted at the front, telling everyone to get in the car and get ready to go. Hai Ri turned his head again, but he didn't see Sheng Canyang and his friends anymore. He turned to get in the car and returned to his seat. It was meal time, and many people bought instant noodles to eat. Hai Ri smelled the instant noodles and felt even worse.

After a while, Sheng Canyang came up with a bag, sat back, put the plastic bag on his lap, took out two bottles of water, and handed him one.

Hai Ri took it over and said, "Thank you."

He felt that Sheng Canyang should have dinner too, but after Sheng Canyang took out the water, he threw the plastic bag on the luggage rack above his head, and sat back with a bottle of water in his hand.

Hai Ri was still listening to music with headphones on, unscrewed the bottle cap, and didn't notice, the phone fell from the thigh seam, tore off the headphone cable, and the dynamic music belonging to Sheng Canyang's group on the phone instantly played—

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Without further ado, Hai Ri freed up one hand to quickly fish for the phone, but the more he fished, the more he couldn't get it, and the other hand barely held the opened water. Sheng Canyang hesitated, and took the water bottle from him. Hai Ri frantically reached for the phone, frantically pressed the phone on, and quickly pressed pause, the whole process went smoothly.

Hai Ri broke out in a sweat after such a short effort, took the mineral water, and said, "...haha, thank you."

Sheng Canyang smiled and didn't say anything.

Hai Ri thinks this is outrageous.

Sheng Canyang is only a minor celebrity in China, with 3 million fans, and I don't know how many of them are bought. He debuted abroad, and his popularity abroad is much hotter than in China.

But after Sheng Canyang died, he suddenly became a household name in China.

Sheng Canyang was forced to commit suicide by jumping off a building. He was on the hot search for two days. All marketing accounts, all ordinary netizens, whether it was Weibo or Moments, were discussing him and mourning him. Suddenly everyone loves him.

But Hai Ri didn't post anything in those two days, he just felt unacceptable, very unacceptable.

He is indeed not a follower, he is an innocent fan, why is the picture so wretched now

Want to explain? Hai Ri was at a loss.

Sheng Canyang didn't mean to ask at all.

Hai Ri bit the bullet and said, "Actually, I am..."

Sheng Canyang continued: "My fans?"

Hairi was under great pressure: "Yes, yes, thank you for understanding."

Sheng Canyang: "Who do you like?"

Hai Ri didn't understand for a while, and said "ah".

Sheng Canyang: "Which one do you like in the group?"

Hae Il: "You." Wasn't he clear enough

Sheng Canyang: "What else?"

Hai Ri had no choice but to pick another one and said, "Sun Woo is pretty good too."

Hai Ri has a good impression of Sun Woo. Sun Woo was the one who helped Sheng Canyang film "Trouble Maker". Sheng Canyang is a Chinese, and he is the only Chinese in the team. Who has the best relationship, Sheng Canyang pointed to Shanyu, saying that he helped him a lot. Hai Ri liked to watch the two of them interact, and later people called him a CP fan.

Hai Ri is a conscientious fan. He has a mother's heart and wiped away tears for his son who is working overseas. He feels that it is not easy for his son to have a true friend, so he occasionally sends Sun Woo Weibo, Comment two "Come on, you are the best."

Sheng Canyang nodded and said, "Understood."

Hai Ri didn't realize it for a moment, so he nodded. After a while, he turned his head abruptly and said, "I didn't lie to you, I'm indeed your fan."

Sheng Canyang said, "Why didn't you say it at the beginning?"

"No chance," Hai Ri said, "I don't know how to say it."

Sheng Canyang unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of water, and said, "Thank you."

Thanks for what

In fact, Hai Ri didn't quite understand either. He can thank him as much as he wants, kids these days are too complicated to understand.

Son, your mother was also at fault for your death, so you don't have to thank your mother.

Hai Ri scored 4,000 points in the last game, and the next task is tomorrow.

There is no need for time to be so tight, but Hai Ri is running out of points. I have never been so poor in my life. I really have no choice but to go on the road and save some money.

