Let Me Live!

Chapter 30: Fire Girl (16)


Wen Yin took out a note and said, "There is nothing new, but one. You wrote a note to the deceased. It said 'Don't hate me'. What does it mean?"

"It's not interesting," Sheng Canyang said, "Let me explain the clue of the perfume together with this one. There are some hallucinogens in the perfume, and I plan to force the dead tonight."

Sheng Canyang said: "The timeline is also hidden. At 4:50, I went to her room to replace the perfume in her perfume bottle with the perfume I prepared in advance. So the bottle in my room is missing. Less, because the capacity of the two bottles is different."

now it's right. Hai Ri thought, Sheng Canyang's character is a man, and it is impossible to wear feminine fragrance, so it is difficult to explain some of the perfumes he used in his room. Now it's all over. That's why Hai Ri smelled the fragrance of that bottle of perfume, but Hai Ri was stunned for a moment, and felt that something was wrong, would the addition of hallucinogens change the smell of the perfume

Hai Ri glanced at Sheng Canyang's expression, unable to grasp whether he was lying.

Sheng Canyang said, "Is there any more?"

Wen Yin didn't speak for the time being, as if he didn't intend to just let him go.

Sheng Canyang leaned on the back of the chair, and said calmly: "I didn't say this yesterday, because I felt that everyone was lying, so I didn't tell them all."

Hai Ri's heart moved, he felt that Sheng Canyang was passing him a message, so he followed his meaning and asked, "Who do you think is lying?"

Sheng Canyang looked at his father and said, "When you went to pick up the key at five o'clock, was the deceased in her room?"

Hai Ri was stunned for a moment, everyone was like that.

Sheng Canyang leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and said casually: "Everyone's timeline is to see the heroine from six o'clock, and the timeline given by the theater owner is clearly 'six o'clock' when the deceased walked into the room No one ever saw a dead man in a theater at five o'clock."

Hai Ri thought for a while, it was true, according to his personality, he was a diehard fan of the deceased, if the deceased was in the theater at five o'clock, he would not be there until seven o'clock. But Wen Yin said that he had seen the deceased in the room when he took the key at five o'clock, and the two had even communicated.

Wen Yin's expression changed, and he said, "Do you have evidence that she wasn't in the theater at five o'clock?"

"Okay," Sheng Canyang put down the topic, and asked Hai Ri, "What time did you call the deceased?"

Hai Ri thought for a while: "Six o'clock."

Sheng Canyang nodded and asked, "Where were you at that time?"

"The bar." Hai Ri seemed to suddenly understand what he wanted to ask.

Sheng Canyang said: "If she was in the bar and you were in the bar, would you call her?"

Everyone: "..."

Hai Ri thought: "Too smart."

Wen Yin said, "How do I know if she's here? She'll be there when I go at five o'clock."

Sheng Canyang smiled and said nothing.

Hai Ri thought to himself, there is no need to say more, Sheng Canyang has already ignited the bomb, so there is no need to say anything else.

Hai Ri has felt more than once that Sheng Canyang has a really contradictory temperament. He is undoubtedly very smart, but he maintains innocence to the people around him, is honest and serious in his dealings with others, stalks his friends, and sincerely maintains his nature.

Wen Yin's state is already a bit wrong, not as calm as before. His nervousness made his gloom more apparent.

Hai Ri touched the key in his hand and said, "I found two keys in your briefcase, and you had one key in your hand that day."

Wen Yin took a deep breath, looked at him, and said, "It's just that I found the key to the house later, and put it in the briefcase. I can't always use my daughter's, can I?"

When Hai Ri heard him call "daughter", he felt a little strange, as if he was reminding everyone that the deceased was his daughter.

Tang Ying said: "Did father have any hidden missions that he didn't mention? I always feel that something is wrong."

Wen Yin seemed a little helpless, and said, "No."

"I have already explained everything," Wen Yin said, "How could you suspect me? I have no motive for killing."

Hai Ri recalled that huge family portrait again, and always felt that the breakthrough point might be here.

But what the family portrait represents, he still can't figure it out.

Tang Ying said: "Theater owner, I found a bottle of the same chemical as in your room in your warehouse, and there is a piece of it. Let's see what it is?"

