Let Me Live!

Chapter 58: The first guard of the national service (11)


Wu Wenbo asked, "Why did you say that?"

Sheng Canyang said: "I think this game may not be that simple."

"Werewolf killing is not a survival game," Sheng Canyang said. "This game has always been about winning rather than survival. Werewolves may have teammates out, but it doesn't matter at all, because there are four wolves in total, and it doesn't matter how many teammates die. , As long as you win in the end, the werewolf wins. This game is not a game that must not die, sometimes some people can win if they get out halfway."

Wu Wenbo said: "I haven't played it before. Real-life games are different from this one, right?"

Hai Ri was very interested, and he didn't know what strange idea Sheng Canyang had, so he said to Sheng Canyang, "Go ahead."

Sheng Canyang said: "The traditional werewolf killing pre-hunting white board, the power of werewolves and good people is very balanced, but there will be deviations in real-life games, so in such games, the most difficult thing is to balance power. This trace is in There is very little in this game, which seems to have no intention of balancing power."

"I saw the power of werewolves yesterday," Sheng Canyang said. "I suspect that werewolves are so powerful that they can even kill as many as they want in one night."

Wen Hao said: "There is no way to prove this."

"There's no way to prove it," Hai Ri said, "unless we killed a lot of people overnight."

Wen Hao signaled to continue.

Wu Wenbo said: "This requires us to gather together, not to stand alone, and not to give the werewolf a chance to attack."

"There is no chance," Sheng Canyang said, "If werewolves can kill people from a distance, even if they control one or two meters, we will have no way to tell who is a wolf."

Hai Ri said: "So the three of you don't know who is the wolf, because they can completely hide their tracks."

Sheng Canyang said, "That's right, that's right."

"Then what do you think?" Tang Ying said, "God, just say it directly."

She looks like a weak and beautiful girl. As soon as she speaks, everyone's eyes will sweep over her. Both men and women seem to have some prejudice against beautiful women. Sometimes this prejudice is not out of malice , on the contrary, many of them are out of good intentions, but such special care may also make people feel unpleasant.

Sheng Canyang said: "My idea is... we can actually negotiate with werewolves."

"A total of twelve people are sitting here now," Sheng Canyang said, "There must be four werewolves."

Wu Wenbo seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Sheng Canyang, he spoke with a sting, and said: "You have said all this now, what capital does a good person have to negotiate?"

Sheng Canyang: "No, you didn't understand what I meant. In this game, both werewolves and gods may be able to protect themselves, but there must be a vulnerable group who cannot protect themselves, that is, civilians."

Hai Ri suddenly understood, and he said, "Is this a point grab?"

"Maybe," Sheng Canyang said. Hairi already understood, but others didn't. He continued to explain, "Werewolves and gods can protect themselves and have certain skills, but civilians can't. Is it against civilians?" How unfair?"

Wen Hao said: "Not necessarily, the werewolf doesn't know who is a commoner. Once he hits the head of a god, wouldn't it be over?"

"Are you a god?" Sheng Canyang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Hunter?"

Wen Hao: "..."

Sheng Canyang said: "The perspective of your thinking must be the perspective of a god or a werewolf. It doesn't matter what you are. You just need to know that common people don't think like you. Common people will be afraid of being found by werewolves instead of thinking of werewolves. What if you find God."

"For this kind of probability issue of life and death," Sheng Canyang said, "You are looking down. Civilians should be looking up."

Wen Hao nodded awkwardly.

The rest of the people actually didn't pay much attention to Wen Hao, but Hai Ri gave him an extra look. These people didn't know how powerful Sheng Canyang was, so they didn't have any special reaction to him pointing out Wen Hao as a god or a wolf, but Hai Ri knew that he must be right.

So is Wen Hao a god or a wolf? Hai Ri felt that he should be a good person, because Sheng Canyang's first reaction was to ask him, are you a hunter

This sentence actually reveals a bit of perspective. Sheng Canyang is a witch himself, he knows that Hai Ri is a guard, and Wen Hao has been in a group activity last night, so it is unlikely that he is a prophet, so the first reaction is to ask him if he is a hunter. It's just that Hai Ri didn't know whether Sheng Canyang exposed this perspective on purpose or it was really unintentional.

Hai Ri discovered that if the coordinates are found correctly in this game, it is actually very easy to play. If he can be sure that Sheng Canyang must be a good person, then his perspective must be clear.

