Let Me Live!

Chapter 29: Fire Girl (Fifteen)


Hai Ri went to bed, the phone rang, he picked it up and took a look, Huang Mao sent him a message: "Brother Hai, good evening."

Hai Ri: "?"

Huang Mao: "How is Brother Hai's mission done? [Silly smile]"

Hai Ri: "I'm about to die. If there is something to do, I will play, and if there is nothing to do, I will leave the court."

Huangmao: "[Surprised]"

Huang Mao: "No way, can you still die if you go out with Brother Yang? You should be back tomorrow, right?"

Hai Ri said: "If you have a life, you can go back tomorrow. If you don't, you, brother Yang, can go back by yourself."

Hai Ri: "What's the matter, don't ink it."

Huang Mao: "Lonely, let's talk to you."

Huangmao: "By the way, I'd like to ask you about Brother Yang's situation."

Hai Ri suddenly became sensitive and asked, "What's going on?"

Sheng Canyang's condition today is indeed not very good, how did Huang Mao know

Huang Mao said: "I sent him good morning in the morning and he hasn't replied yet."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri was speechless, and asked, "You still send him good morning every morning?"

Gay or not gay

Huangmao: "[Silly smile]"

Huang Mao: "Make sure it's safe, after all, I went out to do a task."

Huangmao: "Is he all right?"

Hai Ri thought for a while, turned on the camera, held up the phone, and said to Sheng Canyang, "Look up."

Sheng Canyang was lying idly in his pajamas, he was registering his ID, he raised his head blankly, Hai Ri made a "click", took a photo and sent it to Huang Mao, Huang Mao immediately noticed the important point: "You two sleep together? "

Hai Ri: "You care."

Huangmao: "[cry loudly]"

After a while, Hai Ri immediately heard Sheng Canyang's cell phone ringing, and he leaned over to look openly, Sheng Canyang glanced at him, opened WeChat, Huang Mao asked: "Why didn't you reply to my message!!!!"

Huang Mao forwarded the photo Hai Rigang sent to Sheng Canyang, and asked, "Sleeping with Brother Hai, why don't you reply to my WeChat?"

Hai Ri: "..."

Only then did Sheng Canyang know what Hai Ri was doing for taking pictures, and he typed: "Get lost."

Hai Ri smiled and said, "You two are very interesting."

Huang Mao is obviously still a child, but he doesn't know how to cultivate such a deep feeling for Sheng Canyang. Sheng Canyang doesn't seem like a person who can talk to people.

Huang Mao immediately called Sheng Canyang, Sheng Canyang refused to answer, Huang Mao called again, Sheng Canyang refused again mercilessly.

Huangmao: "????"

Sheng Canyang said, "I'm busy."

Huangmao: "What can you do


Sheng Canyang: "You care."

Huangmao: "..."

After a while, Hai Ri's phone rang again, Hai Ri glanced at Sheng Canyang, Sheng Canyang looked down at the screen, but didn't even look at it, Hai Ri clicked on it, and Huang Mao asked, "Brother Yang, are you alright?"

Hai Ri: "He's not in a good mood today."

Hai Ri thought about it, but still couldn't talk about Sheng Canyang's confession to him, for fear that Huang Mao wouldn't be able to stand the excitement for a while.

Huangmao: "Is it serious?"

Hai Ri: "It's not serious, good evening."

Huangmao: "I don't feel good."

Hai Ri thought to himself, isn't your Brother Yang ignoring you when he is normal

Huangmao: "It usually lasts for a few days."

Hai Ri's heart moved, and he asked, "How to relieve it?"

Huang Mao said: "It can't be relieved. Let him calm down when he comes back tomorrow. He will feel uncomfortable when there are too many people. We don't have a hospital here, so we can only persevere."

Hai Ri: "Have you ever had this symptom before?"

"Several times a year," Huang Mao said, "this time because of what? Couldn't there be his black fans?"

Hai Ri: "Has it happened before?"

Huang Mao replied with a sighing expression.

"There was a man who was a fan of their Tuan Shanyu before doing the mission," Huang Mao said, "Don't mention it, it was too tragic. I haven't accompanied him to that mission. He didn't go out for a week after he came back."

Huang Mao: "How come the little girl has such a sharp mouth now?"

Hai Ri was speechless.

