Let Me Live!

Chapter 65: The first guard of the national service (19)


A group of people went out to find Ling Sheng, Tang Ying and Wang Shuliu stayed behind and waited for the two of them. After hearing this, Hai Ri felt a little ominous. If he disappeared at this time, he might not be able to come back.

Tang Ying said, "What should we do now?"

Lingsheng is a very interesting young man, he was a little shy at first, but he has gradually become familiar with everyone in the past two days, and he is very likable. Tang Ying looked at Sheng Canyang and asked, "Where can I find it?"

"I don't know," Sheng Canyang said with difficulty, "When did you disappear?"

Tang Ying: "The two of us were chatting in the room. I went out to use the toilet. When I came back, the room was empty. I didn't expect him to disappear. I boiled water again. After boiling the water, he still didn't come back. I searched and found that his backpack was missing, so I went to look for him, but he disappeared too.”

Sheng Canyang went upstairs to take a look. The door was intact and there was no sign of it being turned. Tang Ying said, "Any thoughts?"

Sheng Canyang pressed his temples, feeling a little headache for the first time.

Hai Ri said: "It should be called out by someone. An acquaintance committed the crime and attacked him when he was not prepared."

"The question is who," Sheng Canyang said, "how did this happen."

Hai Ri felt that these words were a little strange, not like complaining about why this situation happened, but more like asking why Ling Sheng disappeared.

Hae Il said, "Do you think there is a problem?"

Sheng Canyang just said: "Lingsheng didn't offend anyone."

Hai Ri didn't quite understand it, he felt that it shouldn't be a matter of offending people or not, Ling Sheng had just received the double gold water in the morning, and according to normal logic, his disappearance was a normal phenomenon, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Sheng Canyang said: "Find him quickly, or something will happen tonight."

Tang Ying: "What's the matter?"

"Vote," Sheng Canyang said, "If a good person dies, someone will definitely be unable to hold back and vote. Find someone before voting."

According to Sheng Canyang, everyone should be called back, and it is better to ask who is going out to look for them. It is not only difficult to find them, but also prone to accidents.

The matter of voting itself is like it is difficult to ensure that everyone will act according to the agreement. As long as anyone breaks the agreement, the ship will sink completely.

A few people went out to look for someone, but they couldn't find it for a long time. Hai Ri felt that he couldn't find him, and he was already desperate. Seeing that it was almost time to vote.

The moonlight is projected mottledly from under the shadow of the tree, and there is a starlight above the head. I heard that the lack of moon stars is actually a kind of sensory contrast. When one thing is too bright, the things around it will appear dim.

Sheng Canyang said suddenly: "I want to understand the issue of time."

"Didn't you figure it out a long time ago?" Hai Ri asked, "What else?"

Tang Ying said, "What time?"

"The flow of time in these two worlds is different," Sheng Canyang said, "I understand, I understand how to do it."

Tang Ying asked: "How to do it? How to do what? What are you talking about? Is there any way?"

Sheng Canyang said: "If we go back to the past now, what does our body look like?"

Tang Ying said: "Maybe lying on the hospital bed, it can't be buried already."

Sheng Canyang shook his head and said, "The speed of time in this world is different from the world we came to, and the speed of time in the real world is also different. What time is it?"

Tang Ying looked at her watch and said, "Nine o'clock."

Sheng Canyang said: "It's slow here."

"When we first came, the moon was only so high at seven o'clock in the evening." Sheng Canyang said, "In the previous world, the time was too fast because the world was overloaded. Now there is no reason. If she really wants us to To kill, you just need to speed up the time. I have been thinking, if it is those people who are too dead to be resurrected, what kind of posture do they go back."

Tang Ying said tiredly: "Let's talk about the conclusion."

"The secret of this world is not to kill people," Sheng Canyang said without hesitation, "but to survive?"

