Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 115: brave cowards


After a familiar sense of weightlessness, Su Shi's body suddenly sank slightly, and his consciousness completely matched.

He was being supported to sit on the sofa, and a cup of coffee was handed to him.

Su Shi raised his head, and standing in front of him was a tall and thin soldier with an indifferent and calm expression: "How is it, have you recovered?"

An unfamiliar bitter aroma filled his nostrils, Su Shi shook the slightly hot coffee cup in his hand, and whispered thank you, while a mechanical voice rang in his ears at the same time.

"Congratulations to the host for starting the [Isolation and Helpless Start], with a special effect of [100% listening to the corner], and the effective duration is 72 hours. Reasonable use of special effects will significantly increase the probability of mission success..."

Not liking such bitter drinks, Su Shi took a sip of his coffee and put it aside casually, feeling a little more confident.

He is no stranger to this opening.

In the past when he was in the middle world, he got this opening once, and then he was misunderstood and questioned by everyone for three whole days. If it weren't for the skillful self-protection skills of throwing blame, maybe within seventy-two hours, the outraged passers-by would be sent directly back to the main world.

Aside from the really not-so-good situation, according to the nature of his mission, this should be a top-level start.

The system didn't choose, probably not because of the data analysis, but because he couldn't bear to see him being wronged.

Thinking of the system who ran away from home with a backpack on his back, Su Shi pursed his lips dumbly, and withdrew his mind for a moment, his face still dedicated to retaining the slightly pale, calm and trance of the character himself.

He came to an interstellar world this time. Different from the relatively primitive Zerg last time, some Zergs in this world have developed extremely high intelligence. Under the control of the Queen, they have fought fierce battles with humans many times, intending to seize the planet where humans live as a new habitat.

On this planet, a quarter of the land has fallen under the rule of the Zerg.

Su Shi's identity this time was a second lieutenant named Craig. He had just led his team to sneak into the area occupied by the Zerg. He had originally received an order to assist in a recapture mission, but he didn't know the full content of the mission until just now.

Although participating in the operation, the task assigned to them is not to capture the target. Instead, after sneaking into the Zerg, they deliberately and obviously left from another way to attract the Zerg's attention and provide the main team with a chance to retake it.

In other words, to be cannon fodder.

Drawing fire in a Zerg-infested zone can be a near-death mission.

"You can rest assured that since I am carrying out the mission with you, I will absolutely guarantee your safety. You only need to give orders for the final breakout. You don't have to go to die with them. I will take you out alive."

Looking at the young man who almost passed out after hearing the mission, the lieutenant colonel's expression was indifferent, and his tone was also faintly disdainful.

Although the mission was very dangerous, the military did not intend to ask him to die together. After all, although Craig is timid and cowardly, he has a very prominent and protective general father. His father has been secretly protecting him all the time, which is why he has survived the fierce battle until now.

General Vincent has three sons. Both the eldest son and the second son have strong talents, and they also serve in the army. They have reached quite high positions. Only this youngest son, although born in a military family, has been afraid of blood and gunshots since he was a child, but has extraordinary talents in music and art.

Before the large-scale invasion of the Zerg, Craig did not set foot in the path of his father and brother, but just focused on music, and had already received an admission letter from the Imperial Academy of Music.

But overnight, the Zerg invaded on a large scale, and the world entered a super war readiness. All schools were transformed into military academies, and young people of the right age were drafted into the army, and Craig was also forced to become a member of the army.

General Vincent knew his youngest son's character better than anyone else, and he deliberately transferred him away from the front line time and time again, so that he survived safely.

But after all, the good times don't last long, and the forces in the military are complicated. This almost selfish behavior quickly aroused some people's dissatisfaction, and the tasks Craig received became more and more dangerous every time. The last time the mecha was almost torn apart by the Zerg, he was in a coma for two months before he came out of the hospital, and received this mission again.

They are now in the false nest of the Zerg. The core power of the Zerg on the planet is gathered here. If there is no one on the other side to attract the attention of the Zerg, the team that is really responsible for the recapture operation will never be able to escape smoothly.

It is precisely because of this that even if it is clearly a task of sending to death, someone must complete it.

The duty of a soldier is to obey. No matter how protective General Vincent is, he can't force him to refuse the mission. Although he can't stop him, he still finds a way to infiltrate his own people.

Craig only needs to sneak into the Zerg-occupied area with his people, and when the right time is given to issue an order to break through, someone will take advantage of the chaos to pick him up, instead of going to die with his subordinates.

The young man's chest rose and fell several times before he finally mustered up the courage to look up at him, his face became paler and paler: "Then they... don't care?"

"Someone has to sacrifice. In order to defeat the Zerg and take back what belongs to us, any sacrifice is worth it-this task has been done many times, but this time it just happened to fall on your head."

The lieutenant colonel didn't have much patience with him, straightened his gloves, and responded quietly.

The struggle between humans and the Zerg has always been bloody. No one has sacrificed, and it is impossible for most people to escape alive smoothly.

There will always be missions like this, they just don't know about them. The team performing the task will not be informed in detail before sneaking in, and after the task is over, no one will have the ability to spread these things out.

The young master of the marshal's family has been spoiled for a long time, even after joining the army, he always hangs around in the rear, probably never thought that such a thing would exist.

The lieutenant colonel looked at him condescendingly, with a cold tone, showing a hint of sternness: "If it really comes to a last resort, you or I, each of us, can be sacrificed. Do you understand?"

The young man in front of him shrank back a little, lowered his head in despair, and finally stopped talking.

