Let Me Live!

Chapter 31: Fire Girl (Final)


Both script killing and werewolf killing belong to speech games.

Sheng Canyang's speech today is much stronger than yesterday's, which caused the feeling that he didn't exert his strength yesterday and only started to exert strength today. But in fact, this is the mentality of a good person. If it is a murderer, it is unlikely to play like this.

Hai Ri has already counted the votes in her heart, Liu Jie should have judgment, she should be able to clearly distinguish who is the murderer, as long as one of Liu Jie and Tang Ying does not divide the votes, then the reasoning can be successful.

Wen Yin's mentality really doesn't look like a good person, he should be the murderer. No matter how bad it is, is there someone in Liu Jie and Tang Yingli who is too good at acting

Hai Ri thinks about it carefully, from his point of view, there is no way to doubt that Tang Ying did it anyway, because there is no personal evidence or material evidence, if you want to doubt it, it can only be guesswork. Hai Ri quickly put Tang Ying down.

Tang Ying said: "Boss, it's still the same sentence, if you can't understand the clue of the key, you are the most suspicious person."

Liu Jie sighed, and then said: "I can't give you evidence, I didn't write about the warehouse in the script... Wait a minute, that's not right."

Liu Jie turned on the phone again, rummaged through it, and found it after a while, and said, "I went to the warehouse to rummage, and saw a bottle of chemical agent, planning to use it to kill people, and there is only one bottle at this time?"

Liu Jie asked blankly, "When did that bottle in the warehouse appear?"

Tang Ying couldn't explain clearly, but Hai Ri keenly noticed that Sheng Canyang frowned.

Tang Ying said: "Who can steal this key? I really don't have one."

"I don't know," Hai Ri took out his mobile phone to return Huang Mao's text messages, and then said, "Let's talk first."

After he finished replying to the text message, he found that the atmosphere seemed to be quiet. When he looked up, he found that everyone was looking at him.

Hai Ri: "?"

Tang Ying said, "Do you have a timeline before five o'clock?"

Hai Ri didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "No."

Tang Ying: "Then from five to seven, what are you doing?"

Hai Ri: "Our timeline is the same, you saw me at the bar after five o'clock, I was on the phone after six o'clock, and then it was seven o'clock."

Only then did Hai Ri realize that he was almost blank for these two hours. A phone call cannot be used as an alibi.

Hai Ri immediately adjusted his attitude and said, "I should have stayed at the bar all this time, and didn't go anywhere."

Tang Ying said: "Although I am willing to believe you, you must also know that in terms of time, you can steal the key."

Hai Ri nodded, expressing his understanding. Sometimes, in order to coordinate the difficulty of the good guy and the murderer, the script will make it difficult for the good guy to justify himself and give the murderer some cover. It's all about balance.

He reached into his pocket, and suddenly felt the two keys. He took them out and weighed them in his hands. He always felt that this clue showed that his father didn't go to get the keys at all, he should have stolen the theater The boss's key is correct, but there is no evidence at all. Wen Yin is so much like a murderer. To be honest, if Hai Ri hadn't suffered from being unable to prove it, he would have voted directly. When he was at a loss, Hai Ri always looked at Sheng Canyang subconsciously. Sheng Canyang raised his head and looked at him, and tapped his hand on the phone screen, as if he was thinking. After a while, Sheng Canyang asked Wen Yin: "Do you admit that you didn't leave home that night?"

Sheng Canyang: "If you admit that you set off the gas and planned to commit suicide, then you will not be suspected of what happened tonight."

Wen Yin froze for a moment.

Just stunned for a moment, in fact, this question has been answered. Wen Yin must have lied.

Sheng Canyang unconsciously tapped his hand on the phone, looked into his eyes, and said, "Admit it?"

After thinking about it, Wen Yin seemed to have gone through a fierce ideological struggle, and said, "I really want to die—"

Sheng Canyang looked at him patiently.

Wen Yin said: "The reason for hiding it is because this is my side mission, so I can't disclose it. When Hai Ri went, I was already asleep. As you said, I made a meal for myself and turned off the gas, but it didn't work. Isn't it?" He said with a smile.

Hai Ri felt that he looked even more evil when he smiled.

Sheng Canyang seemed to be really pondering, and said, "Is there any need to hide this side mission?"

Wen Yin: "..."

Sheng Canyang said: "Why did you hide this matter? This can obviously get you off the hook."

Hai Ri thought to himself, Wen Yin was probably scolding his mother in his heart, obviously Sheng Canyang said that he would get rid of his suspicion if he admitted it, but now he questioned him again, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone. However, Wen Yin's words have already been spoken, and there is no way to make up for it.

