Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 32: Love Talk


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Yuan Cixian only mentioned Zheng Zhuo a few more times during the day, but she actually heard him in her dreams at night.

It seemed to be not long after her death. She heard Zheng Zhuo's hoarse voice on the bridge: "I spent three days and three nights searching the Lu River but couldn't find her. It was you, right? You took her body back, right?"

This sentence was a question, but it was not. The answer he got was a fist.

He groaned, and seemed to stumble and fall on the bridge railing.

Immediately afterwards, the opponent punched down one after another.

Zheng Zhuo was beaten so hard that he kept coughing. He gasped and said intermittently: "Do you, do you like her? If you do, how could I not see it? After so many years, I should have discovered it long ago..." After he finished speaking, he laughed out loud.

What responded to him were more and more fists.

Yuan Cihan was curious about who was beating someone up, so she pricked up her ears to listen for any noise from above. However, she woke up in a panic, and when she woke up, she saw only the clean dustpan above her head and the pleasant sunlight outside the window in the early autumn morning.

She suddenly jumped up from the bed, almost throwing the quilt in anger. - My dear brother, please stop pounding your fists, can you please say something

She sat on the edge of the bed to calm down and began to sort out the clues: it seemed that after her death, Zheng Zhuo sent people to salvage her body, but was beaten to it by a man who had admired her for many years. And since this man was so cruel and beat him to death, did it mean that Zheng Zhuo was indeed the culprit who killed her

She really couldn't trust Xu Shan so easily.

Yuan Cixian called Shicui with a sad face and said, "Shicui, go check if there is anyone among the men in Chang'an City who knows the Sixth Prince who might secretly love me."

Shi Cui was stunned by her instructions: "Young lady, how do we check this?"

She grabbed her hair and sighed, "That's right."

She must have been confused by this suspenseful dream.

But it was not impossible to start. From the tone of Zheng Zhuo's words and his refusal to fight back, she felt that the two people in the dream should be of similar age, and had known each other for a long time and had a deep friendship. So she said, "Then make a list for me, and find all the men in Chang'an City who are of the same age as the Sixth Prince, have a close relationship with him, and recognize me."

Shi Cui took the order and saw that she fell back into bed exhausted. She hurriedly said, "Young lady, you said yesterday that you would go to the palace this morning. Now the sun is high, are you still going to sleep?"

As soon as Yuan Cixian's head touched the pillow, she propped herself up again: "Oh, I forgot! Quick, help me put it on."

Yuan Cixian first went to the Purple Palace to meet with Emperor Huining. The old emperor was very "missing" her, and sent people to inquire about her injuries several times in the past few days, saying that if she was fine, she would definitely come to the palace to take a good look at him.

She went to see him, chatted with him for a while, and then asked about Lu Shiqing's whereabouts.

Emperor Huining certainly knew what she was thinking. After all, he had heard that she had staggered to visit Lu Shiqing the day after her leg injury, and he thought she was really devoted to him as a minister.

He then helped her out, acted as a matchmaker, and sent someone to take her to Hanliang Palace.

Hanliang Palace is located on the bank of Taiye Lake and built beside the water. It is a good place to escape the summer heat. It is also more comfortable than other places in the dry autumn season. Looking from afar, the jade buildings and red eaves stand tall, as if you are near Penglai.

Emperor Huining granted this palace to the thirteenth prince, probably because he doted on this son.

Yuan Cihan was led by palace servants to a garden inside the palace, where she saw Lu Shiqing sitting in an octagonal pavilion, holding a book in his hand and reading it leisurely. No one was disturbing him.

Not seeing the young prince, she was puzzled. She looked around and found two people on a high pavilion not far away. A little boy in brocade clothes was sitting at a desk writing. I think it was the thirteenth prince Zheng Hong. Another person was instructing him and occasionally looking down at his handwriting. It was his nominal elder sister Zheng Yun.

She looked at Lu Shiqing downstairs, and then at Zheng Yun upstairs. Oh, this is the "beside" that Lu Shuangyu mentioned last time. This "beside" is really "close".

Yuan Cixian's mood immediately brightened up. She spoke before the person arrived: "Minister Lu."

Lu Shiqing looked up when he heard the voice, and was slightly stunned when he saw her, but the next moment he remembered the shameless thing she had done yesterday. He frowned, ignored her, and lowered his head again.

Zheng Yun, who was sitting high up in the pavilion, also heard the noise below and stood up next to the fence. Yuan Cixian looked up and saluted her.

She nodded slightly at her, then turned around and said something to her brother. The little guy seemed curious, twisted his body, and stretched his neck to look down.

Yuan Cixian smiled at Zheng Hong and bowed to him. After the siblings returned to their seats, she sat on the stone bench opposite Lu Shiqing and said to him, "Minister Lu, long time no see. Are you fully recovered from your injury?"

