Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 120: brave cowards


As soon as the hatched juvenile insect emperor was brought back, it was immediately tightly protected.

Humans have high hopes for this plan. If the artificial Zerg Emperor really replaces the existing Zerg Mother Queen, it will not only be able to control some of the Zerg's actions, but it is more likely to kill the momentum of the Zerg's crazy reproduction.

As long as there is no continuous supply, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it is possible to be wiped out.

The queen mother of the Zerg has undoubtedly realized the intention of human beings, so she stole the pupae. In order to recapture this precious hope, human beings sent six teams into the occupied area, but only the lieutenant colonel came back with the worm king scarred. The tragic loss made everyone feel lingering fear.

The lieutenant colonel also suffered serious injuries and was rushed into the medical room for treatment. General Vincent rushed over after hearing the news, and when he saw the depressed lieutenant colonel, he couldn't help but stop at the door.

This task is very dangerous, and the general is of course also aware of it, so he sent his most important subordinates to bring the youngest son back.

Such an approach undoubtedly completely violated the military norms, but as a father who only wanted to protect his son, there was no better way.

Hearing the general's footsteps, the lieutenant colonel stood up following the sound, met the general's still unrepentant questioning gaze, and suddenly couldn't say anything.

The general also didn't speak, just walked in slowly, and after a long silence, he said in a low voice: "It's okay, I believe you have tried your best, but he is really not suitable for the battlefield..."


The suppressed emotions suddenly rose, the lieutenant colonel couldn't help interrupting, met the general's slightly stunned gaze, finally took out the signal flare, took off his own brain, and handed it to him.

"Your son is a hero, General. I have no right to judge anything other than what he has done."

He never thought that his youngest son might do anything related to a hero. The general couldn't help but be astonished. He subconsciously took the signal flare, held it in his hand and looked at it repeatedly, and suddenly snatched his brain. Check, the breathing has become heavy.

The duration of the mission was less than 72 hours, and the intersection between the lieutenant colonel and Craig only accounted for a very small part of it. However, the general waited until late at night before finally taking off the helmet connected to the brain domain.

The vicissitudes of the face no longer have the firmness of the past, and even the shoulders that have always been straight have been slightly bent. The general didn't respond any more, he just put his helmet aside in silence, and covered his face with his hands.

The lieutenant colonel finally couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and said, "General, I request to go to occupy the area again, please approve it!"

"No, the Zergs are already familiar with your aura. You can't go there again for at least ten days."

The general spoke slowly, took his hands off, and stood up leaning on the edge of the table: "Craig did a good job. He—"

He seemed to want to say something more, but suddenly he couldn't continue. He just took a deep breath, held the signal flare tightly, and walked quickly towards the door.

In the nursery, the staff of the scientific research department were devastated by the juvenile insect emperor.

For some reason, after being brought back, the Zombie Emperor stopped evolving after falling into a coma and woke up. He curled up listlessly in a corner, his tentacles dangled weaker and weaker, and even the luster of his wings dimmed.

It was originally thought that the newly hatched juvenile Zerg King could not adapt to the environment of the human world, but the incubator built to simulate the Zerg did not have any effect. Instead, because of the fierce struggle of the Zerg King, many people were slightly injured.

There must be something wrong. The researchers were anxiously walking around. When they were at a loss, General Vincent suddenly appeared at the door.

"General, why are you here? We are trying to find a way, the state of the insect emperor is not very good—"

The head of the scientific research minister stepped forward and said a few words before being interrupted by the general, who walked through the barrier and walked towards the incubator: "I see, I'll come and see him."

The worm emperor is very aggressive, and he can't approach it at will without wearing protective clothing. The minister hurriedly followed, and before he could speak to dissuade, the general had already stretched out his hand and passed the flare through the feeding port.

The strong guard dissipated in an instant, and the little worm emperor suddenly rushed over, hugging one end of the signal flare, trying to snatch it back.

"It's my son's—it's my son."

I don't know how much the worm emperor who is still in his infancy can understand, but the general still spoke slowly, his eyes fell on the only little guy who had protected Craig in front of him, and his expression finally eased.

The Little Worm Emperor paused, looked up at him hesitantly, and gradually relaxed the strength in his hands, but he was still reluctant to let go of the flare.