Wen Yin had no choice but to say: "That's how it's written in the script."

When things go unresolved, the script solves them.

Tang Ying said suddenly, "I can vote now."

Everyone: "???"

Even Sheng Canyang was puzzled. Only Wen Yin's face was livid, very bad.

Hai Ri asked curiously, "Who are you voting for?"

"Haven't you all come to a conclusion?" Tang Ying pointed to him and Sheng Canyang, "Then you two must have the same votes. Wen Yin must vote for Sheng Canyang."

Unexpectedly, Tang Ying had already noticed the undercurrent of the atmosphere, and then heard her say: "Actually, it just depends on who I vote for and the owner of the theater."

Tang Ying said to Wen Yin: "Your murderous intent is hidden too deep. But Sheng Canyang reminded me just now, if you are innocent, you must have confessed yesterday that you put the gas yourself, instead of making our thinking so confused .”

"I feel like you are a murderer," Tang Ying said, "because you have never done things for good people. Instead, you have concealed clues. Compared with you, Sheng Canyang is actively looking for a murderer. If Sheng Canyang is on the opposite side of you, he thinks that Hai Ri Both Liu Jie and Liu Jie are good people, so there is a high probability that they are good people."

Hai Ri: "..."

Tang Ying said to the deceased hiding in a corner: "I can vote now, can I start?"

Sheng Canyang took a deep breath and said, "Wait a minute."

"You may have misunderstood a little," Sheng Canyang said, "I don't think Wen Yin must be the murderer."

Everyone: "..."

Sheng Canyang said: "I also thought he was the murderer, but it's too difficult to make such a move. Wen Yin, I think you are a good person. You are a good person who doesn't want us to vote right, right?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Because the reason why you concealed the clues doesn't make sense," Sheng Canyang said, "You did this on purpose, but you didn't want Hai Ri to vote right, did you? You hate him?"

Hai Ri looked at Wen Yin blankly.

Sheng Canyang said: "I feel that the murderer is the theater owner."

He fixed his gaze on Liu Jie, who was smiling at him.

Sheng Canyang stepped back and said, "That's why you know everyone's timeline, because you have to modify the circuit on the ceiling. You can see what everyone is doing."

"You sprinkled the perfume on the dead man on purpose," Sheng Canyang said, "pretend it was knocked over, so the dead man can catch fire quickly."

Sheng Canyang: "You have always done the right thing. I never doubted you. You did the last one wrong."

Liu Jie smiled curiously: "Where?"

Sheng Canyang: "Because I think my father must have really fallen asleep after eight o'clock. It's a bit too eager for you to frame him and go back to the warehouse to put the murder weapon again."

"No one can go back and release the murder weapon," Sheng Canyang said firmly, "If you say someone has gone back, it must be a lie."

Liu Jie smiled and didn't speak.

After a moment of silence, Liu Jie sighed and said with a smile, "That's right."

Liu Jie raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm a criminal police officer, and I hate sophistry prisoners the most. I originally thought that if someone suspected me, I would admit it."

Liu Jie: "I thought I had tricked you."

Sheng Canyang: "It's only close."

"As long as you lie, you may be the murderer," Sheng Canyang said, "You also lied. The first time you said that there are no clues about the warehouse and keys in the script, it is unreasonable. Because if you don't provide clues, the chain of clues must be broken Yes. I thought it was with my father, but even so, you must have the evidence to identify my father. If you two don’t fight each other, there must be something wrong.”

Hai Ri has already heard it.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Canyang suddenly changed his words, Liu Jie pleaded guilty suddenly, and his father suddenly became innocent. Hai Ri saw that Tang Ying was just like him, with a confused expression on his face.

Liu Jie said, "It's really smart."

Sheng Canyang just shook his hand, then slumped back again, returning to a lazy look. Hai Ri felt inexplicably, as if he also breathed a sigh of relief

Doesn't Sheng Canyang know who the murderer is

Liu Jie raised her hand and said, "Vote."

She smiled generously all the time, tucked her short hair behind her ears, and said, "I was already going to be successful, but I'm going to stop here."

"But it doesn't matter," Liu Jie said, "I am convinced that I lost."

Hai Ri looked at her, hesitating to speak. Although he didn't get along with Liu Jie much, he had a good impression of Liu Jie, thinking that she was a calm and free-spirited woman. Never thought that Liu Jie would be the murderer. Hai Ri didn't want to mention the events of the past few nights, but Liu Jie took the initiative to look at him and said, "I know what you want to ask. I did choose to kill you for two consecutive nights."

