Let Me Live!

Chapter 21: Fire Girl (7)


Hai Ri wants to say that the times are different, and the straight men nowadays are really amazing.

Sheng Canyang hung up the phone, and seeing Hai Ri leaning against the door, Sheng Canyang said, "What? Very touched?"

Hai Ri was poked to the point of laughter: "I am touched."

Sheng Canyang put away his mobile phone, and said relaxedly: "I contracted the entire cafeteria for you."

Hai Ri said, "Hahahahahahaha."

The door next to it opened, and Tang Ying poked her head out: "Wow, I'm so happy, what are you talking about?"

Hai Ri said: "Play an idol drama."

Tang Ying: "?"

But Sheng Canyang waved at Hai Ri and walked away.

Only Hai Ri and Tang Ying were left, and Tang Ying said with a grimace, "What's the matter, are you two handsome guys sharing identities?"

"..." Hai Ri said, "It's a bit unfair."

Tang Ying smiled and said, "Just kidding."

"I know," Hai Ri said with a smile, "I'm joking too."

Tang Ying: "But what are you talking about?"

Hai Ri: "Fan, are you hungry?"

Tang Ying curled her lips and complained softly, "I'm hungry, there's still a long time to eat."

Hai Ri was suddenly in a delicate mood, feeling a sense of pride spontaneously, and pretending to be casual, he said: "Dinner will be served soon."

Tang Ying: "?"

Hai Ri smiled and said nothing.

Doesn't this feel too embarrassing? Hai Ri suddenly thought, am I getting carried away? Never mind, it's really cool. Hai Ri's heart, which is as stable as a dead dog, hasn't been beating like this for a long time. He thought he wouldn't be moved anymore, but it turned out that he hadn't met anyone who could really flirt.

Tang Ying said: "You laugh so weirdly now."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri said: "Hahaha, is it?"

Tang Ying: "It's even weirder now."

Hai Ri was speechless, and looked at her with his arms outstretched.

Tang Ying covered her mouth and laughed, her eyes narrowed into crooked slits, very cute.

Hai Ri thinks this girl is really cute, even if he is zero, he would still find it cute. But there is really no way, Hae-il is not interested in girls.

Tang Ying asked: "I wanted to ask you before, are you a mixed race?"

Hai Ri: "Mixed blood, Eastern Inner Mongolia mixed with Western."

Tang Ying: "Hahahahahaha."

Hai Ri stopped joking and said, "My mother is Russian, and I'm purely Chinese."

Tang Ying: "Has anyone ever told you that you are particularly handsome?"

Hai Ri was overwhelmed by her straightforwardness, and for a moment didn't know what to say, he was speechless for a while, and said, "I've never seen you say that."

Tang Ying said: "I really think you are so handsome. I was so handsome when I first met. Are you an Internet celebrity?"

"No," Hai Ri asked on a whim, "Who is more handsome, me or that handsome guy just now?"

Tang Ying looked back at Sheng Canyang's room, smiled, and said, "How do you feel?"

Hai Ri avoided answering and said with a smile, "Isn't this asking you?"

Tang Ying said stubbornly, "I'm asking you too."

If it is Hai Ri's feeling, it must be Sheng Canyang handsome. He and Sheng Canyang feel differently. Sheng Canyang is a very skinny young man. Before Sheng Canyang committed suicide, his official persona was Sunshine Boy. Hai Ri can feel it Sheng Canyang has a sunny temperament, but sometimes, there are some traces of hopelessness on Sheng Canyang's body. When Hai Ri saw Sheng Canyang for the first time and heard him play "Van Ning Mei", he didn't feel that this boy How heartless it would be.

Sheng Canyang's temperament is complicated, he is sunny and cold, but vines of depression grow wildly on his body. This made Sheng Canyang even more mysterious, and his thoughts were unpredictable. It has nothing to do with looks, Sheng Canyang is more attractive than him.

Hai Ri said, "Sheng Canyang."

Tang Ying smiled and said, "Huh? I think it's you."

Hai Ri was a little surprised: "Really?"

Tang Ying: "Yeah, I've said it all, you're really handsome. Handsome guy, how did you do it, don't you still have confidence?"

Hai Ri laughed. He thought to himself: "I still have no confidence?"

Maybe it's just because Sheng Canyang grew up on Hai Ri's aesthetic point and danced wildly on his aesthetic G-spot.

Hai Ri said modestly: "Actually, it's just average."

"Do you know why?" Tang Ying said without waiting for him to answer, "Because you are not dead."

Hai Ri: "?"

Tang Ying said: "Many people here have mournful faces. They are afraid that others will not know that they don't want to live anymore. They have gloomy faces. Every time I look at them, I feel that I really don't want to stay here anymore. It's very depressing. You don't have it on you, handsome guy." , You are like a lamb that strayed into a pack of wolves."

"I came here because of depression," Hai Ri looked at her in a daze, and said, "Is this life free? But neither are you."

Tang Ying: "Because I don't want to die."

Hai Ri: "..."

Tang Ying said: "I want to live, but I don't dare to go back and face it. I always thought, if I find out about the murderer, I'll act a little faker, blow myself up, and forget it when I go back. But I have never been a murderer. , I haven’t been resisted yet, so I have been staying here, and after two more missions, I will have enough points and I can apply for death.”

Hai Ri felt that she was quite strong, and sighed: "If you really want to die, you can't die, if you don't want to die, you can't live."