"In the previous world, I once woke up after a mission failure. That time I was lying on a hospital bed, but I could be rescued at that time, but if some people have completely lost the chance of resurrection, what will happen to them if they fail the mission? What? Could it not be that you are dead now, that means you must be dead,” Sheng Canyang said, “but that the flow of time here is fundamentally opposite to the real world, and the longer you live here, the more you can The longer you go back to reality, until you completely avoid the time node that caused your death."

Tang Ying said, "I understand."

"I just understand," Tang Ying said, "Are you sure?"

Sheng Canyang: "Not sure, let's find someone."

Tang Ying said: "But you gave me some hope, thank you."

Hai Ri said, "I think it makes sense."

"Actually, I also think it makes sense," Tang Ying said, "but my death has a very long process. How long will I have to stay here before I can go back?"

They searched on the mountain for a long time, but Wang Shuliu couldn't move anymore. Sheng Canyang carried her on his back. It was already too late, and there was no way for them to go back.

Tang Ying said: "Actually, sometimes I think you are too smart."

Sheng Canyang said: "It's a pity that I didn't go to university."

Tang Ying laughed, and Hai Ri said, "I'll recite it for a while."

"Forget it," Sheng Canyang said, "she fell asleep."

Wang Shuliu hugged Sheng Canyang's neck and was already asleep. Sheng Canyang whispered, "I'm drooling all over my back."

Tang Ying sighed: "If I go back, I will forget you. I really like the feeling of being friends with you."

"The same people who have fallen into the world," Hai Ri said, "Why do we have to know each other when we meet?"

Tang Ying smiled and said, "You're right."

It seemed that they had all realized that these unexpected circumstances meant that parting was imminent.

When walking down the mountain, I saw two beams of fire, which turned out to be Zheng Yi and Wu Wenbo. Several people exchanged information, but they couldn't find it.

Wu Wenbo also lacked the vigor of the first day, and looked a little tired, as if Wen Hao's death had had a great impact on him.

Zheng Yi said: "Let's stop here today, and we'll look for it tomorrow. Give me that girl, and I'll carry it on my back."

Sheng Canyang said, "It's really unnecessary."

"I don't know where this child has gone," Zheng Yi said, "It's best if there's nothing wrong."

At this time, everyone received a message in their brains at the same time, and the voting began.

Hai Ri glanced at Sheng Canyang, hesitated for a while, and then didn't choose anyone.

Sheng Canyang looked calm, and he exchanged a glance with him, and both of them knew each other's choice. Hai Ri was actually a little hesitant. Sheng Canyang was actually in danger of being voted out. He was very worried that someone would vote him away at this time, but he still didn't vote for Liu Yang. It could only be because he trusted Sheng Canyang's choice too much. bold.

Hai Ri whispered, "I hope it's okay."

Sheng Canyang shook his hand, looking very firm.

The remaining few people also finished voting and looked at each other. Zheng Yi took the lead and said, "I didn't vote."

"Me neither," Tang Ying said, "I don't know who to vote for."

"Me neither." Wu Wenbo said casually without looking at them.

Hai Ri and Sheng Canyang also shook their heads, so none of the five of them voted. In fact, the problem should lie with the two prophets.

Hai Ri has already made the preparation that if Liu Yang votes for Sheng Canyang, he will exchange one with him.

Several people returned to the house, but no one has returned, only a few of them.

Sheng Canyang left Wang Shu on the sofa, then moved his shoulders, and asked, "When was the last time you saw Lingsheng?"

"I haven't seen him before," Zheng Yi said, "I was looking for something to eat outside."

Wu Wenbo said: "I have been with Zheng Yi this afternoon, and you probably aren't there either. You didn't know he was missing until you entered the door."

Tang Ying said: "Liu Yang, Bai Yanan and the rest of us are here this afternoon, and the rest are looking for food outside. I asked in the afternoon, and they all said that they had never seen the sound of the mountain."

Wu Wenbo said: "It's too late, let's look for it tomorrow, go up and rest first."