Huang Mao asked again why Sheng Canyang was in a bad mood this time. Hai Ri felt guilty for a while, and he didn't know what to say.

Hai Ri felt that he really knew Sheng Canyang very well, and he could tell that he was in a bad mood after just a few words. Hai Ri didn't discover the problem until noon.

Huang Mao said: "He only hangs up my video when he is in a bad mood."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri: "You two are just dating, right?!"

Huangmao: "[Shy] If brother Yang can do it, it's not that I can't."

Hai Ri couldn't help laughing, Sheng Canyang glanced at him and asked, "What's your ID?"

Hai Ri moved his head closer, lowered his head and tapped on the screen, and then typed "Luo Run Sweetheart 1512".

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri said, "Is there a problem?"

Sheng Canyang: "No."

Seeing someone paying attention to him, Hai Ri asked, "Do you want to pay attention to Huang Mao?"

"No." Sheng Canyang said decisively.

Hai Ri smiled and said, "Don't do this, he will be sad when he finds out."

Sheng Canyang: "Didn't you say not to let him know? Forget it, what is his ID?"

Hai Ri thought about it, but it's not appropriate to stimulate the yellow hair too much today, and then said: "Let's talk about it when we have a chance in the future."

Sheng Canyang took Hai Ri's mobile phone, followed his watch list, followed each one by himself, and then began to explore the new world.

The pre-preparation time was as long as one hour, after two minutes of exploration, I clicked on the three videos and watched the beginning, and officially announced my withdrawal from Kuaishou.

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang said: "This really doesn't suit me."

Hai Ri showed a devilish smile from someone who came here, and said, "Take your time, you will fall in love with it."

Sheng Canyang seemed to have completely calmed down at this time, and everything was normal, but Huang Mao said that Sheng Canyang's emotional radiation period lasted for several days, and Hai Ri was still somewhat worried.

Hai Ri is someone who has experienced it, and he actually knows that apart from medicine, any consolation will not have much effect. People's emotions are fighting against themselves, and no one can help them. All the people around them can do is not to add fuel to the fire and make the emotions worse.

Sheng Canyang was playing with his mobile phone very quietly, and Hai Ri was quietly by his side. The two occasionally said a few words and played with their mobile phones. It will soon be eight o'clock.

Hai Ri turned over, looked at Sheng Canyang's handsome side face, and indifferently swiped on the phone with his thin fingers, Hai Ri said, "Who do you think will die today?"

Sheng Canyang didn't even think about it: "You."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang said, "Have you heard of chasing knives?"

Hai Ri: "No."

"The Werewolf Killer has a board called the White Wolf King Guard," Sheng Canyang said in a rare long sentence, "The White Wolf King can take away any player by self-destructing during the day, which is equivalent to the hunter card in the werewolf. The guard can guard a player at night. Don't be killed by a werewolf."

Hai Ri: "It's quite interesting."

Sheng Canyang said: "But the guards cannot guard the same person for two consecutive nights."

"So sometimes, a werewolf wants to kill a good person at night," Sheng Canyang said, "If this person is guarded by guards, it will be Christmas Eve the next day. But when the night falls the next day, because the guards cannot guard one People, so I will definitely chase this guy at night to ensure that he will die."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri said blankly, "So I must die, right?"

Sheng Canyang smiled and said, "It's a pity, I can keep guard as a guard."

Hai Ri said, "Why are you so persistent in wanting to kill me!"

"The murderer doesn't like you," Sheng Canyang stood up and said, "Here we come."

At this time, the time on the mobile phone jumped to twenty o'clock. Sheng Canyang stood up from the bed, took out a kitchen knife under the pillow, threw it up and shook it twice, turned 360 degrees in the air, and held it steady again. catch.

Hai Ri was dumbfounded, and subconsciously said: "Don't play, it's so dangerous... No, when did you get it!!!"

Sheng Canyang asked, "Have you ever fought?"

"No," Hai Ri said, "And you're not fighting, you're trying to kill someone, right?"

Sheng Canyang laughed and said, "You better stop watching."

All the doors in the corridor were tightly closed, and there was indeed a terrifying atmosphere, and Hai Ri felt goosebumps keenly.

Blood flowed in from the door. The rustling whispers are just beside my ears.

Sheng Canyang said, "Close your eyes."

Hai Ri failed to close his eyes in time, the door was suddenly broken open, and a dark figure rushed in with a roar!