She has known this for a long time

Lu Shiqing raised his eyes and said coldly: "Thank you for your concern, County Lady. It's all healed now."

Yuan Cixian looked at the back of his hand and saw that the scab had faded, but the wound was slightly red. It seemed that he was fine. She continued, "That's good." Then she asked, "Why are you sitting here reading a book if you are not going to teach His Majesty the Thirteenth Prince to write?"

Lu Shiqing lowered his eyes and flipped through the book while answering calmly, "When Your Highness has finished the homework assigned by Lu, Lu will naturally check it."

She said "Oh" and said sarcastically: "But in this case, it would be so boring for Shao and the princess to be up there alone."

Lu Shiqing paused holding the scroll and said calmly, "My job is to teach His Majesty the Thirteenth Prince to read, not to interest Princess Shaohe."

She sighed and continued to test: "You really don't know how to be gentle with women."

He seemed to sneer: "There are so many beautiful women in the world, I can't cherish them all. If the county lady has too much free time, why not do some charity work?"

Judging from his tone which became colder and colder with each sentence, it didn't sound like what Lu Shuangyu said, that he and Zheng Jun were in love with each other.

Yuan Cixian said happily: "I am not idle. I can't take care of you and me. What does it have to do with me?"

Lu Shiqing happened to be flipping through a book, and hadn't looked up at her yet. Just hearing this, his hands couldn't help but tremble, but he still concealed it and continued to lower his head and said lightly: "Really?"

Haha, then who was that person she met yesterday

Yuan Cixian held up her hand and swore, "It is absolutely true. If I had not been disabled, I would have come to visit you every day."

Lu Shiqing said nothing.

Haha, don’t think he doesn’t know that she is not hurt at all.

Seeing his cold attitude, Yuan Cixian stopped making trouble and said, "Okay, you read the book, I'll take care of you."

Lu Shiqing's hands trembled again. What's wrong with this girl? She hadn't bothered him for more than half a month, and he thought she had given up on him. But now she came up and started talking to him in a flurry of sweet nothings.

What kind of book was he supposed to read? It wasn't that he couldn't keep his cool, but she was sitting opposite him like this, with her chin propped up, staring at him intently without blinking, and even the calmest person would feel uncomfortable.

What's more, there was Yuan Cixian's fiery gaze in front, and a cold light swept over from the high pavilion behind from time to time. It was simply a world of ice and fire.

Lu Shiqing was feeling uncomfortable, so he turned the pages slowly. Yuan Cixian noticed that it took him five pages to read one page.

Before coming this morning, Yuan Yu told her that the subtlety of playing hard to get lies in the four words "close yet distant". Now that she has ignored Lu Shiqing for ten days, it is time to show him some of her strengths. Now it seems that this method really works, and my brother is not lying to her.

However, Yuan Cixian felt that Lu Shiqing was still not good enough to read. She wanted him to not be able to read even a page of a book.

She thought hard for a while, and then came up with a plan. She reached out and plucked out one of the symmetrical hairpins in her hair, then called him softly, "Minister Lu, what book are you reading?"

Lu Shiqing looked up when he heard the voice, but he saw that there was no hairpin in her hair. He felt uncomfortable all over, frowned and lowered his head and said, "Salt and Iron Theory."

Then he could no longer read. His eyes would glance over her head from time to time. Even though he tried his best to control the direction of his eyes moving, the impression left in his heart was hard to ignore, and his whole body began to feel restless.

In the time it took to stick up an incense stick, he didn't turn a single page of the book.

He couldn't stand it anymore, so he put the book down on the stone table with a thump, and asked her, "County Lady, where is the hairpin on your left?"

Yuan Cixian was secretly delighted. She reached out and touched her head, and asked in surprise, "Hey, where is my hairpin? How come I'm missing a hairpin?"

Lu Shiqing frowned and took a deep breath: "In your sleeve."

"… "

This insight is too strong. Yuan Cixian took out the hairpin with gritted teeth, muttering: "Hey, how did it get into my sleeve?"

Lu Shiqing interrupted her, forbearingly saying, "Please wear it to correct your manners."

Yuan Cixian was unwilling to give up and wanted to trick him again. She looked around and said, "But there is no bronze mirror here. How should I wear it? If I wear it crookedly, my posture will be wrong, right?"

That's a good question. If she wore it crooked, he would be uncomfortable.

Lu Shiqing fell into deep thought, and suddenly heard her say, "How about - you put it on me?"

As she spoke, she came closer, her body almost crossing half of the stone table, and he immediately smelled a faint scent of floral dew, like peach and apricot, which went straight to his heart and seemed to be pouring over him from head to toe.

Lu Shiqing wanted to step back, but for some reason he did not move. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up into her smiling eyes.

He might have to admit that these steamy eyes... were really very bewitching.

So, before he could say no to her, he had already taken the hairpin she handed over.

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