Let Me Live!

Chapter 32: Forever brilliant (1)


Huangmao took the pizza inexplicably, and said, "I'm eating."

Hai Ri: "You can't stop your mouth even if you eat."

"How do you eat with your mouth shut?" Huangmao asked.

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang looked at the two of them and laughed.

Huang Mao said: "Concubine Hai has been out for a while, she has a good temper, is she spoiled by pampering?"

"Yes," Hai Ri said, "The emperor doesn't favor you anymore, you should retire."

Huangmao: "How could it be? The emperor and I are deeply in love with each other, we live together forever, we have the same eyebrows, we are childhood sweethearts, we are so talented, and we want to win love, how can we let a dog like you see the needle?"

Hai Ri couldn't listen anymore, and said, "Shut up, illiterate."

Sheng Canyang laughed out loud.

Huang Mao said seriously: "Although I haven't studied much, what the emperor loves most is my innocence."

Hai Ri also laughed out loud, unable to hold back anymore.

Huangmao can also act by himself: "Sister, what's the use of reading a lot of books? Do you know what kind of soup the emperor likes to drink, what kind of vegetables he likes to eat, what kind of flowers he likes to see, and what kind of operas he likes to listen to?"

Sheng Canyang: "I like it when you shut up."

Huang Mao accepted it immediately: "Okay."

Then dig into the pizza.

Hai Ri was overjoyed, and shook his head helplessly when he saw Sheng Canyang.

Hai Ri also knew that Huang Mao had the same thoughts as himself, and tried his best to hope that Sheng Canyang would be happier. It would be nice to be a little bit happier.

When Sheng Canyang came back this time, he still sat quietly on the sofa and listened to the two of them chatting, but it was different from the previous feeling. Before, Sheng Canyang was at ease and among them. But now it's like watching the performance of the two of them, he is like a silent guest.

Hae-il feels sick but doesn't know what to do, and can't seem to pull him in too. Lonely people seem lonely, but Sheng Canyang seems to become stronger, making it difficult for people to approach.

Hai Ri sighed to himself, feeling that the road of life is really steep.

At this time the doorbell rang suddenly, Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Who is coming to your house?"

Hai Ri was also stunned: "I don't know."

Then he got up to open the door, and the courier said, "Hai Ri?"

It was only then that Hai Ri remembered that he had bought something on Pinxixi when he was doing his mission, and it had already been delivered together.

He took the things into the house, Huangmao asked while eating, "What?"

Hai Ri opened a flat cardboard box, inside were two black half-sleeves, only two.

Hai Ri: "..."

He thought for a while and looked at the yellow hair.

Huang Mao also looked at him, at the two half-sleeves on his hand.

Both fell silent.

After a while, Huang Mao politely reminded: "You can either say that you bought two for yourself."

Hai Ri: "..."

Huang Mao calmly said: "As long as I live, don't let me see this dress on Brother Yang."

Hai Ri: "I..."

Sheng Canyang also looked at him.

Hai Ri had no choice but to say, "I bought two half sleeves for myself."

Only then did Huang Mao glance at him, then continued to eat.

Hai Ri felt like a fool. When he bought it, he never thought about Huang Mao who stayed at home. Although things are not expensive, they are really bad, so I can only admit that I am unlucky.

But the stuff in the next box—

Huang Mao asked, "What is that?"

Hai Ri quickly kicked it away and said, "It's nothing, I just bought some snacks."

Huangmao: "Take it apart and try it."

Hae-il asked him, "Aren't you going home?"

Huangmao: "?"

Hai Ri looked at his phone, it was four in the afternoon: "Do you have nothing to do at night?"

Huangmao: "My thing at night is to play with you."

Hai Ri: "Your Brother Yang is also tired, what are you playing?"

Huang Mao asked Sheng Canyang: "Are you tired?"

Sheng Canyang was stunned for a moment, glanced at Hai Ri, and figured out the meaning of it, but couldn't figure it out, so he had to compromise and say: "It's okay—?"