Finding that the worm emperor's physical data had picked up, the researchers looked at each other, finally showing joy in their eyes, and hurriedly and quietly exited the nursery.

The general was still standing in front of the incubator, he let go of his hands and handed over the entire signal flare to the little worm emperor, his tone softened: "He treats you very well, doesn't he?"

I don't know if he understood what he said, but the Little Worm Emperor dragged the signal flare back with difficulty, hugged and rubbed it, the tentacles were shaking slightly, trying to find the already faint breath above.

"He's a very gentle kid who treats everyone well."

He didn't care whether the little insect emperor would respond, the general was silent for a moment, and then continued to speak slowly: "He is a good boy, he is good everywhere, but he is timid and always dare not express what he really thinks. Talk it out."

As he said that, the general's eyes suddenly lit up, he turned on his brain, and clicked on a song.

The brisk piano melody sounded, and the tentacles of the little worm emperor moved. Holding the signal bomb in his arms, he raised his head and looked towards the strange voice.

"Does it sound good?"

The general suddenly smiled, lowered his eyes and sighed softly, leaning on the incubator and shaking his head: "Actually, I don't understand this at all. I only know about fighting, and I don't know anything about art. But I know that the music played by my son, It must sound good."

His eye sockets suddenly turned red, but his expression suddenly revealed distinct pride.

"I've seen him play the piano, his back is straighter than those people, and his hands are too fast to see clearly. I have saved every piece he plays, but I just don't know how to praise him, except for being nice, I won't say anything."

The little worm emperor looked up at him, dragged his wings and walked forward a few steps, raised his hand and patted the shield lightly twice.

The general turned around, smiled at him, looked away and spoke slowly.

"I always think that it doesn't matter if you don't know how to praise. Other people's father understands art, but his father doesn't, but if one day his father drives away the Zerg for him, he can go back to the Conservatory of Music .When the time comes to go on stage in a tuxedo and keep playing the piano with all the lights on him."

Cold tears finally slid down his face, the general's hands trembled slightly, he took a deep breath and said softly: "I can still think of that picture clearly, why - didn't come back all of a sudden?"

The insect emperor looked at him, and the frequency of his wings flapping suddenly became faster.

The powerful storm of power quickly condensed in the small incubator, and the scientific researcher suddenly exclaimed, hurriedly rushed into the incubator, and dragged the general out: "General, you have to leave as soon as possible, the insect emperor is about to evolve!"

The center of the storm could not be seen clearly, the shield was easily twisted to pieces, everyone quickly retreated outside the safety line, the head of the scientific research department stood in front of the monitoring data, but his expression suddenly changed: "No, the energy has been exhausted Now, this is not just a first-order evolution—does it want to directly evolve into a full body?!"

As soon as the voice fell, the screen flickered and suddenly went out completely.

From the scientific research department to the outside, all the lights went out one by one, the computer stopped working, the mecha stopped on the training ground, and all energy supplies were suddenly cut off.

The hurricane energy storm condensed rapidly, absorbing most of the energy in the human settlements, and gathered along the funnel-shaped storm at the top.

Unable to withstand the excessive pressure, many tempered shields have even begun to crumble. Everyone had to fall to the ground and try their best to hide behind a sufficiently strong protection to avoid further accidental injuries.

I don't know how long it took before everything finally calmed down.

A scientific researcher stood up tremblingly, and turned on the lighting function of the brain. The worm emperor had disappeared, and the light beam swept across the empty nursery room, only to see a huge breach, and outside was the dark night sky.

Su Shi seemed to see a familiar figure in his half-conscious trance.

Although I didn't think the little cocoa worm could grow so fast, it was still quickly comforted by the familiar temperature and breath, and my already exhausted body and spirit were completely relaxed.

Su Shi tried his best to open his eyes, looking vaguely at the figure who was hugging him, but suddenly he was gently embraced by the golden light and shadow, and a gentle kiss fell on his forehead: "Now I'm as old as you."

"You're growing up too fast..."

I couldn't help but sighed in a low voice, but the voice was so low that even I couldn't hear it clearly. Su Shi allowed himself to close his eyes, and vaguely felt the arms holding him slightly tightened, and a huge air current stirred up beside him, and the next moment, he was carried and flew into the dark night.