Tang Ying: "Yeah, good luck tricks people. I still love life very much."

Hai Ri said with some regret: "I heard something about you... I'm really sorry."

"Ah," Tang Ying was stunned for a moment, her expression a little embarrassed, and then she smiled cheerfully, "It's okay, it's okay."

Hai Ri felt that she was a bit reluctant, and immediately regretted that he shouldn't have mentioned this matter. He also said it casually, and he really felt that she was not to blame for this matter, so he wanted to mention it.

But Tang Ying said: "It's really okay, I feel a little embarrassed. Because you are a handsome guy, it's really embarrassing for a handsome guy to know about embarrassing things."

Hai Ri said sincerely: "You are quite brave. I don't think this matter has anything to do with you."

Tang Ying said happily: "Of course, shouldn't normal people think this way? I just met a scumbag."

Hai Ri said: "A colleague of mine watches your live broadcast every day at noon, and we all go to bed. He watches your live broadcast in the office. He likes you very much, so I can recognize you. Your voice sounds familiar."

Tang Ying joked, "Then my suicide must have hit him hard."

"Yeah," Hai Ri told a white lie, "he's very sad."

Tang Ying didn't know whether to believe it or not, she just smiled, her smile was contagious. She said, "I'm going to die anyway. Believe me, people who are going to die speak well. I really don't think you're suitable for this place."

Hae Il: "I have depression."

Tang Ying: "Go back and take care of your illness."

Hai Ri looked at her, and suddenly felt that he wanted to talk. He leaned against the wall and said casually, "I'm very happy here."

Tang Ying: "Maybe you are the only one who came here to be happy, and everyone is here to die."

Hai Ri: "Aren't there also stranded customers? Isn't it because they are happier here?"

"Oh yes," Tang Ying said, "I forgot, do you also want to be a stranded guest?"

Hai Ri had just heard Sheng Canyang's story, and felt creepy, and said, "No, no, I have no such plan. I might want to go back and live."

Tang Ying smiled and said, "Look, I knew that you would choose to go back. Most people here want to choose to die."

Hai Ri thought about it, after he came here, he really didn't see a few people who wanted to live, they all seemed to want to die very eagerly. Hai Ri didn't have a strong will to die. At first he didn't dare to die because he thought he was going to be a vegetable when he went back. After hearing from Sheng Canyang that he didn't need to be a vegetable, he felt a little more at ease. Now the only thing that made him want to stay here was Sheng Canyang.

If Sheng Canyang also left, he would definitely not stay here. But if Sheng Canyang leaves here, he can only go the way of death, not the way of life.

Hai Ri doesn't dare to think about this matter every time, and when he thinks about it, he feels that life is hopeless.

Tang Ying said: "You must have nothing bad in real life, right? You are not afraid to go back and face something."

Hai Ri: "No, my mother may imprison me for a year or so."

Tang Ying laughed, and then said: "Are you showing off, even if you are a handsome guy, I can't tolerate it."

Hai Ri said: "Hahahaha, you can go back too."

"I can't do it," Tang Ying sighed, "My parents thought I was ashamed and forced me to commit suicide."

Hai Ri: "..."

Tang Ying shrugged, pretending to be relaxed and said: "It's strange, you have all kinds of parents, so you are not too happy?"

Hai Ri didn't react for a while, he was still in shock and didn't speak.

Tang Ying smiled and said, "I threw up too. I've never seen such a person. Why is it so scary."

Hai Ri: "I threw up too."

"I threw up!" Tang Ying said, "It's so disgusting."

Hai Ri couldn't calm down for a long time. Even if Tang Ying behaved so calmly, if Hai Ri brought her in and her parents forced her to die, how desperate would she be? Tang Ying was scolded on the Internet, and there was no family behind her to support her. It's too scary.

Hai Ri really understands what people often say after coming here: Everyone has their own suffering.

It's really hard to taste, the taste is so bitter that the tongue hurts.

Tang Ying said: "I am a child in the countryside. I earn money and support my family. I have been living in a rented house for two years. If something happens, I will be called home. I will not be allowed to go out, and the villagers will not know that I am home." Yeah, when my dad said he wanted me to die, I was dumbfounded, but they bought all the pesticides back the next day."

Hai Ri: "..."

Tang Ying said easily: "I threw up!"

Hai Ri: "So you... can't go back, can you?"

Tang Ying: "I want to go back, I don't want to die."

"Go back," Hai Ri said, "Why should such parents be nostalgic?"

Tang Ying: "When we go back, we have to start all over again. There is nothing. It feels so difficult."

Hai Ri was also speechless.

Tang Ying said: "It's okay. I sold you miserably to make friends with you. Look, didn't I succeed in attracting your attention?"

Hai Ri laughed helplessly.

Compared with the people here, Hai Ri is really happy. He couldn't even find out the reason why he had to die, and when people asked him, he could only say, "Because he was sick."

His family is rich, his job is stable, he is barely tall, rich and handsome, no one has given him any psychological shadow, and Hai Ri himself can't explain why he insists on committing suicide. No wonder Tang Ying said that he didn't have the spirit of death.

Hai il couldn't tell why he came here, he seemed to be summoned to walk on this road for no reason.

Is it just to meet Sheng Canyang? Hairi thought wildly, is it the call of fate

Tang Ying said: "So, that star is not as handsome as you, and you are simply shining here."

