Let Me Live!

Chapter 63: The first guard of the national service (16)


When Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang rushed downstairs, Wu Wenbo had just put away his gun, and saw the two of them going downstairs without saying a word.

Sheng Canyang walked through the crowd and saw Wen Hao shot in the left shoulder, but he was not dead yet, he was panting for breath and enduring the pain.

Sheng Canyang suppressed his bleeding point, and his hand was instantly stained red. Zheng Yi stood in front of Tang Ying and asked her to stand back. Wang Shuliu hid under Tang Ying's arm, suddenly a little timid.

Wen Hao looked at Sheng Canyang, his face was dripping with cold sweat just for a moment, Sheng Canyang tore his clothes to stop the bleeding, the wound was not easy to bandage, Sheng Canyang pursed his mouth and frowned tightly.

Wen Hao said, "Isn't this what you want?"

Sheng Canyang said: "I want you to live, can't you see it?"

Wen Hao sneered and said, "It's not necessary."

He gasped: "Just don't die now, and you will die when you go back—"

"You misrecognized my identity and asked me to hide it," Wen Hao said, "Is it true? You keep saying that I am a god."

Sheng Canyang said: "I'll make you an identity, silly hat. Of course I feel that you can't survive."

Wen Hao: "You knew I was a wolf from the very beginning, you did it on purpose."

Wen Hao laughed and said, "I was beaten to death, I'm not a Chinese teacher—"

Sheng Canyang said coldly: "No one will remember what you said, just keep your mouth shut if you don't want to die."

Wen Hao: "I was killed by my father-in-law because I forced my wife to death..."

Sheng Canyang raised his head, glanced at him, and said, "Shut up."

Wen Hao finally stopped talking and closed his eyes.

Everyone looked at him with indifferent eyes.

When Sheng Canyang stood up, his body was covered in blood, and the young man Li Yang, who was 27 or 18 years old, said, "He won't die, will he?"

Sheng Canyang said: "I don't know, leave two people to watch the night with me, and the rest go back to sleep."

Hai Ri said, "I'll come."

"One more," Sheng Canyang said while sitting on the sofa, "Come here, Zheng Yi. Wu Wenbo, you have no bullets now, I suggest you protect yourself."

Wu Wenbo also seemed to be a little confused, after all, he was an ordinary person, and Wen Hao seemed to be in a very bad state when he shot and injured someone just now, and it seemed that it was difficult to make it through. He subconsciously nodded.

Sheng Canyang said: "I'm very afraid that this kind of thing will happen. Now that the balance is broken, everyone is wishing for luck."

"Is that so..." Liu Yang stood up and said, "Sheng Canyang, what do you want to do?"

Sheng Canyang said: "What I want to do, I already said it on the first day."

Liu Yang looked at him, was silent for a moment, and said, "You said Wen Hao was a god the first day, but it turns out that he is not."

Sheng Canyang: "I want to protect his identity. If he is caught, he will die."

"The first time I saw him, I thought he was a wolf," Sheng Canyang said calmly, "Do I need to tell you these words? I told him to hide my identity, but he didn't understand."

Liu Yang said: "You two are playing wolf on wolf, Sheng Canyang, don't think I don't know."

"I'm a prophet," Liu Yang suddenly turned his head, pointed at Sheng Canyang, and said to everyone, "I checked him last night, he's a wolf!"

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Liu Yang said: "You are too dangerous. I don't know what you are going to do, so I checked your identity last night without thinking about it. I checked Lingsheng the first night because he never came down to talk to everyone , I was worried that he was a wolf, but I found out that he was a good man."

Sheng Canyang laughed helplessly and said, "Are you serious?"

He didn't mean that Liu Yang was seriously sending him an investigation, but that he really wanted to jump in this kind of game

In fact, Hai Ri was not very worried. Sheng Canyang was a magic card, and he was actually not afraid of being hunted down.

Sheng Canyang was about to speak when a woman said, "Then you and Wen Hao can go 'die' together."

Everyone followed her voice, and it was the fat girl. She said she was a girl, but in fact she should be quite old and well maintained. Tang Ying always called her "sister", so everyone called him sister, but I feel thirty-three or four-year-old. Hai Ri vaguely remembered that her surname was Bai.

The woman said: "You are a prophet, what am I? Shameless?"

Everyone's heads were like rattles, and they immediately looked at Liu Yang again.

It's still here, Sheng Canyang waved his hand to indicate that he still didn't escape.

Tang Ying and Hai Ri's first reaction was to find a place to sit down, but anyone who has experienced this kind of game knows that this matter will not be finished in a while.

Hai Ri looked at Wen Hao, his face was pale, sitting on the chair, his lips were already turning pale.

Hai Ri suddenly thought, in fact, people walk into their own storms without warning.

