Let Me Live!

Chapter 46: Dong Lei Zhen Zhen (2)


Hai Ri has not been fully asleep, it feels like the body is asleep, but the consciousness is still awake, and he can realize that it should be near dawn.

After recovering his memory, what brought him the most painful memory was his own death.

In 2011, he and his friend originally planned to drive to Tibet by themselves, but a month or two before the departure, the friend broke up with his girlfriend who had been with him for six years, and the money he had saved to buy a house was suddenly empty, so he told Hairi that he didn’t want to go Tibet, want to spend the money.

A friend named Liu Ping'an burst into tears under the smoky barbecue: "She just thinks I have no money."

Hai Ri was a little helpless, and filled him with wine.

Liu Pingan: "His parents also look down on me."

"Let's look for it again," Hai Ri said, "Your dad will introduce you soon? See you soon."

Liu Pingan: "He introduced me..."

Hai Ri: "?"

Liu Pingan said: "Not plump enough, you know, buddy likes that."

As he spoke, he gestured in front of his chest.

Hai Ri was speechless.

Liu Pingan: "This is the only pursuit in my life. Is it difficult?"

"Okay," Hai Ri said, "I'll ask my mother to find it for you. She should know quite a few of this type in the beauty salon."

Speaking of which, Hai Ri also gestured in front of his chest.

Liu Pingan: "No, I don't want fake ones."

Hae-il poured him a drink and said, "You're really annoying."

Liu Pingan: "Even you treat me like this, you all think I'm vulgar, don't you?"

Liu Pingan's family is rich, but not that rich. It's like the disease of being a bit rich but not too rich, not having the life of a rich man, but being rich. It's just that Liu Ping'an has a low self-esteem in the circle of the rich second generation.

His parents only had some money in their hands, but they didn't cultivate his consciousness. Liu Pingan barely managed to graduate with three majors, studying nursing. He couldn't find a suitable job for a while.

Hai Ri was also worried about him. The two grew up together. Since entering junior high school, Hai Ri went further and further on the road of being a good student, while Liu Pingan began to walk on the road of being a playboy. Let's go together, friendship will last forever, and no one will dislike anyone.

Liu Pingan said: "I don't save money anymore, let's go abroad."

Hai Ri is optional, and he doesn't want to serve him anymore, so he asked, "Okay, where are we going? I happen to have annual leave."

Liu Pingan: "How many days do you have for annual leave?"

Sea day:

"Three days."

Liu Pingan: "Play a few in three days!"

Hai Ri: "This is inappropriate."

"..." Liu Ping'an said, "I'm not joking with you, please take a long vacation, and the two of us will go abroad to play."

"Where are you going?" Hai Ri asked casually while playing with his phone and lighting a cigarette.

Liu Pingan raised the beer bottle and announced, "Damascus!"

Liu Pingan said romantically: "Have you heard that sentence? If there is a heaven on earth, Damascus must be in it. If heaven is in the sky, Damascus must be as famous as it."

Hai Ri said: "It's too far away, can you change to a closer one?"

Liu Pingan: "Where are you going? Russia? Go and return on the same day."

"Okay," Hai Ri said, "When are we going?"

Liu Ping'an said: "I'll fuck you big-headed ghost!"

At 11:30 in the evening, Hai Ri and Liu Pingan couldn't get a taxi on the road. When Hai Ri looked up, he felt that it was going to rain, and he said, "I'll ask the driver to pick us up."

"Farewell," said Liu Pingan, who was very familiar with Hai Ri's driver, "It's so late, he must have gone home, let's take two steps."

Hai Ri said, "I have to walk for half an hour, why can't I get a taxi today?"

Liu Pingan lit a cigarette, and the flame flickered in the dark night, and said: "We are two drunks, people are afraid to spit in the car. Let's go, can we die of exhaustion? Master."

Hai Ri had no choice but to accept his fate.

Liu Pingan said: "Master, we haven't walked away like this for a long time."

Hai Ri remembered that when they were in school, Liu Pingan always called him to tease him like this, he smiled and said: "We have never walked together, okay, don't talk so romanticly."

When Hairi and Liu Ping'an went to school together, they rode mountain bikes. Either you got up late today, or I forgot to bring homework tomorrow. Every day, I stepped on the late line to enter the classroom. Hairi's hair was blown by the wind every morning. Blown into various hairstyles, stroked before entering the classroom, exposing the forehead, it has become a beautiful landscape in the school.

Liu Pingan: "I always feel that we are not so good after we go to college."

Hai Ri felt that he was a little strange, and glanced at Liu Pingan, his face could not be seen clearly in the night, Hai Ri smiled and said, "No."

After Liu Ping went to college, he was addicted to dating every day. It's not that Hai Ri didn't want to chat with him, it's just that every time Liu Ping didn't have much time, so he finally made an appointment for a meal, and Liu Ping brought his girlfriend. Hai Ri felt embarrassed, it wasn't that he didn't like his girlfriend, it was just that he felt bored and didn't want to be a light bulb, he felt more and more boring, and he also had some new friends around him, so he didn't hang out with Liu Pingan very much . But the relationship is not bad, Hairi also knows that Liu Ping'an doesn't have many friends, and he is always the best buddy.

