Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 122: brave cowards


Even though the effect of the analgesic was still there, I didn't feel well at all. It was as if I had just run for ten kilometers with an iron pan carrying a few hundred kilograms, and my body was so sore that it was difficult to move.

But even so, the subtle and familiar touch on his chest didn't make him ignore it.

Almost immediately guessing the source of the touch, Su Shi laughed dumbfounded, trying to fish out the little guy who took advantage of the opportunity, and tried hard for a long while, but his arm still couldn't exert any strength.

The insect emperor's tentacles are very sharp, and he quickly detects enough weak movements. Surprisingly, he propped up his body, got out of his clothes with hands and feet, flapped his wings and flew to the human youth who finally woke up, and threw himself on his cheek to kiss him.

The little villain flapped his wings and flew in front of his eyes, hugged him lively and rubbed against him, the wings on his back flapped excitedly, and the flowing golden color made his eye sockets inexplicably hot.

Su Shi blinked, with a faint smile in his eyes.

There is no pain in his body, and he can't use his strength at all, but at least he proves that he is still alive, and he has not left the little guy who is hugging him, clapping his hands smartly with the experience points he earned, turning around and returning to the main space to go.

Seeing those beautiful golden wings, it seemed that it didn't feel so uncomfortable all of a sudden.

The icy kiss fell on the cheek, and Su Shi couldn't help but chuckled. After gathering some strength, he finally turned his body slightly and asked the little insect emperor to land on the pillow. He turned his head and whispered to him patiently: "Why did you come here by yourself, is it safe?"

In his already vague memory, he actually vaguely remembered that he was rescued. It's just that at that time, it seemed that I saw my grown-up lover, and I didn't know whether it was a hallucination or a dream.

The little insect emperor nodded, seeing his unconcealable weakness, his eyes showed worry again, he folded his wings and lay obediently beside the pillow, his tentacles drooping down.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Su Shi blinked at him, smiled and spoke warmly, and rubbed his tentacles with the tip of his nose. Seeing the sensitive tentacles of the little worm emperor curled up quickly, and a pale pink appeared on his cheeks, he finally couldn't help but chuckle.

The Little Worm Emperor lay on his pillow, flapping his wings on his back lightly twice, looking at the smile in his eyes, his face turned red again.

There were hurried footsteps outside the door, and the general also received a reminder of the monitoring data change. He hurried back to the treatment room, opened the door, and walked quickly to the treatment room: "Craig! Are you awake? It's Dad..."

Hearing the voice, Su Shi wanted to turn around and look over, but he still couldn't do what he wanted. The little worm emperor flapped his wings and flew up, pushing his shoulders to help him turn over, but his figure was too small, and he didn't dare to use force rashly, so he couldn't help him too much for a while.

The general was stunned for a moment, and quickly raised his hand to help him turn over. When he met the light that finally lit up in his son's eyes, his eyes couldn't help turning red.

"Dad, I'm fine, I'll be fine in a few days."

Seeing the general's red eye circles and white hair at the temples, Su Shi couldn't help but feel sore. He raised his head slightly to look at him, and smiled at him with crooked eyebrows.

Although the original choice was somewhat selfish, everything the general did was to protect his son.

He replaced Craig to complete the target mission, protected those subordinates, escorted the lieutenant colonel to escape safely, and the baby worm emperor also escaped safely. The only one who was hurt was the ordinary father who failed to keep his son even though he tried his best.

Maybe he can't completely replace the other party's son after all, but if he can make the gray-haired old general in front of him less sad, it seems that he has some other value in staying here.

"Father knows, don't worry, Dad will be able to cure you."

The general's voice was slightly choked, and he gently stroked his son's pale and thin face, and assured him repeatedly without hesitation, but his heart sank more and more.

Craig's physical condition was worse than he thought, and he wasn't sure about it, but he still didn't want to disappoint his son.

The Little Worm Emperor lay on Craig's shoulder, flapping the wings on his back, and moved to his cheek, imitating the general's posture and raised his hand to touch it twice.

Su Shi chuckled dumbly, and blew lightly on him, watching the little worm emperor hurriedly hold down the blown tentacles, raised his head to look at the general: "Dad, why is the worm emperor here, he was not taken by the scientific research department Do you want to cultivate?"