The woman said: "I found Wu Wenbo and Wang Shuliu. The first night I checked Wu Wenbo, because he always wanted to lead the team. I was afraid that he was a bad guy, so he led us into the ditch. What I found out was that he was a good guy. Last night Wang Shuliu, because she stole my things, she is a good person, Sheng Canyang said that Wang Shuliu is a good person, I already thought he didn't need to investigate."

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and the situation changed suddenly. Everyone didn't expect anything, and they didn't know how to react.

Sheng Canyang said to the woman: "You don't have to jump out."

The woman was puzzled and said, "I'm helping you!"

"I won't be able to die for a while," Sheng Canyang said, "but if you jump out, you will understand the two gods now, and the remaining god cards will no longer be exposed, otherwise it will be easy to be slaughtered."

Hai Ri knew that this sentence was actually told to him by Sheng Canyang, telling him to be safe and not to be impatient, and not to jump out of identity.

Sheng Canyang said: "I'm a good person. That's not how wolf tramples on wolves. If Wen Hao and I were together, we really wouldn't do it like this."

Tang Ying said, "I'm a little confused."

"Me too," Ling Sheng said, "Sister, is your mask expired? Why do I feel dizzy?"

Zheng Yi said, "Isn't it because I'm stupid?"

Tang Ying said: "Logically speaking, it is impossible for Sheng Canyang to belong to a wolf."

"Wang Shuliu stole Bai Yanan's food, so Bai Yanan checked her identity, which makes sense. If Bai Yanan is really a wolf, she doesn't like Wang Shuliu so much. There is no need to send her a good person's identity again today." "Tang Ying said, "And if Bai Yanan is a wolf, she, Wen Hao, and Sheng Canyang are three wolves, then it is impossible for her to reveal her identity as a good person today, and she must be investigated and killed, otherwise the Wolves will be completely at a disadvantage gone."

Bai Yanan didn't understand at all, and said inexplicably, "What a mess."

Hai Ri said, "I mean you are a good person."

"I'm really a good person," Bai Yanan said, "You're talking too complicated, I can't understand."

Ling Sheng said: "I don't understand it either. I haven't played this game before, and my classmates don't call me when they play. Brother Yang, explain to me, and I will listen to you."

Sheng Canyang said helplessly: "I have nothing to say."

"Actually, if you werewolves feel that your living space is small, I can give you some space," Sheng Canyang said to Liu Yang, "You can treat me as a wolf, so that you still have two pits to play on your side, and I can also fight on my side." There are still two god card identities that cannot be handed over, we still agree with that gentleman, and don't touch anyone."

Sheng Canyang said: "I don't give out my identity either, they will treat me like a wolf, how about it?"

Liu Yang looked disgusted as to what the hell you were talking about.

Hai Ri said politely: "If you don't understand, is it because you have a problem with your IQ?"

Sheng Canyang stopped him with a smile, and Liu Yang said, "I'm just doing my duty. You are a wolf. I've disclosed your identity. I won't make deals with you. You are too good at deceiving."

Sheng Canyang did not deny it, and said: "Sometimes there is no way to deceive people. I lied to you and Wen Hao because I didn't want him to die. In fact, I also know where the remaining god cards and werewolf cards are. There are also lies in what I said before, and they are all things that can’t be helped.”

Liu Yang's expression changed, as if something touched him.

Sheng Canyang said: "I don't want to win that much."

Hai Ri felt that this sentence was a bit strange, and seeing his expression, Sheng Canyang told everyone.

Sheng Canyang said: "I recognize a wolf, me and Wen Hao, Liu Yang or Bai Yanan, whoever they are, no matter who they are prophets, all three wolves must have appeared, and only the last one is left, so don't kill any more. "

"The three of us are staying downstairs now," Sheng Canyang said, "Wu Wenbo has also exposed his identity, and he is watching the night downstairs with us. The rest of us can go back. Let two prophets report for inspection tomorrow."

Hai Ri said, "I'm staying too."

Sheng Canyang said, "I can't live there."

The sofa is mostly reserved for Wen Hao.

Hai Ri said: "I won't sleep anymore, why sleep at night?"

Sheng Canyang smiled, said nothing, and let him go.

Hai Ri is the guard, he didn't guard Sheng Canyang yesterday, but he just happened to be able to guard Sheng Canyang today. In fact, he is not very familiar with the activation conditions of his skills, but according to the most stringent conditions, he can also ensure that Sheng Canyang is alive.

Hai Ri has no doubts about Sheng Canyang's identity, he can understand Sheng Canyang's meaning, maybe everyone can understand. Sheng Canyang does not quibble but is the best sophistry. Sometimes a good speech is difficult to copy. When playing board games, some players hold good cards, and when the speech will explode, no matter from the structure of the speech or from the perspective All things considered perfect, and there will be some wonderful feeling, so that everyone will recognize that this is a good person. But the same person, if he wants to reproduce his speech next time when he takes the wolf, he will not succeed.