After his first mission, he lay at home for two days and found that there is actually a local area network here, but it is not connected to the real world. Many apps can be used normally after being connected to the Internet, because people who come to this world are still continuing Use this APP, but the message can only be received by people in the same world, otherwise it will not be sent out.

This world is very similar to China twenty years ago. It feels gray and lacks the luxurious atmosphere of a big city. The only thing that is very different is that there are two giant whales swimming in the sky. It is said that they are gray whales, and their bodies are gray and blue. It is white in color and has white spots all over its body. It will chirp twice every two hours.

I heard that there are two whales in each district, but the species are different. Some are killer whales and some are sperm whales. Hai Ri didn't look up when he went out, so I don't know.

When he went out yesterday, he looked up and saw a huge creature swimming in the sky, and almost fainted from fright. I was so shocked that I didn't speak for a long time, and the mobile phone in my hand almost got out of control again.

The gray whale swam in the sky without hurting anyone, and quickly swam away. Hai Ri felt that his world view was completely shattered, and he had nothing to say, so he immediately reported the name of the next mission, deciding that he had to survive first and not go back. Be a vegetable.

Hae Il thought, this is really like a dream he had.

In the dream, there are the whales he likes and the idols he chases. If it is a dream, it is also a short-lived dream.

With an ice cream in his hand, he pressed the elevator, the elevator door opened, and a person walked out with a bunch of skirts in his arms, and a pair of high heels in his hand.

Hai Ri subconsciously blocked the elevator door for him, took the ice cream in his mouth, and said vaguely: "Dunxi dropped it."

The man turned around again, Hai Ri picked it up for him, it was a pair of black stockings.

Hai Ri put the stockings on top, took the ice cream out of his mouth, and asked, "Where are you going? Shall I help you?"

Sheng Canyang said, "No need."

Then the yellow hood fell off again.

Hai Ri picked it up for him again and glanced at him.

Sheng Canyang said speechlessly: "Help me deliver it to the car."

Hai Ri took over two pieces of clothes for him. They looked like women's skirts and accessories, but they were exaggerated. They were all in very bright colors, and they basically had huge sequins on them. He didn't ask what they were for. With ice cream in his mouth, it is not convenient to talk.

Sheng Canyang pushed the door open with his shoulder, there was a car waiting outside, the trunk was open, Sheng Canyang threw the clothes in, and said, "Just leave it here."

The car window was rolled down, and a red-haired boy said, "Thank you, Brother Sheng."

Hai Ri put down his clothes, took out the ice cream from his mouth, and said, "I'm leaving."

But the boy said, "Brother Sheng, is this your friend?"

Sheng Canyang said: "I won't go, you can go back by yourself."

The boy said: "Don't, Brother Sheng, what's the point without you?"

Sheng Canyang waved his hand at him, walked backwards, and said, "Next time."

Hai Ri also politely said: "Goodbye."

Boy: "Goodbye! Big handsome guy, let Brother Sheng take you to play next time!"

Hai Ri rubbed the ice cream stick, threw it into the trash can, and waved at him.

Sheng Canyang took the initiative and said, "I haven't seen you for the past two days."

Where can I see it, the two of them have nothing in common, and Hai Ri has no friends here, the only schedule is to go downstairs to have a meal and buy an ice cream.

Hai Ri said, "I'm a cat at home."

Sheng Canyang said: "When is the next mission?"

"Just signed up, tomorrow," Hai Ri said, "Lack of money, what about you?"

Sheng Canyang said: "Tomorrow."

Hai Ri was a little surprised, glanced at him, and said, "You are also short of money."

Sheng Canyang smiled and said, "No, I'm dying in a hurry."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri is actually at a loss for words. It's not right to say anything on this occasion, his mother fan's heart is about to be pierced, his son really doesn't want to live, even if he gets here, he wants to die.

His mother is not qualified.