Tang Ying took out a length of yellow metal wire from her pocket, and Hai Ri said, "Is it copper?"

It looks like copper wire in a circuit.

Liu Jie said: "It's not copper. Copper is not so hard. It's an alloy. It looks like a copper alloy in terms of hardness and color."

When Hai Ri held it in his hand, it felt as if the texture was indeed different. But what is this thing for? Conductive or flammable

Hai Ri glanced at Sheng Canyang, who showed no expression.

Liu Jie said: "I don't know about this thing, I haven't seen it before."

Tang Ying: "But you have the key to the warehouse, right?"

Liu Jie looked at him, and smiled helplessly: "It's true that only I have it, but the key will be lost. I really haven't seen this thing, and there is no warehouse in the script."

Hai Ri said, "Have you used that bottle of chemical agent in the warehouse?"

"I used a little," Tang Ying said, "I thought it was dangerous, so I didn't take it, but it's a little less, you can go and have a look."

A few people went to the warehouse, Hai Ri walked in, looked around, and found that the room had no windows, it was a closed space, and one couldn't get in without a key.

Is Liu Jie lying? Hai Ri thought, it is unlikely. If so, it is impossible for her to have two bottles of the same chemical agent. There is definitely something wrong with this.

Hai Ri thought for a while, opened one of the bottles, sniffed it with the tip of his nose, and there was a faint smell of peppermint in his nostrils.

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang didn't enter the door, but waited outside with his arms around his shoulders. Hai Ri came out and winked at him. Sheng Canyang raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

Hai Ri said, "I seem to understand."

Sheng Canyang nodded and gave him a thumbs up, meaning: "Awesome".

Holding the bottle, Liu Jie followed the fan and smelled it. It seemed to be very familiar. She frowned and thought about it. Everyone looked at her quietly for a while. After a while, Liu Jie said: "...N-pentane? "①

"I thought it was something," Liu Jie said, "the ignition point is very low, it has a slight mint smell, and it is slightly soluble in water."

That is, a very flammable substance.

Hae-il said, "That means someone added this to the dead man's perfume, right?"

Tang Ying: "The question is, where did the fire start?"

Hai Ri looked at the section of alloy in her hand.

Tang Ying: "?"

Hai Ri looked around and saw that there were no wires around, and the crime scene was at the last corner after coming out of the warehouse. The location was not announced yesterday. Here is arranged as a small stage.

Hai Ri glanced at the left side of the stage, there are many wires, these wires are respectively connected to the microphone, lighting and bar. Hai Ri squatted down, picked up the wire and looked at it, and there seemed to be no major problem.

its not right. Hae Il thought that the electrical circuit must have caught fire and started the fire.

Tang Ying also seemed to understand, and said, "Someone changed the wiring?"

"The resistance of copper wire is very low," Hai Ri said, "If I remember correctly, the resistance of any alloy is higher than that of copper wire, right?"

Liu Jie smiled and said, "I remember correctly."

Hai Ri: "What will happen if the wire resistance is changed?"

Liu Jie was not sure, and said, "Short circuit?"

"The power here is huge," Sheng Canyang reminded, "It needs to support many devices to operate at the same time."

"So," Hai Ri looked at Sheng Canyang and said, "There will be an overload."

Liu Jie seems to be familiar with these methods. She said: "If the wires are replaced with alloys with such a high resistance, and so many devices are turned on at the same time, there will definitely be problems. But these wires are no problem, they are all intact. .When a fire occurs due to overload, the wire will generally be fused."

Hai Ri didn't quite understand either, and fell into confusion for a moment.

He thought for a while, and walked onto the stage. The place where the deceased stood was also clean. He felt very strange. He closed his eyes and imagined the scene at that time: the deceased stood on the stage, sprayed flammable gas on his body, and then —

Hae Il opened his eyes, just in time to see the chandelier above his head.

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri pointed to the lamp and said, "The wires on it—"

Liu Jie slapped her forehead, and immediately said: "It's amazing! Smart! It's not the wires on the ground, but the wires with the lights replaced! So the sparks will fall directly on the dead body!"

