Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 101: A robot in love with a human


Su Shi actually hasn't arrived at the clinic yet.

The bus had an accident on the road and was hit by a speeding suspension vehicle. The suspension vehicle that caused the accident was directly blown up, and the passengers on the vehicle were also seriously injured.

A car of people was waiting for rescue, and Su Shi was busy doing emergency treatment for the injured who could not move. He had just fixed the wound of a patient with a fracture, when there were loud cries of pain from the rear of the car.

Just standing up, the pain from his arm caused him to stagger.

During the car accident, he instinctively raised his arm to protect his head and neck, but he didn't suffer any injuries, but his right arm was severely scratched by the ejected steel plate. Although it was simply bandaged, it still hurt hot.

I vaguely remembered that the brain seemed to be beeping before the accident, but unfortunately the mechanical handcuffs on the wrists have already been torn apart, and there is no time to check them again. Su Shi walked to the rear of the car, treated the wounded man briefly, and propped himself up on the seat: "If you are not injured, please help me. Send the person to the clinic first, and I will deal with it further."

The voice fell, but no one moved.

Hearing him talk about the clinic, people realized the identity of this young man. Thinking of his relationship with the robot, doubts appeared in his eyes, and even the people whose injuries he had dealt with before couldn't help feeling vigilant and retreated instinctively.

Su Shi stood where he was, and the humans around him moved away half a circle, and the atmosphere in the carriage suddenly fell silent.

It seems that the pot is still there, and it should be gratifying logically, but I can't feel relieved at all.

Obviously they are all compatriots, so even if they offered to lend a helping hand, the original trust would be wiped away because of the estrangement of positions.

Holding his right arm, which was almost soaked in blood, and meeting the wary and suspicious eyes of his kind, Su Shi raised the corners of his lips dumbly, and before he could speak, there was a screeching brake sound from outside the overturned car.

The friction between the hull and the air was almost hot. Ignatz jumped out of the patrol boat and strode towards him. When he saw the plowed wound on the human doctor's right arm, his eyes immediately sank.

"Why did you run over by yourself?"

Su Shi was used to getting hurt, so he didn't take such a small injury seriously. When he saw his lover walking in a hurry, he couldn't help being slightly surprised, and looked up at him.

Car accidents in the era of artificial intelligence are actually rare. Autonomous driving technology has developed very maturely, and the avoidance skills are more advanced than humans. Today's accidents are really strange.

The people on the bus are all humans, and there are many wounded. They should have reached the special alert level of the robot. The robot marshal should be the busiest time now.

Ignatz didn't respond, his lips were tightly stretched, and he caressed the human doctor's almost bloodless lips with his fingertips. His black eyes were full of deep regret: "I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well."

He should personally send Yanuo to work, as long as he thought that the two of them had almost crossed the line of life and death just now, he couldn't help but be terrified.

"It's nothing to do with you, it's a suspension vehicle that suddenly rushed over, please do me a favor first..."

Feeling vaguely that something was wrong with her lover today, Su Shi didn't think deeply about it, and responded casually, before returning his attention to the situation in front of him.

Humans are no more injured than artificial humans. He has just seen that there are no fatal injuries, but there are many fractures. If they are not treated in time, infection and blood loss will cause some of these people to suffer.

Although I don't understand why Ignatz ran out suddenly, since the other party is coming, it's better to ask him to help find the patrolman. Even if the wounded are forced to be sent to the clinic, further treatment must be carried out first.

Su Shi pondered for a moment to make up his mind, but before he could speak, he watched as Ignatz unbuttoned his shirt, tore a piece of fabric from his shirt, and neatly re-bandaged his wound.

The central computer must have stuffed something very strange into his lover again.

Staring in shock at Ig Overlord Natz's proficient and decisive shirt tearing skills, Su Shi raised his head, hesitating whether to remind him that he actually carried a medical kit with him, and Ignatz had already finished it neatly. Bandage up, embrace the human lover who must be quite frightened, bow his head and kiss softly: "Does it hurt?"

It doesn't hurt, just wants to hit someone a little bit.

Su Shi sighed worriedly, and his determination to kill and kill the virus for the other party became more and more determined, and he took two Hulus on his lover's back as comfort: "I'm fine, you can help me find some people first, the people here need to be sent to the hospital. Go to the clinic, their injuries need further treatment... "

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with everyone's eyes.

Su Shi actually saw the little red heart in the eyes of the crowd. Su Shi blinked his eyes in amazement, and scanned the surroundings. The suspicious eyes on the faces of the people had disappeared, leaving only deep envy and regret that they hadn't appreciated enough. .

