Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 118: brave cowards


Paul turned around and looked at him for a while, smiled helplessly, and shook his head lightly: "Forget it, you will have new developments in the future, so it's not good for you to know."

Craig stopped in his tracks, pursed his lips slightly, and still looked at him silently.

"Don't worry, even if we want to survive, we can't just run away quietly like this—someone has to attract the firepower, at least the lieutenant colonel is right about this. We just don't want to be kept in the dark. If you don't know, you will die, but we will still complete the task that should be completed."

At this time, Paul's expression softened instead. He raised his hand hesitantly, but still supported the young man's shoulder, and slowed down and pressed twice.

"Go back and take care of your injury. We don't know that your injury is still healed, or you will be more careful then."

After speaking, he turned and left, and quickly returned to his bedroom.

Su Shi stood at the door for a while, and waited until all the rooms were quiet before returning to his bedroom, locked the door, and quickly took off his clothes.

The chocolate egg has been half hatched, and the body of the little cocoa insect is still in the pupa, but a small head has already been drilled out, and the short dark brown hair is lying softly on the forehead, and two thin white hairs are sticking out. arm.

Apart from being too small, it doesn't look much different from a human child, except that there are a pair of tentacles on its head, and the shell was rolled twice in his palm before regaining its balance.

Su Shi couldn't help but raised his hand to poke it, and he hugged his fingertips and smiled happily at the human in front of him.

Can't bear to cook.

Su Shi poked it again expressionlessly, and made his lover fall a few times in the palm of his hand. He checked where he was bitten, and then covered himself with his clothes again.

The little cocoa worm's teeth are very sharp, but fortunately, it is not strong enough, the bite is only red and swollen, and it has not been bitten through. But later, he gnawed and bit his chest back and forth, and there were several inexplicable red marks.

He became more and more determined not to ask anyone to check his injury no matter what, Su Shi buttoned up the button with one hand, and then looked at the half-molted larva in his palm.

Although the little cocoa insect has earned half of its body, the rest of it is still very tightly connected, and it is estimated that it will not be able to get out for a while.

Since it can't get out, it still needs body temperature to continue hatching.

Su Shi couldn't hold him all the time, so he sat worriedly for a while, still holding the little cocoon lover in his hand, and exchanged needles and threads to re-sew the inner pocket without complaint.

The little cocoa bug couldn't sit still, its thin white arms rested on his fingers, and its small head rested on the edge of the palm, watching him curiously threading the needle, with its two tentacles poking around and looking around.

Su Shi bit off the thread, and still couldn't help but rubbed his head before putting him back in his pocket: "Don't bite, remember?"

Little Cocoa looked up at him, and nodded in a daze, not knowing whether he understood or not.

There is still light shining in the black bright eyes, so clear that it makes one's heart soften. Thinking that this was probably the form of his lover who hadn't grown up yet, Su Shi still couldn't hold back the corners of his lips, and lowered his head to kiss the top of the little one's head: "Go to sleep."

It's just such a big shape, it's probably too late to learn how to make a fuss so quickly.

Feeling that the little cocoa worm moved for a while and then calmed down, Su Shi also breathed a very light sigh of relief, and closed his eyes with his arms on his head.

Paul still didn't tell him the plan, but he already had a rough guess in his heart.

When they broke through here before, the explosion attracted a lot of Zerg, and they were able to escape smoothly. The team members probably took a fancy to the remaining stored ammunition, hoping to use the chaos created by the explosion to attract the Zerg, not only to complete the mission, but also to take the opportunity to find a way to sneak into other safe spots, and then wait for the opportunity to leave.

But that doesn't work.

If this method is really useful, blasting and breaking through the siege will not be regarded as a desperate alternative, and the lieutenant colonel will not rush out, but still come back alone.

The groups responsible for the recapture are likely to have been completely wiped out by now.

Something had to be done.

Su Shi closed his eyes, leaned sideways on his arm, and thought about it for half the night before finally falling into a deep sleep.

The night passed, but many people could not fall asleep.

Throughout the next day, everyone tacitly avoided talking about that task, but the obvious anxiety could still be seen.