Sheng Canyang pressed the elevator, the eyes of the front desk staff swept back and forth on Hai Ri, and when Hai Ri turned his head away, he pretended to be filling out the form again. The polished elevator doors reflected the tall and thin figures of the two of them. Sheng Canyang has fair skin, but Hai Ri is fairer than him because of his blood. Hai Ri is a standard handsome guy with a high nose bridge.

With a "snap", Hai Ri turned his head in an instant, and the front desk staff didn't expect it, and was caught by him.

Hai Ri said: "Look at me!"

The employee answered subconsciously: "What are you doing?"

Hai Ri: "?"

Embarrassed, the employee put his head down and filled out the form.

The elevator just arrived, Hai Ri didn't take it seriously, entered the elevator, and the doorman pressed "4".

Sheng Canyang said: "Don't offend him, if he makes you trouble, you have to bear it."

Hai Ri: "I didn't offend him, isn't he offending me?"

Sheng Canyang smiled, and when he smiled, there were two creases on his face, and if he smiled lightly, there were two faint creases. Many fans think that Sheng Canyang looks good when he is not smiling, and feels cold, but Hai Ricun's pictures of him are almost all smiling, and Sheng Canyang's smile is actually colder than when he is not smiling.

Hai Ri unconsciously glanced twice, Sheng Canyang turned his head and glanced at him, Hai Ri turned his eyes and said, "If we still have the same task tomorrow, please help me."

Sheng Canyang said: "You played very well."

Hai Ri stretched his waist: "I hope I won't draw the killer card again."

With a sound of "ding dong", the elevator arrived, and Hai Ri walked out. This is a very large building, the entire fourth floor is very large, and you have to walk a long way to find a room. Sheng Canyang walked behind him, as if holding his phone back two messages.

Hai Ri walked ahead without saying anything, Sheng Canyang suddenly asked, "Do you want to join the theater?"

Hai Ri: "?"

Sheng Canyang said: "Stage play, because sometimes tasks require some acting skills, so...do you want to?"

Hai Ri didn't hesitate at all, and said, "Okay."

Sheng Canyang: "OK?"

Hai Ri thought to himself: Son, what do you want to do? Mom doesn't support it. You said you wanted to die, but your mother didn't hug your thigh and say no.

Hai Ri said: "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

Sheng Canyang looked puzzled because of his happiness, and went back to his friend's message: [He said yes.]

His friend Hongmao replied excitedly: [In other words, we finally don’t need you at 190 to play the heroine]

Sheng Canyang raised his head from the phone and glanced at Hai Ri's figure.

Hai Ri was puzzled: "?"

Sheng Canyang replied: [He is just a little shorter than me.]

Hongmao: [1.8m and 1.9m are two different worlds, he is only a little taller than me, but you are a Himalayan mountain taller than me]

Sheng Canyang put away the phone and said, "You play the heroine."

Hai Ri said blankly, "Oh."

It turned out that those clothes were for this purpose, Hai Ri suddenly understood, he glanced at himself and said, "Am I too tall?"

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri glanced at his expression, suddenly realized something, and asked, "Who was the heroine before I came?"

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri frightened: "You play the heroine, who can play the hero?"

Sheng Canyang: "Liu Yifan, you just saw that man."

Hai Ri was even more frightened: "He is only 1.7 meters?"

Sheng Canyang: "He can go higher by wearing a booster pad."

Hai Ri felt that this was not the problem, he was amused, and asked, "Why can't you two switch things up a bit, isn't it good for him to play the female lead?"

Sheng Canyang was a little speechless, and said: "The audience thinks he is too embarrassing to play the heroine."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri said with emotion: "You two have a strange (deformed) love."

Sheng Canyang said: "In order to play the heroine, Liu Yifan kept hanging his voice day and night, but he only went on stage once and asked the audience to give him feedback."

Hai Ri: "...that's pretty miserable."

"That's not enough," Sheng Canyang arrived, stood at the door, took out the key, and said to Hai Ri, "No day and no night means that I didn't practice during the day or night, and I was blasted down directly when I went up."

Sheng Canyang said, "See you tomorrow."

Hai Ri laughed out loud and said, "See you tomorrow."