Ever since he was forced to drop out of school and join the army, Craig has always seemed preoccupied. His originally introverted personality has become less and less talkative, and he laughs less and less.

Seeing his son finally showing a relaxed smile under the company of the little worm king, the general's eyes were slightly hot, he nodded with a smile, and adjusted the angle of the treatment cabin slightly for him: "It's still small, not only because of its strength, but also because of its strength. I still have a lot of knowledge. It is not close to others, so I can only rely on you to teach it slowly. This is your new task, can you do it?"

The Zerg Emperor is given a special mission. Once he grows up, he will return to the Zerg Race sooner or later, and compete with the original Queen Mother for the new leadership rights. If outsiders see the original form, they can no longer stay here.

The scientific research department has long been prepared for the uncontrollability of the artificial insect emperor. The last time the insect emperor escaped after a sudden evolution, it was detected by the monitoring equipment and appeared in the core of the Zerg-occupied area, which was exactly in line with people's expectations. The military is also looking forward to the rapid evolution of the artificial insect emperor to complete the final study and evolution in the Zerg, and then successfully defeat the empress.

But now the Zerg Emperor's reserve of common sense is not enough. If it is put back like this, even if it can defeat the original Queen Mother and become the new leader of the Zerg, I am afraid that it may not be able to perfectly cooperate with humans to weaken the Zerg as expected .

Whether it is public or private, it is obviously a better choice to ask the insect emperor to stay for a while longer.

Su Shi couldn't help being slightly surprised, and turned his head to look at the little insect emperor sitting on his shoulder, met the eager expectation in those eyes, couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, and nodded slightly: "Dad, I will complete the task. "

The general also nodded slightly in relief, gently pressed his shoulder, sat down next to the treatment cabin, tried his best to avoid any topics related to the battlefield, and chatted with him for a while.

After all, his body was still very weak. Su Shi supported himself and said a few words to the general, then he was wrapped in tiredness again. Although he tried hard to hold on for a while, his eyelids still drooped unconsciously.

Seeing his son's fatigue, the general got up quickly, moved him back to the treatment cabin, and helped him to lie down carefully: "Let's rest for a while, and Dad will come to see you again at dawn, okay?"

Su Shi could hardly control his body, and was supported by him in the treatment cabin, raised his head slightly, and finally couldn't help asking what worried him the most: "Father, my subordinates... are they all okay? "

The general paused, seeing that there was only pure concern in his eyes, he stroked his shoulder lightly, and said in a slow voice: "You protected them very well, they all survived, you want to see them ?"

In my current state, if I really see those subordinates, I really don't want to be blamed.

Su Shi quickly shook his head, twitched the corners of his lips and said in a low voice: "It's still not possible, just let them think I've retired. I lied to them at that time, and they're probably still angry."

After taking his son back, the general didn't pay attention to those team members any more. Seeing the faint loneliness in his expression, he didn't feel heavy in his heart, and silently shook his son's arm.

Not wanting to bother the general because of these things anymore, Su Shi blinked, and the brows bent down again: "Father, I'm fine, don't worry."

"You're fine, Dad doesn't worry."

The general's voice was slightly choked, but he still nodded with a smile. Watching him close his eyes, he nodded gratefully to the little worm emperor who was always by his side, then dimmed the lights, and left lightly.

The lights dimmed, and drowsiness quickly overwhelmed consciousness.

Su Shi closed his eyes, and a slight air flow suddenly brushed across his cheeks, and a soft kiss fell on his closed eyes.

The familiar aroma of cocoa filled his nostrils again, and he vaguely felt that this kiss seemed to be different from the previous one. Su Shi wanted to open his eyes to see what was going on, but he couldn't overcome the deep fatigue, and drowsily Go to sleep again.

The Zonghuang who had recovered his original form carefully picked him up, adjusted his posture, raised his hand to touch the short hair on his forehead, and there was some wordless worry in his eyes again.

Although he has been able to wake up for a short time, Craig's body frequency is still very poor. No matter how hard he tries, if he does not completely transform the opponent's body into a Zerg, there will be many irreversible injuries that cannot be healed.

But most humans don't like Zerg. If he did, I don't know if it would upset Craig.

After struggling for a while, I couldn’t come up with any results. I felt that the young man’s breathing was gradually becoming even and gentle. The insect emperor’s wings patted twice, and he returned to the young ecology again. He got back into the clothes on the human youth’s chest, and fell asleep with him. go.

