Let Me Live!

Chapter 27: Fire Girl (Thirteen)


Hai Ri suspected that Sheng Canyang did it on purpose, and insisted on messing with his mentality. How can you make up so well when you are a murderer, but start paddling when you are a good person

Sheng Canyang said: "Wine? Think too much, she drank it."

Hai Ri: "The corpse, yes, we haven't observed the corpse yet."

"There's no need to observe," Wen Yin said, "The clothes on the dead body were all burned, and the whole body was pitch black. Have you heard of the wick phenomenon?"

A few people didn't speak. Sheng Canyang obviously knew, but pretended not to know, probably because he was too lazy to speak.

Seeing this, Wen Yin said: "If a person is drunk or sleeping, if her clothes are set on fire, her clothes are like wicks, and the fat under her skin is like lamp oil, continuously providing fuel until she burns herself out. It’s called spontaneous human combustion.”

Hai Ri said: "Impossible. This kind of situation can only be successful when the deceased is asleep. The deceased was still conscious when he died."

Wen Yin spread his hands: "Just to share with you."

However, he said so, although it is not true, everyone is thinking about it.

Sheng Canyang guessed that Hai Ri was really exhausted, so he opened his mouth mercifully, and said, "Even if it's because of the wine, you have to find out where the fire is lit."

"My suggestion is to find the source of the fire first," Sheng Canyang said very gentlemanly, "Anyway, even if you want to accuse me of being the murderer, you still have to find the source of the fire."

Hai Ri is now sure that Sheng Canyang did it on purpose.

He just didn't want to have a good chat on purpose. All the rebuttals are "If you think I am the murderer, then you have to find this evidence", but after finding this evidence, it will prove that Sheng Canyang is not the murderer.

But when playing this game, everyone has a so-called "configuration". Some players are smart and can understand other people's implication, but some players can't understand. If they don't understand Sheng Canyang's speech, they will feel that Sheng Canyang has recognized him It's the murderer, and he might play himself to death by speaking like this.

Hai Ri couldn't figure out what Sheng Canyang was thinking, so he could only make up for him: "I feel that there are a lot of clues about the ex-boyfriend, maybe it's not so obvious?"

"I think so too," Tang Ying said with a smile, "just asking."

Hai Ri immediately felt that Tang Ying was actually very smart. Sheng Canyang was brought into focus because of Tang Ying's question, but after she finished asking, she aroused everyone's suspicion and took another step back. She made everyone pay attention to Sheng Canyang, and she didn't look so aggressive.

She is a smart little girl, and Hai Ri immediately realized that Tang Ying must not be the one to deceive.

Hai Ri remained calm and said, "Where are the other people's timelines?"

"At five o'clock, I got off work and went to ask my daughter for the key. She was in the room and seemed in a bad mood. I asked a few questions, but she didn't like to answer, so I didn't ask any more," said father Wen Yin, " Then I went home. I got home at six o’clock and made some pasta. The script mentioned this pasta. I don’t know what it was for. Then at seven ten, I went to see a doctor. Yes. I got home at 9:30, feeling very tired, and I seemed to smell a very faint smell of gas in the house, and I fell asleep. Then I received a call saying that my daughter had died. "

Hai Ri said: "So in your script, the smell of gas is already very weak."

"Yes," Wen Yin admitted, "it didn't even attract my attention at this time, so it should have dispersed."

Hai Ri: "This also proves that I did open the windows for ventilation."

Tang Ying said helplessly: "No one is doubting you."

"Tell me what you want," Hai Ri said.

Liu Jie frowned and said nothing, Hai Ri asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Jie said: "Father's timeline after six o'clock is completely disconnected from us, there is no intersection."

Hae-il also found this problem. In this tight and complicated script and timeline, his father's script is like an isolated island. Everyone else is tightly woven together, only he is not.

Wen Yin said: "Maybe it's because I am the father of the deceased. I don't have much sense of existence in this role. It is impossible for me to kill my daughter."

Everyone was silent as a response.

In fact, who can say for sure about this kind of thing.