Hai Ri was a little embarrassed. Just as he was about to say something, a black figure came out of the corridor. The dead man was burnt to black, and the skin seemed to be ready to drop scum at any time. He walked towards him slowly with a food box.

Hai Ri and Tang Ying consciously moved out of the way and let her pass. They looked at each other in blank dismay. The death of the deceased was so miserable that people didn't know what to say. Especially after Hae Il knew that this might have been made by a real person, his mood became more complicated.

Tang Ying whispered, "Shall we go eat?"

"Ah," Hai Ri looked back at Sheng Canyang's room, hesitated, and said, "Let's go."

He turned on his phone and sent a message to Little Sun: "Dinner is ready."

Little Sun immediately replied with an "OK" expression.

Hai Ri was afraid that he would have to sit and eat with Tang Ying soon, so he urged, "Come here~ Master."

Little Sun and Flower: "Here we come!"

Hai Ri unconsciously pursed her lips and laughed, Tang Ying turned her head to look at him quietly, glanced at her phone, as if she was chatting with someone, she turned her head away again, and sighed.

The two of them went in together, the deceased hadn't brought out the dinner plate yet, Hai Ri took a glance, the two of them were seated together, Hai Ri glanced at Tang Ying from the corner of his eye, hesitant.

Can't sit together.

It was too ambiguous for the two of them to sit together, and there was a feeling that Hai Ri wanted this ambiguity to continue. Tang Ying is really good at chatting. She aroused Hairi's desire to talk to many people that she didn't have when chatting with many people. The most uncomfortable thing for Hai Ri now is that he doesn't know how he can come out of the closet more naturally now.

Tang Ying was already looking for a seat, Hai Ri didn't go over immediately, a little hesitant, Tang Ying looked back at him, and asked silently with a smile: "Here?"

Hai Ri: "..."

Suddenly, he was patted on the shoulder, and Sheng Canyang said naturally: "Dinner is ready?"

Hai Ri instantly relaxed: "Ah."

Sheng Canyang sat down directly beside him, saw that he was still in a daze, and said, "Sit?"

Hai Ri came to his senses: "Oh good."

He gave Tang Ying an embarrassed smile, and Tang Ying just nodded and smiled. It doesn't matter.

Hai Ri still feels a little uncomfortable, but this is actually better, rejecting it early and expressing his position is good for everyone.

Sheng Canyang seemed to be ignorant, went to rub the chopsticks, rubbed them back for Hai Ri, and handed it to him, Hai Ri asked, "What did you do when you went back?"

Sheng Canyang: "Playing with the phone."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang glanced at him: "What are you doing?"

"Why are you so tugging," Hai Ri whispered, "Smelly kid."

Sheng Canyang: "Yeah, aren't all handsome guys so attractive?"

Hai Ri laughed out loud. Sheng Canyang teased him abruptly, which made Hairi feel extremely happy.

Today's dinner is tofu soup, a small piece of butter, toast and pasta, which is quite delicate. Many people didn't know that the meal time had changed, Hai Ri secretly sent a message to Liu Jie: "Sister, come to eat."

After a while, Liu Jie also came over, and there was only one boy left. Liu Jie glanced at it, turned around and went back, and immediately heard her knock on the door of the boy's room, but the boy didn't open the door, Liu Jie said outside : "Dinner is ready."

Hai Ri was really hungry, so he buried his head in eating. Sheng Canyang glanced at him, handed him a piece of paper after a while, and asked, "Is it enough?"

Hai Ri took a sip of the soup and said, "That's enough, I didn't eat much at noon."

The boy finally came over. Hai Ri looked up, and accidentally met the boy's eyes. For some reason, he felt that his eyes at that moment seemed to be very aggressive. Hai Ri froze for a moment, feeling a little Strange, turned to look at Sheng Canyang, Sheng Canyang didn't find anything, looked at Hai Ri and himself, and asked: "?"

Hai Ri: "It's okay."

Hai Ri thought about it carefully, he didn't seem to have any communication with this boy at all, but the look just now really disgusted him. what happened

Hai Ri didn't want to make enemies, so he glanced at the boy again. The seat was for two people to sit together. Sheng Canyang and Hai Ri sat together, and Liu Jie and Tang Ying sat together. After the boy came, he had to sit alone. He lowered his head and picked up the chopsticks weakly, as if someone owed him money and forced him to eat, slowly. Hai Ri waited for a long time, but he didn't raise his head to look at himself again.

Sheng Canyang followed suit, and then at Hai Ri.

Hai Ri said, "It's fine."

Sheng Canyang followed his gaze and said, "You won't cause trouble again, will you?"

"No," Hai Ri said inexplicably, "What is 'again'? When did I cause trouble?"

Sheng Canyang did not answer, took a sip of soup, and said casually: "Don't look, don't provoke others."

Hai Ri: "Oh."

Sheng Canyang handed him the bread on his plate, and then played with his mobile phone with Erlang's legs crossed.

Hai Ri was actually a bit full, but after all, it was given by the male god, so he picked it up and took two more bites.

Sheng Canyang is very thin. When he lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, a sharp spine was exposed on his back, and he was wearing a T-shirt. It was very hard like his character.

Hai Ri looked down, and found that Sheng Canyang had a mole behind his ear, and a mole on the clean skin of his neck. Hai Ri would always be moved by some inexplicable details.

