Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 123: brave cowards


Under the threat of human beings, the handsome Zerg prince couldn't sleep well for two whole nights.

After the comprehensive assessment, the medical team changed to a new treatment plan. In addition to rest, proper rehabilitation training is also required every day. Su Shi's body is not strong enough to stand up on his own, so he can only do basic rehabilitation with the aid of equipment, but it is still not easy at all.

The original body had only received the most basic training, and had already collapsed under the high-intensity mental power explosion and the heavy pressure of the mecha. Even with analgesics, the ubiquitous pain will still be reflected through the mental power that cannot be ignored. It is better when resting, and every exercise will bring a heavy burden.

Barely supporting the measuring instrument next to him, his arm was already trembling violently. The data on the instrument quickly exceeded the warning value, and a sharp alarm sounded.

Su Shi suddenly relaxed, and fell back into the treatment cabin exhausted. Cold sweat poured out, soaking his entire clothes in no time.

The little worm emperor nervously walked around him, holding a towel in his arms, carefully wiped his sweat, flapped his wings and flew to his flushed cheeks, raised his hand to touch it lightly in worry.

Su Shi closed his eyes to relieve his dizziness, then opened them again, smiled at him comfortingly, and said softly, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

The unconvincing state obviously couldn't make people feel at ease. The little worm emperor's eye circles were red with anxiety, he touched his wet and cold cheek, and quickly hugged the straw beside him and told him to suck it in his mouth. Seeing him drink two sips of water, his face gradually softened, and he finally felt relieved.

Exercise is at least somewhat effective. The tired body is shrouded in the repair light of the treatment cabin. After the intense pain recedes, the body can indeed get a rare short-term relaxation.

Su Shi rested in the treatment cabin for a while, turned his palms to let him fall on them, smiled and nodded the little insect emperor's head: "Okay, don't worry, you can take care of me when you grow up."

Before he finished speaking, the Little Worm Emperor suddenly trembled, his tentacles stretched straight, and his wings were tensely carried behind his back.

It has become a habit to be blamed, Su Shi has long forgotten the threat he uttered casually, raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and rubbed his hair soothingly: "What's the matter, don't you want to grow up?"

It will be boiled when it grows up. The handsome Zerg little prince shivered, hugged his fingers and rubbed them, and carefully kissed his fingertips.

Sensing the unease of the little worm emperor, Su Shi raised his hand and poked his antennae. Seeing the little guy's antennae shrinking into a ball sensitively, the brows could not help but bend down again, and a clear smile appeared in his eyes. .

The Little Worm Emperor raised his head and stared at him blankly, his eyes resting on the corners of his light-colored lips with soft curves, and the wings on his back lightly patted twice, and his face turned pink again.

The strength of his arm had recovered a little. Su Shi looked at him for a while, raised his eyebrows knowingly, and suddenly raised his hand to lift the little figure in his palm, and kissed his forehead lightly.

The little worm emperor's cheeks were hot immediately, he retracted his wings, slid into his collar, switched sides, hugged him, and buried his face in it.

There is a self-cleaning spray in the treatment cabin, and after a while, the body has recovered dry and warm. I don't know what the little insect emperor is doing. The cold and strange touch quickly spread from that point, and shot up along the spine. Su Shi instinctively held his breath, and finally heaved a sigh of relief after a long while, and smiled dumbly. Laughing, raised his hand and patted it twice through the clothes.

The Zerg Emperor bears the mission and expectations of human beings, so naturally he can't always be by his side. If he really grows up, he might have to return to the Zerg territory.

Su Shi didn't have any burden on becoming a worm, and he never thought much about where the little worm king would go when he grew up. After sensing the little guy's uneasiness, he finally seriously considered his future plans.

The pot is obviously almost over, but the task has been completed fairly well after all. If there are no hidden tasks to be entrusted to him, it's nothing to be abducted like this, but I still have to find a way to give the old general a reassuring explanation...

As soon as this thought arose, there was a sudden ding-dong beside his ear, and a familiar mechanical sound rang out.

"Congratulations on starting the hidden mission: Play the piano again. No experience points will be rewarded for completing the mission, but you can get a 'Piece of the Key' card. You can choose whether to accept the mission. Failure to complete the mission will not affect the assessment of the main world line."

Hearing the familiar mechanical sound, Su Shi's eyes suddenly jumped, his heart tightened inexplicably, and he started beating unconsciously.