Tang Ying said, "Why did you go to see a psychiatrist at night?"

"Didn't you meet me?" Wen Yin asked with some surprise in his gloomy eyebrows.

Tang Ying: "I didn't meet you on the day of the incident, but it was written in my script that you have a mental illness, because I often run into you in the hospital."

Wen Yin: "Didn't you tell me the time?"

Tang Ying: "No."

Wen Yin flipped through his script, pondered for a moment, and said, "I didn't say why it's night, but if it's this day every week, I'll go there right after work. Is it really night?"

Tang Ying nodded and declined to comment.

Hai Ri felt that Tang Ying was actually very aggressive in this game, not as weak as she looked, Hai Ri thought she would be a relatively passive player, he judged people by appearance.

Tang Ying thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's my turn."

"I was the same as my ex-boyfriend. He asked me out on a date. I arrived at the bar at five o'clock, but I was still holding the poison in my hand. This drug was not poisoned to death in the first place. I just wanted to scare my ex-boyfriend. For a while, but we had a dispute, he insisted on breaking up with me, I was so angry that I didn't show it, and I wanted to kill the heroine on the spur of the moment."

Tang Ying said: "The rest is the same as you. I also saw the father of the deceased and the painter. The difference is that I went to poison at 7:40, and then I slipped out and ran into the theater. The boss was at the girl, and then I ran away. When I came back, I felt a little uneasy, and I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to go back and check if she had drunk, so I lingered by the door for a while, seven fifty Around five, I heard the sound of arguing and glass breaking inside. I was scared, so I wanted to leave it alone and go back to stay with my ex-boyfriend. At eight o’clock, I saw the heroine come on stage, and then continued until the crime happened. "

Hai Ri said: "In other words, the theater owner was only seen this once?"

Tang Ying: "I only saw it this time. My script said that when I ran, I felt my back being spied on by him, which was full of horror."

Wen Yin said: "Isn't this the same as me? A witness without a timeline."

Theater owner Liu Jie said: "But I can tell you your timeline."

Everyone turned to look at her. The theater owner Liu Jie said, "I've been observing you all the time, because I'm rather wretched and like to follow some beautiful women, so I pay close attention to my ex-girlfriend. I always know what happened to you."

To prove it, Liu Jie also said to Sheng Canyang: "I heard you tell your ex-girlfriend at seven o'clock, tell her to stop pestering you, and you will give her what she wants, and she will give her everything she wants. Don't count on it. What are you going to give her?"

Sheng Canyang said, "Tears of Venus."

"Then why do you say that?"

Sheng Canyang said: "I thought my ex-girlfriend was with me for money, so I said that."

Tang Ying said: "How wronged, I am true love."

Sheng Canyang smiled as a response.

Tang Ying said to the theater owner: "Then don't you know the scene very well?"

"Yes," said Liu Jie, the owner of the theater, "I feel that the breakthrough is in me, and it depends on whether you believe me or not."

Liu Jie said: "I have an accurate description of each of you in this theater."

"At six o'clock, the deceased walked into the dressing room with a very heavy expression, as if he was talking on the phone—"

Hai Ri raised his hand: "Follow me."

"The heavy complexion should be because I blackmailed her before," Liu Jie nodded, and continued: "At seven o'clock, I saw the painter enter the dressing room of the heroine," he walked out after a while, and then , the hostess went out to the toilet and was about to go on stage. At this time, the smell of perfume on her body was very strong. I followed her into the toilet and wanted to take a sneak shot, but I didn't dare, so I walked out and happened to bump into The ex-girlfriend came out of the heroine's dressing room with a panicked expression. "

Liu Jie: "Each of us was smashed, neither of us said anything, we kept silent tacitly."

Up to here, Hai Ri found that no one lied, it could be called honest.

Hai Ri has played Ben'er three times, and this time can be said to be the fastest progress and the most honest one. Usually on this day, the link of the timeline cannot be completed. Sometimes everyone even refuses to agree to the timeline.