At this time, everyone has almost finished eating, Liu Jie suggested to everyone to have a chat together, everyone has no objections, it is good to have a chat, we can be more familiar with the plot, Hai Ri also thinks it is very good, when he was about to talk, Sheng Canyang Said: "It's late, forget it."

Hai Ri was stunned for a moment, Sheng Canyang didn't intend to discuss with everyone at all, he stood up and left.

Hai Ri looked at him a little strangely, Sheng Canyang rarely did this, he was not a misfit, Sheng Canyang just seemed difficult to get along with, in fact he cared about other people's feelings.

Liu Jie and Sheng Canyang knew each other, and they were a little surprised, but they still smiled and said, "Oh, are you sleepy?"

Sheng Canyang said, "Well, I'm going back."

"Then let's..." Liu Jie hesitated.

Tang Ying said: "Let's talk, let's have a chat."

Hai Ri found that the gloomy boy had no intention of leaving.

Liu Jie said, "Are you almost accumulating enough points?"

Hai Ri: "I'm still struggling to get enough food and clothing."

Several people laughed, Tang Ying said: "I'm almost there, how about you?"

Liu Jie: "It's almost meaningless."

"No, father," Tang Ying called the boy affectionately, "you can talk to us, we don't know your name yet?"

The boy slowly frowned, inspected for a week, and said, "Wen Yin. My name is Wen Yin."

Hai Ri smiled and said, "Which yin?"

The boy stood up suddenly, and walked towards him directly. Hai Ri was still a little at a loss for a while, Wen Yin pushed away the chair, sat on Sheng Canyang's seat, and handed over his mobile phone, which read "Yin" Character.

Hai Ri speaks Chinese very well. Generally speaking, if he doesn’t speak himself, no one knows that his first language is Mongolian, but this word is still a little strange. He said: “It’s like the name of an emperor.”

Wen Yin said: "The meaning of descendants."

Hai Ri was speechless again.

Wen Yin sat here, and didn't intend to leave. He just sat next to Hai Ri. Hai Ri was a little uncomfortable, but it seemed that it was a misunderstanding just now. This person should have no opinion on him, right

Liu Jie is a very hearty woman who never cared about the attitudes of Wen Yin and Sheng Canyang. Liu Jie asked boldly, "Who do you think is the murderer?"

For a while, no one spoke.

Liu Jie smiled and said, "What's the matter? Just chat."

Tang Ying said: "Now that only Sheng Canyang is not around, we can only speak ill of him behind his back."

Hai Ri also laughed and said, "Then let him be."

Tang Ying: "I can't guess who is the murderer. Sheng Canyang is playing my boyfriend. In fact, I don't think he is the murderer."

Hai Ri teased, "Shouldn't there be any couple tasks again?"

Tang Ying widened her eyes and said, "No, there really isn't one."

Hai Ri said, "I'm just joking."

Tang Ying: "He and I are about to break up. I hate him and the deceased to death. I won't cover him up."

"Yes," Hai Ri said, "I understand."

Liu Jie glanced at Wen Yin and said, "I think my father must have some clues. Who do you think the murderer is? Let's chat casually and see who gets it right in the end."

Wen Yin seemed to react very slowly. After a while, he said, "All of you who were in the theater when the incident happened are suspected."

At the time of the incident, apart from the father and the current girlfriend played by Tang Ying, the remaining three people were at the scene of the crime.

Tang Ying said: "Just guess, Boss, I think it's you."

Liu Jie said: "I feel like Hai Ri, your motives for committing the crime are a little too clean."

"Okay," Hai Ri said casually, not wanting to guess, "you will regret it then."

Wen Yin said: "I also feel like the boss."

Liu Jie: "...how could this be?"

Hai Ri laughed, and several people began to chat about the cause of their own death. A group of people sat together, talking about how they died and why they chose this way of death, which felt very funny.

Liu Jie said that she jumped off a building. She said openly that she had been a mistress before, and then suffered from depression. On the day of her wedding, she jumped from the roof of her new house. Liu Jie said: "That was the happiest few seconds of my life. .”

Liu Jie said: "I don't regret it, I really don't regret it."

Several people present nodded their heads one after another. Among the people who came here, Hai Ri had never seen anyone who regretted it.

Wen Yin committed suicide by cutting his wrists. He cut off the arteries in his hands with a razor blade. He was afraid that he would not die, so he turned on the gas stove. According to him, because he feels that no one likes him and no one needs him alive, he might as well be dead.

Hai Ri also felt that a person with his personality would indeed end up in such a desperate situation.

It can be said that human temperament cannot be changed, only character can be changed, but the process of changing one's character by external force is also a kind of huge fission, accompanied by indescribable and nameless growing pains, who can say that it is not a kind of Unlucky

Wen Yin spoke very calmly while making movements with his hands. It seemed that there was a strange feeling. He scratched his arm with his finger and said, "I didn't cut it all at once, but I cut it twice. The blood flow It was very fierce, I felt as if I was going to die soon, and I was a little flustered."

Hai Ri couldn't bear to listen anymore, but the expressions of the others were very calm.

Wen Yin said: "It will feel a little cold, I want to cover myself with a quilt, but forget it, I think about it slowly, how about you?"

Everyone answered, yes.