The situation outside is getting more and more serious. They have been sneaking in for a few days, but they have never seen the Zerg have such a crazy time. Almost every house will be knocked open and searched, and the ants will sweep everywhere, even the basement will not be let go.

This safe spot is the most concealed and perfect safe spot for human beings in the Zerg-occupied area, but if we really follow this momentum to search, we will still be discovered by the Zerg sooner or later.

The lieutenant colonel seemed to be entangled in something, and he did not issue new orders for a long time. Su Shi spread his mental energy to watch around the house, confirmed that the bug swarm was getting closer, and finally said in a low voice, "We have to get out of here."

"Isn't the task at 23 o'clock, the captain is scared now?"

Jack was pacing back and forth anxiously, when he heard his words, he suddenly sneered, and mercilessly snatched away a sentence.

Craig's eyes flashed, he pursed his lips and lowered his head. Luke had already put down the curtains, and walked back quickly: "Craig is right, the Zerg will search here soon. No matter what, we have to go out first. If we are blocked by the Zerg in the house Right now, there is no hope of surviving."

Unexpectedly, even Luke was standing at the side of the timid captain. Jack stared before retorting, but Paul had already got up, walked to the window and looked out, and then gave an order in a deep voice: "Everyone put on protective clothing!" ,Standby."

Seeing Paul's serious expression, everyone's hearts sank even more, and finally they stopped talking and just put on the protective clothing neatly.

Su Shi was still concentrating on investigating the situation. Paul hesitated for a moment, but still walked towards him: "Is there no news from above?"

"No, they probably encountered trouble too..."

Su Shi shook his head, still thinking about when to remind everyone not to shoot those ammunition, but the little cocoa worm in his pocket suddenly moved uneasily.

The scattered mental power has keenly detected the movements of the Zerg, but they can't speak directly. Su Shi groaned for a while, but still pursed his lips and stood up, held Paul's arm anxiously, and said in a timid voice, "Let's go, it's not safe here..."

Paul turned around and his eyes fell on the young second lieutenant thoughtfully.

It is also dangerous to go out hastily. The disruptor can only last for three minutes outside. Once they leave the safe point and there is no mecha to respond, they may not have time to spray the disruptor again, and they will be directly torn up and swallowed by the Zerg.

But if you don't go out, once you are blocked by the Zerg, you will have no chance of surviving.

Decisions are made sooner or later. The young man in front of him pursed his lips slightly and turned pale, as if he was seriously frightened. His expression and tone were always flustered and weak, but there was an imperceptible determination hidden in those eyes.

It makes people want to believe him inexplicably.

Although he didn't know if the other party had noticed something, Paul still decided to believe him once, ordered the team members to spray the disruptor on their bodies thoroughly, and ventured away from the safe point.

After humans spray the disruptor, the Zerg will not be aware of it for the time being. But after all, three minutes is too short, the team members did not go far, and the disruptors on their bodies have gradually expired. If they don't find the next safe point or mechs to respond as soon as possible, they will be discovered by the Zerg soon.

At the juncture of life and death, the team members inevitably showed some anxiety in their eyes. It was almost impossible to bear it and was about to turn back, but suddenly there was a roar from behind, and the overwhelming swarm of insects swept towards the room they had just come out of.

There was almost nothing left in the place where the Zerg passed. The windows were completely smashed, and even the curtains were bitten off in half, leaving only an empty frame in the original safe spot. If they were still in the house, they would undoubtedly be devoured by the Zerg without any resistance.

Even if they came out a minute later, they might have already been overwhelmed by the bug swarm.

Looking at the crazy swarm of insects, Paul felt a deep fear in his heart, and his eyes could not help but fall on Craig's young face.

Su Shi didn't pay attention to him, touched the little cocoa bug in his pocket, and finally felt relieved when he felt that the little guy was still obediently lying on his chest.

"What's the matter, did you get hurt again?"

The team members didn't pay attention to Craig's words, and they didn't know that the evacuation was actually his idea. Paul was about to withdraw his gaze when he noticed his movement and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Seemingly unaccustomed to his concern, the young man froze for a moment, then quickly became nervous, pursed his lips and shook his head silently.

