Let Me Live!

Chapter 54: The first guard of the national service (6)


Hai Ri felt that he was thinking about something, so he didn't ask immediately, and the group hurried back.

The night by the sea brings a moist wind to everyone's body and face. There is a damp feeling, as if someone has opened a bloody mouth in the dark and blows a fishy and salty air at them, dormant at any time. Danger.

Tang Ying said: "I will cherish life when I go back."

Several people laughed.

Zheng Yi suddenly said: "It doesn't look like you are playing for the first time."

"It's not the first time playing. Could it be that you have died several times?" Hai Ri asked him back.

Zheng Yi said: "I don't understand, you feel very experienced, you are all veterans."

Words and facial expressions can be deceiving, but only the state is difficult to hide. The few of them are obviously comfortable in this game, and they have grasped the rhythm from the beginning.

Zheng Yicai realized that the whole night was developing according to their ideas.

Sheng Canyang said: "I have played this kind of real-life game before."

"In this kind of game, what is the worst way to lose, do you know?" Sheng Canyang asked.

Zheng Yi aroused his interest and asked, "What?"

Sheng Canyang: "Good people suspect each other."

"Don't ask any more," Sheng Canyang glanced at him and said, "Since you have believed us, don't doubt any more. After you identify a person as a good person, other things have nothing to do with this game. Extra doubts are meaningless Internal friction will consume both your thinking and our patience."

Zheng Yi was speechless.

Sheng Canyang looked like a young man, the spirit of a young man had not been completely removed, and he clearly still carried a bit of jerkyness that had not yet been connected with society and had not been polished, but he was extremely fierce, and his words were bloody. After catching up with him just now, what he said was equally unkind, but it was impossible to refute.

Zheng Yi said, "Okay, I'm annoying."

"It's okay," Hai Ri said, "but it's more polite to ask less. We didn't ask you anything."

Zheng Yi thought about it for a while, and it turned out to be true. These three people never asked him any personal questions.

Zheng Yi felt that these three people were unusual again, as if they were a professional gang, only committing crimes without leaving any affection.

In fact, Zheng Yi really thought too much, just because Hai Ri and the others had heard too many stories.

In the second world, everyone's story is like a book, and the last chapter of each book proves the truth with death, making one's life come to an end, full of regret and shock.

Death is an eternal and unsolvable topic. Under such a premise, if you actively choose death and die generously, it seems that you have seized the initiative and opened up opportunities for yourself to choose life. Listening to every person who chooses to die like this, telling his own story with blood and tears, no matter how many times it is, no matter how similar the story is, it is thrilling. The characters in that story are all standing in front of them vividly. The desperation in the story all happened to them. When the desperation pushes them in different directions, their embarrassment and helplessness, bleakness and pain The hearts are all different and extremely heavy. They have heard too many poems written by ordinary people written by such severe pain. The kind of despair that, after listening to the story, put yourself in the shoes of yourself and think that even you really have no choice but to die, the kind of contradiction and self-directedness that make you unable to say harsh words and blame him for not loving life. Painful, drenched in the bitter soup they had drunk again and again.

They were not at all curious about Zheng Yi's story.

Hai Ri gently pulled Sheng Canyang's hand, Sheng Canyang held it backhand, and Sheng Canyang's palm was warm and dry. The two held hands leisurely in the night breeze, as if they were ordinary couples taking a walk.

Sheng Canyang asked, "Are you sleepy?"

"It's okay," Hai Ri whispered, "What about you?"

Tang Ying said, "I'm sleepy."

Zheng Yi said: "I'm okay. I took a nap at noon. Next time you will catch up on sleep earlier. It's not easy to die during the day, so you have to recharge your batteries."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang: "Very energetic, I don't really want to sleep."

"Insomnia?" Hai Ri was a little worried.

"No," Sheng Canyang squeezed his hand, "Don't be nervous."

I don't know when it started, Sheng Canyang has discovered that Hai Ri is very nervous about his mental state, and he will comfort Hai Ri unconsciously.

Hai Ri whispered: "What were you thinking just now?"

"Huh?" Sheng Canyang didn't realize it, he bent down and leaned closer to his ear to listen, "What?"