Hai Ri suddenly felt a bone-chilling cold, and he suddenly knew the difference between himself and these people. He sat in the middle of these people, as if he was the only one out of the ordinary. When everyone made fun of themselves with death before, Hai Ri could laugh along with them, feeling no different from these people, but at this moment, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Wen Yin said: "Actually, it hurts too, but the more it hurts, the happier I feel, knowing that I can leave this dirty world..."

Hai Ri: "..."

Tang Ying said: "You can't say that."

Hai Ri felt better, turned to look at her, and felt that this girl was quite sunny, only to hear Tang Ying say: "It's no use just leaving, I was hoping to become a ghost and go find those who drove me to death." people."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri looked at Liu Jie in a daze, and Liu Jie said, "What's wrong?"

Hai Ri: "Then what, it's nothing... I'm a little sleepy..."

Liu Jie glanced at the phone: "Six o'clock?"

"I'll take a nap in the afternoon," Hai Ri stood up and said, "We have something to talk about tomorrow."

When Hai Ri was leaving, he heard them chatting about the things behind him, but he still didn't let it go. Hai Ri thought that the people who came here were like him, they walked out of the haze, and their mood was peaceful. So he was thinking too much

Feeling in a trance, Hai Ri went back to his room, the room was pitch black, the curtains were pulled up, Hai Ri was startled, and then saw a black figure lying on the bed.

Ten thousand possibilities flashed through Hai Ri's mind, he didn't dare to close the door, and walked over quietly, and saw Sheng Canyang sleeping upright under the quilt.

Hai Ri's heart softened instantly, he turned back and closed the door, and went to bed gently.

Sheng Canyang turned his back to him, bowed his waist, hugged the quilt in his arms, slept very quietly, breathing heavily, Hai Ri thought that he must have been busy last night, and today he went to look for him early, it should be Did not sleep well.

Hai Ri's heart was abnormally sore, Sheng Canyang came to sleep in this room, which made Hai Ri very happy, but the more calm Sheng Canyang was, the more Hai Ri felt that Sheng Canyang really only regarded him as a friend and a brother.

Hai Ri is really sweet and sad at the same time, feeling like tears are falling like rain, he took out his mobile phone and swiped Kuaishou for a while, King Kong Barbie didn’t start the broadcast, Hai Ri watched the jokes he made for a while, and clicked on another one On the broadcast, I saw a thin girl swallowing a pig's trotter in one gulp, her mouth was full of oil, and her articulate words were fragrant. Why is it so edible

Alas, family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs are not going well, and the sound of wind and rain is annoying the old iron.

Hai Ri was distractedly watching the food broadcast. The girl had already eaten four pig's trotters, two big lobsters, five barrels of hot and sour noodles, and two liters of honey water. Waking up in a nasal voice, he said, "Are you hungry again?"

Hai Ri: "Are you awake? Why are you here?"

Sheng Canyang turned around, woke up for a while, his head was in a mess, and there were red marks on his face. Hai Ri glanced at it, and felt that even seeing this scene, his heart would be moved, he was simply sick.

Sheng Canyang said: "What time is it?"

Hai Ri glanced at his phone: "Eight thirty."

Sheng Canyang got up and took a sip of water, his hair was like a chicken coop, but his face was still handsome in a mess, his T-shirt was wrinkled and stuck to his body, and he looked thin. He put down the water glass and fell on the bed again.

Hai Ri said: "You are awake now, are you going to sleep at night?"

Sheng Canyang said indifferently: "Whatever."

Hai Ri: "How long did you sleep last night?"

"Didn't sleep," Sheng Canyang said, and then thought for a while, "I must have been squinting for an hour."

Hai Ri felt distressed, and said, "Then why are you here?"

Sheng Canyang didn't speak, he took out his phone to check the news, when he fell asleep, Hai Ri heard that he had received several messages, Sheng Canyang checked it out, but there was no reply.

Hai Ri: "Who sent you the message?"

Sheng Canyang: "?"

Sheng Canyang said: "Group news."

"It wasn't sent to me," Sheng Canyang actually replied seriously, "Work group."

Hai Ri: "What are your jobs?"

Sheng Canyang threw the phone to him and asked him to read it by himself. Hai Ri flipped through the chat history, and at noon someone asked: "My sister is carrying a doll". There are few public clues in this book, do you want to change it

Someone named Sheng Canyang, saying that he had just played this book, and asked him what he thought, Sheng Canyang replied: "Change it."

The man asked: "Add two clues, and try again next time."

Sheng Canyang replied: "Clarify the clues of needles and ghosts."

Afterwards, Sheng Canyang never spoke again, and the people in the group kept discussing each book, there were a total of thirteen people in the group, and Hai Ri couldn't find Huang Mao.

Hai Ri looked at it for a while and said, "Who are these people?"

Sheng Canyang: "Management staff, my superior."

Hai Ri: "Did you call the people here this afternoon?"

"Well," Sheng Canyang said, "what did you talk about?"

Hai Ri was a little hesitant to say it, but Sheng Canyang didn't urge him. He put a pillow under his chest and played with his mobile phone on his stomach. There was no light in the room, and the light from the mobile phone screen shone on his face, looking very quiet. After a while, Hai Ri said, "I heard them talking about suicide, and I came back after listening to it for a while."

Sheng Canyang: "Huh?"

Hai Ri: "It feels a little scary."

Sheng Canyang: "?"

"It's scary to listen to them chatting." Hai Ri said, "Maybe it's because I've recovered from my illness."

Sheng Canyang sneered and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Hai Ri: "Depression."

