Let Me Live!

Chapter 61: The first guard of the national service (14)


It was already two o'clock in the morning when Hai Ri woke up. He felt a little hungry when he woke up, but he was in good spirits. Sheng Canyang sat cross-legged at his feet and fell asleep leaning on the sofa cushion.

Tang Ying had already left at some point, Hai Ri thought about it, wanted to pick up Sheng Canyang and go upstairs, tentatively made gestures, but before doing anything, Sheng Canyang opened his eyes and woke up.

Hai Ri suddenly felt a little moved, and leaned forward to kiss her. Sheng Canyang subconsciously hid for a while, then realized it was him, and smiled.

Hai Ri felt a little distressed, and said, "Did you find it? How long did you last?"

Sheng Canyang wiped his face and said, "They just went back."

"But I found something," Sheng Canyang said, "Three cookies are missing, guess where you found them?"

Hai Ri: "Where? Did it hide outside?"

"Under the quilt," Sheng Canyang stretched his waist. He is in good physical condition and feels that he can fight for another three hundred years. He picked up the quilt and said, "Go back to sleep, and there will be no meeting tomorrow morning. There is also good news, tonight is Christmas Eve .”

Hai Ri: "Ah, have you finished voting?"

"Well," Sheng Canyang said, "If you and Tang Ying fell asleep, you would have abstained. Fortunately, you have found something to eat at that time, otherwise you might die."

Hai Ri said, "Trouble."

Sheng Canyang announced: "Today is over, go back to sleep."

Early the next morning, Sheng Canyang took Ling Sheng and Wen Hao out to look for food, and went out again around noon, and only half of the people left came down to the living room one after another.

Hai Ri sat on the sofa and let himself go, Tang Ying sat beside him and asked, "Why don't you go with your husband?"

Hae-il said, "He gave me a mission."

Tang Ying: "?"

Hai Ri said, "Save your energy."

Tang Ying: "Do you know who stole the things last night?"

It was only then that Hai Ri remembered that after Sheng Canyang said he was under the quilt last night, he didn't ask whose quilt it was, and he really didn't care much at the time.

"Who is it?" Hai Ri asked.

Tang Ying said: "My sister, Wang Shuliu."

For some reason, Hai Ri was not surprised at all, he thought about it, and said: "She didn't steal from you, she has a conscience, no wonder she didn't follow you today."

Tang Ying looked around, and there were a few people who looked this way indifferently, Tang Ying said, "You've been too flamboyant recently, and many people don't like you."

Hai Ri said: "Where is the publicity, it's inexplicable."

Tang Ying: "Do you have anything else on your mind besides dating?"

Hai Ri thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with it. Some people worry about falling in love, and some people worry about falling in love. Sheng Canyang belongs to the worry-free category. Hai Ri is a shopkeeper who doesn't care about anything.

"I don't have anything to worry about," Hai Ri said, "Is it wrong for me to degenerate into love trash?"

Tang Ying said: "Your face is really hateful, do you think I will be jealous of you?"

Hai Ri hesitated, and guessed: "Yes?"

"Yes," Tang Ying, "so put away your happiness and pretend to be bitter for me, or I will let you taste the taste of betrayal."

Hai Ri: "Hahahahaha."

Tang Ying: "I was really confused by your appearance, you love trash."

"Yeah," Hai Ri said, "I'm so happy, I suspect that there will be retribution in the future."

Now Tang Ying laughed, and she said, "Why can't it be a reward for you because of the blessings you obtained in the past?"

Hai Ri lay back on the sofa, looked at the ceiling, and said, "It's worth it if it's true."

Tang Ying: "?"

She asked inexplicably: "What do you mean?"

"You don't care," Hai Ri also said inexplicably, "Do you understand the matter of love?"

Tang Ying: "..."

Hai Ri actually thought of some poems for a moment, such as "The belt is getting wider and you will never regret it", "If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the day and night", but thinking about it, I feel quite nasty . After all, I just like it, why do I like it so much

Tang Ying suddenly whispered, "Let me tell you something serious."

Hai Ri lay on the sofa, eyes drooping: "Say."

"I feel like she's a wolf." Tang Ying whispered.

Hai Ri: "Who? Your sister?"

Tang Ying: "Yes."

Hai Ri: "I feel like she is too."

Tang Ying was taken aback and said, "How do you know?"

Hai Ri: "Yesterday morning, I felt a murderous look on her body. It's hard to say, it's pretty penetrating."

Tang Ying's eyes widened: "Then you still give her to me?"

"Didn't she not touch you?" Hai Ri said, "I asked Zheng Yi to keep an eye on you, I think he likes you."

Tang Ying was probably always liked by boys, so she didn't take it seriously, and said, "No wonder he follows me wherever I go."

Hai Ri said: "I feel that she is more hostile to men, so let her follow you. Have you talked to her?"

Tang Ying: "No, she doesn't talk to me, and I don't think she will hurt me. I let her live with me last night."

Hai Ri said, "Be more careful and keep your food hidden."

"Take it with you," Tang Ying asked, "Where's yours?"

Hai Ri patted his pockets, indicating that his hands were empty, and Sheng Canyang was holding them.

Just as we were talking here, Sheng Canyang came back, and the group was empty-handed, and everyone was immediately disappointed.

Wen Hao said: "There is no way, there is not even a fruit tree, so we can only go to the sea to fish, and we will set off in a while."

Wen Hao just came back. Although everyone was not happy with what he said, they couldn't say anything.

Sheng Canyang sat next to Hai Ri and asked, "Are you still tired?"

Tang Ying said numbly: "He slept until noon, where is he so tired?"

Hae Il said, "She's right, I also think you're mocking me now."

Sheng Canyang said, "Indeed."