Hai Ri said, "So what should we do?"

"Werewolves may not be able to find civilians," Sheng Canyang said. "Good people may not be able to find werewolves. It is good for us to maintain this balance. No one should vote or kill people."

Wu Wenbo said: "Our food is limited."

Hai Ri said: "This is an island. I have observed it, and you can find food. Drinking water can also be obtained by distillation. It's not difficult."

Sheng Canyang said: "There are many things to eat on this island."

"Consume endlessly?" someone asked.

"Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, just watch the flowers in front of the court and watch the flowers fall," Zheng Yi said.

Everyone: "..."

Hai Ri said, "Actually, I don't think it matters either."

Wu Wenbo was silent and didn't speak. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but didn't say anything.

Sheng Canyang said: "I personally feel that life is more important."

Sheng Canyang didn't feel any disobedience when he said this sentence. Although he himself was a suicide and he gave up his life, it didn't mean that Sheng Canyang ignored life. Hai Ri knew that these words would seem unconvincing when uttered from the mouth of a suicide, but he also knew that Sheng Canyang's spiritual power was entangled in all directions, and his thoughts were wrestling with each other, but Sheng Canyang was still enthusiastic when he treated others. . A person's sharp sword points to himself, but he always shows a fragile heart to the outside world.

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter," Zheng Yi said, "I prefer this way, I don't like blood."

Wu Wenbo asked: "It's too idealistic."

"Indeed," Wen Hao said, "This is a glass lock, as long as someone breaks it, it's all over."

Hai Ri said: "If you say that, Sheng Canyang will only tell you, there is no need to doubt human nature."

"It's not doubting human nature," Wu Wenbo said, "It's because you are still too young, you haven't seen it before."

The messy-haired boy sitting next to Hae-il looked up and glanced at him.

Hai Ri lowered his head: "?"

The big boy said, "I agree."

"Everyone will agree," Hai Ri said, "It doesn't matter whether it's male or female, regardless of age, whether it's good or bad."

Zheng Yi nodded and said, "People first, then others."

Tang Ying said, "I agree."

Wen Hao thought for a while and said, "I agree."

Tang Ying lowered her head and asked, "What about you?"

Wang Shuliu said in a low voice: "...anything is fine."

Wu Wenbo asked, "Where are your parents?"

Wang Shuliu said coldly, "We died together."

Wu Wenbo said: "I don't want to be this villain either, but it's not good."

Hai Ri said, "I want to know who you are?"

"Don't ask," Sheng Canyang said, "Everyone can make their own choices."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang said to Wu Wenbo: "We can go down and have a chat."

"It's not necessary," Wu Wenbo said, "I can talk to you face to face about everything, I'm a commoner."

Sheng Canyang: "..."

"You are not a commoner," Sheng Canyang said. "A commoner does not say that he is a commoner or a commoner. It depends on his behavior. You behave like a god."

Wu Wenbo looked at him without speaking. Hai Ri felt that his expression was embarrassing, like the embarrassment after being punctured.

Sheng Canyang clicked out two identity cards early in the morning, and this game might really seem opaque to him.

Tang Ying said: "You can continue to be the boss, we will absolutely obey orders."

Hai Ri said: "How can this be a matter of the boss and not the boss? The boss must not have an opinion because of this kind of thing."

Wu Wenbo was even more embarrassed by Hai Ri.

Sheng Canyang said: "I hope everyone will not look for wolves after going down, and don't tell anyone about your identity."

Everyone nodded silently.

Hai Ri remembered something and said to everyone, "His name is Ling Sheng."

The messy-haired boy sitting next to Hai Ri said a little embarrassedly, "It's me."

Hae Il said, "That's it, I'm going to go to the bathroom."

"Wait for me," Ling Sheng quickly stood up and said, "Let's go together."

Sheng Canyang glanced at Lingsheng, and said casually, "Let's go."

Tang Ying also said: "I'm so sleepy, I want to catch up on sleep."

"Didn't sleep well at night?" Zheng Yi raised his eyebrows.

"No," Tang Ying said in a mess, "Have you slept well?"

Zheng Yi: "No."

Tang Ying said: "Go upstairs, call me if you need anything."

Wu Wenbo looked a little unhappy, Tang Ying said: "Why don't you arrange a place to sleep for me, and I promise to obey the arrangement."