Craig's physical fitness is not strong enough, and he has injuries. After all, Paul was still worried, so he arranged him among the crowd, and walked against the swarm of insects all the way, groping for the next hidden point with difficulty.

The effect of the disruptor gradually weakened, and the swarm of insects was too fierce. It didn't take long for everyone to suffer serious injuries.

Seeing the second lieutenant, who still had no sense of combat and could only be dragged by Paul to barely avoid the attack of the Zerg, the little goodwill that the team members had just raised finally dissipated, leaving only more and more anxious anger.

After all, the gap in strength cannot be made up overnight. Even if Craig wakes up and wants to work hard now, it is too late. At least until now, in the eyes of everyone, he is still just a heavy burden, almost unable to help at all.

On the battlefield, the weak who only drag others back will not get anyone's sympathy.

The bug swarm became more and more dense, and the disruptor on everyone became weaker and weaker. As soon as it was about to be swallowed by the Zerg storm, a mecha that had already been torn to pieces by the Zerg suddenly landed in front of everyone.

In an insect swarm of this scale, it would be difficult for any mecha to survive for too long, but after all, it was much better than being devoured by the insects without any resistance. The team members didn't care too much, and quickly boarded the mech. Paul also pulled Craig up, and the small cabin quickly became crowded.

The lieutenant colonel drove the mecha silently, trying his best to break through the insect swarm, stopped at a corner that had not been discovered by the insects, and raised his hand to activate the concealment function.

On ordinary mechs, such concealment shields are one-time use, and the time limit is only a few minutes, after which they will be completely exposed to the Zerg's vision.

It's time to make a choice.

The lieutenant colonel took a deep breath, left the cockpit and turned around to look at the crowd. Just as he was about to speak, Jack suddenly rushed towards him and strangled him by the neck.


Craig spoke anxiously and was about to get up, but Paul held his shoulders and walked towards the lieutenant colonel: "Sir, I know exactly what we need to do. We don't intend to disobey orders, we just want to apply for something."

The lieutenant colonel didn't seem surprised. He could easily break free from Jack's grip, but he still just put his hands in his pockets and calmly looked at the warrant officer in front of him: "What do you want?"


Paul didn't have much confidence in his heart, and some cold sweat broke out in his palms, and he clenched his fists and looked at him: "We want one-third of the ammunition, and then we will attract the attention of the Zerg, so that you can rush out smoothly. We'll get the job done, but we also want to have a chance of surviving—"


Before he finished speaking, the lieutenant colonel responded in a low voice, took out a handful of compressed capsule ammunition from his pocket, and gently placed it on the table: "This is all the remaining ammunition, and this mech belongs to you too." .Your captain and I will activate the spare mecha and leave, do you have any other requests?"

He promised too happily, but caught everyone by surprise, and even Jack took his hand back hesitantly, and pushed back two steps.

Paul took a deep breath, shook his head, and was about to go forward to get the ammunition when the compressed capsule on the table was suddenly held down by another hand.

"second lieutenant?"

Frowning slightly and looking at the young man in front of him, Paul's hands were in the air, and his tone was low: "What do you want to do?"

"I can't give you ammunition."

There was not much blood on Craig's face, but an extremely determined light shone in his eyes. Seemingly not used to such disputes, the corners of his lips pursed uncomfortably, but the strength in his hands remained firm: "You guys are driving this mecha, it's enough, I can't give you any more ammunition."

"What do you mean? It's not enough for us to be cannon fodder for you, don't you even give us the last chance to survive!"

Jack finally couldn't bear it any longer, roared angrily, and strode over to make a move, but was held down by Luke.

He had never seen such a stubborn and resolute look on a young second lieutenant before. Paul raised his head slightly, seeing that he was not about to waver at all, and couldn't help frowning.

"Craig, let go."

The lieutenant colonel's eyes changed slightly, and he ordered in a deep voice.

In his impression, although the general's son was timid, he was not bad-natured. He didn't seem like someone who would suddenly be selfish at the moment of life and death, so that he wouldn't even leave a little life for his subordinates.

If not, he must have noticed something...

