Let Me Live!

Chapter 23: Fire Girl (9)


Sheng Canyang asked: "Are you still afraid?"

"No," Hai Ri lay on the bed, feeling that he hadn't recovered yet, "I'm going to forget about this."

Sheng Canyang laughed.

Hae Il: "Let me calm down."

Sheng Canyang: "Calm down, I'll sleep."

Hai Ri thought he was joking, but after Sheng Canyang finished speaking, he actually turned around.

Hai Ri: "?"

Hai Ri: "Hello?"

Sheng Canyang said solemnly: "I'm sleepy, call me early tomorrow morning."

Hai Ri said in disbelief, "Who are you?"

"Those who have endured for two days," Sheng Canyang said, "are you boiling the eagle here? If you endure it any longer, I will die suddenly before you agree."

Hai Ri had no choice but to stop talking, staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, in the background sound of scratching the door full of energy, his whole head was filled with a violent voice, and shouted: "I was confessed by Sheng Canyang!!!!!! !!!”

"He wants to chase me! How to chase me?!!!"

"Damn it!!! Sweet sadness!!! How can we have a future!!!!!! Let's die together!!!!!!"

Hae-il, annoyed to death by the voice in his head, sighed deeply.

After a while, still not feeling sleepy at all, he quietly glanced at his phone, it was already half past two in the morning.

It was about to dawn, and he suddenly returned to reality, thinking, what if the murderer found out that he was not dead the next day

Since Sheng Canyang didn't say anything about it, it shouldn't be a problem. Then he remembered that Sheng Canyang rejected Liu Jie's proposal to chat at night, probably to come to his room in advance to prepare. I don't know why, Sheng Canyang is a stinky kid, but his god is always there, and he feels like he can guess what will happen next.

Sheng Canyang probably didn't want him to be eliminated. In fact, Hai Ri should be able to tell from this point that he likes herself. Otherwise, if you just treat him as a friend, you should hope that he will be eliminated and go back to live well. But Sheng Canyang didn't want him to leave, and even broke the rules in order not to let him go.

Hai Ri didn't know the consequences of breaking the rules, but it was impossible to pass without pain or itching.

Hai Ri looked back, and Sheng Canyang's broad back carried the leanness of a teenager, and he buried his head in the pillow, the back of his head showing a cold feeling.

Who will kill me

Hai Ri thought again, if the knife fell on me, who would be the murderer

It can't be Liu Jie, can it

Because in this world, death is also life, so killing a person also means releasing a person, killing has lost the original intention of killing, and will make the murderer lose the sense of guilt, so it is unknown who the murderer is.

Could it be Sheng Canyang

Hai Ri startled himself, and immediately dismissed this idea. Sheng Canyang is not this kind of person.

In fact, it may be because of the atmosphere today, or it may be that Sheng Canyang wanted Hai Ri to forget this horrible night, so he said these words. This confession is more like an accident than a careful plan.

Hai Ri's mind was messed up, and he always felt very chaotic. Sheng Canyang suddenly turned his head, and Hai Ri's attention turned to him again. Sheng Canyang stretched out his hand and touched it from under the pillow. After a long time, he found a pair of earphones , closed his eyes and went to touch the phone again.

Hai Ri asked, "Are you still asleep?"

Sheng Canyang opened his eyes in trouble, inserted the earphones into the earphone jack, squinted his eyes to meet the light of the screen, and looked for it. A headset was plugged into his ear.

Hai Ri heard the familiar melody: "Love is not something you want to buy, you can buy it if you want..."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang closed his eyes and said, "Brother, go to sleep."

Hai Ri couldn't help laughing.

Sheng Canyang patted him on the shoulder, with the intention of coaxing him to sleep, put his hand on his shoulder, and fell asleep again.

Hai Ri stared at him, and saw Sheng Canyang with earphones plugged into his ears, following the melody of "You were the one who wanted to separate at the beginning, so separate when we separate—" and put his hand on his shoulder and patted him lightly.

Hae Il said, "Is this the first step you've made for love?"

"This is the first step?" Sheng Canyang said in a daze, "It's too heartless."

Hai Ri: "Then what's your first step?"

"I can't remember," Sheng Canyang said vaguely as if he could fall asleep at any time, "You are so handsome."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang was really sleepy this time, he probably waited for Hai Ri for a while, hoping to wait until he fell asleep before going to sleep, but who would have thought that Hai Ri would stay awake like he had been injected with chicken blood. He couldn't wait anymore, and immediately fell asleep to the rhythm of "Love Trading".

