Let Me Live!

Chapter 68: The first guard of the national service (22)


The three of them returned to the bonfire. Sheng Canyang had already grilled the fish. He held the grilled fish in one hand and turned the other on the fire with the other hand. His expression was a little focused, not as if he was grilling fish, but Thinking about something.

Ling Sheng wiped his hands on his pants and said, "Brother Yang, you remind me of a word."

Sheng Canyang imitated his accent and said casually, "What word?"

Ling Sheng: "Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish."

"Huh?" Sheng Canyang didn't focus on him, and after reacting for a while, he smiled cooperatively.

Hai Ri reminded, "For me?"

Only then did Sheng Canyang remember, and handed him the baked one. Hai Ri glanced at him, and casually said, "What are you thinking about?"

"Calculate the votes," Sheng Canyang said without hiding anything this time, "I don't know if anyone will be out."

Hai Ri glanced at everyone's expressions, and then whispered to Sheng Canyang, "How could there be no one?"

Sheng Canyang also said in a low voice: "So we have to find a way."

At that time, there were too many people, and Hai Ri didn't ask how he came up with a solution, but let the matter go.

Everyone was hungry tonight, almost everyone ate two fish, only Zhang Ping left one, wrapped the grilled fish in plastic paper, and carefully put it in his backpack.

A group of people packed their backpacks, stomped out the fire, and walked back. As I walked back, my mood and footsteps fell silent at the same time.

There is no one keeping watch tonight, everyone went back to their rooms, Sheng Canyang made the bed and said to Hai Ri: "Go down to the toilet, do you want to go?"

Hai Ri said, "No."

Sheng Canyang went downstairs by himself, Hai Ri sized up Tang Ying and Wang Shuliu, Tang Ying seemed to be in a daze, lying beside the bed with her backpack in her arms, Wang Shuliu went somewhere, Hai Ri quietly walked out of the room , closed the door.

Hai Ri walks in the corridor, every door is closed, no sound from inside can be heard.

The light in the hall on the first floor was turned off. He walked lightly and slowly went down the stairs. It was quiet outside, and there seemed to be no one in the toilet.

Hai Ri just paused for a moment, then turned a corner and walked towards the backyard. In the corner where Bai Yanan was buried in the morning, he suddenly heard voices. Hai Ri only heard a vague tone and knew it was Sheng Canyang's voice.

Sheng Canyang's voice was very low, Hai Ri pressed against the wall tightly, and heard him say: "...you must be out tonight."

"Tang Ying and Wu Wenbo will definitely vote for you. You have at least two votes on your head. I may also have one vote, but if I can't get out tonight, you may not be sure."

Hai Ri heard Sheng Canyang say: "There is only one way, you cast the sound of the mountain."

Hai Ri clung to the wall tightly, his heart beat fast, and then he heard the voice of the person who was talking to Sheng Canyang, a little girl's voice: "But Ling Sheng is a witch..."

Sheng Canyang said, "No, Ling Sheng still has Zheng Yi's vote."

Wang Shuliu: "Why?"

Sheng Canyang: "Zheng Yi is a witch."

Hai Ri: "...!!"

Wang Shuliu: "Didn't you say that Lingsheng is..."

Sheng Canyang said: "I stole Zheng Yi's medicine at the beginning of the game. He didn't dare to reveal his identity, and he would be eliminated by me immediately. But he will definitely vote today."

Wang Shuliu was also very alert, she said: "But it's useless for him to throw the mountain alone."

Sheng Canyang said: "So he made a deal with me."

Hai Ri could even imagine Sheng Canyang's expression when he spoke, firm and sensitive, with ease.

Sheng Canyang's voice said: "Zheng Yi thinks that Ling Sheng and I are twin wolves, as long as I help him cast Ling Sheng out, he will not reveal his identity. In this way, we can both have fun, and in his eyes, Ling Sheng and I are twin wolves, you are safe."

Hai Ri felt a little lack of oxygen, he took a step back, then turned and left without listening.

Hai Ri ran upstairs and closed the door, Tang Ying asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Hai Ri took a deep breath, and then said, "It's still a bit scary when it's dark."

Tang Ying: "Didn't you go out with Sheng Canyang?"

Hai Ri: "I don't know, I didn't see him, maybe I went to talk to someone."

Hai Ri was a little distracted and didn't make it up for a while, but fortunately Tang Ying was also a little distracted and didn't ask any further questions.

After a while, Sheng Canyang walked into the room as if nothing had happened, saw that Hai Ri was already lying down, so he sat down, touched his forehead, and said, "Tired?"

Hai Ri: "No, where is Wang Shuliu? I've been out for a long time, should I look for it?"

"Huh?" Sheng Canyang looked at the bed and found that there was no one there, and said, "How long have you been there? I'll look for it."

Hai Ri: "Like ten minutes."

Sheng Canyang stood up and walked out again, saying as he walked, "I'll go, you go to sleep."

Before Sheng Canyang walked out two steps, Hai Ri heard his voice in the corridor: "Where did you go


Wang Shuliu said, "Toilet."

"I just came back, why didn't I see you?" Sheng Canyang said while pushing open the door, letting Wang Shuliu squeeze in first, and said to Hai Ri, "I'm back, don't worry about it."

The expression Hai Ri looked at him was so natural that no trace of it could be seen.

No one could tell that the two of them had just chatted in the backyard, discussing other people's lives and deaths.

Wang Shuliu jumped on the bed, Sheng Canyang took off his socks and went to bed too, Hai Ri looked at his back and felt Sheng Canyang's talent in acting for the first time.