Seeing that young man who was always cramped and cowardly guarding the ammunition without retreating an inch, the lieutenant colonel's heart sank more and more. He was about to pull him away forcibly, but Craig suddenly raised his head and looked at him, the corners of his pale lips firmly Squeeze into an unmoved arc.

There was even a hint of blood in those eyes, and the powerful mental fluctuations frightened his brain for a buzzing, and his heart sank completely.

"There is still a long distance from the outside, and the ammunition cannot be given to you. You should find a way by yourself."

Seeing that the lieutenant colonel stopped speaking, the young second lieutenant took a deep breath, turned around while leaning on the edge of the table, and for the first time used an orderly tone to his subordinates.

The comprehensive oppression of mental power caused everyone to instinctively fear. They looked at the young man with more than A-level mental power in astonishment, but Craig just lowered his eyes slightly and continued word by word.

"You just drive this mech and walk towards nine o'clock, as far as you can go. I am your commander, and you must obey my orders."

He still looked shy, his forehead drooped meekly, and his black eyes still refused to meet anyone.

But under the absolute oppression of mental power, this order even faintly became a mental brand. Even if the team members had the intention of resisting, they still couldn't take any effective actions.

Craig didn't pay attention to everyone's reaction at all, just lowered his head and finished speaking, put the capsules in his pocket, turned around and walked out of the mech.

Angry and fierce scolding came from behind, and the relationship that had finally eased a little had fallen below the freezing point again, but the young second lieutenant did not even turn his head back for the first time, just sprayed himself with the disruptor again, and jumped off the plane. First.

The lieutenant colonel turned around and glanced at the crowd, hesitant to speak and sighed heavily, but still quickly caught up with Craig.

The spare mecha is parked next to it. It is an advanced mecha that can only be used by linking the brain domain. It cannot be driven by mental power below A level. Although Craig's mental strength is adequate, he is still unable to successfully control advanced mechs because of his fear of connecting his brain to fight.

The lieutenant colonel opened the cabin door and entered the mecha together with Craig. The protective cover of the mecha where the team members were located just happened to fail, and the Zerg rushed to it in an instant.

Paul had a lot of experience. He manipulated the mecha to avoid a wave of Zerg attacks in an instant, hovered in the air for a while, and rushed out in the direction of nine o'clock.

Su Shi's gaze was always on the monitor, and after making sure that they still listened to him, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the seat exhausted.

This body is really too weak. He is on the verge of collapse after just a little burst of mental power. If he keeps going, he may not even survive the end.

The lieutenant colonel stood behind him, his eyes fell on him complicatedly, and he was silent for a long time before he spoke slowly: "Do you know what you did?"

Those ammunition all carry powerful attractants, which are specially made to attract Zerg. Because of the interference from the Zerg mother queen, it is impossible to detonate it remotely, so it can only be made into a manual compressed capsule. As long as the ammunition is detonated, it will be frantically hunted and killed by the Zerg.

That was originally a trap that would be activated when it had to.

Even if the team members didn't threaten him, he would have given them the ammunition.

The young second lieutenant looked up at him, his face seemed paler than before, the previous toughness disappeared, and his tone softened again: "I also want to protect my subordinates..."

Sure enough, he had guessed it.

The lieutenant colonel sighed for a moment, but his face still sank, and his tone became more severe in an instant.

"But have you ever thought about what to do with the mission? I once warned you not to have untimely kindness—do you know that the chrysalis you are holding in your hand is a man-made Zerg Queen, who can't reproduce except for gender inversion In addition, it is no different from the real queen of the Zerg. This is the last resort humans use to deal with the Zerg, if it falls into the hands of the real queen before it hatches and matures, it will be completely torn apart!"

Su Shi couldn't help being dumbfounded, and finally figured out the identity of his lover this time.

The most important task of the empress is not to control the swarm, but to reproduce more swarms, and the truly terrifying thing about the swarms is that they are basically inexhaustible, and the speed of reproduction is much faster than the speed of human hunting.

Once an artificial Zerg takes its place, and cannot reproduce because of its own gender, it will indeed make the Zerg gradually decline.

"So... you gave it to me because of this?"

As if he was not frightened by the lieutenant colonel's harsh reprimand, Craig asked softly, took out the little cocoa bug that had retracted into its shell at some point from his arms, and looked up at the lieutenant colonel in front of him.