Hai Ri: "!!!!"

Hai Ri bounced off the bed directly, Sheng Canyang swung his knife, aimed at the pounced black shadow, and slashed down directly, with incredible strength, Hai Ri felt that he was frightened by Sheng Canyang's explosive power at that moment.

It is indeed the power to kill.

Sheng Canyang slashed the dead man's dark neck with a knife, revealing the bright red flesh and blood inside. The knife got stuck in the bone seam, Sheng Canyang pulled out the knife vigorously again, and slashed again. The deceased screamed with his mouth wide open, and grabbed Sheng Canyang's neck with his hands.

Sheng Canyang was expressionless. He aimed at her arm and slashed it to the bone, but did not cut it off. Sheng Canyang chopped again.

Hai Ri was terrified.

He had heard that killing and fighting were different. Knowing how to fight does not necessarily mean being able to kill. People who have learned martial arts may not be able to beat a butcher with a kitchen knife in a real life-and-death situation. It was the first time for Hai Ri to see such a bloody and indifferent scene. The way Sheng Canyang held a kitchen knife was indeed like a butcher at the end of his life, with an invincible spirit.

Sheng Canyang didn't know how to turn his head, and shouted again: "Close your eyes!"

Hae-il subconsciously closed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, footsteps came from the corridor countless times, and then the sound of a knife piercing into bones, Sheng Canyang's heavy breathing, and the roar of the dead.

Hae Ri sensed that more than one dead person came tonight. There seem to be many. Maybe there are many backup npcs in this book, all of them are here.

Hai Ri's hands trembled slightly, he felt his palms were cold, covered in cold sweat, his hair stood on end, suddenly a gust of wind came from his face, followed by a roar from behind. He turned his head and saw a man nailed to death with a kitchen knife by the window behind him, bleeding from his neck.

Sheng Canyang came over calmly, took out the knife, his hands were covered with blood, he flicked the blood off the knife, and kicked the man aside.

Then he raised his head, pointed at the foot of the ceiling in the room, and said, "Come out and talk."

The room was peaceful, and Hai Ri saw five or six black corpses lying on the floor of the house.

After a while, a horn sounded from somewhere in the room, and he said, "What should I do if you mess around like this?"

Sheng Canyang said: "Come out and talk."

There was no more movement over there, Sheng Canyang moved his arm, his body was covered in blood, and he didn't want to sit on the bed, so he stood where he was, without looking at Hai Ri.

Hai Ri asked, "Are these... are they all human beings?"

Sheng Canyang said: "It depends on how you define 'person'."


Sheng Canyang: "I don't know, it should be gone."

Hai Ri was somewhat relieved, he knew that Sheng Canyang would not lie.

Hai Ri felt a little dazed. Last night was terrified, tonight is shocking.

In less than five minutes, very light footsteps sounded again in the corridor, and a black figure was getting closer and closer to the door. Hai Ri stared at the shadow at the door, and then saw a man wearing a peaked cap, a black T-shirt, and overalls Standing at the door, turned around.

The man leaned against the door carelessly, and said, "Sheng Canyang, you make it difficult for me. All the trained NPCs are dead."

Sheng Canyang said, "Can't you guess the result?"

"You have to come if you guessed it," the man said, "Isn't it a dereliction of duty if I don't come?"

Hai Ri said: "...Hello?"

"Hello!" The man seemed to have just seen Hai Ri, and waved his hand to say hello, "Hello, handsome boy, are you scared by Sheng Canyang? Are you okay?"

The corner of Hai Ri's mouth twitched, thinking: "Isn't it because of you?"

The man walked in, walked around the corpses that were still rustling and struggling, and said, "What should I do? You broke the rules so much, what should I do?"

Sheng Canyang put the knife aside and said, "Call your leader."

The man looked at the time: "At half past eight, everyone is off work, isn't it good?"

Sheng Canyang said coldly: "Then let's talk about it tomorrow."

The man: "I really can't figure it out, do you think I'm not pleasing to the eye, always causing trouble in my book, did I kill your whole family in my previous life? I haven't looked for you for the last time."

Sheng Canyang said: "Every time you take the initiative to cause trouble."

That person: "What are you doing? This time it's me too?"

Sheng Canyang calmly said: "Didn't you lure the murderer to kill Hairi today?"

