Let Me Live!

Chapter 78: Life is like a journey against the sky (9)


Ansel was stunned for a moment, leaned against the wall, raised his chin, looked at him and said, "You don't know anything."

"I don't know," Sheng Canyang suggested again, "Let's find a place to sit."

Half an hour later, the two sat in the coffee shop. Sheng Canyang had a cup of cappuccino iced coffee by his hand.

Ansel looked out the window and didn't speak.

Sheng Canyang said, "Why don't I have this memory anymore?"

Ansel said, "It's a long story."

He took a sip of ice water, and then said: "The world you see is not the whole world..."

Ten minutes later, Ansel finished speaking, then looked at Sheng Canyang, and said, "That's it."

Sheng Canyang held a coffee cup in his hand, thoughtful.

Ansel said: "I have no connection with the second world, but I can feel the state of Hai Ri. After his death three years ago, I have never felt his fluctuations again. Even the second world may have disappeared. gone."

Sheng Canyang said: "You don't have any evidence to prove what you said."

"There are some," Ansel said, "but I can't show you."

Sheng Canyang looked at him and said, "Then why did you tell me?"

Ansel shrugged without answering.

Sheng Canyang said: "Probably not to help me."

Ansel said indifferently: "You can think whatever you want."

"You are in the real world, and Hai Ri is in the second world," Sheng Canyang said, "You don't actually have a good impression of Hai Ri, do you? Do you really like your ability?"

Ansel: "..."

Sheng Canyang: "Strictly speaking, his relatives and friends don't belong to you either. They probably didn't get used to this kind of life at first. Even if they get used to it in the end, they won't get old, so they can't stay with them all the time. .Can you find a sense of existence in this society?"

Ansel: "?"

Sheng Canyang tapped his forehead, thought for a while, and said, "So what is the most interesting thing for you? Sending people to the second world to attract Hai Ri's attention?"

Ansel said, "Stop talking nonsense."

"If not, it's about the same." Sheng Canyang said, "Do you want me to commit suicide?"

Ansel looked at him and smiled darkly.

Sheng Canyang said, "Have you already used your ability on me?"

Ansel: "I've used it as soon as I met."

Sheng Canyang sat comfortably on the chair, the winter sun shone down, and he was bathed in golden sunlight, warm and calm, he said: "I don't feel any changes."

"I don't want to kill|suicide," Sheng Canyang said differently, "Is there something wrong with your abilities?"

Ansel said, "Sooner or later it will."

But his face was shaken for a moment, Sheng Canyang grasped his change, and said: "No, there should be no need to wait."

Sheng Canyang said: "Your ability should be able to make me feel alive and dead right away, why doesn't it work?"

"Everyone's mental state is different," Ansel said.

Sheng Canyang said, "Really? Then why are you surprised?"

The expression that flashed by just now must have been surprised.

Sheng Canyang said: "There is something different about me, isn't it?"

"It's not hard to imagine," Sheng Canyang said casually, "I was prone to severe depression, but after committing suicide, all of this disappeared. It should not be as simple as just failing a mission in that world and regaining a new life."

Sheng Canyang gently put the coffee cup on the table, leaned over, and said, "Someone cured my disease."

Ansel's expression changed, his originally vigilant expression suddenly changed, he relaxed, and said, "Yes, yes."

"Hairi." Ansel said, "Only he has this ability."

Sheng Canyang asked: "How much do you know about him?"

Ansel said: "A lot, I can tell you."

"The Defender's job is to treat your mental illness," Ansel said, "and his last assignment is you."

Ansel said: "The period between you two is quite famous, and people who walk in these two circles know it. So in the years since you came back, no one has found you. Everyone is willing to give Hai Ri this face. I I guess I can't hurt you anymore, and I understand that the reason why I can't control you is that Hai Ri washed away the despair in your heart before he died."

Ansel stretched out his finger to compare, and said: "As long as you have such a little bit of pain, I can bring it out. But you don't have any."

Sheng Canyang didn't speak, but he realized that this might be the reason why he couldn't write any works. He has no negative emotions, so he has no pain, and naturally he cannot create art.

People say that pain is the fertile soil that nourishes art. Sheng Canyang only feels that life is going well, so he can't write lyrics.

He remembered the sentence that had been echoing in his mind: "How can I make you happier?"

I just want to make you happy. He finally understood why this sentence kept echoing in his mind. It was someone who didn't want him to feel pain.

Ansel said: "You were supposed to go back to the Second World, and you are needed there. But you are not sick now, so naturally you won't go back."

Sheng Canyang said "ah" and said, "So that's why you told me."

"Let me go back?" Sheng Canyang said.

Ansel stretched out his hand and said, "It's also one of my abilities."

Sheng Canyang said, "I don't have any plans for now."

Ansel: "I'll keep an eye on the news."

Sheng Canyang laughed, but did not speak.

Ansel said suddenly: "You may meet Hai Ri."

Sheng Canyang: "..."

"Some people will choose to shuttle in many worlds," Ansel said, "in this second world Hairi has disappeared, but in other worlds, maybe he still exists. As long as you do Bigan, these things are of course It's very simple, you can go to another world to see."

Ansel said: "Don't think I'm lying to you|suicide, everything I say is true. You're a dog."

Sheng Canyang said: "You have the same appearance as Hai Ri, and you are in a different world. What's the use?"

Ansel: "..."

Ansel said a little speechlessly: "I said, I'm just his reflection, shadow. Parallel worlds are different."

Sheng Canyang didn't seem interested, so Ansel could only pretend that he was stumped, and said, "Whatever you love, I thought you loved it to death."

Sheng Canyang said truthfully: "I can't remember."