After a while, new larvae with the potential of the mother queen will appear in the Zerg race, and then they will be frantically hunted and killed by the mother queen controlling the Zerg race. In order to survive, those larvae can naturally release a scent similar to disruptors. The insect swarm can only be found by carpet search, so the swarm of insects is so violent now.

As long as you carry chocolate eggs with you and don't get hit by the Zerg head-on, your chances of surviving will increase a lot.

The lieutenant colonel was taken aback by his question, frowned and pushed his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Now is not the time to think about these things! If it wasn't for your father, do you think you would have the right to live to this day? Yes. Many people worth living more than you have died! And you are even sabotaging the mission-"

Before he finished speaking, a sharp pain suddenly came from his hand.

The lieutenant colonel paused, and looked down in astonishment, only to find that the artificial empress had hatched at some point and bit his hand hard.

The sharp canine teeth bit the skin on his hand in an instant, the lieutenant colonel gasped in pain, finally stopped reprimanding, and stepped back in shock: "It has hatched? When—the above clearly stated its The growth period is at least two months away, how could it be so fast?!"

The little cocoa was still waving its arms angrily, Su Shi rubbed his head soothingly, and said in a low voice, "Last night."

The lieutenant colonel frowned, didn't bother to say more, immediately connected to the mecha, and broke out from the insect swarm.

The importance of the hatched empress and chrysalis is not at the same level. As long as one of the chrysalis produced in the same batch hatches successfully, the rest will die automatically. No matter how much they pay, they must take this artificial empress out until it grows to maturity before sending it back to the Zerg.

The real empress seemed to have vaguely noticed the location of the larvae. More and more Zerg besieged them, and the situation became more and more urgent. Even the high-level mechs sounded urgent danger alarms.

"Craig, there is an attached ordinary mecha in the tail compartment, you should know how to open it—leave the ammunition behind, you take the chrysalis and go, I will cover you to leave."

At this time, I can only make a decision again as soon as possible. The lieutenant colonel spoke resolutely, still concentrating on manipulating the mecha, his eyes fixed on the monitor screen, and cold sweat was faintly seeping from his forehead.

Footsteps came towards him, and the round capsule fell into his pocket. The lieutenant colonel breathed a sigh of relief, distracted and turned sideways to encourage him, but the young man suddenly raised his arms and hugged him.

"Don't tell them... is that okay?"

The soft voice sounded hesitantly, the lieutenant colonel couldn't help being slightly startled, he was silent for a moment, the light in his eyes was still a little soft.

He was still a child who hadn't grown up, so it was a bit too much to ask him to the level of a professional soldier all the time.

"Don't worry, no one will know."

When it came to the moment of life and death, the lieutenant colonel's expression calmed down, he raised his hand and patted the young man's thin back, and said a rare word of comfort: "Someone has to sacrifice, you have to get used to it."

Craig nodded slightly, walked towards the corner of the mech without opening his mouth, and opened the hatch of the attached mecha.

The lieutenant colonel looked back at him and nodded slightly at him. The young second lieutenant also turned around, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he just lowered his eyes shyly, smiled very shallowly, and jumped into the subsidiary mecha.

The signal to leave was sounded, and the small black dot quickly moved away on the monitor screen, heading in the opposite direction.

The lieutenant colonel breathed a sigh of relief, and sat back on the chair wearily. Just as he was about to continue attracting more Zerg, so that the suicide bombing would become more valuable, something suddenly seemed to move in his pocket.

An ominous premonition suddenly hit his heart, the lieutenant colonel suddenly sat upright, the little cocoa bug that had completely molted was struggling to crawl out of his pocket with an empty capsule shell, the wings on the back were still wet and curled up into a ball , the tentacles swept uneasily, looking for the familiar breath in the air.

"Damn it - Craig!"

The lieutenant colonel turned on the brain's communication and yelled a few words in a hurry, but got no response. He touched his pocket, and there were only a dozen empty capsule shells that had been emptied of ammunition.

The author has something to say:

Little Keke Gong: Looking for a wife Q^Q

#Young is still small#

#Will not overturn the pot#

#Not afraid#