Hai Ri turned his head and looked at the faces of everyone, Wen Yin's face was a little dark.

In fact, Hai Ri already knew it in his heart. When Sheng Canyang questioned Wen Yin, he had already guessed that Sheng Canyang was reminding them who the murderer was.

Hai Ri said: "This should be the cause of death. The perfume was replaced, chemical agents were put in, and the wires on the chandelier were replaced with alloys, so only the dead body caught fire, and no other places were affected at all. .”

Hae Il: "Now all that remains is to find out who did it."

Tang Ying said: "To be honest, I don't quite understand what you're talking about, I just feel like it's very powerful."

Wen Yin said, "Me too."

Hai Ri smiled, Wen Yin said: "Everyone, let's finish the clues of today's second round of evidence collection."

"Nope," Liu Jie said, spreading her hands, "I haven't found any new clues at all."

Sheng Canyang said: "I didn't find any new clues either."

Everyone is empty-handed, that is to say, the only clues added in the second round of evidence search are the clues of the father and the clues of the ex-boyfriend.

Others are unchanged.

Tang Ying said, "What should we do now? Let's sit down and talk."

A few people sat on the ground, Hai Ri sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at the crowd, and said, "This should be a mechanism arranged in advance."

Tang Ying said helplessly: "But we don't know how long he was ahead of schedule."

"Before I changed my perfume," Sheng Canyang said, "after I changed my perfume, someone went in to change it again, and I went in at 4:50 to change it."

Hai Ri: "You mean after 4:50?"

Wen Yin: "How to prove that you are not lying?"

"It can't be proven," Sheng Canyang said decisively, "but it can't prove that I'm lying either."

Hai Ri hurriedly said: "Let's assume that the time Sheng Canyang said shall prevail, otherwise there is no logical basis."

The time provided by Sheng Canyang is the earliest time point related to this agency. If you don't believe him, it means that there is no way to proceed to the next step.

Tang Ying: "I agree."

"But I actually reserve my opinion," Tang Ying smiled at Sheng Canyang, and said, "It doesn't mean I believe you. It's just that if I don't believe you, I can't proceed."

Sheng Canyang smiled softly and nodded.

Tang Ying: "I have a very strong hunch that we may not be able to identify the murderer this time, and in the end we will only be able to fool one."

Hai Ri said, "Apart from Sheng Canyang, is there no one else to say?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, Liu Jie said: "I said it all. I said it all yesterday."

Tang Ying: "Me too."

Wen Yin: "Me too."

Hai Ri: "..."

There was no other way, Hai Ri said, "Me too."

What to do? Hai Ri was in a daze, everyone couldn't say anything, all they could know now was the modus operandi, what's the use of that? Even if it is suspected that the murderer is Wen Yin, there is no absolute evidence to identify him.

Sheng Canyang asked, "Gas, no one recognizes it?"

Everyone was silent.

Sheng Canyang: "If no one says anything, then I'll ask a few questions."

Everyone looked at Sheng Canyang with a serious expression, probably because he saw that the tricky question he asked just now was really difficult to answer. They were a little afraid that they would be caught by him in some kind of braid.

Sheng Canyang asked: "Who has been to the deceased's house?"

Only Hai Ri raised his hand.

Sheng Canyang nodded, and then asked Hai Ri: "When you went, did you make sure there was no one at home?"

Hai Ri: "No one."

So everyone saw Sheng Canyang slowly taking out a bottle of something from his pocket, he took a bottle of sleeping pills at some point, and said to Wen Yin, "Is it your medicine?"

Wen Yin froze for a moment, then nodded: "The sleeping pills are prescribed by the doctor."

"It was opened on the day the deceased died, that is, the day before yesterday,"

Sheng Canyang said, "Really?"

Wen Yin didn't speak immediately, he was a bit on guard, he seemed to have realized what Sheng Canyang wanted to ask.

Sheng Canyang unscrewed the medicine bottle, then poured the pills into his hand, poured a whole handful, and counted one by one with his slender fingers, counting patiently for more than a minute: "Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight .”

there is none left.

Sheng Canyang said, "How many pills do you take in one night?"

Everyone: "..."