Zheng Yi: "He asked what you were thinking just now."

Hai Ri: "..."

Tang Ying: "Just now, when you said go back."

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Zheng Yi: "You still have insomnia at such a young age? How old are you?"

"Nineteen," Sheng Canyang said truthfully, "Oh, I was wondering if the skill of the wolf knife can be used remotely."

"It shouldn't be possible," Zheng Yi said solemnly, "Then how do you play? You are only nineteen? How many of you are this age?"

Hai Ri said, "Well, I'm twenty, she's eighteen."

Zheng Yi: "..."

Zheng Yi said: "The younger generation can be afraid of my decline, you have developed well."

He actually believed it, and Hairi was annoyed at first, thinking that he would definitely not believe it, so he made a joke, but now he doesn't know how to say it.

Sheng Canyang said: "Maybe they can control it for a short distance, about one or two meters, and throw the knife, so that we can't ask anything, because some of these people may not be aware of what happened."

Zheng Yi said: "Will these people be in danger?"

"No," Sheng Canyang said, "He doesn't dare, as long as one person dies here, then his suspicion becomes 50%, and the survivors choose one of the two."

"You are four people, and there may be three good people among you," Sheng Canyang said, "We have three good people here, a total of six, out of twelve people, four werewolves, that is to say, there are two people who are in danger."

Sheng Canyang: "Whoever stays in the house tonight is in danger."

The people hiding in the house certainly did not expect that tonight would become like this, and seeking stability became dangerous instead.

"At least one of the four wolves is here," Sheng Canyang said, "it proves that they didn't meet at night, and they may have recognized each other through some means. From this point of view, the prophet may have also passed through some methods that we don't know. They checked people."

Hai Ri: "And then?"

Sheng Canyang: "Huh?"

"You must have figured it out," Hai Ri said, "tell me."

Sheng Canyang said: "No, what do you want to understand? It's just a guess."

Tang Ying asked: "What did you guess? No ink marks, no applause, keep talking!"

Zheng Yi also walked over casually.

Sheng Canyang said helplessly: "I think, maybe they can kill many people in one night. As long as they have the opportunity to do it, they don't need to discuss it with their teammates, they will do it. It's a killing game."

Hai Ri: "Then what shall we do?"

Sheng Canyang: "From tomorrow onwards, everyone will sleep in the lobby. Prophets don't test people, werewolves don't kill people, isn't that all right?"

"Give it a try tomorrow," Hai Ri said, "I guess no one will refuse. Wouldn't it be a wolf if you refuse?"

Zheng Yi said, "That's right, I agree, but what about voting?"

"What do you mean?" Hai Ri said, "Why don't I know? What vote?"

Zheng Yi: "You don't know? There is a meeting every morning, which is organized by themselves. No one tells you because everyone doesn't know you. At the meeting, everyone discusses and discusses who is the bad guy, and then thinks about it one day. In the evening vote.."

Zheng Yi said, "You don't know anything?"

"I don't know," Tang Ying said, "I don't know either, why do you all know?"

Zheng Yi: "I told you the rules when I came here. One person can die every day during the day, and the player with the most votes will die."

Hai Ri thought, the will of the earth must have saved a lot of steps when it led the second world to this afterlife. Totally put them in and let them bump around.

Seeing that they didn't know anything, Zheng Yi said, "The way to vote is to answer the questions in your mind. You will understand then."

"So you vote anonymously?" Hae Il found out the problem.

Zheng Yi: "I don't know, maybe it is."

Sheng Canyang said: "Impossible, we will definitely vote, otherwise the chances of winning are too small."

"Then the werewolf can hang up the ticket?" Hai Ri said.

Zheng Yi didn't react to this question for a while.

Hai Ri said: "If we let good people abstain from votes, then as long as the werewolves hang up a single ticket, wouldn't that be a good person out of the game?"

Zheng Yi came to his senses and said, "That's right."

Zheng Yi said, "Then what should we do?"

The three looked at Sheng Canyang together.

Sheng Canyang: "..."

"I can't help it." Sheng Canyang said.

Everyone was disappointed.

Sheng Canyang said: "But..."

Several people looked at him at the same time.