"The theory of chasing the knife." Sheng Canyang said, "Is that what you told the murderer?"

The man: "Why do I say this? Am I sick or are you sick?"

Sheng Canyang: "Aren't we both mentally ill?"

The man laughed, stiffened his neck, stared at him blankly, and stopped talking.

"Oh," the man came over and said, "I'll take care of it for you. Look at you. You're covered in blood. It's too indecent. Wipe it off."

As he spoke, he reached out to wipe the blood splattered on Sheng Canyang's face. Sheng Canyang tilted his head to hide, and gave him a cold look.

The man turned his head sideways and glanced at Hai Ri. Only now did Hai Ri see his face clearly, and he felt terrifying at first sight. That look really doesn't look like a normal person, even though there is a smile on his face, it makes people shudder.

Sheng Canyang's voice was cold, and he warned: "Don't make trouble again."

The man smiled and said: "Wow, I was scared to death, I said it all, it has nothing to do with me."

Hai Ri noticed that Sheng Canyang's hands behind his back were shaking slightly, and he said, "Get lost."

The man shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn't care, then lowered his head and kicked those npcs who were not dead, picked up the kitchen knife, headshot them one by one, and made up one by one.

Hai Ri: "..."

The man seemed completely indifferent, ignoring the still convulsing dead, holding their feet, one by one with each hand, and dragged them out one by one. There was a grinding sound on the ground.

In the end, the man came back, clapped his hands, and said, "Go out and have a meal together? How about discussing this matter?"

Sheng Canyang was silent for a moment, looked at him coldly, and did not answer.

The man smiled at him, patted him on the shoulder, straightened Sheng Canyang's crooked pajamas, and whispered in his ear, "Wait for you."

When he was talking to Sheng Canyang, he looked at Hai Ri with cold eyes. Then he walked out without looking back.

Sheng Canyang turned around and said to Hai Ri, "Go to sleep in your room."

His condition got worse, his eyes were gloomy, and his whole state seemed to have fallen to the bottom again, completely lifeless.

Hai Ri walked over in two steps, observed his expression, took his hand, feeling still trembling.

Hai Ri said, "Why do you keep shaking?"

Sheng Canyang: "Complications, it's okay, it will be fine in a while."

Hai Ri tentatively asked, "Who is that?"

Sheng Canyang took a deep breath, and then said, "Colleague, leave him alone."

He reached for his mobile phone and charger: "Let's go."

Hai Ri sensed his impatience, and didn't dare to ask any more questions. The two returned to Hai Ri's room. Hai Ri was still holding his hand, feeling that he was shaking slightly, as if he couldn't control his nerves. Hai Ri was a little worried.

While observing Sheng Canyang, Hai Ri sent a message to Huang Mao: "He has been shaking."

Huang Mao immediately responded with a message: "Anxiety, what happened?"

Hai Ri: "What should I do?"

Huang Mao: "I usually let him calm down. He annoys me when he is in a bad mood."

Huangmao: "Let him stay alone for a while, go and have a look at night, the knives are away, don't let him harm himself."

Hai Ri was about to cry when he saw these words, Sheng Canyang lay quietly on the bed without saying a word.

Hai Ri said softly, "Do you need me to go out?"

Sheng Canyang didn't respond for a long time, and after a while, he turned his eyes to look at him.

His gaze was also quiet, Hai Ri was bewildered by his look, and asked, "Do you need it?"

Sheng Canyang pulled out his hand and didn't speak.

Hai Ri's hands were empty, he thought for a while and said, "I'll go outside for a while, call me if you need it."

Hai Ri played with his mobile phone outside for a while. It was around eleven o'clock in the evening. Huang Mao kept sending messages asking him what was going on. Hai Ri went in every hour. Sheng Canyang was still not asleep and was rowing. Watch the news on your phone.

Hai Ri walked over and asked, "Any news?"

Sheng Canyang said, "No."

Hai Ri: "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"No." Sheng Canyang said.

Hai Ri had no choice but to say: "Eat candy? I'll find the roots for you, and I'll go out for a while."

Sheng Canyang took his hand and said softly, "Go to sleep."

Hai Ri asked, "Don't you need to stay for a while?"

Sheng Canyang: "No need."

Hai Ri lay beside his bed, texting Huang Mao: "It's better."

Huangmao: "Why is it so serious?"

Hae Il: "Did you know he has a colleague who is mentally ill?"

