Let Me Live!

Chapter 64: The first guard of the national uniform (eighteen)


Sheng Canyang and Hai Ri ate a piece of biscuit alone. In fact, it felt almost the same as not eating it, but the burning feeling in the stomach eased a lot.

When they went to the meeting, Bai Yanan said about his inspection, Ling Sheng is a good person.

Ling Sheng accidentally picked up a pair of golden water, reacted for a long time, and said: "They all say that I am a good person, so I must be a good person."

"Yes," Hai Ri said, "Shuang Jinshui is not far from death."

Lingsheng: "..."

"No," said Ling Sheng, "keep it with me, I don't understand anything anyway."

Hai Ri: "Brother Yang, I beg you, he is a wolf, let him talk to his teammates, don't kill you."

Sheng Canyang said, "Leave it on me."

Ling Sheng looked at him contemptuously.

The information from Liu Yang is Tang Ying's identity, Tang Ying is a good person. There are golden waters on both sides, but in fact the living space of werewolves has been squeezed. As long as one more identity is reported, the living space of werewolves will be narrowed, and everyone will become more anxious as the time goes by.

Sheng Canyang chatted a few words and was ready to go. Wen Hao developed a high fever in the morning, so he went to have a look.

Tang Ying said, "I don't know if I can make it through."

Sheng Canyang didn't say anything, but tucked the quilt up for him, and said, "You are with Lingsheng today."

Tang Ying: "Okay, why?"

But Sheng Canyang didn't explain, so he gave her a look, which means don't ask more questions.

Hairi and Sheng Canyang went out, and today I feel that everyone is very anxious, few people chat, during the lunch break, everyone is sitting on the big rock on the top of the mountain, Sheng Canyang is thinking about fishing, talking to Hairi in a low voice, over there Several people were chatting, and when Liu Yang asked where Wen Hao's food was, Sheng Canyang didn't speak.

Liu Yang asked Sheng Canyang, "Did you take it away?"

Everyone looked at Sheng Canyang, Wu Wenbo looked unhappy and said, "Don't ask."

"I didn't take it," Sheng Canyang said, "I don't know."

Liu Yang said: "You gave him something to eat yesterday, didn't you see it?"

"The food for him yesterday was what he brought with him, I don't know the rest," Sheng Canyang said flatly, "He's not dead yet."

Wu Wenbo also said angrily: "Stop talking!"

Hai Ri can understand Wu Wenbo, he should still be in the stage of regret and self-blame. After all, it is a person, after all, he shot and wounded someone.

"Go back and ask Wen Hao yourself." Hai Ri said casually.

Liu Yang stopped talking.

Hai Ri said: "Search for yourself this afternoon, we're going back."

Liu Yang stated: "He is a werewolf, you two are too close."

"I don't care," Hai Ri stood up and said politely, "Mind yourself."

Sheng Canyang has been very eye-catching these days, but everyone in Hai Ri has never been able to figure it out, but they don't know who he is.

Anyone can see that the relationship between Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang is unusual, they are almost inseparable, Sheng Canyang often does some unexpected things, Hai Ri seldom speaks, and he has no opinion about it, the two are very harmonious, now until now At that time, everyone had tested each other's identities in private, discussed and criticized others' identities in private, but no one had successfully talked with Hai Ri, and everyone didn't know much about Hai Ri.

The main reason was that Hai Ri was always by Sheng Canyang's side, and they were too close. When Hai Ri is alone, he sleeps, and Sheng Canyang will do Hai Ri's work together. The tacit understanding between the two can be seen at a glance that they have experienced a lot together.

So when Hai Ri suddenly said such shameless words today, Liu Yang didn't react for a moment.

Hai Ri only said this sentence and stopped. He and Sheng Canyang found a shady place to sleep, and Hai Ri found that there was not even a reptile in this place. Sheng Canyang said before that he was afraid of reptiles, Hai Ri thought about it, glanced at him, and laughed.

Sheng Canyang: "?"

Hai Ri: "You're not innocuous either."

Sheng Canyang was puzzled: "What are you talking about?"

"During the interview, you said you were afraid of bugs," Hai Ri said, "I still remember that."

Sheng Canyang said, "Say whatever you want."

Hai Ri: "You're just scared, last time—"

Sheng Canyang: "It's just pretending."

Hai Ri laughed loudly and said, "Your hairs are all blown up!"

