Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 118: Extra Previous Life Lu Shiqing (Part 3)


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This is really strange. Lu Shiqing still doesn't understand why the black dog suddenly ran to the bottom of his bed and refused to leave. In the end, Yuan Cixian hurriedly crawled under his bed, and he hurriedly returned to the outer room, closed the secret passage, hurriedly put on his clothes, moved the door, and made an excuse to his mother that he was late because he didn't put on his clothes properly.

After finally fooling A-niang, he was halfway relieved, but when he saw the servant leading the prime minister towards him, he suddenly remembered that he had made an appointment to discuss matters in private.

The other person was the prime minister, a higher official than him, and he had condescended to come to his house. He had no reason to refuse the guest. He wanted to ask Yuan Cixian to slip out through the window, but it was too late because the prime minister had arrived.

The room outside the bedroom was also a study room, which could be used to entertain guests. Of course, he could ask them to go outside, but he was afraid that if he left, Yuan Cixian and her dog would make some noise and be discovered by A Niang, who was not far away. To be on the safe side, he chose to talk outside.

He wanted to finish quickly, but when it comes to serious matters, they cannot be resolved in just a few words. The prime minister was very enthusiastic, so he could not be cold. They talked for almost the whole afternoon. In the end, even someone as calm and composed as him could not help himself and glanced into the inner room from time to time.

For a prime minister to be able to be a prime minister, he must be very perceptive. He seemed to have understood everything at once and stood up to leave with an ambiguous look in his eyes.

Logically, Lu Shiqing should have sent her off in person, but he was really afraid that Yuan Cixian would suffocate to death in there, so he asked a servant to do the work for him, and then hurried to the inner room. Hearing the silence under the bed, he hesitated in front of the bed, keeping a slightly safer distance from the dog that might jump out, and then tentatively asked, "County Lady?"

He tried several times but got no response. His heart tightened, thinking that maybe Zheng Zhuo's fiancée was really suffocated to death. He didn't care whether it was a dog or not, and quickly bent down to take a look.

Upon looking up, I saw a man and a dog curled up under the bed, their chests rising and falling calmly. It seemed that they had fallen asleep together.

Waking up Yuan Cixian might wake up the dog. He seemed to have encountered the most difficult decision in his life. After a while, he thought of a compromise. He went outside and got a long bamboo pole, avoiding the dog and poking her arm from a distance.

The poke really woke her up and frightened her. She screamed and suddenly raised her body, but her head hit the bed and she cried out "ouch" in pain.

He had not expected such a chain reaction and was stunned for a moment. Yuan Cixian came back to her senses first and covered her forehead as if she was about to cry: "Minister Lu, you are going to kill someone!"

He felt a little sorry now, and dropped the bamboo pole guiltily, and asked her if she was okay.

Yuan Cixian slowly crawled out holding the dog who had just woken up from a dream. There was a swollen bump on her forehead. She said to him with a bitter face that it was not good.

It’s really not good, it’s all disfigured.

He tried to ignore the dog at her feet, stepped back far away and said hesitantly, "Shall I ask His Highness to come and pick you up?"

She waved her hand to say no, touched her forehead and sighed: "Come on, one by one."

He choked, knowing that she must have figured out the truth, and sighed, "How did you know the secret passage and the code?"

She said confidently, "I got the answer from His Highness."

He thought to himself at the time that it seemed that lust could blind one's mind was not an empty phrase, and he said helplessly, "Then why do you suspect me of that?"

She explained that it was one thing that something was wrong with him, but more importantly, she had mentioned to Zheng Zhuo several times that his identity was suspicious, but he denied it outright with a strange attitude.

Her intention was good. She was just worried that Zheng Zhuo had been deceived by his ill-intentioned aides, but she was also afraid that she would make a wrong judgment, wrongly accuse a good person, and alienate them, so she wanted to investigate it quietly first.

Look, I brought a dog with me for self-defense and it wasn’t easy to explore the secret passage all the way here.

She said bitterly: "I was so concerned about the country and the people, but in the end I was tricked by others."

Lu Shiqing thought at the time that she looked a little sad, and wondered if she was going to break up with Zheng Zhuo, so he hurriedly explained that this matter had nothing to do with His Highness and that he wanted to conceal it.

But Yuan Cixian didn't seem to be happy at all. Instead, the bump on her forehead was getting bigger and bigger. She pursed her lips and said, "Let them do whatever they want." She would go back first.

Lu Shiqing said that it was indeed not good for a single man and a single woman to be together, but he was afraid that if she went home, her injuries would worsen and Zheng Zhuo would kill her. So he asked her to wait, and then went outside to ask someone to bring a bag of remaining ice at home for her to apply on the way.