Huang Mao: "All his colleagues are mentally ill."

"A very handsome guy," Hai Ri said, "a bit scary."

Huang Mao reacted immediately: "Ivy?"

Hai Ri: "Who?"

Huangmao: "Isn't it because I met that pervert?"

Hai Ri: "Who!!"

"He's anti-social," Huang Mao said, "he's an old pervert. He killed the whole family and then committed suicide. Brother Yang and his colleagues are generally like Brother Yang, with a relatively high despair value. Don't let him participate in the mission, for fear that he will kill someone."

Hai Ri: "..."

Huang Mao: "He doesn't get along with Brother Yang, I feel that pervert likes Brother Yang."

Hai Ri was unable to support his forehead, feeling extremely tired.

Hai Ri asked: "I heard him talk about the last time, what happened last time?"

"There was a werewolf killing, and Ivan was the judge," Huang Mao said, "Brother Yang is a witch, and Ivan hinted that the werewolf killed Brother Yang on the first night. Brother Yang, a witch must die if she eats her head and a knife, because she can't save herself. He felt that the judge had revealed his identity, and he turned against the wolf at night."

Huangmao: "The cards were reshuffled later. There was quite a big commotion, because after the investigation, it was true that the judge passed the identity. You also know, Brother Yang, he played games, and he never let people know that he was a witch on the first day. There must be something wrong."

"That man was punished and some money was deducted. Later, he was not allowed to kill the werewolf, so he came to work on the script."

Hai Ri said: "Then what should we do this time? He asked the murderer to kill me for two days."

Huangmao: "Damn it, fuck him!"

Huang Mao: "It's too irritating, don't worry, kill him this time."

Huang Mao: "No wonder Brother Yang is angry, and I am also angry. How is Brother Yang now?"

Hai Ri glanced at Sheng Canyang, Sheng Canyang was still reading the news, Hai Ri asked, "It's a bit late, are you going to sleep?"

Sheng Canyang stared at the phone, but apparently he hadn't thought about the content, Hai Ri thought for a while, took his phone away, then held his hand, hugged him, and patted his back.

Hai Ri said, "Complain to him tomorrow."

Sheng Canyang said, "I'm pretty scary."

Hai Ri: "Not at all, you are very handsome."

Sheng Canyang sighed for a long time, then patted him on the back and said, "I made you worry."

Hae Il: "Don't say that, isn't it because of me?"

"Because of me," Sheng Canyang said, "If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have let you meet these things in the first place."

Hai Ri said: "I don't feel well when you say that, I don't think it's your problem at all."

Sheng Canyang was silent for a while, and said, "It's not interesting."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang said: "I am much more comfortable with you here, are you a walking medicine bottle?"

Hai Ri: "Hahahaha."

Sheng Canyang would never tell why he was unhappy, but Hai Ri understood a lot. He should have known from the leader that Ivan is the administrator of this book in the morning. So I thought that Hai Ri's troubles were caused by Ivie seeing that Hai Ri was Sheng Canyang's friend. In addition, he just confessed to Hai Ri yesterday, and this incident happened today, under various emotions, Sheng Canyang became a little anxious. Just now he made a move in front of Hai Ri again, revealing his true nature, which made him even more anxious.

Sheng Canyang said: "I'm much better, don't worry."

Hai Ri didn't dare to ask anything, but just nodded.

Sheng Canyang said: "I still won't chase you anymore, I don't deserve you."

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri looked into his eyes, and there was deep sadness in Sheng Canyang's calm eyes. Hai Ri didn't speak for a long time, and when Sheng Canyang was about to withdraw his hand, Hai Ri leaned over and pressed a kiss on his forehead .

Hai Ri said: "It doesn't matter, the most important thing is that you are happy."

Early the next morning.

When everyone saw Sheng Canyang and Hai Ri with full beards and tails, their eyes were no longer stunned, but they were questioning: "Who is above them?"

The two had breakfast as usual, and then began the second round of evidence collection.

During this round of investigation, everyone found a random room. Hai Ri went into his father's room, and Sheng Canyang was next door.

Father's room is European-style, and there is still a faint smell of gas inside, and the window is open. It seems that the smell in this room should be controlled by an agency.

He looked around and found nothing particularly unusual.

