Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 1: Promise yourself


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Yuan Cixian had another strange dream.

This is the third time.

The dream was still pitch black, and she could not see anything. She was trapped in a damp bridge stone, feeling very depressed.

The people on the bridge were talking about it, saying that the father and son of the Yuan family rebelled and deserved to die tragically. It was a pity that the young lady of the Yuan family suffered innocently. Such a stunning beauty ended up having her body thrown into the river.

Someone said: "I heard that he escaped to this bridge and was shot to death by arrows."

"Tsk, she's so young, only eighteen."

Someone else joked, "But a beauty is still a beauty, even after her death she is still popular. Just last night, I saw a group of people secretly salvaging here."

Last year in the first month of spring, when Yuan Cixian had this dream for the first time, she felt both amused and helpless.

She was a beautiful flower, but she became a stone that was stepped on by thousands of people, scorched by the scorching sun, covered by rain and snow, and accompanied by dirty and smelly soles of shoes and car wheels every day. What kind of thing was this

Not to mention why her father and brother rebelled, she was curious about who wanted her body.

Don't fish blindly. She's in the rock, can you help chisel her out

But the first time she encountered such an absurd dream, she just laughed it off. It was not until the beginning of spring this year when she was tormented by the dream again that she realized something was wrong.

This second time, many years seemed to have passed in the dream.

She heard someone on the bridge sighing that the world is unpredictable, saying that in the past, Yuan father and son were brutally killed by the Sixth Prince, but now, this case of treason has taken a turn for the better and been vindicated.

Someone quietly agreed, saying that was right. Look at how things have changed so rapidly in the past six months. First, Emperor Huining was forced to abdicate and became a hollow emperor emeritus. Then, the thirteenth-ranked young prince ascended the throne, assisted by the emperor emeritus's once most trusted minister... Who could have expected such an irony

As they spoke here, there seemed to be a carriage approaching, and the two men fell silent.

Yuan Cihan also woke up. He opened his eyes and thought about what had happened. He was shocked.

Why does this dream seem like more than just a dream

She was born in the capital Chang'an. When she was nine years old, she moved to Yaozhou with her father, who was conferred the title of "King of Southern Yunnan". It was not until last year when she came of age that she returned to the capital at the behest of the emperor and was conferred the title of "Princess of Lancang County". She then soon returned to the southwest.

Since she had been away from the court for many years and knew very little about those boring political affairs, how could she dream of these things out of thin air? What was even more shocking was that she asked her father indirectly and found out that the current saint really had a four-year-old son, who was exactly the thirteenth child.

Upon thinking about it carefully, Yuan Cixian shuddered.

At that time, she was already a little impatient. A few days later, she learned from a letter from her brother who stayed in Beijing that he seemed to be getting close to the sixth prince of the court. Thinking of the fact that her brother died at the hands of this man two years later in her dream, she could no longer sit still. She packed her bags and went to Chang'an to find out the truth.

At the moment, she was in a carriage rumbling northward. After two months of travel, she was already very close to the capital.

Early in the morning, Yuan Cixian woke up after a turbulent ride, feeling depressed.

There was nothing new in this third dream, as it was mostly a repetition of the first two. The only gain was that this time she was more careful and was able to discern some information from people's mouths, and roughly knew where the bridge was.

Inside the carriage, the maid Shi Cui saw that she looked tired and her hair was wet, so she quickly picked up a plain silk towel to wipe her hair, and asked, "Are you in a nightmare?"

She came back to her senses, shook her head, picked up a bronze mirror to look at her face, and pressed her cheeks with her palms: "It's nothing, I just dreamed that someone praised my beauty." After saying that, she blinked twice, "What did they say? Oh, stunning."

Shi Cui smiled at her. The young lady's appearance must be impeccable. Her skin was as white as ice and as smooth as a flower, her eyebrows were as black as distant mountains, her nose was as beautiful as a jade, and what was particularly stunning was her pair of eyes that were shaped like peach petals, rippling like autumn water, and sparkling and welcoming.

She added: "Then this person has good vision."

Yuan Cixian nodded, agreeing with him, and then asked outside the carriage curtain: "Jianzhi, how long will it take to get to Chang'an?"

"My dear, it will be soon, around noon."

She thought for a moment and ordered, "Change the route to the east of the city through Yanxing Gate and go to Luqiao to have a look."

The carriage turned a corner and arrived at Lu Bridge after half past the hour of Si.

This bridge is dozens of miles away from Yanxing Gate and can be regarded as a key point connecting the east and the west. It is always the place where people in the city and tourists from the east break willow branches to bid farewell to each other. Because those who see off on the bridge are all heartbroken, it is also called the "Heartbreaking Bridge".

In midsummer May, the sun was shining brightly. The surface of the Lushui River was shimmering, as if with fine wrinkles. Green willows shaded both banks. Further away were dozens of locust trees that were about to bloom. White locust flowers covered the ground, and from a distance it looked like a thick layer of snow.

Jianzhi stopped the carriage by the bridge, got off first, lifted the curtain and said, "My dear, we've arrived at Lu Bridge." After he said that, he saw Yuan Cihan walking out swiftly, and his heart skipped a beat.

She had served the young lady for many years and was used to her beautiful appearance. However, this time when she went to Chang'an, in order to be more convenient, the young lady dressed as a man all the way. Now she was wearing a moon-white round-necked long gown, a dark blue soft-cornered hat, and black leather boots, looking like a handsome young man. His every move almost attracted her soul.

Yuan Cixian paused for a moment, then walked towards the bridge.

The first time she had that strange dream was when she was on her way to Beijing to receive her title last year. When she arrived in Chang'an, she became curious and visited several nearby stone arch bridges, including the Lu Bridge, but she was not sure where it was. Now she is sure.