Because even if everyone can guess that they are not the murderer, they dare not expose the timeline to others, for fear of getting caught up in the fire, being suspected of being the murderer, and being out of the referendum.

The game environment this time is very benign, Hai Ri didn't expect it, it seems that every time the script is completed, it depends on what kind of players you play with.

Wen Yin said: "Then."

Liu Jie said: "What I wrote here is also that she will perform on stage at eight o'clock. So after she went to the bathroom, she still had some time, so she went back to her room and stayed for a while."

Tang Ying smiled and said, "That means, maybe she drank poison."

"The water in the water glass has been drunk." Liu Jie said.

"How did you know?"

Liu Jie: "Because I entered her room."

Liu Jie herself scolded her character and said: "I'm just a pervert, I want her to see the photos I took of her, to see her reaction, when I went in, I saw that she had drunk the water in the glass .”

But even if she drank it, she might not have died of poisoning. If she drank it, it could prove that Tang Ying's poison was not the cause of death.

Otherwise, it would not be so simple and free.

Liu Jie said: "She got a little emotional, and then scolded me a few words, and I pushed and shoved with her, and broke the perfume during the shoving."

Everyone: "..."

"Broken?" Hai Ri couldn't believe it.

Liu Jie said, "That's right. There may be new evidence about the crime scene tomorrow, so you can go and see for yourself."

Hai Ri: "Let me guess, the perfume has been swapped, right? The smell of alcohol is particularly strong?"

Liu Jie said solemnly: "It is true."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri: "It just happened to spill on her clothes?"

Liu Jie said, "How do you know?"

Hai Ri said in disbelief: "You can guess it!"

Sheng Canyang said in a relaxed tone, "So I'm not the only suspect?"

Hae-il really wanted him to go and rest for a while.

Tang Ying said with a smile: "This is very difficult. Could it be that this was an accident? No, who replaced the perfume?"

"Listen to me, there's not much left," Liu Jie said, "She was going to hit me, so I ran away. I thought she wouldn't be on stage, but she went up at eight o'clock, and I was below. I heard my ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend chatting, and then I went, talking about giving things, I thought about it, couldn't swallow this breath, and wanted to teach this woman a lesson, so I went to the warehouse to find the dancer I used before. Props that can light a fire."

Liu Jie said: "I was afraid that I would burn myself, so I put it in the room first. I didn't plan to use it today, because there are too many people. If I want to kill someone today, I have to have the same mind. You know, yes It's impossible for my personality."

Liu Jie: "I sat in the background and observed everyone. You may not have it in the script. At ten o'clock, I heard a sound of electric current. Then it caught fire."

Everyone froze for a moment, and immediately realized that this was a new clue.

Sheng Canyang started brushing giant pandas again. Hai Ri really convinced him. Is it necessary to be so jealous of giant pandas

He pushed Sheng Canyang, Sheng Canyang put down his phone, and said to everyone, "Huh? What's wrong?"

Liu Jie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "It's nothing."

Sheng Canyang's left ear went in and his right ear went out, and immediately remembered what these people said just now, and then asked, "Where did the electric current come from?"

Sheng Canyang is guiding Liu Jie. Hai Ri immediately realized that Sheng Canyang knew the answer, and he wanted the answer to come from Liu Jie.

Liu Jie said: "I don't know, behind me, I was sitting behind the equipment. The equipment is connected with wires, and the microphone projection is here."

Sheng Canyang: "It's the circuit."

Liu Jie was stunned for a moment: "That is the circuit."

Sheng Canyang stopped talking again, turned on the screen, and Hai Ri saw that it was a live broadcast. The organizer prepared a grand meeting for the giant panda's suicide, moved it to the red carpet, and used bamboo to lure it forward. Step, fell to the ground and climbed down, did not move.

Sheng Canyang stared brightly, remained motionless, and was very focused.

Hai Ri: "..."

Liu Jie said: "Has anyone touched the circuit? What's going on, how to disk? Where to start."

Tang Ying took a deep breath and said, "Let's go back to the beginning of the story... Friends, why didn't anyone explain the gas problem?"