It should be true, Sheng Canyang is an entertainer, how could a person with such a strong artistic talent not know how to act.

Hai Ri leaned on his arm, lost in thought, he actually felt a little dazed.

He didn't know what Sheng Canyang was going to do.

Hai Ri thought of Sheng Canyang's strange expression when he saw Ling Sheng last night. It was the first time Hai Ri saw such an aggressive expression on Sheng Canyang's face. He was sure that Sheng Canyang really wanted to kill Ling Sheng, but why

Ling Sheng also has a strange feeling, as if...

Hai Ri suddenly had a very dangerous feeling—as if the person who came back was not Ling Sheng.

Hai Ri was suddenly taken aback by his own thoughts, and the hairs all over his body stood on end in horror.

A hand stretched out from under the quilt, found Hai Ri's hand accurately, and held it with fingers crossed. Sheng Canyang has been holding his hand to sleep every night recently. Hai Ri guessed that Sheng Canyang didn't go out every night, and he didn't have time to kill.

Has Sheng Canyang ever voted

Hai Ri doesn't know. But if Sheng Canyang was a wolf, how did Bai Yanan die? Is it really a werewolf infighting

Hai Ri suddenly thought: "It must be the werewolves fighting among themselves."

If Bai Yanan died, wouldn't Zheng Yi definitely not be able to get rid of the suspicion? Then Wang Shuliu and Sheng Canyang must be good people. Bai Yanan's death was very valuable to the wolf teammates.

If only relying on Wang Shuliu, he probably wouldn't be able to think of such a dangerous move with a slanted sword. Maybe Sheng Canyang was behind the instigation.

The more Hai Ri thought about it, the more frightened he became, his hands gradually became cold, and all the things he couldn't figure out in the past two days had answers.

Why did Zheng Yiming, who looked like a good person, be sent to investigate and kill him? Because Bai Yanan is a werewolf, Liu Yang is the real prophet. Sheng Canyang and Wang Shuliu are both wolves.

So Sheng Canyang will tell everyone that Wen Hao is a good person, and Wang Shuliu is also a good person. That's why he told everyone not to look for the wolf, and when Hai Ri asked him "Do you know who the wolf is", he replied "It's hard to know if you don't know". Now the reason for all this has finally been found. That night the werewolf didn't want to kill Sheng Canyang, but Hairi, that's why Sheng Canyang was angry. Everything after that was difficult to end.

Logically speaking, the werewolf should have chased Dao Hairi on the second night, and Hairi could no longer defend himself, but it was Bai Yanan who died that night.

All of this was obvious enough, but Hai Ri never thought about it.

Sheng Canyang seemed to feel that Hai Ri's state was not right, he patted him lightly, frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Hai Ri's voice was a bit rough: "Huh? It's nothing."

Sheng Canyang thought he was nervous about tonight's vote, and said, "Don't worry."

Hai Ri asked, "Are you still abstaining tonight?"

Sheng Canyang: "Well, no one should vote, don't worry."

Hai Ri: "Okay."

Sheng Canyang said to him, "It's almost over."

Hai Ri's Adam's apple twitched and said, "Okay."

as you wish. Hai Ri thought to himself.

If that's what you want, Hae-il thought, so be it.

If the werewolf wants to win, he must kill all the good people. Hai Ri doesn't believe that Sheng Canyang really wants to sacrifice other people's lives to achieve victory. Hai Ri lay motionless on the bed for more than an hour, but decided to trust Sheng Canyang.

Sheng Canyang would not do this, it must be because of Lingsheng's identity.

Finally, the month is on the branch, and it's time to vote.

Hai Ri hesitated for a long time, but still abstained.

At the moment when the votes were cast, time seemed to stand still, and Hai Ri clearly felt that something strange had happened.

He opened his eyes and suddenly found a sharpened bamboo hanging from the ceiling.

He turned his head, and the bamboo was pointing at Wang Shuliu!

Wang Shuliu's eyes widened tightly, he tightly grasped the bed sheet under his body, panting for breath.

what happened

The three people in the room got up immediately, Sheng Canyang stood up, looked at the bamboo, and said, "Stop—"

He immediately reacted and said to the others: "Someone has a tie with her."

Everyone: "..."

Tang Ying obviously collapsed, took several steps back, and pressed against the window tightly.

Hai Ri went out and bumped into Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping said: "Your room is also—"

Hai Ri said, "Is it Ling Sheng?"

Before the words fell, a bamboo floated out along Zhang Ping's door, and Ling Sheng walked out, looking at them with a calm expression.

Ling Sheng said: "Sheng Canyang."

Hai Ri turned his head and saw Sheng Canyang standing behind him, also looking at Lingsheng.

Ling Sheng said: "It's not very interesting, is it? I just picked up my identity during the day, and then voted for me at night?"

"I didn't vote," Sheng Canyang said, spreading his hands, "Abstain."

Ling Sheng: "Do you think I believe it?"

Sheng Canyang walked over, lifted the cloth strip on the bamboo stick pointed at him, and said, "Two tickets, I'm not included."

Ling Sheng: "But you are not surprised at all? I am a witch, but I was voted twice."

"It's very strange," Sheng Canyang said, "What I am most strange about is who you are."

Sheng Canyang turned around and said to the others: "Lingsheng has been poisoned to death by me, and the body was thrown into the sea, why did he walk back by himself?"

Sheng Canyang walked over, touched his face, and said, "Huh? What are you? NPC?"

The author has something to say: there will be another chapter in a while! Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-31 01:31:15~2020-11-01 01:21:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Watch 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of indole acetic acid; 2 bottles of twilight;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!