"Why do you think they dare to vote?" Sheng Canyang said, "Maybe they don't want to kill people, and they don't dare to kill people."

Zheng Yi reminded: "You almost died by the knife just now."

Sheng Canyang said with a smile: "I haven't forgotten. But is it the wolf or the good person that is most afraid of now?"

Sheng Canyang asked Zheng Yi: "If you get a wolf card now, are you afraid? Are you nervous?"

Zheng Yi thought for a while and said, "Yes."

Sheng Canyang said: "Now I must be desperately trying to hide my identity, because I am nervous and afraid, so I want to kill people. If you want to kill more people, you can end it quickly. This is the mood."

Zheng Yi: "..."

Sheng Canyang: "But the first cut failed, and maybe he was discovered, so how does he feel now."

Zheng Yi thought for a while and said, "Incomparable fear."

"Guilty, fear, regret, and self-blame," Sheng Canyang said slowly, as if he was trying to figure out the person's mood, "but he can't continue to kill on impulse, just like the protagonist in "Crime and Punishment", an ordinary person because of He was so poor that he became murderous. After killing the old woman, he killed the younger sister who was visiting her. Because he would expose his identity, he couldn't sleep tonight."

Sheng Canyang asked casually: "How can it be so simple to kill? A normal person needs to be courageous to kill a pig. Is it easier to kill a pig than to kill a pig?"

Several people were left speechless by his question.

They really took the victim's point of view preconceived.

Tang Ying said: "But... Even if this person is like this, what about other wolves? Don't you think that werewolves have too much advantage?"

"From the beginning of the rules, werewolves have an obvious advantage over good people. They carry knives at night. According to the normal style of play, good people have no hope of winning, right?"

Tang Ying said: "Will there be some balance? For example, strengthening the magic card."

Sheng Canyang and Hai Ri glanced at each other quickly, and they both understood what the other meant. Both of them chose magic cards, but so far, they haven't found any skills that have been strengthened.

Hai Ri feels that he may be able to guard more than one person in one night, but that can only be achieved when these people are by his side and very close to him, but the reality is that even if he wants to guard others, he needs them to interact with each other. Gain the trust of the other party. As for whether it can be sustained, it is not yet certain.

"You are only from the perspective of a good person. From the perspective of a werewolf, you may feel that you are at a disadvantage," Sheng Canyang said: "There is only one thing that God has been strengthened, that is, if a werewolf accidentally hits a god when he is a swordsman, then his There is a high probability that the identity will be exposed, such as guards and witches."

So Hae-il has missed an opportunity.

Slowly, all the rules surfaced, and Hai Ri began to realize that this game only tests human nature. Can a werewolf not stab someone, can a god not vote for a wolf when he knows who is a wolf.

But even so, the good man and the wolf have reached the most delicate balance, how can this game be won in the end

Sheng Canyang seemed relaxed, and said, "Take one step at a time, go back to sleep first."

Looking at Sheng Canyang, Hai Ri suddenly felt hopeful again.

Maybe it doesn't matter, after all, Sheng Canyang is good at playing with human nature.

There was a series of rustling footsteps in the night, and the four of them walked along the narrow path in the forest. Looking from a height, it seemed like ants were walking by, but there were only four black heads.

Back at the residence, it was close to 3:30, they had been tossing around for half the night, and they were terribly tired.

Hai Ri seemed to be back at home, when he entered the door, he groped and turned on the light first. The dark room with only moonlight was instantly brightly lit. After Tang Ying and Zheng Yi went upstairs with the light, they turned on the upstairs light. , meet and guide Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang.

Several people went upstairs, Zheng Yi said: "Can you squeeze?"

"It's too crowded," Tang Ying said, "Go on the floor."

Zheng Yi: "No problem."

Sheng Canyang said: "Most likely no one will die tonight. But come on."

Hai Ri felt surrounded and had no chance to chat with Sheng Canyang in private. He held back his stomach to say something, but he couldn't find a chance.

Sheng Canyang patted him on the shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Don't be afraid."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-12 02:00:09~2020-09-15 02:01:42~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 27797011 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Fanmiao, He Box 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Jiang Qiaoer; 2 bottles of Lu Bingbing's True Love Powder; 1 bottle of Angel;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!