Wu Wenbo said: "Everyone should try not to act alone. It is best to have more than three people in all actions, so as to ensure that there is a good person."

Sheng Canyang: "In theory—"

"I know there are four wolves," Wu Wenbo said, "but is it reasonable for you to let five people act together?"

"Theoretically," Sheng Canyang continued, "There are four werewolves out of twelve people, and for every three people who go out, the probability that one of them will be a good person is 5455, which is equivalent to 98%, which is still very promising. I agree."

Wu Wenbo: "..."

Sheng Canyang patted him on the shoulder: "I'm going to go to the bathroom, together with Hai Ri and Ling Sheng, the three of us, there must be a good person, don't worry."

Tang Ying: "Hahahahahahahahahahaha or or or or or."

Sheng Canyang turned around and left, Tang Ying said, "Does Wang Shuliu want to go with me?"

Wang Shuliu took her hand and stood up. Tang Ying said to the other woman, "Sister, are you together?"

"Let's go," the man thought for a while, then readily agreed, "I didn't sleep well either."

Tang Ying said: "That's right, we're 5455 now, let's go."

Everyone laughed and formed their own teams.

On the other side, Ling Sheng is going to the bathroom, and Hai Ri is waiting outside.

Ling Sheng said inside: "Brother, do you think everyone will keep the promise?"

"It's human nature to keep promises," Hai Ri leaned against the moss-covered wall, a little wanting to smoke, he said casually, "Isn't human society built on keeping promises aimlessly?"

Ling Sheng: "?"

"What do you mean," Ling Sheng said as he tied his belt, "will everyone keep their promises?"

"Perhaps," Hai Ri said, "It is human nature to break a contract."

Lingsheng: "..."

Hai Ri is aimless, doesn't have any ideas, just speaks casually.

Ling Sheng was inexplicable, and was about to speak, when he heard footsteps, Sheng Canyang walked over with his hands in his pockets, Hai Ri stood up, as if suddenly awakened by someone's acupuncture point.

Hai Ri said, "What are you doing here?"

"?" Sheng Canyang said casually, "Eat."

Hai Ri laughed, and Sheng Canyang said, "What else can you do in the toilet?"

Sheng Canyang has the temperament of a handsome guy. He does everything with a sense of coolness, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye. Hai Ri said: "Go, we're done."

Ling Sheng was still thinking about what Hai Ri said, with a philosophical feeling, he asked, "Brother, how old are you?"

Hai Ri said, "That's too hard to calculate."

Ling Sheng: "?"

Hai Ri asked, "How old are you?"

"19." Ling Sheng said.

He is the same age as Sheng Canyang. Ling Sheng is more mature. Compared with Sheng Canyang, he is much less youthful. He is a manly type who looks a bit slovenly, so he doesn't look so young.

Hai Ri said, "You are about the same age as Sheng Canyang."

"Really?" Ling Sheng said.

Hai Ri: "You know him?"

Ling Sheng: "I've heard, I've heard their songs, and I really like his voice."

Sheng Canyang's fire is Schrödinger's fire. Because of his age and his praise of Sheng Canyang, Hai Ri had a good impression and said, "Are you in school?"

Ling Sheng said, "Freshman."

Hai Ri asked, "What do you study?"

"Pop music," Ling Sheng said, "is not very good at learning it."

Hai Ri: "If I have a chance, I can sing."

Sheng Canyang came out, Ling Sheng glanced at him, hesitant to speak, Sheng Canyang said: "What's wrong?"

Hae Il said, "He is your fan."

"Thank you, do you want to sign?" Sheng Canyang asked.

Ling Sheng: "No need... You've been dead for a long time... Sorry, that's not what I mean."

"It's okay," Sheng Canyang said, "Don't worry, fate brought us together, so you really don't want to sign?"

Lingsheng: "..."

Hai Ri laughed, feeling that Sheng Canyang had let himself go.

The author has something to say: I put my head here, and I will update it every day for the next month.

I can't sleep anymore. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-22 23:46:03~2020-09-28 23:56:08~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Girl Gundam 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 Guan and He box;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Bibian; 20 bottles of Girl Gundam; 10 bottles of Zero Moon; 3 bottles of Megan; 2 bottles of Lulu; 1 bottle of Fendu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!