Let Me Live!

Chapter 55: The first guard of the national service (7)


Hai Ri thought to himself, I'm afraid it's really okay, the main one is dying, he didn't say enough, he didn't say everything.

Because after thinking about it, he still had a lot to tell Sheng Canyang.

This time the game seems to have them killing each other, but there may be other unknown arrangements. In the dark, Hai Ri has already begun to feel that the time for parting is approaching. I also felt that Sheng Canyang was gradually bursting out with brilliant vitality. The two people are like two extremes, Sheng Canyang is growing, and Hairi is withering.

This is my work.

It was the first time in Hai Ri's life that he felt relieved because of this kind of thing. He has been in a hurry, walking from one task to another, and has no patience to see the vigorous vitality of these people after their spirits have re-bloomed.

For so many years, Hai Ri has never regretted it once, but it is also the first time that he feels proud of this great job.

Such feelings have been urging Hai Ri to say something to Sheng Canyang, some not important words, some important advice, all kinds of things, but Hai Ri feels desperate when he thinks that more than a dozen people will sit together in the future.

Why does it have to be this kind of game? Hai Ri was a little annoyed.

The four of them returned to the room, and Zheng Yi took the initiative to say, "I'll do it on the floor."

"How can there be so many floor beds," Tang Ying said with a smile, "I also play floor beds."

Zheng Yi said: "Then the three of us will fight, and you go to bed."

Tang Ying smiled and said nothing, but obviously did not agree.

Sheng Canyang said: "Rock paper scissors, who wins the bed."

Zheng Yi pointed to Tang Ying: "What about her? She too?"

Sheng Canyang asked back: "Is she not human?"

Tang Ying smiled, her eyebrows crooked, she stretched out her fist, and said, "Okay."

Zheng Yi looked left and right, and there was only one Hai Ri left. Hai Ri stood up from the bed and said, "Okay, come on."

Zheng Yi held his hands behind his back and did not participate in the game: "No, come on."

"Give her my chance," Zheng Yi said, "Go ahead and play."

Tang Ying smiled and said, "I don't like this."

Zheng Yi: "?"

Hai Ri said to Zheng Yi: "There is no need to do this."

Sheng Canyang should have already seen that Tang Ying has a strong personality, and actually doesn't like to be taken care of by men, so he said to use this method. Sheng Canyang tidied up the bed and said to Hai Ri: "I will give you my chance, you win Now, go to bed."

Simply ends this somewhat sensitive vibe.

Hai Ri slept with Tang Ying, not only taking care of Tang Ying, but also pleasing Hai Ri, everyone was happy.

Tang Ying smiled and asked Hai Ri, "Did you sleep well?"

"Honestly," Sheng Canyang said, "don't worry about sleeping."

Hai Ri laughed, Zheng Yi seemed not to hear, and began to spread the quilt and pillow that Tang Ying brought.

The four of them slept with their clothes on. They were all a little tired, so they didn't say anything more. After a while, Zheng Yi's snoring came. Hai Ri was lying on the side of the bed, close to the side of the bed, and Sheng Canyang was lying on the ground next to him, with his pillow on his clothes, eyes closed in the dark, very quiet.

Hai Ri took a look and was about to turn around when Sheng Canyang suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him.

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang made a "shh" gesture to him, and then pointed out the door.

Hai Ri took a look, and Tang Ying also turned her back and fell asleep.

Sheng Canyang got up first, stood at the door with a piece of clothing in his hand, and waited for him, Hai Ri tiptoed after him.

The two got out together.

The two sat side by side on the stairs, Sheng Canyang put his clothes on Hai Ri, and the cool night wind was blowing, it was indeed a bit cold.

Sheng Canyang rubbed his arms, Hai Ri put his clothes on the heads of the two of them, and sat tight.

Hai Ri felt a very inexplicable emotion, before he could speak in the future, Sheng Canyang said, "I miss you."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang said, "What about you?"

Hai Ri: "Yes."

Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang have been together, Sheng Canyang obviously feels that Hai Ri's state has been very wrong, as if hesitant to speak, as if he is very thirsty, the water is at hand, and he can't drink it, Sheng Canyang seems to be with Hai Ri's The feeling is the same, he can feel Hai Ri's feeling, and he also has the same feeling.

Sheng Canyang said, "Is this love?"

Hai Ri said, "What are you calling me for?"

Sheng Canyang sat on the stairs with him and smiled softly.

Hai Ri said, "I don't quite understand."

"Well," Sheng Canyang said, "There are too many things people don't understand."

Hai Ri: "People's perception happens before words. You always feel it first, and then describe it."

Sheng Canyang said: "Then what is my feeling?"

Hai Ri had no choice but to answer: "Love."

"Well," Sheng Canyang said, "you."

Hae-il's name is "Ai".

Sheng Canyang said, "Aren't you going to tell me something?"

"Ask," Hai Ri thought for a while, then said, "I know everything."

Sheng Canyang thought for a long time, then asked blankly: "Are you an angel?"

Hai Ri: "?"

Hai Ri laughed so hard that his eyes were filled with golden flowers. Sheng Canyang smiled and said, "Are you here to protect me?"

"Yes," Hai Ri wiped away his tears, and said, "God said that there is a man in the world who is talented and handsome, but he is unhappy every day, so he sent me down here to save him from being unhappy. "

Sheng Canyang said, "Is it true or not?"