"So I acted very realistically," Sheng Canyang also smiled, shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's really disgusting."

Hai Ri patted his legs and said, "Lie down, there are no bugs here."

Sheng Canyang was not polite to him, lying on his lap, looking up at him. Sheng Canyang was too thin, and there was no flesh on his face. He lay on his back and Hai Ri was captivated by his handsome face. After admiring it for a long time, he touched his brow bone with his hand.

Hai Ri: "Go to sleep."

Sheng Canyang let out a "huh", held his hand and put it on his lips and kissed him. Hai Ri suddenly thought, those memories were so real that he was sometimes in a trance. It was to stare at a boy through the screen, to see his expressions and movements, so when Sheng Canyang was really in front of him, it was a little illusory again.

Does a man like Sheng Canyang exist in this world

Sometimes Hae Il thinks, does such a perfect man really exist? Everything is fake, right? No matter what others think, Hai Ri always thinks that Sheng Canyang is perfect, even his illness is beautiful.

Hai Ri felt that maybe he had already died on that bridge, or maybe he had turned into a vegetative state, all of this was an illusion.

He hasn't returned to the real world for a long time, and hasn't lived a down-to-earth life for a long time, so he always has the idea that all this is false.

When this kind of thought comes, I will think: even if it is fake, this dream is far more beautiful than reality, so don’t wake up.

Sheng Canyang didn't sleep much last night. He slept soundly at noon. He had no expression when he fell asleep. Because he was handsome, he felt far away when he was expressionless. Hearing that those people had left, Hai Ri didn't wake Sheng Canyang up. Sheng Canyang slept for about an hour, woke up, shook his head, pinched Hai Ri's leg in a daze, and said in a vague voice, "It's numb. ?”

It was only then that Hai Ri had the feeling that he was back again.

He suddenly said, "Are you happy?"

Sheng Canyang: "?"

"My surname is Sheng." Sheng Canyang was dizzy from sleeping, and made a joke casually, "What's wrong?"

Hai Ri felt a little nauseous, and said, "Forget it."

Sheng Canyang pressed his legs, and he realized that Hai Ri asked this question because Hai Ri felt happy.

He laughed, glanced at Hai Ri, and Sheng Canyang said, "I have an idea."

Hae Il thought he was talking about this game, and asked, "What?"

Sheng Canyang said: "Is it true that all those days that you want to maintain and not be broken are happiness?"

Hai Ri: "..."

Hai Ri also understood what Sheng Canyang meant, what Sheng Canyang said meant that he felt happy.

Sheng Canyang didn't say any more, Hai Ri said, "It's fine."

The two stood up and walked down the mountain.

In the afternoon, Sheng Canyang took out two cakes and the two of them ate them. They felt that their hunger was relieved a little. Sheng Canyang was not very anxious, but he seemed to be thinking about other things, and he was often caught in his own thoughts.

The two went to find a shoal in the afternoon, and Sheng Canyang said, "I'll try to dive down, but you wait on top."

Hai Ri's first reaction was to disagree, and he directly said no.

Sheng Canyang took out a rope from his backpack, tied it around his waist, handed the other end to him, and said, "It's only this far, you can pull it before I come up."

Hai Ri frowned and thought about it, then looked at his expression, Sheng Canyang said, "I'm really fine."

Hai Ri: "Then change me."

"No problem," Sheng Canyang said briskly, "I'll go explore the road first."

Yesterday everyone sharpened a few wooden sticks to fish, but got nothing. Sheng Canyang took the sticks and said: "I heard that some peoples fish like this, they dive into the water and use this kind of sticks to stab. "

"I'll give you a minute," Hai Ri said, "If you don't come up, I'll drag you down."

Sheng Canyang made an "OK" gesture, and the two of them took off their T-shirts and shoes, and went into the sea. The sea water was a little cool and very comfortable. Hai Ri walked to the waistless position, then Sheng Canyang swam away, turned around and blew him a kiss.

Hai Ri didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved his hand.

At the beginning, Sheng Canyang didn't gain much, but he could see sea fish, and Hai Ri tried to go down twice, but found that he was really tired, and he still ate too little recently. When Sheng Canyang went into the water for the third time, he was also a little out of breath. Haiji never agreed with life and death. Sheng Canyang ate another cake before letting him go down.