Yuan Cixian took it, but before leaving, she stopped showing her displeasure. She suddenly smiled ingratiatingly and said to him, "How about this, don't tell His Highness that I was here today, and I'll forgive you?"

He asked why. He thought it was okay, her intention was good, and Zheng Zhuo would not misunderstand anything.

However, she said that she had gotten the secret passage and the code by tricking people into believing it. It would have been a good thing if she had found out something, but in the end it was all in vain. Now that Zheng Zhuo knew about it, it would be difficult to get more information from him if something happened in the future.

Lu Shiqing felt that she was quite scheming and was somewhat reluctant to agree. After all, he was closer to Zheng Zhuo.

But her eyes soon filled with tears, and she said pitifully, "Well, if you don't want to, forget it. I hope nothing will happen to my forehead, so that I can enjoy a few more years of happiness."

Her forehead was still swollen and the "bang" sound was still ringing in her ears. He was in the wrong and knew it was a trap set by her, but he had no choice but to fall into it. He said, "Okay, just pretend nothing happened today."

Then she excitedly stretched out her hand and said, "Pin it!"

He was stunned.

After Yuan Cixian finished speaking, she probably realized that something was wrong. She smiled awkwardly, made a hook with her left and right hands, and then, as if she was afraid that he would go back on his word, she ran away through the secret passage with the dog.

When he came to his senses, he realized that he had been standing at the end of the secret passage for a long time.

After this incident, Lu Shiqing felt strange when he saw Yuan Cihan again.

That day, Zheng Zhuo came to Xu's house to discuss matters with him, and brought Yuan Cixian with him. He promised her to pretend that nothing happened, so he still pretended to be a teacher so that she would not see through his identity.

When he saw her come in, she seemed a little nervous, as if she was afraid that he would change his mind and show his true form. Only when she saw that he was wearing the mask obediently did she breathe a sigh of relief and smiled at him quietly to show her gratitude.

Zheng Zhuo didn't pay attention to her, but he felt that the smile was too dazzling, so he quickly turned his head away and stopped looking at her.

It was obvious that Yuan Cixian still didn't talk to him much and was still fulfilling her duties as a fiancée, but the fact that they shared a secret made him feel extremely guilty towards Zheng Zhuo.

It was as if, as if I had done something out of the ordinary.

Especially later, when they finished talking and were drinking tea together, he was reading the chess manual silently on the side, while Yuan Cixian was playing Gomu with Zheng Zhuo on the side.

He heard Zheng Zhuo ask Yuan Cixian: "What's wrong with your eyes?"

He glanced over subconsciously and saw that there was indeed a small red swelling on her lower eyelid. He then heard her say, "It's okay. I just had a needle. It's not serious. The doctor said that applying a hot towel a few times will be fine."

Zheng Zhuo told her not to rub it with her hands and to ask someone to take a look later.

The other party said something else after that, but Lu Shiqing didn't hear it clearly. He was thinking, "I have stye. Could it be that I saw something I shouldn't have seen?" Then he lowered his head to look at his chest.

As a result, when he looked up, he found that Yuan Cixian was looking at him, her eyes also fell on his chest.

Okay, we're thinking the same thing.

He coughed awkwardly, then turned sideways, leaving her and Zheng Zhuo with their backs. But he couldn't concentrate on reading the book in his hand.

After that, when they met a few more times, Yuan Cixian, who was such a cheerful person, seemed to become quite embarrassed and seemed to deliberately avoid him. She didn't talk much to him in the first place, and now she said even less.

Until one day Zheng Zhuo realized something was wrong and asked them, "Are you two enemies?"

They both said "How could it be" in unison, even their intonations were exactly the same, and then, perhaps shocked by this inexplicable tacit understanding, they looked at each other in bewilderment.

After that, Yuan Cixian suddenly said that she felt a little sleepy and wanted to go home.

Zheng Zhuo wanted to see her off, but she said no and left alone.

Lu Shiqing felt inexplicably irritated. Not long after she left, he found an excuse to go out for business, but in fact he went back home and fell into bed. He tossed and turned, trying to figure out her strange attitude and his own strange psychology.

Then, he didn't meet Yuan Cixian for a long time. Zheng Zhuo always came to Xu's house alone. He tried to ask why she didn't bring her. Zheng Zhuo said she was busy with household affairs and her sister-in-law was not in good health.

He then asked the two if anything had gone wrong.

Zheng Zhuo said no, it was just like that.

He could tell from his tone that there didn't seem to be any further development between the two of them. They had always been close friends, but it seemed that they were just close friends.

Several months passed, until the summer of the following year, and Lu Shiqing did not see Yuan Cixian again. When they met again, Zheng Zhuo had been in trouble.