This is the last key card. Once the pieces of the puzzle are assembled, you can exchange for the real key and open the door that has always been locked in the main world. But besides his blocked experience points and skills, he was completely unsure of what else was in that door.

Feeling Craig's heart beating faintly faster, the little insect king's tentacles moved, poked his head out from his clothes, looked up at him worriedly, and raised his hand to gently press his chest.

The cool touch fell gently on his chest, Su Shi lowered his eyes, and the last trace of hesitation in his heart also fell, smiled and shook his head, closed his eyes and lay back in a relaxed manner.

No matter what is in it, you always have to face it when things come to an end, at least you have to get back what belongs to you.

After choosing to accept the task, accompanied by the crisp sound of the system, there is also a gray column to be completed in the task bar.

It sounds easy to play the piano again, but it is not a task that can be done at will.

He must at least be able to sit in front of the piano by himself, be able to press the keys and play the tune. For his current body, even completing such an action is still extremely difficult.

Su Shi took a deep breath and completely relaxed. The light of the healing instrument completely enveloped his body, and his consciousness gradually faded into the quiet darkness.

It wasn't until he was completely asleep that the little winged man finally crawled out of his clothes.

Not daring to change back to its original shape at will, the little worm emperor just flapped his wings and flew up, sitting on the edge of the treatment cabin with his chin propped up, looking at the sleeping human youth.

It was detected that the subject had entered a sleep state, and the light of the treatment instrument was automatically dimmed, and a soft halo fell on the bloodless and delicate face.

Probably because he was really exhausted, Craig slept peacefully, his chest rose and fell gently with his breathing, and his light-colored lips were slightly pursed, showing a reassuring gentleness and tranquility.

It's a good time to kiss.

The handsome Zerg prince flapped his wings nervously, and was about to sneak over, but the human youth who was sleeping soundly seemed to have noticed his too straightforward gaze, the black eyelashes fluttered twice, and slowly opened Eye.

Meeting his gaze, Wu Run's pupils suddenly burst into a soft smile.

The little insect emperor blushed, folded his wings and lowered his head, his tentacles curled up.

Su Shi laughed lightly, then simply turned sideways and curled up his body slightly, stretched out his arms to hold him lightly in the palm of his hand, protecting him into the space on the side of his neck, bowed his head and kissed him: "Don't worry, you can hold him when you grow up. I'm..."

This time, the little worm emperor was directly scalded into a ball, and after a while, he finally quietly spread his wings and looked up at the human youth who had already fallen asleep.

The temptation to grow up is too strong, and it is really a struggle between the threat of being boiled and the benefits of growing up.

Afraid of waking Craig again, the little worm emperor did not move again, but the mellow aroma of cocoa still diffused quietly.

This time, there was even a faint light on his body, and the power was quietly transmitted to the sleeping human youth, trying to maintain the fine line between repairing the body and transforming into insects, slowly transforming the scarred body.

It wasn't until the light around him gradually faded that the little worm emperor finally folded his wings tiredly, didn't get back into his clothes, and followed his example into a ball, rubbing against his neck and falling into a deep sleep.

His body was slowly recovering, and Su Shi also quietly increased the intensity of his exercise.

I don't know how many times he fell asleep from exhaustion. When Su Shi woke up, the general was sitting on the edge of the treatment cabin, his eyes fell on him, and there was still worry in his eyes that had not been put away.

Seeing his son's eyes open, the general's expression softened immediately, and he lightly placed his palm on his forehead: "Don't move yet, let's rest for a while."

"Dad, I'm fine."

Su Shi smiled at him, raised his hand to support the edge of the treatment cabin, and sat up with his body supported.

Such movements were still a bit strenuous for him, his arms trembled faintly, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

But his expression is still calm as usual, and his movements have been able to do smoothly. If it is a person who does not know the inside story, he may not even be able to see his strangeness.

The Little Worm Emperor was sleeping next to him, he was taken over in a daze, hugged the hem of his clothes and covered his body, and continued to sleep comfortably.

There was a smile in Su Shi's eyes, he touched his tentacles lightly, covered his clothes neatly, and looked up at the general beside him: "Father, what can you do?"

Although the general cared about his son, he couldn't always be by his side after all. The work of the military department has always been very busy, and sometimes he can only come back every few days, so he came back suddenly in broad daylight, which surprised him a bit.