"It stands to reason that you shouldn't remember it at all," Ansel said, "I really can't remember it, because you won't react when you see my face."

Sheng Canyang nodded and said, "When I saw you, I felt different."

Ansel said: "Maybe you hinted to yourself. When you first woke up, you still had some memories, which will gradually fade away. But it's all over. You forget the relationship between you, and slowly will be forgotten."

"I'm really unlucky." Ansel stood up and glanced at him. "Don't call me again. I'm leaving this afternoon."

Sheng Canyang said, "Where are you going?"

Ansel said angrily, "Can you control it?"

Sheng Canyang: "Then how can I contact you?"

"Don't contact me," Ansel said angrily, "I was transferred because of you."

Ansel took two steps away, then came back and warned, "Stay away from me."

Sheng Canyang sat where he was and nodded.

Ansel then zipped it up, opened the door and walked out. Seeing him leaving the overpass, Sheng Canyang took a deep breath, raised his head, his eyes were a little dazed for the first time.

The phone received a spam text message, Sheng Canyang looked at the phone, it was half past one in the afternoon. There was still class at two o'clock in the afternoon, so he got up to pay the bill and left here.

While sitting in the classroom, Sheng Canyang was still in a daze. He listened to half the class, then left through the back door, returned home all the way, went straight to the bathroom, took off his sweater in front of the mirror, and saw the green color on his right chest. Line tattoo.

The tattoo was done three years ago. He used a gel pen in the ward to draw a few lines as the sea level, a round and a half of the newborn sun, and a few vertical lines as sunshine, and simply outlined a pair of lines. Picture of a sunrise over the sea. After he was discharged from the hospital, he had the painting tattooed on his chest.

Sheng Canyang touched the tattoo, as if he heard the sound of the waves back then.

The picture gradually became clearer. Hai Ri stood by the sea and said to him, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you forget it. Forget it doesn't mean it didn't happen, and I will remember it."

Sheng Canyang said: "You must wait for me, I will find you."

Sheng Canyang was a little stunned, and supported the sink.

Human memory is in strings, and when one part is clear, the other part will also be brought out. Sheng Canyang found the trace of Lingsheng in his memory, and finally found that familiar feeling.

Sheng Canyang sat on the bathroom floor, called Ling Sheng, and asked, "Did you slip and fall down the stairs two years ago?"

Ling Sheng was stunned for a moment, and said, "How do you know?"

Sheng Canyang: "..."

Ling Sheng said: "Wearing slippers while playing with the mobile phone while going downstairs, I slipped down from the second floor and fell to the ground with the back of my head. I lost consciousness on the spot, but was rescued later."

Sheng Canyang said, "It's all right."

Ling Sheng: "Huh?"

Sheng Canyang hung up the phone, his heart beating violently.

He held his chest, then stood up, picked up the sweater and stood up again, returned to the bedroom, and sat silently by the bed.

After a while, Sheng Canyang turned on his phone and sent a message.

The phone quickly received a reply, Shanyu said: "It's okay?"

Sheng Canyang said, "Thank you."

Shanyu said: "Instead of saying thank you, why don't you treat me to a meal."

Sheng Canyang didn't reply immediately, Shanyu said: "I'm in love."

Sheng Canyang: "That's great."

"I'm still a child," Sunwoo called and said with a smile, "but I don't want to tell everyone, so I didn't talk about it."

Sheng Canyang: "You did it right."

Shanyu said: "What about you? Is it still the same?"

"It's still the same," Sheng Canyang brushed his hair, then lay on his back on the bed, and said, "Sunwoo."

Shanyu smiled and said, "Huh?"

Sheng Canyang: "Talk about love seriously, be happy."

Shanyu said: "What are you doing, it really doesn't sound like something you can say."

"Sincerely," Sheng Canyang laughed and said, "Although it's hard to be handsomer than me, it's not easy to be willing to tolerate you. You have to cherish him."

"Hey," Sunwoo said, "You're too confident."

Sheng Canyang said, "Is it more handsome than me?"

Shanyu thought for a while and said, "It's a little bit close."

"Can you treat me to dinner?" Shanyu asked.

Sheng Canyang said: "When? I may have something to do in the near future, so I can't go abroad."

Shanyu said: "When you can come, come to me."

Sheng Canyang said, "Okay."

"You should live happily too," Shanyu said after a pause, "You are too harsh on yourself."

Sheng Canyang said: "I will try my best."

The two laughed, and when someone from Shanyu spoke to him, Sheng Canyang said, "Go and do your work."

"I have a chance to play with you," Sunwoo said, "We have an appointment."

Sheng Canyang said, "Of course, I'm treating you."

Shanyu smiled and said, "Of course it's you, big star."

Sheng Canyang: "Goodbye."

"bye," Sunwoo said, "my friend."

Sheng Canyang hung up the phone, sat up, put on the sweater again, picked up a headset from the coffee table, and opened a door next to the living room. There was an electronic piano in the room, and beside it was a Low table.

Sheng Canyang sat in front of the electric steel, flipped through the score on it, then moved his fingers, picked up the pencil, and crossed out the first line. He began to rewrite the melody and composition, hummed a few tunes casually, and then took a pen and wrote down a sentence in the notebook: "It's better to let me trade my life for the most ordinary day by your side."


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-17 22:49:10~2020-11-19 00:02:15~

Thanks to the little angels who cast the landmines: He He, Tiao Xi Da Xi 2; Lin Zhixiu, come to a dozen oil-absorbing papers;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Dorothy; 20 bottles of Tiaoxi Daxi; 17 bottles of Huaiqi; 1 bottle of mottled color blocks;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!