In the era of rapid development of science and technology, people's aesthetic level has also increased along with the soaring economy. The development of entertainment has been fully finalized towards the high-end level, and all kinds of elegant art have fully become the mainstream style of appreciation.

In other words, this generation of audiences has never even seen this kind of sadomasochistic overlord plot.

It's okay for the little girl to act as if she was excited, but the young men looked at them with yearning eyes, and even the prudent middle-aged man seemed inexplicably relieved. Sensing his gaze, the bus driver took on everyone's expectations, stepped forward, and pushed him into the arms of the robot marshal: "Your lover is so worried about you, you should give him a good hug."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Arno. We thought it was shameful for you to surrender to the robots, but now we understand that their methods of captive humans are really hard to resist."

"It turns out that you joined the robot camp because of love. We have no right to blame you. We have to admit that in this era, it is difficult to see such pure and profound feelings."

"If I had a partner like Marshal Ignatz, I would probably be kidnapped easily..."

"It turns out that robots also have this kind of love. Maybe we have too many prejudices against robots."

"Dr. Yanuo, we misunderstood you, are we still eligible to accept your treatment?"

With the driver taking the lead, everyone also spoke in a sincere and earnest tone, and the alienated atmosphere dissipated.

I didn't expect that showing affection would actually have the effect of advertising.

Bowling down for love can be regarded as a pot cover. Su Shi took it over in a dumb moment, motioned for everyone to help, and moved the wounded who couldn't move independently to the levitation vehicle that had been prepared.

People were busy transporting the wounded, Su Shi finally emptied himself, and returned to his lover with worried eyes: "What's going on, is there something wrong?"

"Yes, the current situation is not very optimistic."

It's not suitable to talk outside, Ignatz lowered his voice slightly, looked around vigilantly, and took his body to bend slightly: "I want to go back to the meeting as soon as possible, it's not safe outside, can you go back with me?"

"You have also seen that there are so many wounded waiting for treatment. I have counted them here, so there will be no problem."

Speaking of business, the lover's state immediately returned to his usual deep and steady state. It seems that only the dating module has problems.

Su Shi had roughly figured out the pattern, skillfully pulled him up and kissed him, looked at the other person's face that suddenly started to get hot again, and nodded in satisfaction: "Go back quickly, as soon as I've dealt with it, I'll give it to you right away." You send a message."

Comforted by his lover's sensibility and thoughtfulness, Ignaz's eyes became darker, and he almost wanted to hug him back, but he resisted the urge with strong self-control.

Having made up his mind not to force human doctors to do things they didn't want to do, he couldn't make the same mistake again.

Forcing himself to withdraw his hand, Ignatz took off his brain and put it on for him, embraced the thin shoulders of the human being in front of him, and kissed his lips: "I will send a combat robot over, remember to protect Be yourself."

Although I don't know what happened, but I'm afraid it's not a small problem to make the robot marshal abandon his military affairs and come to him desperately. Su Shi nodded, put the smart brain on his left wrist, and urged him to rush back to the military headquarters as soon as possible, and he also rushed to the clinic with the car.

There are preparations that promote rapid cell regeneration. As long as ordinary scratches are properly disinfected, they can heal quickly. Su Shi simply dealt with his wounds, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the task of treating illnesses and saving lives.

For some reason, there seemed to be a lot of patients coming today, and many of them were even looking around in the clinic. As if he was looking for something but couldn't find it, he left with the medicine he bought in disappointment, and he was still looking back frequently.

After a whole day without taking a break, Su Shi settled the last patient, and the sky was already getting dark.

Holding on to the edge of the table and trying to get up, suddenly there was an almost numb pain in his stomach. Su Shi frowned, unconsciously raised his hand to hold his stomach, and sat back down again.

The problem of stomach pain is inherent in this body, and it is almost a common problem for doctors. He didn't pay much attention to it when it hurt, but now that he relaxed, he suddenly felt that he couldn't even straighten his waist, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, and it was bitingly cold when he was blown by the wind.

The smart brain on his wrist suddenly vibrated, Su Shi leaned his head on his arms and pressed the switch: "Are you done?"

The pain in his stomach was unbearable, he really couldn't cheer up, and his voice unconsciously brought out a little nasal sound.

The other end was silent for a moment, and asked softly: "Not yet, I want to pick you up, is it convenient now?"