Hai Ri seemed to calm down suddenly, closed his eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning, when I was woken up by the alarm clock, there was no one beside me when I opened my eyes.

The cupboard was open and there was no one in the room.

Hai Ri glanced at his phone, and Sheng Canyang sent him a message: "

go away. "

It came at six fifty-five in the morning. It's half past eight now.

Hai Ri slept too late last night and didn't want to get up, but Sheng Canyang called. Hai Ri picked it up and asked, "Did you set an alarm clock for me?"

"Otherwise? I'm not a ghost?"

Hai Ri shivered: "Don't make such a joke, I can't bear this kind of joke now..."

Sheng Canyang said: "Come out and have breakfast."

Hai Ri lay on the bed, unable to get up, and said, "I don't want to go."

Sheng Canyang: "If you don't come out again, everyone will think you are dead."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri had no choice but to get up to wash up, and looked in the mirror in the bathroom. His hair was sleeping like a bird's nest. He slept too late last night, and he was a little swollen. Hai Ri thought in pain: "Sheng Canyang saw this morning. scene?"

I hope I didn't look carefully.

He deliberately brushed his hair well this time, looked at himself in the mirror for a while, and finally felt that he was almost done. He suddenly thought of what Sheng Canyang said: "You are so handsome."

Hai Ri blushed.

Hai Ri said to himself: "You are worth it, you are worth it, you are worth it!"

At the end, he pointed at himself in the mirror with one hand, covered the top of his head with the other hand, buried his head down, posed a pose, and said, "You are worthy of this heartwarming male guest!!"

Hai Ri finished his self-construction and went out to prepare breakfast. When he went in, he felt the audience was silent.

He naturally sat next to Sheng Canyang, and then heard Tang Ying's fork drop on the table.

This morning's breakfast was toast bread. Hai Ri stuffed it into his mouth and felt that it tasted good. He said, "It's delicious."

Liu Jie: "... Hai Ri?"

Hai Ri looked up at her, and said as if nothing happened: "Huh?"

"You..." Liu Jie said, "Are you still there?!"

As she spoke, she stood up, walked to Hai Ri, and patted him on the back: "I thought you were gone! There was so much movement in your room last night, what happened?"

Hai Ri: "Huh? My room? I don't know."

The corner of Sheng Canyang's mouth hooked slightly.

Hai Ri pretended not to know anything, and casually said to Liu Jie: "Did you hear me wrong? I went to bed early last night, so I didn't hear anything."

Liu Jie was at a loss, as if she didn't believe it, but Hai Ri knew that she was a smart woman who knew how to measure, and sure enough, Liu Jie stopped asking.

When Hai Ri came in, he deliberately observed everyone's reactions. The remaining three people all looked surprised, but Wen Yin's complexion was very bad, dark as hell.

Now Hai Ri really wants to know if Wen Yin is the murderer, he thinks it is, and he really wants to get the answer right.

If you guess Wen Yin is the murderer, it seems that everything is too simple.

Sheng Canyang didn't seem to have anything happened. He didn't even look at Hai Ri in the morning. After breakfast, he knocked his head on the table and played with his phone. Afraid of being seen, I had no choice but to hold back and remember in my heart that I must tell him not to sit like this anymore.

Everyone had different thoughts in the morning, and breakfast passed peacefully like this.

Afterwards, the deceased came to clean up the tableware. Hai Ri saw that she was still the same as yesterday, as if nothing had happened, and when she came to Hai Ri, she showed no abnormal behavior.

Sheng Canyang was typing quickly under the dining table, Hai Ri received a message, he opened it, saw it was from Little Sun, and told him: "The dead have memories."

Hai Ri was speechless, and sent a few points.

Sheng Canyang: "So don't mess with her, she might pick on you suddenly and scare you."

Hai Ri: "Give up on killing me?"

Sheng Canyang: "See if the murderer lets go."

Hai Ri also started typing with his head down: "How did you handle it? Are you okay?"

"Make a report," Sheng Canyang said, "I just said that the knife fell on me last night."

Hai Ri was speechless for a moment.

Sheng Canyang sent another message: "Come to sleep in my room tonight."

Immediately afterwards, seeing that Hai Ri didn't reply, maybe because he was afraid of Hai Ri's misunderstanding, he said again: "Your room mechanism has been destroyed."