Hai Ri said: "You won't let a broken relationship make you depressed."

Liu Pingan took a puff of cigarette and said, "Living is really meaningless."

Hai Ri: "?"

Hai Ri sensed something was wrong, smiled and thumped him: "Drink too much?"

Liu Pingan never said such a thing. Liu Pingan's hometown is in the village. His father opened a pig farm in the 1990s. He was lucky and started to transport pigs to the town. Later, he and his mother moved to the town, and his father was in the countryside to watch the factory. , the husband and wife have been separated for a long time, and there is only one son, Liu Pingan, who is raised as a baby, and he has no worries about eating and drinking since childhood. The teacher asked him to be a parent, so his mother sent a red envelope to school and told the teacher to leave her son alone. If he didn't study, he wouldn't starve to death. Why did he have to study

What his mother said to the teacher was: "My young and old like to make friends while studying, otherwise it's okay not to read."

This friend refers to Hai Ri in particular. Liu Ping'an and Hai Ri had a particularly bad temper when they were young, and the two have been inseparable since they entered junior high school. Therefore, Hai Ri knows Liu Pingan very well, he is not a pessimistic person. Although Liu Ping'an has been living a little carelessly, he doesn't care about it. His parents also dote on him. He has never suffered since he was a child. Come through this kind of words.

Hai Ri still didn't feel that a broken relationship could cause him such pain, so he asked, "What's wrong with you recently? Someone bullied you in the hospital?"

"No," Liu Pingan said, "Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Hai Ri said, "Why didn't you say it? If you have something to say, just say it."

"I don't want to talk about it." Liu Ping'an said, "I'm going to make things difficult for you."

Hai Ri: "?"

Liu Pingan: "I have failed."

Hai Ri: "Huh?"

Liu Pingan said seriously: "I didn't understand it. If I could do it again in my life, I would study hard and maybe I could be listed as my dad. When I went back to my hometown this time, I suddenly found that he was very old. I don’t understand, I eat his food and drink his food every day, I can’t do anything, and my old family members call me a prodigal. He just wants me to get married, and after I get married, I will be stable, and I even broke up.”

Hai Ri: "..."

"You..." Hai Ri suddenly didn't know what to say, thought for a while, and said, "We are all prodigal sons."

Hai Ri: "Me too? I earn 6,000 a month, and I'm exhausted like a dog. I can't help my parents, and I can't go back to work as a waiter for him. He doesn't want to use me either. I've thought about what you said, and after much deliberation, I still feel that it's their own ability to play well, and we can't compare."

Liu Pingan: "You are more decent than me."

Hai Ri: "What happened to you tonight! I don't know why."

Liu Pingan: "Sometimes I really envy you."

"You are good at everything," Liu Ping'an said suddenly, "You look good and you study well. You are better than me in everything you do since you were a child. My parents always let me learn from you, but I can't. I just No, I’ve learned it too, and it’s better not to learn it. If it wasn’t for the money at home, I might not even be able to support myself now.”

Hai Ri: "..."

Liu Pingan: "Did you know? My girlfriend liked you before, and she came to chat with me because she wanted to chase you."

Hai Ri: "You don't need to tell me this, I... Do we still need to divide between you and me? Graduated from high school, do you remember what I said?"

Liu Pingan raised his glass and said, "Life is like a game and a dream."

Hai Ri: "Isn't that... Did I say that? I was pretty stupid back then, I mean, no matter we are in the same university or not, you are my best friend."

Hai Ri still held the cigarette case in his hand, and opened his arms easily. He looked well-proportioned and powerful in the night. He half-jokingly half-seriously said: "As long as you want it, as long as I have it. I really don't care."

Liu Pingan: "..."

Hai Ri turned his head to look at him, and always felt a gloomy look between Liu Ping'an's brows, and his face was even more difficult to distinguish in the dark night. He reached out to pull Liu Pingan, but Liu Pingan subconsciously hid, but Hai Ri insisted on pulling. After passing his arm, Liu Ping'an's expression changed instantly with just a slight touch.

Hai Ri felt the difference in the atmosphere, his expression changed, and he observed Liu Ping'an's expression again, only to find that his brows suddenly relaxed, as if his anger had subsided a lot.

Hai Ri seemed to have discovered something unusual, but failed to grasp the clue. He was about to speak, but saw a person walking out from behind Liu Pingan.

A thin man in a black checked shirt and a peaked cap.

Hai Ri was stunned for a moment, Liu Pingan turned his head, saw this man too, was startled, and said, "Are you sick? It's late at night."

Hai Ri and Liu Ping'an were walking on the viaduct, and the traffic below was a little loud. This man had been following them for an unknown how long. Hai Ri took care of Liu Ping'an, but he didn't notice it.

The man said, "Maintainer?"

Hai Ri: "?"

The man said: "It's the first time I've seen a living defender, let me give you a ride."