The stone arch bridge built with blue bricks is majestic and ancient, and it seems to have no end.

Yuan Cixian stood on the bridge for a while, looked around carefully, and suddenly asked the maid behind her: "Shi Cui, tell me, if a wanted criminal in the city wants to escape, is it wise to choose this bridge?"

"Lu Bridge leads to the eastern capital Luoyang. I think it is a good idea for criminals to sneak into the prosperous area through this bridge. Why do you say that, my lord?"

She tapped the bridge railing with her slender white index finger. Having said that, it would be too cowardly to escape to this bridge and be shot to death by arrows. It was very ungraceful just to think about it.

She sighed, didn't answer, just smiled: "I'm hungry, let's go into the city."

"He hasn't come back from picking branches and feeding the horse yet, my dear, why don't you wait for him in the pavilion?"

Yuan Cixian nodded.

Luting is a post station on this bridge. As noon approaches, people are constantly coming and going on the bridge, but this red-tiled pavilion is isolated from the hustle and bustle and is very cool.

Unexpectedly, just as Yuan Cihan sat down with the beauty leaning against the curved railing, a burst of hurried footsteps came from both ends of the pavilion.

A group of men dressed as servants came towards her aggressively. She immediately stood up on guard, and then she heard a sweet female voice: "Don't be rude, this man is my savior!"

The servants who were preparing to surround the enemy dispersed slightly. A girl in a yellow gown came running over with her skirt lifted. It was the person who had spoken.

Yuan Cixian glanced at her strangely: "Did you recognize the wrong person, young lady?"

She had just arrived in Chang'an and her shoes were not even dirty, so how could she have saved anyone

The girl in yellow had black hair tied up in a bun. She looked underage and was a bit shorter than Yuan Cihan, but her facial features were very delicate. As she spoke, her bright deer eyes looked around with a fierce look.

She seemed to be stunned by Yuan Cixian, and after coming back to life, she hurriedly answered: "My benefactor, don't you remember? Last year at the beginning of spring, you saved my life at Lu Bridge, and I introduced myself to you." After that, regardless of whether Yuan Cixian remembered it or not, she took a few steps forward, with a shy look in her eyes, "I have been looking for you for a whole year, hoping to marry you. If you don't have a wife yet, I am willing to repay your kindness in this way!"

Shi Cui knew some kung fu skills, and when she saw her approaching recklessly, she subconsciously raised her unsheathed sword and placed it between her and Yuan Cixian. The servants around were startled and also raised their fists to defend themselves.

All of a sudden, the situation became tense.

Yuan Cihan was stunned when she kept calling him "benefactor". After looking at her face carefully, she vaguely remembered that an accident had indeed happened when she visited this Lu Bridge last year.

At that time, the bridge was crowded with people. A man failed to control his horse properly and rushed into the crowd with his horse in panic. After she dodged the horse's hooves, she saw two women standing side by side being pushed back by the collision. They were about to fall over the bridge railing, so she reached out to pull them. Although she failed to save both of them, she at least pulled one of them away from falling into the water. It seemed that the one who saved her from falling into the water was the girl in front of her.

But she really couldn't remember his name. She could only guess based on what he said that she might have left in a hurry because she wanted to hide her achievements and fame, but she caused misunderstandings because she was dressed in men's clothes, which aroused the girl's feelings.

Yuan Cixian considered it for a moment.

Judging from the way this young lady is dressed, she must be rich or noble. She may have contacts in Chang'an in the future, so it is better to make this matter clear as soon as possible. Besides, she wore men's clothes to avoid unnecessary trouble along the way. Now that she has arrived in the stable capital, there is no point in hiding it.

She gestured to Shi Cui to put down her sword. Just as she was about to resume her natural voice to explain to the other party, her eyes flashed and she saw another person coming towards her.

He was a man wearing a dark crimson official robe, who seemed to be in his early twenties, with broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and a slender figure. At first glance, he seemed handsome and well-mannered, but his slanted eyes revealed a slightly cold gleam, which made people feel that he had bad intentions.

This wave after wave, will it ever end

The servants on all sides saw the newcomer and hurriedly made way for him. The young girl beside him also turned around, slightly surprised and stepped forward and said with a smile: "I just sent someone to invite you, brother, but I didn't expect you to come so soon." After that, she extended her hand and glanced at Yuan Cixian, "This is the lifesaver that my mother and I mentioned, and you are also your future brother-in-law."

This self-talk really made Yuan Cixian want to cover her face and hold her forehead. But before she could move, she felt the man's eyes on her body, first down to her waist, then up to her exposed neck, and then, his pupils suddenly shrank.

This gaze seemed to have substance, and she suddenly felt the skin being stared at was getting hot and itchy.

The man quickly gave up his scrutiny, turned his head to glance at his sister, and ordered everyone around: "Everyone, leave and send the young lady back home."

The girl refused to leave and said anxiously, "Brother! I have already promised my benefactor that I will marry you. How can I go back on my word? A girl should marry when she grows up. You and my mother can't keep me here! Besides, what's wrong with my benefactor? Look at him. Is he as handsome and elegant as I said before?"

The man had a pair of phoenix eyes, which gave him an awe-inspiring look without him getting angry. Upon hearing this, his expression became even gloomier.

The girl seemed a little afraid of him now and shrank her head.

Yes, hearing such heartless and deserving words, Yuan Cihan was sweating.

She opened her mouth to finish the explanation she hadn't been able to say before, so as to get rid of the brother and sister, but the man took the initiative. Seeing his helpless expression, he said indifferently, "He is indeed a handsome and elegant man..."

He paused here, stared at Yuan Cixian's face and said, "Young lady."

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