Sheng Canyang said casually: "I think you are quite healthy."


People say I'm sick," Hai Ri said, "otherwise why would I commit suicide? "

Hai Ri said: "However, I feel that I have become better since I came here. I used to think about death, but now I don't think about it anymore. Why don't they?"

Sheng Canyang said, "Is it because you met me?"

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri didn't speak for a while, Sheng Canyang gave him a strange look, seeing Hai Ri looking at him, he was stunned for a moment, and said: "...huh?"

Hai Ri's situation is out of the ordinary: "It seems to be."

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri stopped talking.

Sheng Canyang had nothing to say.

The two were silent for a while.

Hai Ri immediately changed the subject: "Aren't you going back so late?"

"I sleep here at night." Sheng Canyang said casually as if he didn't hear anything.

Hai Ri also looked like he hadn't said anything, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh? Why?"

Sheng Canyang looked at him intently: "Because the Lord is willing."

"Okay sir," Hai Ri said, "Leave early tomorrow, remember to be careful when you go out, don't let people see our affair. Although you don't care, I still have to be innocent."

Sheng Canyang made an "OK" gesture: "Got it."

The two laughed together and fell down on the bed.

Hai Ri feels that he is generally happy. He almost forgot how he got through the time before he chose to commit suicide. He only remembered that life felt like nothingness at that time, without much fun. The faces of the world are so boring. People are forcibly connected together to keep each other warm. It doesn't make much sense. Love, family affection, friendship, isn't that what it is

He could not borrow the fire from others, he could only feel that his own fire was slowly going out. So he raised the butcher knife to himself. It's a self-castration of the fear of getting worse.

But now he hardly felt that kind of despair. Every time he returned to the room, he was also alone, but he was in a good mood.

Hai Ri thought, Sheng Canyang might really be a good medicine for him.

Sheng Canyang was playing with his mobile phone quietly under the covers, Hai Ri was watching the live broadcast with headphones plugged in, King Kong Barbie finally started the live broadcast at 8:30, today he changed into a Sailor Moon suit and wore a golden wig, Hai Ri passed it to Sheng Canyang to watch He rolled his eyes and said with emotion: "Gold looks black."

Sheng Canyang looked at it and refused to comment, but the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, obviously shocked.

Sheng Canyang said: "Where is the fun in watching this every day?"

"It's hard to say," Hai Ri laughed out loud at being amused by King Kong Barbie, and said casually, "It's fine if you don't understand."

Sheng Canyang pulled out an earphone, leaned over and took a look, the two of them were so close that Hai Ri could smell the faint scent of shampoo on Sheng Canyang's body, it was very common like the flower of shampoo bought in supermarkets The scent made Hai Ri feel a little dizzy, and unconsciously took a deep breath.

On the screen, King Kong Barbie is selling goods, with a green seaweed mud mask on her face, and an old man in a battle with wheat. Seeing that she is about to lose, the situation is very serious. King Kong Barbie stood up and began to flirt. On the stool, I pouted my buttocks, and my body twisted abnormally for a while.

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri said, "What expression do you have?"

Sheng Canyang looked complicated, returned the earphones to him, and asked, "Do you like this?"

Hai Ri: "?"

Sheng Canyang lay back and said, "Understood."

Hai Ri: "What do you know? A stinky kid."

"Don't explain," Sheng Canyang pointed out a finger, "It's unnecessary."

Hai Riqi laughed, didn't bother to talk to him, and said, "I just find it interesting. What a strong vitality."

"Are you looking for vitality here?" Sheng Canyang said, "It's a little bit reluctant."

Hai Ri didn't know why he felt that Sheng Canyang's words seemed to be a little emotional. He looked at Sheng Canyang's expression, but couldn't see anything.

Hae-il put down the phone and said, "Why are you sleeping here today?"

"There's no reason," Sheng Canyang frowned, flipped through his phone, and said, "Go to sleep."

Hae-il said, "Do you think I will be killed by a murderer tonight?"

Sheng Canyang glanced at him and said, "It's better not to have it."

"Why me?" Hai Ri didn't understand.

"It doesn't have to be you," Sheng Canyang said, "It could also be me, but I can escape, you may not be, so come and have a look."

Hae-il catches his loophole right away: "So you're not the murderer."

Sheng Canyang seemed to feel a little helpless towards him, and said, "Brother, go to sleep."

When Hai Ri fell asleep, Sheng Canyang was playing with his mobile phone. He observed that Sheng Canyang usually swiped Weibo quickly, scrolling down with one finger. time.

Hai Ri looked down at him lying on the pillow, with a straight nose and a clean and handsome face, which looked like a sculpture in the shadows.

Hai Ripao fell asleep with indescribable feelings, and when he woke up again, he heard a rustling sound. It sounded like a dry finger rubbing against his door.

Hai Ri suddenly woke up with a shudder, and was pushed down by Sheng Canyang. Sheng Canyang sat on the bed and winked at him.

Hai Ri was stunned, and immediately realized what happened.

Actually came to find him

Sheng Canyang stood up and said, "Wait for me here."

Hai Ri subconsciously grabbed Sheng Canyang: "You..."

Sheng Canyang said: "It's okay."