With the protection of the worm emperor, although Craig's body could not be fully recovered, it still improved. When he woke up the next day, he could support his body and slowly sit up.

The general also invited a lot of medical experts, but they still failed to make much progress in the treatment plan. He can only wake up briefly every day, and most of the time he has to fall into a coma due to physical reasons.

The Emperor of Zombies will restore his original form while he is drowsy, wipe and massage his body meticulously every day, and learn to use the human kitchen, and often cook some special and delicious meals according to the tutorials on the brain. Secretly placed on the side of the treatment cabin.

The treatment pod comes in several different configurations and can also transform into a wheelchair. Su Shi's activities were not too restricted. Occasionally, when he was tired from lying down, he would sit up for a while, have a few bites of food, and teach the little insect emperor to speak and read.

He hadn't read the preschool education storybooks in the Star World, but it was unexpectedly interesting to read them. Su Shi was leaning in the wheelchair, gently stroking the short chocolate-colored hair of the Little Worm Emperor with his fingertips, his hands suddenly gained a little weight, and when he lowered his head, he found that the little guy had slipped into his palm again, falling asleep with his wings covered.

I couldn't help but reflect on whether I was too spoiled for growth. Looking at the story book that had been read through half of it, Su Shi laughed dumbfounded, rubbed the short hair of the little insect emperor, and simply closed the book, closed his eyes and leaned back. go.

The afternoon sun was just right, and the warmth fell on the body, which seemed to make the soreness and pain less difficult. The lazy comfort made him relax involuntarily, and it didn't take long for him to be overwhelmed by sleepiness.

The pale and thin young man was leaning quietly in the wheelchair, with his head slightly tilted to one side, his thin forehead hair falling down, his delicate brow peaks were gently stretched, and his black eyelashes were quietly attached to his eyelids.

The Little Worm Emperor yawned lightly, turned over in his palm and opened his eyes. Seeing the situation in front of him, the wings behind his back slowly stopped beating.

According to the storybook, the handsome Zerg prince kissed the human beings who had been sleeping for hundreds of years, and then the human beings grew beautiful wings and tentacles, and together with the Zerg Emperor, they turned into butterflies and flew to distant galaxies, living a happy life.

A ray of light flashed, and the figure of the Zonghuang reappeared. He gently supported the sleeping human's thin shoulders, held his breath and carefully bent down.

Suddenly, his tentacles moved vigilantly.

With mental strength spread out, he was keenly aware of the unfamiliar footsteps that had already reached the door. The wings behind the worm emperor hastily retracted, returning to the size of a young creature, and slamming into the collar of the sleeping human being.

The slightly cool touch awakened Su Shi in a daze, he raised his head in a daze, the door was gently pushed open, but the figure standing at the door was somewhat unexpected.

Standing at the door, the lieutenant colonel met his gaze, his body shook slightly, and the hand on the edge of the door tightened unconsciously.

Just an hour ago, he learned from the general that Craig was still alive and recuperating at home. The general just said that he hoped he could come to the house to have a look and chat with Craig, but he didn't explain more about the situation.

Just before entering the door, he still couldn't understand why the general wanted to hide this matter, but seeing the situation in front of him, he suddenly fully understood what was going on.

No one has ever been able to come back alive from such a situation. If the fact that Craig is still alive is announced now, this young man who survived miraculously will undoubtedly be promoted by the military as a hero and a benchmark, and become the people's The ideal incarnation in my mind.

No one will pay attention to how many injuries he has suffered. He will be asked to go on tour again and again, telling everyone what kind of nightmare experience he has had and how he escaped from the siege of the Zerg. He will be forcibly promoted to the altar, and no one will allow him to come down easily.

But those young people are not suitable for the young people in front of them at all. With Craig's current state, he can't bear the reputation of such a storm.

The young man in front of him couldn't even get up. Even when he saw him appearing at the door, he only showed some surprise in his eyes. He raised his hand to put on the armrest of the wheelchair, but he couldn't even use his strength.

"Don't move, I just came to see you."

The lieutenant colonel quickly stopped his movement, closed the door and walked over quickly, his eyes fell on Craig, and his heart sank more and more.