Hai Ri was startled. This number is wrong, a bottle of one hundred pills, there should be ninety-nine pills left in the bottle.

Sheng Canyang poured the pills back into the medicine bottle, then patted the powder on his hands, and said, "Take one pill a night, is it missing one? Are you sure you went to see a psychiatrist on the day the deceased died?" ? Or the day before?"

Wen Yin's face turned red, and he said angrily: "I don't know how many pills I ate in one night, don't you think this statement is too ridiculous?"

"Is this considered evidence?" Wen Yin sneered, "I think you are the murderer, so you can't wait to get me out. The medicine bottle is in your hand, what if you secretly took out one?"

Hai Ri sighed, not knowing what to say. How could Sheng Canyang do such a thing

Tang Ying was silent for a moment, then said, "But there is still no answer to the gas issue."

Hai Ri: "It was already there when I went. If your timelines match each other, there are only Wen Yin and I. The problem is that this clue has nothing to do with me at all."

Hai Ri glanced at Wen Yin, and then said, "I actually wanted to ask you yesterday, did you mention spaghetti in your clue, does it have any meaning?"

Wen Yin said: "That's how it's written in the script!"

When Hai Ri listened to it yesterday, he felt that this sentence was very abrupt in the whole script and had no meaning at all, so he mentioned that his father made a meal. It seems that they are deliberately trying to make up for this gas issue.

Wen Yin said: "I only have one question, you answer me, why do I put gas, what's the point?"

Tang Ying said softly: "Suicide..."

Tang Ying looked into his eyes and asked, "Really?"

"You took sleeping pills and then turned on the gas," Tang Ying said, "you were planning to commit suicide. So when Hai Ri went, it wasn't that there was no one at home, but that you were already asleep. You didn't expect him to slip away." Come in, and open a window, and the gas is diffused, so you don't die."

Tang Ying said: "So your spaghetti did appear in the script. The reason why you deliberately mentioned it is because in the script, that is the last meal you cook for yourself, right? After finishing, You didn't turn off the gas and were going to kill yourself."

Hai ri glanced at Tang Ying, and Tang Ying looked at him in the blink of an eye. Hai ri guessed so, and nodded at her.

Wen Yin seemed to find it ridiculous, rubbed his eyes impatiently, and said, "Even if I was going to commit suicide, why would I kill my own daughter? Isn't that contradictory?"

Tang Ying stopped talking. Hai il didn't want to stimulate his emotions, but in fact, it felt that everyone should be thinking the same thing.

Everyone should feel: This is not a conflict.

Hai Ri asked him, "Then who do you suspect?"

Wen Yin pointed at Sheng Canyang without hesitation.

Hai Ri thought indifferently: "Your road is narrow."

Sheng Canyang kindly reminded: "Actually, it's not me that you should suspect the most, it should be the boss."

Liu Jie was cueed abruptly, and said with a smile, "Okay, you can torture me too."

Wen Yin was eager to pour Sheng Canyang's dirty water at this time, so he was a little too hasty, because Sheng Canyang had no other conclusive evidence except for the clue of perfume. From the chain of evidence, Liu Jie's evidence was more suspicious. The timeline is also more actionable.

But Wen Yin ignored the boss and directly recognized Sheng Canyang as the murderer, thus exposing his face. This is a complete murderer mentality, eager to find an opposite person to resist.

Hai Ri thought to himself: "This is too tragic, do we still need to vote? You can vote directly."

But he can draw a conclusion based on the judgment he can only make when he knows that Sheng Canyang should be a good person. If Sheng Canyang is a good person, then the person he suspects should be the murderer. Because Sheng Canyang's sensitivity and familiarity with the script are the highest.

Even if the script had been changed and deleted, and there were some deviations from the stage play they performed outside, Hai Ri still felt that Sheng Canyang should be able to guess the murderer.

But Hai Ri knew this, but others might not. In their eyes, Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang were also very suspicious, just like Wen Yin.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow will end, and the review will be thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-07-06 00:20:48~2020-07-07 00:18:39~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: Nanping, 00 1;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Xuexue; 20 bottles of Qianfan; 15 bottles of Hoh Xil; 5 bottles of Guiwang today; Study hard! 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!