As soon as he raised his head, Hai Ri saw his gaze, and was dazed all of a sudden, the man's eyes were filled with deep death and sickness, as if his expression was gloomy to the point of death, which made people daunted. The man raised his hand lightly, drew a half-arc in the void, then turned around and trotted away.

Hai Ri frowned, feeling puzzled, and said, "Are you sick?"

He felt that walking at night was quite dangerous, so he said, "Let's call a car."

When I turned around, I saw Liu Ping'an's expression was in a trance.

Hai Ri: "Hello? What's wrong with you?"

Liu Pingan took a look at him, and immediately realized something was wrong when he looked at Hai Ri. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop him, and Liu Ping turned around and was about to jump off the elevated road!

Hai Ri shouted: "Crazy?!"

Liu Pingan pushed and shoved him, saying, "Let me go!"

"Don't let go!" Hai Ri said angrily, "If you want to die, you can die with me!"

Liu Ping'an shouted hoarsely: "Let me go!"

His emotions changed too fast and he was too excited, Hai Ri's body was not as strong as his, so he couldn't suppress it at all, Hai Ri felt that everything tonight was mysterious, there was no cause and effect at all, it seemed like a dream.

During the tugging, Hai Ri was pushed onto the railing, which was too dangerous. Hai Ri became nervous for a moment, and because of being too nervous, it seemed that everything was fake.

Hai Ri was out of breath and said, "You are really crazy."

Liu Ping'an looked cold, as if looking at him like a stranger.

He suddenly broke free from Hai Ri's hand, and easily jumped over the railing, as if he was a truant boy who jumped off the school wall, and suddenly left——

Hai Ri suddenly tried to grab his hand, but was carried away by the force of inertia, and fell down together with him. A truck was speeding past, the gloomy man just now was sitting in the driver's seat, and stepped on the accelerator hard—

Hai Ri suddenly opened his eyes, the alarm clock rang, the second world time, eight o'clock exactly.

Hai Ri couldn't remember when he set the alarm clock, and looked for it for a long time in a daze, only to find that it wasn't his cell phone. He sat up and saw Sheng Canyang sitting on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and turned off the alarm clock. He was crossing his legs and holding an erhu in his arms, as if he was wiping the erhu.

Hai Ri was a little dazed for a moment, staring at him blankly, his hair was messed up, and he looked a little messy and pretty.

Sheng Canyang looked natural and asked, "Did it wake you up?"

"I'm back..." Hai Ri realized that under normal circumstances, he should ask something, and he said, "No, what time is it?"

Sheng Canyang: "Eight o'clock."

Hai Ri: "So early?... You, why didn't you call last night?"

Sheng Canyang smiled and said: "It's too late after work, I'm afraid you will fall asleep."

Hai Ri: "Oh."

Sheng Canyang threw the cloth on the tea table and tried the sound test, Hai Ri looked at him silently.

Sheng Canyang thought for a while, with a relaxed posture, he raised his hand and pulled it up, and the tune of "Wang Ning Mei" flowed out from his hands.

Hae Il thought, those memories are all fake.

He never liked Sheng Canyang, all of that was a preparation for the completion of the task. Hai Ri had been dead for a long time at that time, and he could no longer return to the real society. He never left the second world from beginning to end, just watched I watched Sheng Canyang's video. When changing the memory, Ivan used the video he had the deepest impression on Sheng Canyang as a kindling. Based on this video, he constructed a fake memory and perfectly created the fake identity of "Hai Ri".

In fact, there are traces of all this. For example, Hai Ri couldn't explain why he came to this world at all. He was not sick at all, but was assigned to the fourth floor.

His memories made him like some bad street songs, but he himself liked to listen to jazz. These memories didn't match his own personality at all, which made his behavior seem a bit fragmented.

Hai Ri already knew that all of this was fake, but when Sheng Canyang sat in front of him so truthfully and listened to the tune of "Wang Ning Mei", what Hai Ri felt was not heartbeat, but heartache, throbbing, colic.

Sheng Canyang didn't seem to know anything about it, and didn't see the change in Hai Ri, so he said, "How is it?"

"Sounds good." Hai Ri said.

Sheng Canyang: "Every time you listen to this, you are very involved."

Hae Il laughed and said, "Because you are charming."

Sheng Canyang raised his eyebrows, but did not speak.

For a moment, Hai Ri felt that the two of them seemed to have something, which was tacit.

Hai Ri is sure that Sheng Canyang must know something, but Sheng Canyang has decided not to ask.

Last night may have been difficult for both of them.

Sheng Canyang stood up, opened the curtains, and the morning sun shone into the room. Sheng Canyang's handsome face smiled faintly in the sunlight.

Sheng Canyang: "What to eat?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-14 00:57:33~2020-08-20 00:33:43~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 27797011 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenade: Driftwood, Li Qing and 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: 3 Sijun, Sibaidu, and Sibaidu; 1 Guan, Hehe;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Good Amway, don’t you want to eat it? 61 bottles; Sensen oh 40 bottles; hair as black as ebony 20 bottles; Chen Yihe 16 bottles; 4 bottles of Zhaqi, Wuyi; 1 bottle of Bieqi, Yuxiaoliu, and Angel;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!