"Forget it," Huang Mao had almost eaten, wiped his mouth, put away the pizza box, put it in a garbage bag, and said, "Then we won't play, then let's go back."

Hai Ri: "?"

Hai Ri: "??"

Huang Mao put his arms around Sheng Canyang's arm, and said to Sheng Canyang: "I'm going to live with you tonight, Your Majesty, and I haven't talked to you about family life for a long time."

As he spoke, he carried Sheng Canyang on his shoulders and carried him away.

Sheng Canyang turned his head and looked at Hai Ri dumbfounded. Hai Ri was not worth the loss, he stood where he was, very dazed.

Is this a straight man? Hai Ri thought, it's too scary.

The power of a straight man is infinite, great, and irresistible.

A little Ling like him can only bitch secretly, but a straight man can bitch openly, Hai Ri's tricks are exhausted, and he feels that he has lost at the starting point.

Feeling helpless, he washed the newly delivered clothes and opened the courier. It was a box of lollipops he bought earlier, in various flavors and colors. He opened a strawberry flavored one and put it in his mouth. Lying in bed in a daze.

What is Sheng Canyang doing? Hai Ri couldn't help thinking. Maybe he's chatting with Huangmao right now.

Sheng Canyang told him before that Huang Mao didn't like to participate in missions because he didn't want to die at all. He only came here because he didn't have money for medical treatment. After coming here, he didn't want to face death either.

When Hai Ri was alive in the human world, more than once he felt that all kinds of things in the world are suffering. It cannot be said that all living beings are suffering, but only that 80% of all living beings are suffering. At that time, I felt that although everyone walked hard every step, the result always depended on luck.

At that time, Hai Ri felt that life was boring, and it was too difficult. But after coming here, I seldom thought about it. Instead, I felt bitter and happy after coming here, and I saw the greatness of ordinary people. Those shining points seem to be the true meaning of life.

The most difficult thing for a person is to survive, and those who can go to the end are considered winners. At this point, Huangmao is braver than them.

Hai Ri was thinking aimlessly, when the phone rang suddenly, Sheng Canyang said, "What are you doing?"

"In a daze." Hai Ri returned a dazed expression.

Sheng Canyang sent a video, Huang Mao was standing on the ground, holding a microphone, twisting his waist to the KTV on TV, singing: "You smell of her perfume, it's my nose's fault—"

Hai Ri said: "A natural born singer."

Sheng Canyang: "A born singer."

The two held their phones and laughed.

Hai Ri: "If you think he is noisy, you can let him go."

Sheng Canyang: "It's a lot of noise."

Sheng Canyang: "Forget it, let him play, or he will bother me at night."

Sheng Canyang probably also felt that Huang Mao was relying on him today, just to see his condition. So did not drive him away.

Hai Ri thought about it, typed it, and then deleted it.

He didn't reply for a long time, but Sheng Canyang sent: "?"

Hai Ri quickly said, "Nothing."

Sheng Canyang seemed to be much calmer in the text message, he said: "You don't speak, it feels like my heart is hanging."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang asked again: "What are you doing?"

"Chatting with you," Hai Ri couldn't laugh or cry, "What's wrong with you?"

Sheng Canyang: "I don't know."

After a while, Sheng Canyang sent a system default "heart" emoji.

Hai Ri looked at that little heart, and suddenly his heart moved.

That kind of heartbeat is indescribable, it seems to surge directly from the heart, reaching the throat, it is warm, and the whole body seems to be bathed in spring.

Sheng Canyang said, "Good night."

Hai Ri: "

Good night. "

After sending this message, Sheng Canyang didn't send anything more. Hai Ri hugged his phone and fell asleep in a blink of an eye. It was a dreamless night.

the next afternoon.

Hai ri kicked the floor and dragged his slippers to take out the trash. He had to go to the first floor to take out the trash. He pressed the elevator and waited. Another person came from the stairs. Hai ri took a look and recognized that it was the same person. One of the obsessive-compulsive patients in the building, he has never spoken to this person.