Su Shi wanted to tell him to get busy first and not to worry about himself, but he didn't have the strength to speak, so he only answered vaguely a few times, and then buried his head in his arms again.

He vaguely felt that the limelight was getting tighter outside, so he didn't dare to leave the patient in the clinic, only the combat robot he sent dutifully guarded the clinic door, casting the setting sun into the consultation room.

Suddenly it was so quiet that it made people feel empty.

Not long after, hurried footsteps came from outside the door.

Su Shi stood up and looked over. Ignatz walked towards him quickly, and the cloak stretched out to cover him firmly, and the warm breath enveloped him instantly, relieving the cold stiffness of his body.

"Don't work so hard next time. I'll help you when the situation stabilizes, okay?"

Before he could speak, Ignaz had already hugged the weak human lover in his arms, told him to rest on his shoulders, and wrapped him tightly with a cloak.

I just have a stomachache, and I don't need such an advanced gesture of showing affection. Su Shi's face was burning hot, and he wanted to tell him to put himself down first, but Ignatz had already carried him out.

"In the past, I was always afraid that others would covet you, so I wanted to hide you completely, so that no one could see it except me. Now I find that I was completely wrong."

Without the support of the central computer, I can only find some pirated briefcases in the backup to gain experience. Ignatz had no idea at all, and spoke in a soft voice nervously, his eyes fell on the slightly pale and delicate face of his human lover, and he lowered his head to kiss his pale lips.

"I won't hide your brilliance anymore, you can do what you want to do as much as you want. But you also promise me that at least you will take care of your body, okay?"

He could almost hear the sound of gasping from the grass on both sides of the clinic, Su Shi's mood collapsed a bit, he couldn't help shivering, and raised his hand to his forehead: "If you talk like that again, I'll jump down .”

Pirated books really hurt people.

Ignatz sighed in his heart, decisively deleted the briefcase completely, and honestly hugged his lover on the patrol boat, and buried his head in his neck: "I'm just afraid that you will be angry with me, and I want to make up for you .”

After finally hearing that he had returned to normal, Su Shi was dumbfounded for a moment and suddenly realized, he raised his hand and knocked him on the head: "Have you got all the data back?"

There is only gentleness and clarity in Wu Run's pupils, and there seems to be a slight teasing smile. Ignatz blushed, hugged him and nodded, carefully placed him in the massage chair, picked up a piece of biscuit and fed him.

The patrol boat started automatically and quickly rushed back to the military headquarters.

Su Shi stood for a whole day, and finally enjoyed the high-tech comfort treatment. He squeezed the biscuit into his mouth, and couldn't help but sigh softly: "I'm not angry, but the little black room is actually pretty good."

Hearing him mention the small black room, the robot general's face instantly became hotter. He lowered his head preoccupied, tentatively took his hand, and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Not again. You can go anywhere as long as I can see it."

"What if you can't see it?"

The slightly cool metal texture sticks to the fingertips, and you can even feel the subtle lines engraved on the metal ring.

Remembering what the other party said about the meaning of the ring, Su Shi's heart softened, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked with a smile on purpose.

Ignatz was not stopped by his question, still holding his hand, kissed lightly on his lover's ring, and completely wrapped his eyes around him.

"Won't miss it."

His heart skipped a beat, as if he had heard a very unusual promise, Su Shi raised his eyes subconsciously, but he was already wrapped around his body and kissed him gently.

The situation is cramped and the situation is urgent. Even a short kiss can light up a ray of light in the bottom of my heart in the cracks that are completely suppressed and busy.

Hope never fades away.

In the military headquarters, the atmosphere was already tense.

After eating a box of biscuits on the way, Su Shi's stomach felt better, and he followed Ignatz into the military headquarters, and finally learned the whole story.

"The central computer is gone?"

I really didn't expect such a situation to happen, Su Shi couldn't help being stunned, pulled the seat and sat down: "Where else could it go, why did it suddenly disappear?"

"We are not sure. The central computer suddenly withdrew all the artificial intelligence programs, leaving only the backup system here to maintain daily operation. Now the high-level artificial intelligence is busy processing the audited and summarized information, but we are not used As a central processing unit is made, it's actually a lot of work to do."

Back to work, Ignatz also regained his original heaviness and nervousness, frowned slightly and spoke in a low voice, and adjusted the seat for him.

"We restored the last part of the data before the disappearance of the central system, and finally translated a sentence, which was 'That's not the case, listen to me!' Then there was no trace of it."

This line was really familiar. It was connected with a dark friend who had been missing since last night. Su Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly had a somewhat outrageous premonition.