Hai Ri also thought of this point, indeed, from the beginning until now, no one has ever admitted that the gas has anything to do with him. Hai Ri didn't think it was as simple as his father Wen Yin forgot to turn it off when he was cooking.

That is to say, among the five of them, some people have already started to lie.

Some of the above statements are false.

Several people stopped talking, only Sheng Canyang's mobile phone occasionally made the sound of a giant panda eating bamboo. Sheng Canyang watched the giant panda eating bamboo on the screen, and took out a lollipop from his pocket. He didn't put it in his mouth, but handed it to Hai Ri. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Hai Ri was a little embarrassed, but he took it anyway, and Sheng Canyang took another one by himself.

Tang Ying smiled and said, "Is your pocket a treasure chest?"

Sheng Canyang fumbled in his pocket for a long time, and said slowly, "It's gone."

Tang Ying sighed regretfully.

Hai Ri was hesitating whether to hand her the stick in his hand, and made a decision almost instantly, and decisively put it in his mouth.

They are all sisters, who will let who.

The clues are here, all they know is already on the table, what they can say has been said, and the rest can't be said, before the clues of the second round of evidence collection tomorrow are announced, Asking is definitely impossible.

But everyone was still unwilling to freeze here, and began to cross-examine.

Sheng Canyang was asked the most questions. Liu Jie is a criminal policeman. Although his intuition is keen, he also has many questions.

Liu Jie said, "You arrived at the bar at five o'clock? What were you doing before?"

"Appointment," Sheng Canyang replied politely, "Because I have an appointment with my ex-girlfriend, so I can arrive at five o'clock."

Liu Jie frowned and stopped talking.

Hai Ri knew what she wanted to ask, but she actually wanted to know who touched the device.

But the most suspicious person was actually Liu Jie herself.

At this time, it was time for lunch, and the deceased brought the lunch plate. Everyone had to stop discussing.

Hai Ri felt a little nauseous, he was a little belated, remembering what happened last night, he couldn't finish eating, he put down his chopsticks before eating two bites, and said in a low voice, "I'll go back to sleep for a while."

He went back to his room, thought about it after entering the door, hesitated for a while, and didn't lock the door.

His room has been cleaned and tidy, as if nothing happened. It should have been packed and put back at breakfast time.

Hai Ri was lying on the bed, looking at the chandelier on the ceiling, suddenly there was an image in his head of the crystal chandelier dripping blood last night.

Hai Ri thought: "It's really realistic."

Even so, it's a little disgusting.

He didn't sleep well last night, and fell asleep unknowingly while lying on the bed. After an unknown amount of time, the vibration of the mobile phone's WeChat woke him up. Sheng Canyang was lying next to him, with his head leaning against the head of the bed, crackling typing.

Hai Ri was sleepy and thirsty, and said, "What time is it?"

Sheng Canyang glanced at the time: "One thirty, go to sleep."

Hae Il: "What are you doing? Are you dealing with what happened last night?"

"Yes." Sheng Canyang said simply.

Hai Ri didn't know if what happened last night would bring trouble to Sheng Canyang, but he was too embarrassed to ask, because the words were too frivolous, and he didn't want to thank Sheng Canyang with words.

Hae-il said, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Sheng Canyang gave him a look, raised his eyebrows, and signaled what are you talking about

Hai Ri: "It's these clues today, do you have any insights you want to give me?"

"No," Sheng Canyang said, "I can't tell the difference either."

Hai Ri: "..."

It's too fake, Hai Ri thought to himself, even ghosts don't believe it.

Sheng Canyang was still typing. After typing for a long time, it seemed that he finally relaxed his brows, and then he reacted, and said casually: "There is an iron rule in playing this game."

Sheng Canyang said: "When everyone is telling the truth, the one who is lying must be the murderer. No matter how small the lie is."

Hai Ri: "?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-01 00:01:50~2020-07-04 03:16:00~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 27797011 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Li Qinghe 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Li Qinghe 5;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Li Qinghe; 10 bottles of lyn;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!