Sheng Canyang's speech can be said to be a hit. His emotions, attitudes, and language structure are all good people's mentality. Only with clean cards can he say such a thing.

Hai Ri is actually not very good at misjudging his identity. When he played this kind of game himself, he didn't miss the prophet. Sheng Canyang's weak speech seemed to him to be extremely powerful.

The group stayed downstairs. Sheng Canyang boiled a pot of hot water and poured it for Liu Yang. Liu Yang barely drank it. Sheng Canyang hugged the quilt for him and asked him, "Where are your things?"

Wen Hao opened his eyes, but didn't speak.

Sheng Canyang took out his pocket, took out a biscuit, tore it open, broke off a small piece, and fed it to his mouth.

Liu Yang snorted coldly, seeming very disdainful.

After Sheng Canyang finished feeding Wen Hao, he sat on the sofa beside him, and Hai Ri sat next to him. It was not the first time for the two of them to experience such a thing, and there was no trace of anxiety on their faces.

Hai Ri asked, "Do you want to go tomorrow?"

"Well," Sheng Canyang said in a low voice, "Go to the east and have a look, this is not the way to go."

Hae Il: "Let's go together, remember to wake me up if I fall asleep."

Sheng Canyang: "Okay, go to sleep, I don't need you to watch the night, I don't feel much."

Hai Ri thought for a while and decided to take a light sleep, and change to Sheng Canyang in the middle of the night. He told Sheng Canyang, but Sheng Canyang didn't say anything, and put his head on his shoulders. Hai Ri closed his eyes, and the two people looked like Like a very close friend, Liu Yang looked at it for a while and said, "Where did Wen Hao put his food?"

Sheng Canyang lowered his voice, not wanting to disturb Hai Ri, and said, "He's not dead yet."

Liu Yang: "Did you take his food just now?"

Sheng Canyang glanced at him, stretched out his hand, his hands were empty, Sheng Canyang said: "I didn't take it."

Liu Yang didn't speak anymore.

Hai Ri listened to them talking, Liu Yang said that Sheng Canyang was scheming, Bai Yanan scolded Liu Yang for being shameless, and later Liu Yang and Bai Yanan swore to each other who was a wolf and who was hit to death by a car when going out.

Hai Ri thought to himself, aren't they already dead? How can they die

Playing to the end is sticking to the face, advanced players.

The two became quiet after cursing and cursing. Hai Ri took advantage of this time to fall asleep. He remembered that someone hugged him to bed later. He knew it must be Sheng Canyang. He wanted to wake up, so he opened his eyes and struggled. Sheng Canyang was in front of his eyelids. After kissing and saying goodnight, Hai Ri said, "What time is it?"

Sheng Canyang whispered in his ear: "I just slept for an hour, I will call you in the middle of the night." Only then did Hai Ri fall asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already morning, Hai Ri knew he was in the room when he saw the ceiling, he sat up suddenly, and saw Sheng Canyang brushing his hair.

Sheng Canyang said, "Are you awake? Go down and have a morning meeting."

Hai Ri could only say, "Nothing happened last night, did it?"

"No," Sheng Canyang said, "Wen Hao's condition is not very good, let Tang Ying and the others take care of it, let's set off after the meeting, let's have something to eat first."

Hai Ri: "You haven't slept all night? How long have you been without sleep?"

Sheng Canyang said: "The highest record is that I only slept ten hours a week. This is nothing."

Hai Ri took a deep breath, feeling that he was half dead with anger, but he didn't want to get angry at him, so he could only be angry with himself, why did he sleep so soundly when he touched the bed

"Don't go to the meeting," Hai Ri said, "come up and sleep."

Sheng Canyang: "I slept for three hours in the morning. I'm not very sleepy. It's nothing. I used to stay up all night. Are you angry?"

Hai Ri said with a straight face, "No."

Sheng Canyang smiled, bent down and kissed him, saying, "Cute."

Hai Ri pushed, but still kissed.

"Did you have any plans that you didn't tell me?" Hai Ri said, "I feel like you're hiding something from me."

Sheng Canyang said: "Impossible, I won't hide anything from you."

Hai Ri said: "Really, then why did you lie to me and say that you want to wake me up?"

"I want you to sleep more," Sheng Canyang leaned over and approached him, the two of them were very close, "I don't understand? Will you fall in love?"

Hai Ri was so dizzy from his hormones that he couldn't react and what to say.

Sheng Canyang said: "Next time, just thank my husband directly, and stop talking nonsense."

Hai Ri laughed, Sheng Canyang stood up and stretched himself.

At the same time, on many islands in parallel time and space, the killing has already begun.

Blood mist spread over the island.

The author has something to say: Give me back my head. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-22 00:03:21~2020-10-23 00:26:29~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 55 bottles of strawberries per catty; 44 bottles with an uncertain return date; 20 bottles of reaching out to touch the dog's head;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!