In the human-inhabited area, the energy is still being replenished and repaired urgently, and the military department had to stop working.

The general's residence is far away, but there is still energy supply, and he walked up the steps slowly in a daze, but his steps stopped suddenly.

The worm emperor, who had disappeared, stood in front of him, holding the unconscious human in his arms, with his wings folded on his back, and his eyes fell on him: "Dad, do you have a treatment cabin?"

"No, I'm not your dad—"

Fearing that his words in front of the incubator would accidentally mislead the insect emperor, the general hurriedly wanted to deny it, but his eyes suddenly fell on the young man in his arms, his expression changed suddenly, and he walked over quickly: "Craig!"

"His body is very fragile, do you have a treatment cabin?"

The Zonghuang took a step back, avoiding his outstretched hand, and repeated politely.

"Yes, yes—you take him home first, the treatment cabin at home is not effective, I'll adjust the best one right now!"

The general had already quickly sorted out the situation, his chest heaved uncontrollably, his eyes could not help showing joy, and he quickly led him into the house.

Carefully put the person in his arms in the treatment cabin, and the Zonghuang stood by the side, looking up at the general: "Craig's physical condition is very unstable, I need to be with him, I hope you can help me Hide your identity for a while."

"Don't worry, I understand."

The general nodded immediately, and couldn't help but leaned over, gently touching his son's cold and pale face.

With his fingertips on his neck, feeling a weak but gentle pulse, the general finally felt relieved and walked out the door quickly to prepare for further contact.

To hide the identity of the Zonghuang, the best way is to completely conceal the whole thing.

Originally, he also wanted to ask Craig to take this opportunity to leave the land of right and wrong, but the general did not disclose this matter to anyone, but transferred the best treatment cabin in his own name the next day, and bought it secretly. Lots of potions.

After a whole night of busy work, everything was finally settled. Seeing that the Zonghuang was still guarding his son carefully, the general was finally completely relieved, and returned to the military headquarters in good spirits.

The mission briefing was quickly approved, the surviving team was reorganized into the army, Paul was promoted to second lieutenant smoothly, and the whole team was commended.

When the honor was awarded, the lieutenant colonel also came to the scene.

Although he got meritorious service, after all, he almost sacrificed his life in exchange for it. The team members didn't have a good look at him, and the lieutenant colonel didn't take it seriously. He just sat quietly in the corner, watching the silver military medals pinned to everyone's chests, and the hand holding the silver eagle medal didn't feel it. Grab it slowly.

The only thing Craig asked him to do when he left was not to tell them about it.

Looking at the young men who were awarding honors, the young second lieutenant seemed to be still standing among them, with a slightly shy smile, but was completely blurred by the water vapor in the blink of an eye.

The lieutenant colonel took a deep breath, got up and left quietly.

"Captain, captain!"

Finally, seeing that Paul became the captain, and finally got the hard-earned vacation after the end of the award, the team members all thought of going out to get some air.

After calling a few times and seeing no response from Paul, Jack raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Not used to this name yet? Let's go, let's get used to it in the future."

Paul's eyes fell on the lieutenant colonel all the time, until the back completely disappeared, he was still in a daze. After being patted on the shoulder by him, he finally came back to his senses, subconsciously nodded, and was dragged out.

They are all professional soldiers, and it is rare for them to leave the barracks to relax in public areas. Everyone was very excited, changed their casual clothes and walked out of the military headquarters. When they walked to the corner of the street, they suddenly found many teenagers gathered together, holding a stack of leaflets in their hands.

"It's the latest list of missing persons released by the government, in order to encourage people to donate to those families. Those are military students who volunteered to distribute leaflets."

After listening for a while, Hank had roughly figured out the situation, scratched his hair and raised his head: "Actually, we can also check internally, do you want more?"

"Yes, why not? We are almost on this leaflet."

Jack pursed his lips in response, took a few leaflets, and each of them stuffed one: "Come here, make a souvenir, and celebrate that we are not up there—"

Just as he was talking, Paul suddenly clenched the flyer tightly, his eyes fixed on it, his breathing gradually became heavy, and his face quickly turned pale.

The author has something to say:

Big cocoa attack: Dad. ^_^

#Oops, it seems that I taught it wrong#

#Who is your daddy? ? #