There seemed to be some burnt smell coming from the surroundings of the bed, as well as the smell of roasted meat. Hai Ri thought about where this smell came from, and suddenly felt a little nauseous. He reached out to turn on the light, Sheng Canyang opened the closet, took out a hanger from inside, and he had broken it open at some point, Sheng Canyang turned on the flashlight, groped along the wall with his hand, and found a place , poked the hanger in directly, and heard a "click". It was as if something had been poked.

Hai Ri caught his breath in an instant, and the smell finally dissipated. He looked around, and there was only one lamp on the bedside table. He pressed it, and it turned off. The electricity in this room should have been cut off.

Hai Ri tore off the wire and grabbed the desk lamp directly in his hand.

The movement outside the door suddenly became louder, and there was a bellows-like breathing sound, Hai Ri had heard this sound from the dead man's throat.

Sheng Canyang looked back at him and said, "Don't be afraid, I'll let her in."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang walked over and opened the door directly. There was a red light in the corridor, the sun was already covered, and the whole person was messed up in the wind. As soon as Sheng Canyang's door was opened, the whole black shadow rushed towards him. Sheng Canyang dodged back and tripped her fall down.



Hai Ri saw her throwing herself on the ground, and then suddenly raised her eyes to stare at him, feeling like her heart was about to jump out.

Sheng Canyang closed the door, twisted his neck, and said, "It's all right."

Hai Ri wanted to ask: "How can this be all right?"

Sheng Canyang pulled the deceased's hair, and pulled her back directly, then tied her neck with the clothes hanger hook, and pulled her up, Sheng Canyang took the time to say to Hai Ri: "Don't look back."

Hearing these words, Hai Ri's hairs suddenly stood on end.

Sheng Canyang warned again: "Don't look back."

Then he directly dragged the dead man under his hands to the back of the closet, Hai Ri thought to himself, then don’t look back, he is definitely not the kind of person who you tell me not to look back, I just want to try bravely, he stood up, Closing his eyes, he grabbed the foot of the deceased, followed Sheng Canyang's strength, and brought the deceased into the closet. This person had great strength, and he and Sheng Canyang, two tall men, were unable to subdue him for a while.

Sheng Canyang stuffed her in, the dead man's hand was still stuck outside, Sheng Canyang closed the door directly.

The dead man let out a shrill cry.

Sheng Canyang was a little tired, took a few breaths, and after closing the cabinet door, there was a frenzied door slamming sound from inside.

Hai Ri asked, "Can I turn back?"

"Don't." Sheng Canyang walked over, "wait for me."

As soon as Sheng Canyang walked over, Hai Ri heard the sound of the window being opened, and rustling sounds came from behind him. There was a ghost in the cabinet in front of him...

Hai Ri's shoulder was suddenly patted. He instantly froze into a popsicle.

In order to help Sheng Canyang, he put down the lamp just now.

Hai Ri whispered in despair: "...Sheng Canyang."

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden muffled sound behind him, and blood was splashed on his neck. Hai Ri was shocked, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Sheng Canyang held the lamp in his hand and was panting.

Hai Ri turned his head and suddenly found a bed of blood dripping down the roof.

Sheng Canyang said, "Is it exciting?"

Hai Ri: "Exciting."

Sheng Canyang patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay."

Hai Ri lowered his head, looked at the fainted person below, and asked, "This is..."

"Npc," Sheng Canyang wiped the blood from his hands with a sheet, and then said, "It's not dead."

Hai Ri said, "Are these all human beings?"

Sheng Canyang: "It's all."

"Then what to do?"

Sheng Canyang: "It's okay, their memory will be cleared tomorrow."

The question is how to spend the evening

Hai Ri turned his head and looked at the bloody bed sheet, feeling at a loss.

Sheng Canyang removed the entire mattress and dragged out the NPC who climbed in through the window, leaving only one dead person in the closet.

Sheng Canyang pointed to the roof and said, "There is an mechanism on the lamp that will bleed. Unscrew the bulb and it will stop."

Hai Ri was still in a state of bewilderment, he said "oh", then pointed to the wardrobe and asked, "Is she right here?"

"This can't be knocked out," Sheng Canyang said, "It's the only way. Her plan for tonight is to kill you."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang rescued two pillows from the blood-stained sheets, and the pillows were also stained with blood, not a lot. He put the pillow on the bare bed, and said to Hai Ri: "Sleep."

He lay down first, Hai Ri saw that his body was spattered with blood, he didn't know what to say for a while. If it wasn't for Sheng Canyang, he would definitely not be able to escape tonight.

He can't deal with these things. Although he has never been afraid of strange powers and chaos, unlike others, he is not afraid of the dead, but he doesn't have the skills of Sheng Canyang.

Sheng Canyang said: "Don't look back." It was enough to scare him.

Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang lay on their backs together on the hard plank bed, looking at the blood-stained lamp, speechless for a while. Only the things in the closet were still roaring, making Hai Ri feel like she was about to rush out.

Sheng Canyang really wanted to know what he was thinking, and said, "It won't come out. This is a bug designed by our staff. If you lock it in the closet or bathroom, you won't be able to get out."

Sheng Canyang seemed to find it quite funny, and added: "I felt bloody all over, so I didn't go to the bathroom, and I have to wash up tomorrow."

Hai Ri: "Oh."

Sheng Canyang turned his head, looked at him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hai Ri: "Who is the murderer? They want to kill me."

Sheng Canyang said softly: "Who would have guessed that."

"When you play script killing, you can counter-kill the killer, because the murderer can't stand up the next day and ask why you didn't die last night," Sheng Canyang said. It was the werewolf who came out to kill himself."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang: "No one can believe it, anyone may kill you."