"Really," Hai Ri said seriously, "Why am I called 'Hai Ri', because I came down to pass the love test."

Sheng Canyang smiled and patted his forehead, indicating that he knew he was lying. Smiling and looking at a small piece of moonlight under the steps.

Sheng Canyang looks leisurely and capable, always as if sitting in front of his own bar basking in the sun, as if fate arranges him no matter what, fate has its own way, and he has his own way.

"It doesn't really matter to me," Sheng Canyang said, "Knowing you is the luckiest thing in my life."

Hearing these words, Hai Ri blinked his eyes and shed a stream of tears, his nose instantly turned red, disappearing into the front of the clothes and invisible.

He hadn't shed tears for a long time, and he was startled for a while.

Sheng Canyang didn't notice, looked at the white moonlight below, and said: "It's just as long as you are by my side, for me, it's the same wherever I go if you are by my side."

Hai Ri thought, Sheng Canyang's love for him was unhealthy.

This is not a normal love, maybe because Sheng Canyang is too afraid of the hopeless life in the past, since Hai Ri came out, his condition has improved, and he attributes all this to Hai Ri, so he is even more reluctant to leave him.

Hai Ri knew in his heart that this was wrong, but he was happy with the result. If possible, he really wanted to leave something in Sheng Canyang's life.

Leaving a little trace, let him occasionally think about Hai Ri's goodness when he falls in love with others, and occasionally have a feeling: "The current one is not as good as the previous one".

Hai Ri sighed, "I really want to stay today."

In Hairi's memory, he and Sheng Canyang had more beautiful and romantic days, but he felt that today was his favorite day. He really felt that his liking for Sheng Canyang had nothing to do with other people's hints. If in the real world, he When he sees Sheng Canyang, he will definitely fall in love with him. This day is really important to him. The love that has always been floating, the feeling that seems to be hanging in the air, has fallen into reality.

"I want to stay on the day you promised me," Sheng Canyang thought for a while and said, "I felt very happy at that time."

Hae Il said, "How happy?"

Sheng Canyang: "I want to live."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang: "I have never thought about my future. Everyone else thinks about what I will do when I get old. I have never thought about it. I always feel that I will leave this world very early, and I don't want to really live that long. That was the first time I thought about what to do in the future."

Hai Ri said, "You told me."

"Well," Sheng Canyang said, "That was the first time."

Hai Ri: "Everything will get better in the future."

Hai Ri was very restrained, he carefully controlled his feelings, passed all the words from his stomach, and then said: "I don't know how you feel, but you have to know, no matter what, I love you."

"No matter what someone said in front of you," Hai Ri said, "No matter what happens to you, you must know that I love you very much."

Sheng Canyang nodded, and glanced back at him under the moonlight. His youthful spirit was gradually diluted by the calmness of youth, and there was confusion and high spirits about the world in his brows and eyes. He still has a wonderful and long life to spend recklessly, and the future is bright.

For the first time, Hai Ri felt a little old. That kind of oldness did not mean that his appearance became hateful and numb, but that he felt a little tired. That kind of exhaustion came from the fact that when he saw Sheng Canyang's soaring expression, he realized that he would never see him again.

Sheng Canyang looked at the sunlight, and sang: "It's fine if I'm just delusional—"

"It doesn't matter if it's a marriage from a previous life, but none of this matters anymore, as long as you can return to my embrace—"

Hai Ri said: "I've always wanted to ask, can you sing any song you sing?"

Sheng Canyang said modestly, "Order one."

"Let's just sing this," Hai Ri said, "These two lines are really nice."

Sheng Canyang raised his eyebrows, his eyebrows were picturesque, his temperament was unmistakable, and the young man's spirit burst out, shining extremely brightly under the moonlight.

Hai Ri couldn't help being moved, he didn't speak when he saw him.

Sheng Canyang looked at him for a moment, then leaned over and kissed him as Hai Ri wished.

Hai Ri's heartbeat was "thumping, pounding", and it felt like thunder. In the dark night, the color is as red as drunk.

After Sheng Canyang kissed him, he laughed and said, "Your ears are so red."

Hai Ri was a little embarrassed, but also a little inexplicably shy, and didn't speak.

Sheng Canyang stretched out his hand, held Hai Ri's hand, and placed it on his chest. Hai Ri felt the strong tremor, and raised his head to see his expression.

Sheng Canyang didn't speak, but none of this mattered anymore.

Hae-il thought of the lyrics of this song—

"I used to really think that life is like this. A calm heart refuses to have any more waves. The thread of love that has been cut a thousand times can't be broken. It surrounds me a thousand times,...

It’s fate’s arrangement, or you deliberately teased it, but none of this matters anymore, I’m willing to follow you to the ends of the earth, although time always makes people grow old in a hurry, although love always makes you worry, although the future can’t be known, say now Is it too soon to see you again—"

Sheng Canyang didn't seem to understand the meaning of the song, but seemed to understand everything.

The author has something to say: I’m really good at writing when I’m in love now, I can’t stand it. Thanks to this genius for writing during the period 2020-09-15 02:01:42~2020-09-16 19:18:13 I vote for the overlord or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: He box 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Zhongyun in my house; Amway, don’t you want to eat it? 10 bottles; 29545070 5 bottles; 2 bottles of Qinghe Luli;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!