On the saint's birthday, a banquet was held in the palace that night, with the sound of stringed instruments, orchestral music, and gongs and drums. However, early the next morning, Zheng Zhuo woke up in a side hall, and next to him lay Jiang Bican, the second daughter of the Jiang family, naked.

The news was deliberately spread, and the whole city was in uproar in the morning. The saint was furious and wanted Zheng Zhuo to give an explanation to the Jiang family, and of course, to the Yuan family as well.

Then, one thing after another, the saint made the decision to cancel the engagement between Zheng Zhuo and Yuan Cixian, saying that the Yuan family could not be wronged. Then he facilitated his marriage with the Jiang family, saying that he had to take responsibility for Miss Jiang.

In less than a day, the royal family had put an end to this scandal. Even a fool could see that there was something fishy going on.

Lu Shiqing made some emergency arrangements among the court officials. When he finally had the chance to go to the prince's mansion to find Zheng Zhuo at night, he saw him slumped in the room as if dead, and the whole room was filled with the strong smell of alcohol.

He didn't know how to describe his feelings at that moment. The Jiang family and the saint plotted against Zheng Zhuo and the Yuan family, and he, as an aide, failed to stop them. Guilt was far from enough.

He dragged Zheng Zhuo up and didn't say a word even though he was vomited all over by him.

When Zheng Zhuo regained consciousness, the first thing he said was: "She said she believed me."

Lu Shiqing didn't realize who this "she" was at first, but after thinking about it, he understood and asked, "Has the county lady been here?"

Zheng Zhuo said yes. She came as soon as she heard the news and told him that she believed he did not do such a thing. She knew that the political situation had changed and the emperor was afraid of him and did not want the Yuan family to give him any help, so she designed this conspiracy.

She told him not to rush to quarrel with the Saint, nor to break up with the second branch of the Jiang family. The situation was serious and he had to endure it. She said she was fine and didn't care about the rumors. Don't worry.

Zheng Zhuo smiled bitterly when he said this: "She believes in me, I should be happy. But I can't be happy. She is so calm, so calm that she has analyzed everything thoroughly, calmer than me... At this time, I should be the one comforting her, why is she comforting me instead?"

Lu Shiqing understood.

She didn't make a scene or cry because she didn't love him. Zheng Zhuo wasn't afraid of being schemed against, but he was afraid that she didn't love him.

Zheng Zhuo said that he had always known that she was sincere to him, but she treated him as a friend. He originally thought that after they got married, this situation would slowly change. But now there was no chance.

After he finished speaking, he wanted more wine.

Lu Shiqing took the wine from Zheng Zhuo, and he really didn't know how he got through that night.

The next day, he went to find Yuan Cihan, told her that he had arranged a safe route, and asked her to go see Zheng Zhuo.

Yuan Cixian agreed immediately.

He could see that she was worried about Zheng Zhuo, or rather, she was worried about the Yuan family. She was so busy going out that she didn't even put the hairpin on her head properly.

But after he finally brought her away from the spies and to the prince's mansion, Zheng Zhuo refused to see her.

She was turned away outside Zheng Zhuo's door for a long time. Lu Shiqing stood behind her, unable to do anything.

Finally, she could only say what she wanted to say through the door. She said, "Drinking is harmful to your health. Don't drink anymore. Cheer up. There is always a way out. I will wait for you to deal with the second branch of the Jiang family and then marry me."

Lu Shiqing clearly heard a "bang" sound from inside and the sound of a wine jar breaking into pieces.

He knew that Zheng Zhuo came back to life because of these words, "I'll wait for you to marry me."

Looking at Yuan Cixian again, her eyes were calm, and she turned and left after she finished speaking.

Lu Shiqing glanced at Zheng Zhuo's tightly closed door, followed her steps, frowning all the way.

He knew why Yuan Cixian said that. Zheng Zhuo was like that, and she couldn't just ignore him even as a friend. Since she had a way to cheer him up, why not do it

When he reached the long corridor of the Prince's Palace, he suddenly stopped and said, "Thank you."

Yuan Cixian also stopped and looked back at him. She probably understood that he was thanking her on behalf of Zheng Zhuo, so she shook her head and said, "It's just a small favor. I really admire His Highness, and the Yuan family will continue to support him."

Lu Shiqing nodded and was about to say goodbye, but something slipped to his lips and he couldn't stop. He asked, "Just admiration?"

Yuan Cixian raised her head and stared at him in silence for a long time, then looked into his eyes and nodded, borrowing a sentence he had said when the two of them stood here and talked about Shaohe to answer him: "Minister Lu, everyone has his own aspirations."

After she finished speaking, she smiled bitterly and turned away.

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