Liu Jie: "I can tell who belongs here and who doesn't. Sister, you may not believe what my sister says, but I really want you to go back."

Hai Ri: "..."

Liu Jie said slyly: "By the way, there is one less opponent."

Hai Ri could only smile helplessly. Liu Jie reached out to shake his hand, Hai Rihui held it, feeling her palm was cold.

Liu Jie shook hands with everyone one by one, and then said: "In this life, there are so many people. It is not easy to meet each other. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Hai Ri was in a very complicated mood, looking at Liu Jie, he felt a little sour.

Liu Jie: "Then I'll go back."

"Hai Ri," Liu Jie said, "I met a man who is very similar to you. He was my former colleague, just like you. He is a small subject. It would be nice to go back." She looked around and took a deep breath , holding back tears, said firmly, "I miss him too."

Liu Jie said: "So people should not make decisions impulsively. I actually regret coming here, and I regret it all the time, but after I have taken this step, it is difficult to look back. This opportunity is not a bad thing."

Hai Ri said: "Cherish the journey and live a good life."

"Definitely," Liu Jie solemnly promised, "I will definitely not be stupid again this time."

Everyone laughed at her, Liu Jie said goodbye to everyone seriously, and then the voting ended, and all votes were out. It also included her own vote.

Then Liu Jie stood up, straightened her shoulders, and walked out by herself.

At that moment, Hai Ri did indeed see the shadow of a criminal policeman in her body. It's a pity that for Liu Jie, it was a new beginning, but for those who were still here, it was a loss of a friend.

Everyone was downcast for a moment.

Tang Ying was extremely disappointed, her head drooped, and she said, "Why is this script so difficult!"

Hai Ri said: "It's okay, we are not right."

Hai Ri was mainly led astray by Sheng Canyang. He warned himself in his heart that he must make his own judgment next time, and Sheng Canyang would also roll over sometimes.

Tang Ying looked at Sheng Canyang: "What is your background?"

Sheng Canyang was puzzled.

Tang Ying: "You can't die, you can't live, and you know so much, what do you do?"

Sheng Canyang said, "For dinner."

Tang Ying: "?"

Sheng Canyang stood up, and casually said to the deceased who had just walked back: "Let's eat, I'm hungry."

Everyone was speechless, they could only look at his back with a sense of loss.

Tang Ying looked at Hai Ri and pursed her lips.

Hai Ri thought, it's really cute, sister, but it's useless.

Hai Ri also stood up: "It's time to eat."

Tang Ying: "..."

For the last meal, there were only four people. Hai Ri sighed deeply, and glanced at Sheng Canyang, who was cooking rice. Hai Ri took a bite of his meal, sighed again, and glanced at Sheng Canyang.

Sheng Canyang put down his chopsticks, glanced at him, and said helplessly, "What's wrong?"

Hai Ri said quietly: "You don't know who the murderer is?"

"Sometimes it will be changed." Sheng Canyang could only say.

Hai Ri: "Who is it?"

Sheng Canyang didn't speak.

Hai Ri: "?"

He raised his head and urged him to answer quickly with his eyes, Sheng Canyang coughed softly, and said in a low voice, "Wen Yin."

Hai Ri let out an "ah", suddenly realized, and said, "So you also admitted your mistake?"

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri: "The car almost overturned."

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri: "I have already believed in you, and I am planning to vote."

"Eat." Sheng Canyang said.

Hai Ri started picking his own food. Can't help but hold back a laugh.

Sheng Canyang took a deep breath, calmed down, and ignored him.

Hai Ri really thought it was so funny that Sheng Canyang was deflated, he almost got into a car accident, and the way he just breathed a sigh of relief was so cute.

Hai Ri couldn't put it down.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the four of them went back to their respective homes.

Sheng Canyang took a pair of sunglasses from nowhere, put them on to the ground, his chin soared to the sky, stretched out two fingers and pushed, it was so cool. Hai Ri took a look and asked, "Are you crying?"

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri: "Not at all."

Sheng Canyang stuffed a candy into his mouth, meaning to shut up.

Hai Ri laughed.

Wen Yin was already standing beside the bus, and looked at them from a long distance. Hai Ri had nothing to say to this man. It feels so weird.

Wen Yin glanced at them, glared at them silently, and then got on the bus.

Hai Ri took out the lollipop and said, "Did you see it?"

"So I suspect that he is the murderer." The sun was a little big, Sheng Canyang buttoned his hat down, and said, "Do you want to know why he hates you?"

Hai Ri looked at him ignorantly: "?"

