Let Me Live!

Chapter 50: The first guard of the national uniform (2)


Sheng Canyang said: "I always wanted to be a good person."

Hai Ri laughed, thinking he was joking, Sheng Canyang looked at him and said, "I don't like this kind of game, and I don't like to lie."

Hai Ri said: "But you have a higher winning rate against wolves, and you can do things you don't like well. You are very good."

Sheng Canyang said, "What's so great about deceiving people?"

Hai Ri: "?"

Sheng Canyang said: "I have told enough lies in my daily life, but I still have to lie in games. Sometimes I don't understand the meaning of this kind of game."

Hai Ri thought for a while and said, "Then how about we play witch?"

Sheng Canyang hesitated for a moment, he seemed to realize the importance of this game, he looked a little deliberate, then relaxed his eyebrows and said, "Yes."

Hai Ri smiled and took his hand, and said, "Protect me well."

"Yes." Sheng Canyang's eyes flashed with the childishness and earnestness of a teenager, and then there was a confident aura around him, making him look strong and handsome. Hai Ri thought to himself, if the knights in ancient Greek mythology should have such a face, it would make people fall in love with just one glance.

Hai Ri: "I'll try my best not to hold you back,"

"I love you." Sheng Canyang said, "You know that."

Hae Il said, "I love you too."

Hai Ri said, "You know that too."

Sheng Canyang said, "Yes, I know."

Regardless of whether there are thousands of mountains and rivers between the two, Hai Ri feels that the moment of falling in love represents eternity. Hai Ri's rationality has been extinguished, he is bewitched by the young man, and he is willing to sacrifice his body, heart and soul. The moment must be great. Hai Ri felt goose bumps all over his body.

The two answered the question in their minds at the same time, and reported their identities.

Then the wind picked up, the clothes and hair of the two were blown up, the nameless wind was getting stronger and stronger, carrying the moist air, Hai Ri closed his eyes subconsciously, the storm engulfed them, Sheng Canyang held them tightly Hai Ri's hand.

Hai Ri was sure that he didn't let go of his hand, but he felt the sun shining on him, and when he opened his eyes, there was no one around him, and the blue sea and sky in front of him.

He stood on the shore, with the waves lapping at his feet, the salty and humid air blowing on his face, Hai Ri narrowed his eyes slightly stimulated by the overly gorgeous sunlight, and raised his hands to cover his eyebrows and eyes .

Beside him was a raft, Hai Ri turned around and saw a sandy beach behind him, and a small forest tens of meters ahead.

The sound of the waves came slowly, the seabirds in the sky screamed, and there were unknown animal calls. The noon sun was shining directly down, making people unable to open their eyes, and the blue water was shining with silver waves.

Hai Ri said to himself, "What is this?"

He had never encountered such a situation. He guessed that he should have fallen into some deeper world. No one knows how many layers this world has. They know that this world has the real world and the second world, but perhaps in the eyes of others, there are other worlds.

So what is it here

A pretty world.

Hai Ri turned his head and walked towards the mountains, the sporadic fishing net-like sunlight projected in the lush forest seemed a bit cooler. Hai Ri found out that there is a way here, he found a small path, walked down it, the more unknown creatures seemed to be there, the purple flowers, the mushrooms with spots and bright colors, he walked by Sometimes I can still hear the movement of some animals flashing past behind me.

The trees here are getting taller and taller, and Hai Ri can't see the top at a glance. He begins to hesitate a little, wondering if he is walking in the right direction.

He probably walked for half a day, when he finally decided to go back, he suddenly heard a movement. He froze for a moment, the sound was unusual.

This is the sound of human clothes rubbing against each other.

He turned his head and saw a little girl about thirteen or fourteen standing by the tree.

Hai Ri took a step back subconsciously, he sensed the unusualness of this little girl.

It's not from this world, those eyes... what color are they? silver? It seems a little cloudy and I can't see clearly.

Hai Ri asked, "You are?"

It was only after he made a sound that he realized how abrupt the human voice was in this forest, as if it shouldn't exist.

The little girl turned around and said, "Come with me."

Hai Ri hesitated for a moment, then started to follow.

The little girl moved very nimbly in this forest, as if walking on the ground, Hai Ri struggled to keep up, pushed away the huge leaves, and said, "Are you from here?"

"You've gone too far," said the little girl.

Hai Ri: "Are you looking for me?"

"Yeah." The little girl said.

Hai Ri said: "Then did you see a very tall big brother, with short hair, wearing black clothes, very handsome."

The little girl said: "I see, he is also looking for you."

Hai Ri felt relieved and stopped asking.

The little girl looked back at him and said, "I'm human too."

Hai Ri froze for a moment, then said, "Oh, is that so?"

The little girl said, "I'm just here too."

"Where did it come from?" Hai Ri asked, "Which world?"

Little girl: "The world after death."

"The afterlife?" Hae-il said, "The second world?"

The little girl repeated: "The world after death."

Hai Ri seemed to understand, he subconsciously stopped and said, "You are..."

Hai Ri suddenly said, "You are already dead."

"Yes." The little girl said simply.

Hai Ri understood that her pupils were not silver, they just diffused and became cloudy.

In other words, there is still an afterlife world in this world... After the second world collapsed, they were directly thrown into the afterlife world.

If it is the afterlife...then what they will be competing for is...

Hai Ri suddenly understood the meaning of the words of the will of the earth that he had just heard.

"The world is reversed, life is life, death is death."

If everyone in the second world wants to die, then of course everyone in the afterlife wants to live.

Those who win can live, and those who lose will die completely. The setting of this world has been completely turned upside down.

They want to live now, so they have to win.

Hai Ri broke out in a cold sweat at noon, for the first time he regretted this decision, it was too risky.