Hai Ri said: "I've never heard of anyone playing this kind of mission."

"I have played." Sheng Canyang said calmly.

"You won?" Hai Ri was a little surprised, and said, "You are so pushy, but no one kills you?"

Sheng Canyang said: "I am a wolf."

Hai Ri shut up instantly.

Sheng Canyang said: "There is no way, sometimes there is no way."

Hai Ri didn't know what to say at all.

Everything has its roots. It is not without reason that Sheng Canyang is so experienced in all these things at a young age.

Sheng Canyang has experienced a lot in the past two years since he came here earlier than him.

The deceased was not quiet for a while in the closet, Hai Ri was extremely flustered, he closed his eyes slightly, and his eyelids were trembling. Sheng Canyang turned his head, looked at him, covered his ears, and said, "Listen to the song."

Hai Ri said softly, "Don't dare."

Sheng Canyang smiled lightly.

Sheng Canyang said: "Then you sing, didn't you say you wanted to sing me your national song?"

Hai Ri didn't really want to sing together at first, it was too late to respond to such a background sound, but he thought about it and asked, "What do you want to hear?"

Sheng Canyang: "I don't really understand."

Hai Ri closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then sang in Mongolian: "Thick and strong milk wine—little sheep curled up in the bottle, brothers and friends, drink it up, big tiger poured into the stomach—our singing is beautiful. , hey, drink this drink, drink this drink, don't get drunk—”

Hai Ri seems to have returned to his childhood, his father would often hum this song, but it was always outside the wine table, humming while doing the work at hand. In summer, his sweatshirt was tightly attached to his fat and strong flesh, and the tune passed through the living room and spread to Hai Ri's bedroom.

Sheng Canyang: "It sounds good, what is it singing?"

"'Song of Wine'," Hai Ri said, "it was sung when persuading people to drink."

Sheng Canyang smiled and said, "Is Jiu Zhuang cowardly?"

Hai Ri did not speak, and then raised his head again: "There is a light shining in the hazy mist—when I pray, I think of my mother's face, the mother sitting at home, waiting for her son to return, looking into the distance tirelessly. My distant Mother—"

Sheng Canyang couldn't understand Hai Ri's singing, but when he saw a tear drop from the corner of Hai Ri's eye, he leaned over and carefully wiped it away with his fingers.

Hai Ri suddenly felt homesick. After being away from home for so long, he stopped living at home since college, and always felt that he couldn't get along with everything. Unexpectedly, in another world, he suddenly began to miss home.

His mother has always been a kind and simple woman, and the good conditions in the family make her softer. She has never understood Hai Ri very well, but she is tolerant. Hai Ri would occasionally receive her calls, and she would still ask Hai Ri if he was in a relationship, but the next sentence would always be a little humble: "It's okay, as long as my son is happy."

In the process of fighting with himself, Hai Ri constantly hurts himself and others. He is really dissatisfied with the people around him, and the people around him don't know how to get close to him.

Sheng Canyang said: "What are you singing?"

"'Erji in Dreams'." Hai Ri said.

"Eji means mother?" Sheng Canyang knew a little bit, and asked, "Are you homesick?"

Hai Ri didn't speak, took a deep breath, feeling a little ashamed, and said, "In fact, I still have a special skill."

Sheng Canyang said softly: "You have already amazed me enough today."

Hai Ri looked at him, and sang: "Dedicate the love in my heart to you, it is my soul, and dedicate the song of the song to you, it is the song of my heart. My burning heart. My burning heart."

Sheng Canyang also looked into his eyes, Hai Ri turned over, closed his eyes, slowly shed a line of tears, and then sang in a low voice in Mongolian: "I dedicate the love in my heart to you, it is my soul , Dedicating the song of the song to you is the song of my heart. Dedicating the wish of the wish to you is my fiery heart. It is my fiery heart."

The Mongolian language seemed to be a layer of code, which made him sing this love song very touchingly, but he knew that Sheng Canyang couldn't understand it.

Sheng Canyang didn't ask what the song was called this time, but remained silent.

Hai Ri waited for a while, but didn't say anything, he still couldn't sleep, opened his eyes and was about to say something, but saw Sheng Canyang approaching him, his chin was held by cold fingers, and then he was kissed.

A gorgeous Japanese-made firework exploded in Hai Ri's mind, and he felt as if he was flying straight into the sky.

In an instant, nothing was left.

The author has something to say: I have written this far, so I want to make it clear to everyone: the behavior in the article cannot be imitated. In my article, everyone's life is tragic and needs to be saved. They each have their own way home, but their behavior is not right. Whoever it is, they will be saved in the end. The gist of the article is: the moment of happiness is eternal.

I just want to narrate everyone's unhappiness. It is certain that the unhappiness is reasonable. It is not moaning without illness, but it is also something we need to treat correctly.

If you encounter difficulties in life, please think hard: hold on for another day. It will come out slowly.

Ps: The name of the last song: "hairan", from: Hanggai Band Last: Hey, sweet.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-07 02:32:30~2020-06-12 00:36:35~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 27797011 2 pieces;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: don’t eat pepper, three life stones, and one crow blue rabbit;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 14 bottles on the side; , 10 bottles of Youxu, Mogechan; 9 bottles of Jingbing; 7 bottles of Jiantang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!