The few people went upstairs without any objection. Hai Ri hugged Wang Shuliu and sent them to the bed in their bedroom. Tang Ying slept with Wang Shuliu. Sheng Canyang and Hai Ri made the floor. After the calculation, it seems that something else will happen vaguely, so I haven't fallen asleep. Sure enough, I don't know how long, before dawn, suddenly there is a sound from the door.

The voice was very faint, Hai Ri caught it right away because he couldn't fall asleep, and immediately woke up, he didn't open his eyes, and waited quietly, holding Sheng Canyang's hand calmly under the quilt.

Sheng Canyang seemed to be asleep, with his head buried in the quilt, and he didn't respond. The man seemed to be probing, and there was no movement for a while. Just when Hai Ri was probably just his own auditory hallucination, there was a sudden, subtle metal scrape from the sheath. Hai Ri would never have noticed the sound of breaking the air if it was normal, but for some reason, his reaction was extremely sharp this night, almost instantly, he stretched out his arm to cover Sheng Canyang's head, The invisible air shield popped out, and the knife landed on the shield and was easily stopped with a muffled sound. Hai Ri immediately lifted the quilt and saw a black figure running past the door.

Hai Ri didn't see the person's face clearly, only heard the sound of running at the door, Sheng Canyang was awakened by the sound, and immediately realized what happened, Hai Ri had already chased him out barefoot, Sheng Canyang followed closely, and someone opened the door. door and shouted, "What happened?"

Hai Ri only chased to the downstairs hall, and when he saw the emptiness outside, he stopped, turned around and said, "Look who is not in the room."

This movement woke up many people, and a few people walked down. Suddenly, there seemed to be a sound of breaking through the sky again. Hai Ri turned around and saw a pillar flying towards him. He subconsciously raised his hand , but the shield did not appear. Seeing that it was getting closer, Sheng Canyang pulled him away, and the bamboo stick went straight to a man's face. The man stood on the stairs, and immediately backed away in horror, waiting for him When turning over and climbing up, the bamboo stick sank into his head, and he fell down straight with his eyes wide open.

Everyone was frightened by the sight in front of them and retreated, nailed in place.

After a while, Sheng Canyang walked over and opened the cloth strip attached to the bamboo stick, which read: "Wang Wen, two votes."

Hai Ri thought of this man, he was not very talkative all the time, he looked very simple and honest.

Who will vote for this person? Don't vote for the prophet, don't vote for killing, don't vote for the magic card, just vote for a person who has no sense of existence, it is destined to be impossible for a good person to do. It can only mean that the werewolf started to act. Hai Ri looked at Liu Yang, and Liu Yang looked at Sheng Canyang, but Sheng Canyang frowned slightly, looking at the strip of cloth.

Hai Ri said: "Someone attacked Sheng Canyang just now and ran out, who is not here now?"

Everyone looked at each other, Wu Wenbo said: "Wang Shuliu and Zheng Yi are not here."

At this moment, Wang Shuliu ran back. She seemed to have just finished going to the toilet. She didn't expect to see so many people downstairs. She froze for a while, and then saw lying on the stairs with a bamboo stick stuck in her head. corpse. Suddenly screamed.

Tang Ying had no choice but to comfort her, and then asked, "When did you go out?"

Wang Shuliu said, "Just now."

Asking is like not asking, Tang Ying said: "Someone wants to hurt Brother Canyang, do you know who it is?"

Wang Shuliu looked at her blankly, and then at Sheng Canyang.

It was only then that Hai Ri realized that Sheng Canyang's face was very ugly, a kind of seriousness, sternness and anger burned in his brows and eyes, Hai Ri thought it was the out-of-control situation tonight that completely angered him.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-27 00:25:19~2020-10-27 23:53:04~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Black Dog Zhe;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Shaotianhuang; 10 bottles without preservatives; Amway, don’t you want to eat it? 9 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!