It's better to send Sheng Canyang back in the last mission.

But at that time, Hai Ri asked himself whether it was because Sheng Canyang hadn't recovered, or because he was unwilling to part with it. It was hard to say which one played the decisive role.

Hai Ri took a deep breath, thinking that this would be difficult.

Hae-il said, "Is this your first mission?"

The little girl looked at him strangely and said, "Isn't there only one chance?"

Hai Ri thought about it, yes. The world after death is different. People here are already dead. They only have one chance, and this chance determines whether they live or die.

The little girl combed her thick and long waist-length hair back. Her arms are very thin, with a girlish sense of fragility, and she walks with the childishness of a child. Besides, she is very mature. He chatted with Hai Ri fluently.

She was also testing Hai Ri and asked, "Did you come with that person?"

Knowing that he was referring to Sheng Canyang, Hai Ri said, "Yes."

The little girl said, "Did they die together?"

"Yes." Hai Ri said.

The little girl asked, "How did you die?"

Hai Ri thought about it, but didn't answer right away, he said, "How long is it?"

Little girl: "Soon. You have gone so far that no one can find you but me."

Hae-il said, "Have you been here long?"

"One week," said the little girl, "everyone came. I was the first one. You and that man were the last two. How did you two die?"

Hai Ri asked back, "What about you, how did you die?"

The little girl said nonchalantly, "It was a car accident."

Hae-il said, "So do we."

The little girl didn't ask him any more.

Hai Ri silently followed her, and after a while saw a wooden house. The wooden house has two floors and covers a large area. It was built on a hillside, with the feeling of a southern building. The door is open, and several people can be vaguely seen sitting inside.

Hai Ri walked two steps quickly, the little girl entered the door first, picked up the water ladle in the water tank, drank a large ladle of water, and then ran into the house.

Hai Ri glanced at the few people at the door, but there was no Sheng Canyang.

Those people were also looking at Hai Ri, and Hai Ri said: "Have you seen..."

"Hai Ri!" A girl called him outside, Hai Ri turned his head and saw Tang Ying.

Hai Ri froze for a moment, then said, "You..."

Tang Ying said: "Sure enough, you are here too. Sheng Canyang is looking for you, call him back quickly, it's getting dark."

Hai Ri had no choice but to follow her down the hill, and Tang Ying immediately whispered, "The people here are different from us."

Hai Ri said, "Understood."

"You know?" Tang Ying was a little surprised, and then said, "I came yesterday, they are not easy to get along with, so be careful. You can't go out at night here, you will be killed."

Hai Ri: "Why?"

"There are no rules like ours here," Tang Ying said, "Hai Ri, what is your identity?"

Hai Ri didn't answer right away, Tang Ying glanced at him, and then said: "People here don't follow the rules, as long as they can win, they will do anything. Sheng Canyang and I have known each other for a long time, right?"

Hai Ri said, "Yes."

"I guessed it a long time ago," Tang Ying said, "are you good people?"

Hai Ri: "Yes."

Tang Ying: "Can you protect me?"

"I... try my best," Hai Ri was still under some pressure, so he had no choice but to say, "I may not be as good at this game as you."

Tang Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's fine if you're willing to say that, thank you."

Hai Ri didn't see Sheng Canyang, so he raised his breath all the time. He didn't have much energy to mediate with Tang Ying, so he walked briskly and said, "Where is he going to find me?"

He shouted: "Sheng Canyang!"

Tang Ying also yelled twice, saying, "Don't worry, I told him that no matter whether he can find it or not, he will come back before dark."

Hai Ri pulled his neck and shouted again: "Sheng Canyang!"

The sound resounded through the valley, and pieces of birds flew out.

Hai Ri vaguely heard a response, and immediately "shh", he heard Sheng Canyang's voice.

Tang Ying looked at Hai Ri so nervous, her eyes were a little strange.

After a while, I heard Sheng Canyang shout: "Don't move! Wait for me!"

Hai Ri finally felt relieved, Tang Ying said jokingly, "You two have such a good relationship."

Hai Ri thought for a while, paused for a moment, and said, "He is my boyfriend."

Tang Ying: "..."

Hai Ri smiled and said, "Help me keep it a secret, okay?"

Tang Ying nodded subconsciously, and then said: "So last time you..."

Hae Il said, "No, we were not together at that time."

Tang Ying still felt a little embarrassed, and both of them knew in their hearts that Tang Ying had some feelings for Hai Ri at that time.

Tang Ying shrugged her shoulders and said with a relaxed smile, "I really didn't see that, you two don't look alike."

Hai Ri smiled helplessly: "Sometimes I can't say well about this kind of thing. Let's just depend on fate."

Tang Ying was thoughtful.

After a while, Sheng Canyang came out of the woods, covered in messy leaves, Hai Ri patted him naturally, Sheng Canyang said: "Don't take pictures, it won't be clean."

Hai Ri held his hand, Sheng Canyang glanced at Tang Ying, Tang Ying smiled. Sheng Canyang understood and held Hai Ri back.

The three briefly exchanged information. Sheng Canyang said: "The three of us are good people, and we have hope to live together."

Tang Ying was naturally suspicious of Sheng Canyang's words, and said with a smile, "You can't be lying to me, are you?"

Sheng Canyang said casually, "I didn't lie to you."

"If you want to win, you must be united," Sheng Canyang said, "Don't doubt each other from now on."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-06 00:53:57~2020-09-07 00:30:57~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Qin Ning 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 2 for OK;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Good Amway, don’t you want to eat it? 70 bottles; 60 bottles of Yu Qian Qian Qian Qian Qian and Chu Xian'an; 58 bottles of Huai Qi; 20 bottles of Lin Mu Mu and Shui Yao Ri Coconut; 5 bottles of Aurora;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!