Just such a movement, the young man's face flushed a little, his chest heaved and heaved for a while, he coughed a few times before he recovered, raised his eyes and fell on him, and bent his eyebrows apologetically: "Sorry, I can't stand up …”

"It's okay, you have already retired, and you don't need to abide by the regulations in the military."

The lieutenant colonel tried his best to calm down his tone, his eyes fell on him, he took the medal out of his pocket after a moment of hesitation, and gently placed it beside him: "This is your thing, I have been keeping it for you , now it’s time to return it to its original owner.”

Su Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes fell on the Silver Eagle Medal, he couldn't help but chuckled, and nodded slightly at him: "Thank you, I'm very honored."

The lieutenant colonel waved his hand and sat down on the sofa in front of him, his eyes still on him.

I don't know if it's because he walked from the edge of life and death once, the young man seems to have lost a lot of cowardice and embarrassment, and his whole person looks gentle and comfortable. Being immobile in a wheelchair does not elicit any sympathy or pity.

He wanted to apologize for his previous misunderstanding, and met those gentle and clear eyes, but suddenly he couldn't say anything.

"You did very well… "

After pondering for a long time, the lieutenant colonel finally spoke slowly, his eyes fell on the wheelchair under the young man: "I have to admit that in that case, even if it were me, it would be impossible for me to complete the task of containing the Zergs." better than you."

Hearing his words, a familiar shy smile finally appeared on that delicate face. She pursed her lips slightly and lowered her head to smile before saying softly, "Thank you."

"It's me and you who should thank you. If it weren't for you, the task would not have been completed so smoothly. You did a great job, and I—"

The lieutenant colonel paused, and slowly tightened the hand hanging by his side. After a moment of silence, he finally got up and raised his hand to salute him: "I must apologize for all my previous misunderstandings and groundless accusations against you, Craig Lieutenant—you are a heroic soldier, and the bravest act of man is to overcome his own cowardice, and you have undoubtedly done this long ago."

Su Shi's expression moved slightly, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Of course, the lieutenant colonel knew everything. After all, the weight of an empty bullet casing can be detected as long as he holds it in his hand, not to mention that he stuffed the little bug king into his pocket at that time. But his behavior at that time was obviously more like a temporary intention, and all misunderstandings before that should still be valid.

But what the lieutenant colonel said obviously did not mean such a meaning.

Meeting his astonished gaze, the lieutenant colonel moved the corner of his mouth slightly, showed a bitter smile, and sighed very lightly: "I admit, I am not a very qualified commander. If it wasn't for the juvenile insect emperor who found me In addition to the signal flare you left behind, I may even continue to misunderstand you... "

The little insect emperor who was hiding in his clothes shivered, touched his chest flatteringly, and gently pressed his cheek against it.

Su Shi couldn't help taking a breath, and suddenly felt a little stomachache.

"Your subordinates have all been commended. Paul has been promoted to second lieutenant. They are all fine now. It was just a little accident. I failed to keep a good secret for you. I let them know the truth. I guess it will take some time for them to come Adjustment."

Seeing that his complexion was not very good, the lieutenant colonel only thought that he was tired, deliberately picked something to make him relax, and spoke in a slow tone.

"I know that they have done things they shouldn't have done to you. They probably have made enough repentance for their past actions... Rest well, don't think too much, I will come to see you after a while."

Still carrying the habit of a soldier to act resolutely, the lieutenant colonel finished his task of chatting with him, saluted him meticulously, and left the general's mansion.

The door was gently closed, and the little insect emperor timidly got out of his collar, flapped his wings and flew to his hand, hugged his fingertips and rubbed them.

As soon as Su Shi lowered his head, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

The little guy hasn't grown up after so many days, he still stumbles and walks unsteadily, and he probably does things only by instinct. He was the one who threw him to others first, and it seemed that he couldn't blame him for being disobedient.

Su Shi didn't speak, and the little worm emperor became more and more nervous. He looked up at him, his tentacles drooped, and sparkling water vapor slowly formed in his eyes.

Can't be angry.

When he disappeared, he probably panicked the little guy too.

"Well, I'm not angry."

Facing the tearful gaze of the Little Worm Emperor, Su Shi finally couldn't help being discouraged. He comforted him in a warm voice, and raised his hand to poke him lightly on the head.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are still young, I would have boiled you..."

The author has something to say:

Big cocoa attack: ┏┛tomb┗┓... (((m Q ^ Q)m

#can't change back#

#never can#