Tang Ying: "Sheng Canyang, you are so immoral, Hai Ri will become a waste after you two break up!"

Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang turned to look at her at the same time.

Tang Ying: "..."

Hae-il said, "There is no breakup in my dictionary... only widowhood."

Sheng Canyang actually found it funny, Tang Ying said in horror: "Have you been PUAed by Hairi?"

Sheng Canyang said, "What do you mean?"

Hai Ri rested on his arm, with one leg bent, looking very relaxed: "I'm fascinated by me, I'm going to die or live."

"I was PUAed by him." Sheng Canyang said.

Tang Ying said numbly, "Then I wish you happiness."

At this time, everyone was relatively relaxed, but when they came back from fishing at night, they couldn't laugh anymore.

The river water on the island is not drinkable, which means that there are no edible creatures in it. Fish can only be hunted in the sea, and a group of urbanites cannot catch them at all.

Sheng Canyang caught a fish that was as long as a little finger, and it was colorful. After playing with it for a while, Hai Ri threw it back into the sea. It couldn't fill his stomach at all.

The two of them are really hungry now, Sheng Canyang wiped Hai Ri's face with his cold hands stained with sea water under the setting sun, and Hai Ri said, "What's wrong with you?"

Sheng Canyang said casually, "I love you."

Hai Ri: "..."

"Will I lose everything I say now?" Hai Ri was a little moved, so he had to change the subject and said, "You have a better skill."

Sheng Canyang smiled without arguing.

Hai Ri said: "When people are hungry, they only want to be hungry, and when they are full, they will have thousands of troubles. This is not bad."

Sheng Canyang said, "That's right."

"About time," Sheng Canyang said, "I thought of something."

Hai Ri immediately asked, "What's the problem?"

The sea water was flowing under the feet of the two, and the sea water was cold, but the sunset on their bodies was still warm. Sheng Canyang frowned slightly, and said, "It can only be that the speed of the flow has become faster. If our world speeds up by two hours every day, it will be as fast as a year. One more month to come."

Sheng Canyang said: "The faster flow of time may speed up the flow of people here. It usually takes 30 days for a person to return to the real world, but now it only takes about 27 days. But the time flow of people in the normal world is not so fast. It will speed up, so if it really works, it will become less imported and more exported, and the population of this world will decrease.”

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri understood that this is the automatic defense mechanism of the second world, and this world should also be trying to save itself. The population pressure of the second world is too great. With just one sentence, Sheng Canyang judged the huge crisis facing the second world.

Hae-il said, "That doesn't really help our current situation."

Sheng Canyang smiled and said, "How could it not be helpful?"

"If the population can be controlled by controlling time," Sheng Canyang said, "then we have actually proved that we can counter-control the world with our own power."

Hai Ri looked at him adoringly, although Sheng Canyang didn't say anything. In Sheng Canyang's world, you can try everything that is difficult. Don't bend the sword lightly, it is better than a full hook. Sheng Canyang died once, but he is no more cowardly than others.

Sheng Canyang said: "If we can keep killing people, will the world collapse?"

"This world needs background control, and many worlds are running together at the same time," Sheng Canyang said, "Will she start to think of ways to squeeze us out like the second world?"

Hae Il: "But everyone is hungry. It may be out of control soon."

Sheng Canyang: "Actually, the hardest part is these two days. It will be better if I survive these few days."

"No matter what, you did your best," Hai Ri comforted, "In my eyes, you have already succeeded."

Hai Ri never thought that Sheng Canyang would try to protect everyone as much as possible. He thought that Sheng Canyang might only care about the lives of the few people he knew. If Sheng Canyang could think this way, Hai Ri already felt very proud.

Sheng Canyang looked back at the dark blue sky, but said nothing.

In the evening, everyone returned disappointed. Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang walked behind.

Wen Hao glanced at the two of them, and deliberately slowed down.

Hai Ri knew that he should have something to say to Sheng Canyang, so he wanted to leave. Sheng Canyang gave him a hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wen Hao said: "I heard them chatting, it seems that they want to drive that little girl away."

Sheng Canyang frowned, Wen Hao said: "They all say in private that she is a werewolf."

Sheng Canyang said, "She's not."

Wen Hao froze for a moment, and said, "How do you know?"

Sheng Canyang: "Guess, I don't think so, she is just a little selfish, education is enough, don't go too far."

Wen Hao: "I said the same... how do you know she's not?"

"Because I am a wolf, she is not among our werewolves." Sheng Canyang said seriously.

Wen Hao laughed loudly, and then said stiffly: "You must be joking, right?"

Sheng Canyang said helplessly, "Yes."

Hai Ri said: "Today Tang Ying also said that she felt like a werewolf card, did she also hurt others?"

Wen Hao: "She lured people into the well, as if she wanted to push them down."

Hai Ri suddenly thought of himself yesterday morning, but didn't say anything.

Sheng Canyang said: "I know, that's why I don't look like a wolf. If it was a wolf, she would have been stabbed directly. I think she has been used by someone."

Wen Hao: "Used by others?"

"Well," Sheng Canyang said, "I don't know which ugly adult used a little girl as a shield."

Wen Hao didn't know what to say for a while, he wanted to pass on a message, but it turned out that this was the direction of the wind, and he didn't know what to do, so he went back after saying a few words.

Hai Ri asked, "Do you know who the wolf is now?"

Sheng Canyang said flatly: "It's hard to know."

"I'll show you a good show in a while," Sheng Canyang said, "Thirty-six tricks, catch the turtle in the jar."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-15 00:10:56~2020-10-15 20:57:55~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 29 bottles of Che Weiyang; 20 bottles of Torres; 10 bottles of Tao Shaojiu; 6 bottles of all four empty;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!