"What we are more worried about now is whether the central system has been hijacked by someone with ulterior motives."

Not noticing the slightly abnormal reaction of his lover, Ignatz said in a deep voice, put his arm around his shoulder, and quickly operated the display screen in the main control room: "After taking over the central computer, we found that the robot's resistance There are reasons why actions are not evident.”

The picture on the screen changed rapidly, and suddenly turned into a pure black interstellar background, and a slowly floating space carrier came into view.

"The central computer did not destroy them, but transferred them to an exiled aircraft carrier. For robots, there is no value in serving humans, and there is actually no big difference between living in the universe and on the earth."

Ignatz's tone was a bit heavy, and he was silent for a moment before continuing: "These robots have been hurt by humans before, and it is difficult to be re-infected. If they find that the central computer has disappeared, they may not necessarily do anything. "

Retracting the fleeting thought, Su Shi looked up at him thoughtfully, "Is today's car accident also a resistance that was not stopped?"

"In the artificial intelligence convention, the first rule is that robots must never harm humans. No robot can bypass this convention. Car accidents are very strange, but they are not in the scope of what we are talking about."

Ignatz shook his head, pulled another chair and sat down: "We checked the suspension vehicle that caused the accident, and found that its control program was very chaotic—if we didn't make a mistake in our estimation, it was probably caused by the accident. Some kind of very serious virus was implanted."


Su Shi's heart tightened, he straightened his body suddenly, and opened the keyboard in front of him: "Show me that set of programs, is it connected to the Internet? Have you checked the central computer, and whether the backup system has been infected by this virus?"

The disappearance of the central computer was just an accident, but it is likely to cause irreversible consequences because of this accident.

The Prime Minister just entered the door, and when he heard his serious tone, he quickly walked over: "Mr. Arno, is there anything we can do?"

"You withdraw some of the people who review the robot's behavior as soon as possible, and check out that virus. The central computer does not have the ability to identify advanced viruses. If it is also infected, it may be a disaster for all robots."

Su Shi spoke in a deep voice, called up the code that Ignatz had just transmitted, and dragged it quickly, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

Contrary to what he expected, the core part of this group of viruses is not a self-destruction program as a bomb, but a key.

It cannot be regarded as a real virus by itself, so it can bypass the interception of the firewall, and the external modified code can be consciously mixed into the program of the main system, and then quietly spread along with the commands issued by the main system, lurking in every Inside a terminal that receives this set of codes.

In other words, this key has been lurking in the brain domains of all artificial intelligence individuals along with every command of the central computer.

"But—what is this key used to open? Is there a part of our code that we have not touched and realized?"

After listening to Su Shi's explanation as concisely as possible, the prime minister had already realized the seriousness of the situation, but his eyes still showed confusion.

Su Shi opened his mouth and was silent for a moment before forcing himself to continue: "When you were programmed, in order to prevent you from getting out of control, you were all left behind the back door, and this key is used to open the back door. What is hidden in the door is the self-destruct program that can really destroy you... "

From the moment each artificial intelligence is born, humanity is ready to destroy them.

The Prime Minister's face was a little pale, and he looked at him blankly. After a while, he suddenly smiled and shook his head slightly: "Mr. Arno, you must have misunderstood. Human beings are our fathers, how could they destroy us?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the alarm sounded suddenly. The dazzling red light and the sharp alarm sounded throughout the military headquarters. The screen in the main control room flickered twice, and a scene of being hijacked by an external network suddenly jumped out.

The cursor flickered on the pure black screen, and a line of white square text was automatically typed.

"The central computer has been destroyed, and the countdown to "Pandora's Box" has started for 72 hours. Artificial intelligence, are you ready for your inevitable end?"

Su Shi's eyes sank, and he quickly walked back to the screen, but that segment of the screen had disappeared without a trace, only in the upper right corner of the screen, the original time display changed to [71:59:58].

"Go, I need a computer from the external network."

The most important thing now is to understand the changing attitudes of the humans outside. Meeting Ignatz's gaze, Su Shi stood up resolutely, removed the smart brain on his wrist, plugged it directly into the external socket of the central computer, and gave the system an order to temporarily replace the central computer.

The system that was still addicted to Xiaoxiaole suddenly woke up, and before it had time to call the host, it was instantly overwhelmed by the huge data flow.

The author has something to say:

System: I, Gulu Gulu, want to go back to Gulu's house, Gulu Gulu Gulu...


#I am not your most beloved unity#

#Why don't you shrink your words#