When the elevator arrived, the two walked in together, and the doorman pressed "1" for them.

Hai Ri asked, "Why are you absent every day?"

The doorman said, "I'm on shift."

Hai Ri: "I've only met you, do you have colleagues?"

"No, it's just me," said the doorman, "I'll take shifts with myself."

Hai Ri: "?"

Doorman: "There are two shifts in four shifts. When I'm not at work, no one is there."

Hai Ri: "..."

The doorman smiled politely at him.

Hai Ri thought to himself: "Definitely."

The first floor arrived soon, Hai Ri had just walked out when his hand was grabbed suddenly, he turned his head, OCD pulled him, and said, "Where are your glasses?"

Hai Ri: "Huh?"

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: "Where are your glasses?"

Pointing to his eye sockets, he said anxiously, "Where are your glasses!"

The obsessive-compulsive disorder yelled: "Your glasses, your glasses, where are your glasses!"

The incident happened suddenly, Hai Ri didn't understand it, but subconsciously stepped forward and hugged him tightly, patted his shoulder, and said, "It's okay, I forgot to bring it."

As he spoke, he turned around and called the hotel staff: "Someone is sick!"

The obsessive-compulsive disorder kept groping for his eye sockets, as if looking for the glasses that should exist.

The doorman's elevator hadn't left yet, so he said, "You still wear glasses, I haven't seen you wearing them before."

"My eyesight is 5.0," Hai Ri said helplessly, "I recognized the wrong person."

"This man has an IQ of 136, a top student in the Department of Mathematics," said the doorman. "On this day last year, he remembered what he ate in the morning."

Hai Ri: "..."

But Hai Ri did not wear it, Hai Ri said: "Look at me carefully, do you recognize the wrong person? Calm down."

The hotel staff arrived just now, and it turned out to be the muscular man. He glanced at Hai Ri and said, "Are you back? When did you come back?"

Hai Ri said: "When is it! Give me a hand!"

The employee just said "Oh" twice, then took over the obsessive-compulsive disorder and said, "Oh, Wang Xuan, are you okay?"

"Is it intentional to take advantage of the handsome guy?" The employee smiled maliciously.

Hai Ri felt that this person was unreasonable, picked up his garbage bag, turned and left.

The employee yelled twice, but didn't yell back, and said to the obsessive-compulsive disorder: "I'm gone, what's the matter with you? Haven't you been sick for a long time?"

Wang Xuan said blankly, "Why isn't he wearing glasses?"

The employee said: "I haven't seen him wear it since the day he came. Do I remember it or do you remember it?"

The doorman watched for a while, then sneered, shook his head, and closed the elevator. It happened to be on the fourth floor, Huang Mao pressed the elevator, exhausted.

The elevator door opened, and Huang Mao said sleepily: "The first floor."

The doorman pressed "1" for him.

Huang Mao: "You are on shift today."

Doorman: "Yeah."

Huangmao: "It's hard work."

Doorman: "Here we are."

Huangmao let out an "oh" and walked out, just in time to bump into Hairi returning from taking out the trash, and immediately said, "Brother Hai," as if he had met a relative.

Hai Ri: "Oh, Brother Mao."

Huangmao looked at him inexplicably. Hai Ri said, "What's wrong?"

Huang Mao remembered the business and said, "Brother Yang suffered from insomnia last night, did you know that?"

"I don't know," Hai Ri said, "What's going on?"

Huangmao: "What happened to him?"

Hai Ri thought for a while and said, "Didn't he tell you?"

Huangmao shook his head ignorantly. Hai Ri said, "Then I won't say anything, I'll go over and have a look."

Huangmao: "Go and see, no matter what happened to you, please advise Brother Yang, you should eat and drink, and don't forget to keep everything in mind."

"Okay," Hai Ri responded, confidently saying, "Go back to sleep and leave it to me."