Then I heard Tang Ying running out, panting and saying: "Let's go together."

Hai Ri seemed to understand.

Sheng Canyang glanced at him with a half-smile, then pushed his glasses and got in the car.

Hai Ri stayed where he was, looked at Tang Ying, scratched the back of his head, and said, "That..."

After a while, Hai Ri got into the car, found Sheng Canyang, and sat beside him, Sheng Canyang said, "How is it?"

Hai Ri is like everyone else: "Ah? What's the matter?"

He is used to coming out of the closet, and basically has no discomfort. Then it occurred to me that Sheng Canyang should ask Tang Ying instead of him, and suddenly said, "Oh, it's okay."

Hai Ri said: "Little girls nowadays are very strong and don't take men seriously."

Sheng Canyang nodded and said nothing.

Hai Ri suddenly leaned over to look at him, and took off his glasses while he was off guard.

Sheng Canyang's eye circles were red.

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Hai Ri didn't say anything, turned his head away, and handed him his hand. Sheng Canyang tightly held his hand, which was still shaking slightly.

The two of them didn't say a word along the way, nor did they listen to the music, they held hands and sat on the bus all the way. When I got off the bus, I saw a yellow bean sprouts at the station holding a huge light sign, which read: "[爱心] Yang & Hai [爱心]".

Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang looked at each other, they had a tacit understanding, they turned and left.

Seeing them running away, Huang Mao hurriedly chased them, shouting, "Brother Yang! Brother Hai! What are you running for!"

Everyone looked sideways and laughed endlessly.

The two had no choice but to stop, and Hai Ri told him to stop from a long distance, saying, "Put this thing down."

Huang Mao put down the light board helplessly, and said with a little hurt: "I finally made it to order."

Then they were panting and silent for a moment, Huang Mao suddenly laughed, threw down the lamp, jumped onto Sheng Canyang's body, hugged him tightly, and said, "Brother Yang!"

Sheng Canyang took a few steps back to catch him, and was thrown by him, the glasses frame hit his eyes, and Huang Mao's knee hit his ribs, Sheng Canyang cried out in pain, and said, "I...K."

Huang Mao jumped off him, looked at him from top to bottom, saw that all the parts were exactly the same as when he left, no more, no less, so he said meanly: "Brother Yang!"

Sheng Canyang pushed him away, and said in an evasive way: "Stay away from me!"

Huang Mao held Sheng Canyang's face and said, "Still so handsome!"

Hai Ri laughed, and it was obvious that Huang Mao was deliberately making Sheng Canyang happy.

Thinking of Sheng Canyang's red eyes, he sighed again. In the past two days, sighing seems to have become an unconscious action.

Huang Mao followed them back to Hai Ri's room. Hai Ri deliberately didn't mention Sheng Canyang's nearly overturned car, but Sheng Canyang brought it up himself. He said, "The current script has changed a lot."

Huang Mao was eating the pizza he ordered for himself, when he heard this, he glanced at him.

Sheng Canyang sat on the sofa with long legs and long hands, with his elbows on his knees, and said, "The murderer of this copy has become the role of the theater owner."

Huangmao let out an "ah" and looked at him dully. Then he said, "So did you win?"

"I won," Sheng Canyang said, "The clues have also been changed a lot, and it is indeed a bit more reasonable."

Huang Mao smiled and said: "That's it, I know, you can do it."

"So next time you choose a role, be more careful," Sheng Canyang patted the back of his head and said, "Don't choose the murderer, let someone cast it."

Huang Mao looked at his sunglasses and said: "

What kind of magic mirror do you wear in the room? "

As he said that he was about to pick it up, Hai Ri hurriedly yelled to stop: "Stop!"

Huang Mao was startled: "?"

Hai Ri stuffed a piece of pizza into his mouth and said, "Let's eat your meal."

The author has something to say: So have you guessed it... No, you don't care, you are the readers I've seen who don't care about the plot in Infinity Stream...

Then say: Xiuwen, I don’t have time to do it today, so I will find time to do it the day after tomorrow. Get rid of the bloody description, and at the same time add some warnings and polish.

Then I hope everyone will keep a low profile in the comment area, you understand.

The core setting really cannot be changed, so it will not move.

The next copy is Werewolf Killing, and the board is: Guard of the White Wolf King. Haven't played it doesn't matter. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-07 00:18:39~2020-07-07 23:39:23~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: it is difficult to level 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Nanping; 18 bottles of Wuhei; 5 bottles of Emerald; 3 bottles of Huahuaya; 1 bottle of Fulijiu_yunya;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!