Hai Ri made an "Okay" expression and went over.

Sheng Canyang frowned his thick eyebrows, and didn't speak any more. He put his mobile phone on the table and tapped it gently, as if he was thinking about something.

Hai Ri feels that Sheng Canyang always has a lot of thoughts, and when he thinks, he is silent and indifferent, with a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away. The relationship between the two seemed to be reversed. Hai Ri wanted to protect Sheng Canyang, but in fact it was Sheng Canyang who was protecting him. But Hairi really doesn't understand the world like Sheng Canyang.

After everyone had breakfast, the deceased officially announced: "Start searching for evidence."

Hai Ri said casually: "Where should I search? Search father—"

"Search for me," Sheng Canyang said in a moderate voice, as if mentioning it casually, "My clues are relatively simple."

Hai Ri smiled and said, "Okay, then I will challenge a simple one."

Liu Jie said: "Isn't it? You are too shameful, let you take advantage of it."

"Go and search for me," Hai Ri said to Liu Jie, "Actually, I don't have any clues."

Hai Ri wasn't too worried, he was so confused last night that he didn't even look for any clues hidden in his room, but he read the script, so there shouldn't be any fatal clues.

He is not a murderer, this time I plan to play it lightly, just explain truthfully.

So Hai Ri searched Sheng Canyang's room, Sheng Canyang searched his father Wen Yin's room, and Liu Jie searched Hai Ri's room. The rest Tang Ying and Wen Yin searched each other.

When Hai Ri entered Sheng Canyang's room, he smelled the faint smell of Sheng Canyang's body. It might be the smell of the toiletries Sheng Canyang used, the light fragrance. Sheng Canyang should have just washed up before going out.

With strange curiosity, Hai Ri pushed open the door of the bathroom, there was still a feeling of steam, there were several bottles and cans piled up on the washstand, Hai Ri looked carefully, and felt that there seemed to be no clues here.

Suddenly, the bathroom room went out.

Hai Ri: "..."

The door of the bathroom was opened a crack, and the light from outside could still come through. Hai Ri watched the blood on the mirror slowly crawling down.

Hai Ri looked at the mirror expressionlessly, without even moving, and then said, "Do you think I'll be afraid?"

Immediately afterwards, the faucet turned on by itself, dripping blood dripping out, and the bathroom door was completely closed.

Hai Ri leaned against the wall and said, "Isn't it only at night that people can kill people? What are you doing?"

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

Hai Ri said sincerely: "Can I come back at night? Everyone is busy during the day, so you don't have a job?"

The bathroom light was on.

Hai Ri saw the word "death" written on the mirror professionally.

Hai Ri took the tissue and said to the air, "Put some water in."

The blood from the faucet drained slowly, and after a while, it stopped dripping completely. Hai Ri turned the faucet, and the water came out.

Hai Ri wet the paper towel, wiped off the blood on the mirror, and said, "Open the door."

The door opened.

Hae-il felt amused, but walked out without saying anything.

The dead are interesting and pathetic. Although he is the protagonist of this script, he actually has nothing and no autonomy. In fact, the real master is still the person who plays the script.

The structure of this room is very simple. There is a bed in front of you. This bed is arranged like a hotel. There is a small table at the end of the bed and a sofa and recliner beside the bed. This room is much better than Hai Ri’s room. .

In terms of character setting, the setting of the ex-boyfriend seems to be richer than the painter he plays. But Hae-il read the script carefully, and the ex-boyfriend should be a thief.

Hai Ri went to his drawer to look through, and sure enough, he found a newspaper with an article on it, which was written about a case of theft from a jewelry store. The "Tears of Venus" was lost three years ago by the Aiyisi jewelry store, and the whereabouts of the thief are still unknown.

This must have been stolen by my ex-boyfriend.

Hai Ri went to open other drawers, only to find that the second drawer had a combination lock, a total of four digits, which should be numbers.

Hai Ri immediately looked around to see if there were any clues pointing to this password. He searched for a long time, but he didn't seem to find anything related to it.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-14 03:05:30~2020-06-16 00:58:11~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Noah, Yin Tusu, zuoming, invincible and most handsome Lang, ctyyyyy, Mmine, Liang Chen, one fanatic of the year;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: invincible, the most handsome, 20 bottles of Qianzhan, ctyyyyy, my name; 10 bottles of c; 1 bottle of levil, the last flower of nothingness;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!