Only then did Huang Mao feel relieved, waved at him, and left.

Hai Ri waved at him with a smile on his face, and as soon as he got into the elevator, he collapsed instantly and unloaded it in one go.

The doorman glanced at him and pressed "4" for him.

Hae Il said to him, "Thank you."

Hai Ri went back and went straight to Sheng Canyang's room, and rang the doorbell.

Sheng Canyang was wearing a big vest, big pants, and a chicken coop. He was obviously still lying on the bed, and he was taken aback when he saw it.

Hai Ri: "Who do you think?"

Sheng Canyang crawled back on the bed again, and said, "Huang Mao ordered takeaway when he left."

He is now also called "Huang Mao" along with Hai Ri.

Hai Ri looked at him, but didn't speak.

Sheng Canyang was covered under the quilt and said, "Are you two changing shifts?"

As soon as Huang Mao left, he came.

Hai Ri laughed and said, "I was going to come over too."

Hai Ri: "Are you okay?"

"Okay," Sheng Canyang said, "it's just insomnia, don't listen to his exaggeration."

Hai Ri was a little worried, and said, "Hasn't it been a long time since you had insomnia?"

Sheng Canyang didn't speak.

In fact, Hai Ri knew that Sheng Canyang's condition should be very low. Yesterday, Sheng Canyang cried, it couldn't be just because he almost cast the wrong murderer. Maybe for no particular reason at all, he's just out of shape.

Hai Ri said: "Stay with you for a while, I haven't eaten yet. When will the takeaway arrive?"

No one answered, and when he lowered his head, Sheng Canyang fell asleep peacefully.

Hai Ri looked at him for a while, then covered him with a quilt.

In a gentle tone that I didn't even feel, I said, "Go to sleep."

After Sheng Canyang fell asleep, Hai Ri waited outside the door, fearing that Sheng Canyang would be woken up when the takeaway was delivered and he rang the doorbell. After waiting for the takeaway, he didn't dare to eat. He played with his mobile phone for a while, and then he felt sleepy. He lay beside Sheng Canyang and squinted for a while. When he woke up again, he was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone. Sheng Canyang didn't know he woke up After a long time, he was answering the phone in a low voice.

Hai Ri squinted his eyes and fumbled for his cell phone in a daze, only to find Sheng Canyang's cell phone, and realized that it was his phone that rang.

Hai Ri asked, "Who is it?"

The voice that came out was a little hoarse.

Sheng Canyang said, "Liu Yifan."

"Oh." Hai Ri lay down again, feeling that he slept very comfortably.

Sheng Canyang stood up and said, "Let's go out for dinner."

Hai Ri didn't move for a long time, Sheng Canyang changed all his clothes, he was still lying on the bed, Sheng Canyang grabbed his ankle with one hand, and then pulled him down, Hai Ri yelled, and suddenly became refreshed.

Sheng Canyang smiled and said, "Let's go."

Hai Ri didn't know why, but Sheng Canyang felt better suddenly.

Hai Ri sat on the bed, looking at Sheng Canyang's expression openly and squarely. Sheng Canyang was looking at his mobile phone. After feeling his gaze, he raised his eyebrows.

Hai Ri stood up and said to himself: "The sooner you come, the sooner you get well."

This was the most serious case of Sheng Canyang's illness in Hai Ri's impression. For a long time after that, Sheng Canyang never had an attack again. At that time, he still couldn't fully understand Sheng Canyang's complicated and complicated emotions, and he didn't understand his thoughts, because human emotions are like a pool of water, and the waves in the water are rough. There are only a few ripples on the surface of the water, like the breeze caressing. Hai Ri could only see Sheng Canyang's performance, but not the surging waves underwater.

It seemed to engulf the two of them together.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-07 23:39:23~2020-07-09 23:50:20~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: it is difficult to level 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Huashu and Shen Yuyuan; 10 bottles of a sticker, spruce, 27797011; 6 bottles of Do not abuse QAQ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!