Huang Mao was still harassing Hai Ri, he didn't dare to ask Sheng Canyang himself, so he had to keep asking Hai Ri, Hai Ri called him directly, Huang Mao answered immediately, Hai Ri said: "Last night it seems A little insomnia, fell asleep in the early morning, and felt better in the morning."

Huangmao: "Is it pretending?"

"Maybe," Hai Ri said, "Can you think of a way?"

Huangmao: "What do I know, I just 'drink more hot water'. Nothing can help, I don't understand why he is unhappy every day."

Hai Ri stopped in front of a huge photo on the wall. The photo was a photo of their family of four. The youngest son, daughter, father and mother were taken before the fire, and the tone was rather depressing. Hai Ri said: "We He doesn't understand, but he doesn't want to, he just can't control his emotions."

Huang Mao: "I understand. I don't mean anything else, I just feel very angry. This disease is too wicked."

Hai Ri: "I don't think he has the tendency to harm himself. Does he not die here?"

Huang Mao: "To die in this world is to return to the real society."

Huang Mao said: "No, even if you can't die, it's okay."

What Hai Ri was thinking about was that the yellow hair said earlier that he was afraid of Ivie killing people, so he probably was afraid of sending people back to the real society.

Huang Mao: "Are you coming back in the afternoon? When I come back, I will cleanse you up."

"Maybe," Hai Ri looked at the photo in front of him, and then said, "We'll talk about it this afternoon. Hang up."

Hai Ri always felt that this photo seemed a bit weird, would normal people make their family portraits so big? It has taken up most of the wall.

Hai Ri took a closer look, the photo was hanging on the wall, and there was no mystery around it.

He turned his head again and saw a briefcase hanging on the hanger by the door. He walked over and opened it, and there were two keys and a bottle of sleeping pills inside. The date on the pill bottle was the day before yesterday, but the medicine inside was quite low.

Hae Il put the key in his pocket, found no other clues, and walked out.

Today opened a new task site - the warehouse. Just as Tang Ying came out, Hai Ri asked, "What did you find?"

Tang Ying looked at him with a faint smile, waiting for him to speak.

Hai Ri: "?"

Tang Ying said: "What's your background?"

Hai Ri pretended not to understand, and said, "What?"

Tang Ying: "Don't pretend, I wasn't sure on the first day, but there was such a big commotion last night, and no one died today, then you must have a problem."

Hai Ri said sincerely: "I really don't know, I was in my room last night and nothing happened until dawn."

Seeing that he didn't want to talk, Tang Ying asked, "Okay then, do you know who the murderer is?"

I know a ghost, Hai Ri thought, all I know is that I have a melancholy son.

Hai Ri said, "Anyway, it's really not me."

Tang Ying: "Is it Sheng Canyang?"

Hai Ri shrugged, indicating that I don't know either. Tang Ying said: "You two are so weird, it seems like you have a lot of secrets."

Hai Ri: "Isn't everyone like this?"

Tang Ying smiled and said, "It's true."

Hai Ri returned to the living room with Tang Ying. It was not known if the deceased today was someone from last night, but there were no injuries on his body, which made Hai Ri a little confused. Last night, that Ivy obviously said that all NPCs were killed.

Then Ivy can only be lying to scare them.

Hai Ri thought to himself, it's really boring.

Sheng Canyang didn't like to talk when he woke up this morning. After washing up, he walked out of the bathroom and seemed to be back to normal again, but Hai Ri felt that he must have shown it on purpose.

The next day's round table discussion started.

Hai Ri wanted Sheng Canyang to speak first, so he didn't have to participate in the discussion after he finished speaking, so he said, "Everyone was more suspicious of his ex-boyfriend yesterday, why don't we clean him up today?"

Liu Jie said with a smile: "Everyone clearly suspected each other yesterday."

Several people laughed, and Wen Yin said, "I searched for my ex-boyfriend."

Sheng Canyang stretched out his hand politely, indicating to ask.

The author has something to say: How have I been behaving lately? Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-05 03:26:06~2020-07-06 00:20:48~

Thanks to the little angels who cast the landmines: Chirp no longer Chirp, Squirrel Liumao, and my Zhong Yun one;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Nanping; 20 bottles of Lin Mumu; 10 bottles of Bian Bian and Lin Zhixiu; 9 bottles of my Zhongyun; 1 bottle of Taoxie, Yiran, Angel, and Levil;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!