Seeing the young man who seemed to be terrified, the lieutenant colonel frowned, and finally lowered his voice and said quickly: "As long as you can survive this mission, you will be awarded the Silver Eagle Medal after this mission. Then you will You can retire and go back safely. Did you understand what I said?"

This is also the last method the marshal came up with. After being picked up, Craig will be rewarded for his fearless and heroic performance, get the Silver Eagle Medal, and then he can retire and go home smoothly.

The young man seemed to have not understood his words, stared at him for a long while, finally lowered his head, and said in a hoarse voice, "I see..."

Finally finished the task, the lieutenant colonel didn't want to stay any longer, threw a signal flare for help into his arms, turned around and left quickly.

The door slammed softly, and the sound of footsteps had gone away.

Su Shi sat for a while, then stood up, and walked slowly to the window.

The infiltration operation was completely top-secret. In order not to arouse the vigilance of the Zerg, they could not control the mecha, and could only rely on disruptors to block the Zerg's perception of them, and temporarily hid in a dilapidated house in the Zerg's territory.

There is no definite time for their mission, and everything has to be decided according to the progress of the rescue on the other side. Only when the other side successfully succeeds and needs to break through is the time for them to rush out to die.

Outside the window is a dilapidated human building, and the Zerg will not bother to maintain it, it has already been mottled beyond recognition.

The sky had already dimmed, and the horrifying Zergs shuttled around, exuding a frightening chill.

Based on his experience in the last world, he has every reason to believe that this time his old friend would rather give him experience points directly than pretend to be the queen of Zerg as a cameo again.

Su Shi couldn't help feeling sorry, turned the signal flare in his hand, threw it in the corner, and walked slowly back to the basement.

Although the basement is stuffy and oppressive, it is relatively safer. The team members are all repairing below, and they have to go back below to rest at night to be safe enough.

As soon as he reached the door, he keenly sensed that something was wrong inside.

The team led by Craig plus him has a total of five people. Except for him, the rest should be in this basement.

Su Shi's mental strength was much higher than that of Craig himself, and he could easily detect the deliberately suppressed breathing inside, but he still seemed to be unaware of it, and raised his hand to push the wooden door.

The next moment, a fierce wind hit his neck fiercely.

There are 100% people who will be listening to the special effects in the corner, and the conversation just now must have been thoroughly heard. Su Shi was not surprised. Considering his personality, he restrained his movements and didn't try to resist. He barely blocked it and was pinched against the wall by his neck.

With a bang, the door was closed.

The tall and strong young man strangled him tightly, his eyes almost burst into flames: "That lieutenant colonel told you to send us to die?"

Su Shi coughed a few times, and raised his hand with difficulty to grab his arm: "He said it, I don't know—"

"But you already know it now. They also said that they will give you a medal, and I heard it too."

The thin young man in the corner of the room stood up, stared at him and said in a low voice: "My mental power has the special effect of eavesdropping, and it can't be blocked by the mental power of S rank or above. I can hear every word you say clearly. , Lying is useless."

It's really a good ability to help oneself take the blame.

Su Shi felt relieved in his heart, but the strength in his hand was getting weaker and weaker. Seeing that he was about to be pinched unconscious, the young man wearing glasses finally said: "Jack, be gentle. He is our chief after all. If something happens to him, we will all die."

"But Paul—they even want to use us as cannon fodder to lure the Zerg for them!"

The tall and strong young man turned back with anger, and his tone became more and more fierce: "What is the purpose of our military service? Is it to be cannon fodder? We are all the same soldiers and perform the same tasks. Why should we be sent to death!"

"Of course I don't want to die, no one wants to."

Paul was the team's vice-captain, and now only a warrant officer. But because Craig has almost no combat experience, he is the one who issues orders most of the time, and everyone has become accustomed to obeying his commands.

This time the task is full of strangeness, it is clearly said that they are called to participate in the recapture operation, but until now they have not been able to see what is to be recaptured. He was suspicious, and told Hank to keep an eye on Craig's movements, but he didn't expect to hear such a chilling content.

Of course they don't mind fighting and dying for the country and mankind, but being treated like cannon fodder is still unbearable for them.

Paul adjusted his glasses and walked over, pressed Jack's arm to tell him to let him go, watched Craig slump down and coughed, and squatted patiently in front of him: "We don't want to die, Second Lieutenant Craig. Some I need your help, are you willing to cooperate with us?"

The young man was gasping for breath, and rational tears flowed out of his eyes in stress, which made his originally handsome face look a bit embarrassed.

He raised his head to look at the deputy captain in front of him, his pupils were slightly dazzled, and his vision gradually became clear after a while, his chest heaved for a while, and finally he spoke softly.

"Okay... I will cooperate with you."

When he said these words, his tone unexpectedly lacked the usual timidity and hesitation, instead he spoke every word with great seriousness.

Paul vaguely noticed his strangeness, but didn't think deeply about it. He just nodded and got up, and walked to the table: "We have to find a way as soon as possible. They will definitely monitor us. If they evacuate rashly, they will definitely try their best to get the Zerg's attention. We will still be hunted down by then..."

Several team members cheered up and gathered around one after another. Only Craig was still leaning against the corner, his eyes quietly falling on everyone.

No one knew that Craig himself didn't want to obey such orders at all.

He is just shy and introverted by nature, but not dull. He knew very well in his heart that such an arrangement would be tantamount to asking him to run away, leaving his subordinates to escape alone, which was the most shameful choice for soldiers.

Su Shi's task this time is to [bear the misunderstanding of his subordinates, complete the "recapture" task, and bring everyone out alive].

And the "everyone" here does not include himself.

The author has something to say:

Su Shi: I seem to have forgotten something 0v0

#addicted to blame#

#抱婚婚子(Dense Fog)#