Hai ri counted the time silently in his heart, and after more than a minute, Sheng Canyang hadn't come back yet, Hai ri hesitated for two seconds, tightened the rope and pulled back, feeling very heavy. Hai Ri panicked all of a sudden, dragged back quickly, and shouted: "Sheng Canyang?!"

When the rope was pulled halfway, he still couldn't see any figure, he shouted while pulling, suddenly a head popped out from the sea, hugged him, Hai Ri said angrily: "Sheng Canyang!"

Sheng Canyang laughed and handed him the wooden stick with a fat silver sea fish sticking out of it.

Hai Ri turned around and left, Sheng Canyang gave him a hand, but was thrown away by Hai Ri.

Hai Ri was furious, Sheng Canyang hurriedly picked up their shoes and backpacks and chased after them, and then said, "Are you angry?"

"It's wrong, it's wrong," Sheng Canyang said, "It's really wrong."

Sheng Canyang ran up to him, turned around, stopped him with one hand, and said, "I shouldn't be joking, I was really wrong."

When he lowered his head, he saw that Hai Ri's eyes were red.

Sheng Canyang stopped talking for a while.

Hai Ri gave him a hard look, and Sheng Canyang wiped his eye sockets with his cold fingers soaked in sea water, then kissed his eyelids, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm really nothing. .”

Hai Ri made him laugh again.

Sheng Canyang had a backpack slung across his back, and he was holding the shoes and socks of the two of them in his hands. He was chasing them so quickly that he didn't even take a T-shirt. Hai Ri was holding a stick with a sea fish stuck in it.

The two returned to the beach again, and then set up a fire to roast it. It was almost dark, and Sheng Canyang gave half of it to Hai Ri on the grounds that he had just eaten. The two watched the sunset, and the sparkling sea water connected Looking at the sea level, there are a few thin clouds in the sky, like the wings of wild geese are burning.

Sheng Canyang suddenly remembered, and said: "When I was in elementary school, people often called me 'Remnant Sun', because it sounded like. Sheng Canyang, Sheng Canyang."

Hai Ri: "..."

Damn elementary school student, Hai Ri thought to himself.

"But I don't feel anything. Now that I think about it, it's also the setting sun," Sheng Canyang said. "The setting sun is a neutral word, and the setting sun is a depressed word. Later, when I was seriously ill, I thought about it, and it was all predestined." "

Sheng Canyang: "But depression is severe during the day and light at night. In fact, I will be happier at night. I am very happy when the sun goes down."

Hai Ri knew that Sheng Canyang didn't really want to say anything, he just wanted to tell him about his past.

Hae Il said, "Were you so handsome when you were young?"

"Hahahaha," Sheng Canyang finished laughing, thought for a while, and said, "It's really been like this since I was a child."

Hai Ri: "They are jealous of you."

Sheng Canyang said casually: "Whatever."

"It doesn't matter anymore," Sheng Canyang looked at Hai Ri and said, "I've already walked over."

Hai Ri: "..."

Sheng Canyang said: "I have reconciled with the world, unilaterally."

Hae Il wanted to say, then I have succeeded.

But in fact, he was far from being that happy, and now he was really in a complicated mood. He hoped that Sheng Canyang would get better, but when he really got better, Sheng Canyang would no longer need him, and Hai Ri's attraction to him would also decrease. Fortunately, all this is coming to an end, Hai Ri may be able to leave before Sheng Canyang feels that his feelings for Hai Ri are receding. Leave a more complete love story.

Anyway, Hai Ri will never tell him his true identity. Even if Sheng Canyang is smart, he can't guess so comprehensively. He will definitely feel that this is pure emotion without any mixture. Hae-il wants to rot this secret in his stomach.

Hai Ri smiled and said, "Go back."

The two extinguished the fire, and walked back holding hands. Sheng Canyang said, "I should be able to make a few more calls tomorrow, and finally solved this problem."

Hai Ri had something on his mind and was a little distracted, so he answered casually, and Sheng Canyang took a look at his expression in the night.

The two went back, and as soon as they entered the door, Tang Ying ran out and said, "Wen Hao is dead."

The two were stunned for a moment, and Tang Ying said, "The sound of Ling is missing."

The two looked at each other, their expressions tensed.

Sheng Canyang walked in and said, "Didn't I let you be with him?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-23 00:26:29~2020-10-27 00:25:19~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Black Dog Zhe;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: LCD screen, WT baby, |?ω?`) 10 bottles; Zeng Yingjun 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!