"It's nothing, it's just that there aren't many things to do today. Dad will come back to see you."

Looking at his son's increasingly calm and gentle expression, the general remained silent for a long time, but still gently stroked his thin back: "Craig, I'm sorry, Dad should take good care of you."

He is not a qualified father after all, not only can't protect his son well, it's even hard for him to make him happy. I can only watch him become calmer and more sensible day by day, hiding everything in his heart, and refuse to ask others to worry about him at any time.

The doctor said that the pain in the recovery stage is unavoidable. Even if you do nothing, you will still suffer from unimaginable pain.

But seeing the soft and clear light in those eyes, no one can imagine what kind of pain the smiling young man in front of him is enduring.

No one is born knowing how to endure. All patience and endurance are learned from a certain period of helpless pain.

His son suddenly grew up in a place he couldn't see, and he grew into a strange and proud look, but he still couldn't help thinking of the child who would be wronged and scared.

"I'm fine Dad, I've recovered a lot."

Su Shi didn't know what he was thinking, so he hurriedly spoke words of comfort, and then suddenly had an idea, and raised his hand to hold his arm: "Dad, is there a piano at home?"

"Yes, Craig, would you like to play the piano?"

Finally hearing his request, the general's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly: "The piano room at home has always been kept, and it is still next to your bedroom. Your brother bought you a star stone piano, yes I'll give you a coming-of-age gift at the age of twenty. It's just that you have joined the army at that time, and I haven't had time to give you... "

The star stone piano is a piano loaded with energy spar. Not only is the sound quality and timbre more beautiful, but it can also use the power of energy spar to spread the sound to a long range when the spiritual power is resonating.

Energy spar is the main energy source in the interstellar world and is very precious. Except that it was occasionally used to make musical instruments when it was first mined, as its value continued to develop, it quickly became a commodity controlled by the state and was concentrated for energy supply. This batch of musical instruments with spars It has also become a rare out-of-print.

Su Shi couldn't help but feel a little interested, and manipulated the treatment cabin to transform into a wheelchair, and sat up a little bit upright: "Dad, can I go and have a look?"

The general's eyes brightened, he readily agreed, led him to the piano room, and opened the door for him.

Under the slightly dim light, the black grand piano, which had been away from its owner for a long time, stood silently in the corner. In times of war, deadly threats are on the sidelines, and people are constantly struggling to survive. No one needs these instruments that are just for appreciation.

Meeting the general's earnest gaze, Su Shi smiled helplessly, but still steered the wheelchair over, leaned forward and lifted the piano cover, and tried to press the keys.

With his fingers connected to his heart, intense pain rushed up like an electric current, causing layers of cold sweat to immediately seep from his forehead.

Although this body is dilapidated, it is extremely sensitive to pain because of the excessive filling of mental power. Even though his arms could barely support his body, his fingertips hadn't regained the strength to press the keys.

The little insect emperor immediately sensed his discomfort, and nervously flapped his wings to his chest, but Su Shi just raised his hand to let him land on his palm, smiled and shook his head lightly.

Although he withdrew his strength in time, his arms still couldn't stop trembling slightly. Su Shi breathed a sigh of relief, before he straightened his body, he was firmly supported by the general, and carefully put back into the wheelchair.

"Craig, are you okay?"

The general carefully supported him to sit firmly, and raised his hand to cover his son's forehead. The cold sweat covered his forehead, which made his heart sink gradually.

Su Shi raised his head, the pain in his eyes had dissipated, he smiled at him, and shook his head silently.

Seeing his son's pale lips in pain, the general's hands trembled slightly, and he pressed his clothes that were also slightly cool from the cold sweat, and whispered almost assuredly: "Craig, no matter what, Dad will definitely I can tell you to play the piano again... you trust Dad, okay?"

There was some unexplained soreness in his heart, Su Shi's eyes were slightly hot, he held his father's hand, raised his head and said in a warm voice: "Dad, I believe it."

Hearing his son's words, the general couldn't help but feel a sore nose, raised his hand to wrap his body around his body, got up and left quickly.

Watching his back leave in a hurry, Su Shi sat out of his mind, and suddenly felt a strange subtle touch from his fingertips.

Subconsciously lowered his head, only to find that the little worm emperor was gently kissing his fingers. The delicate kisses fell lightly, and the aroma of cocoa spread, which actually took away the remaining pain.

Vaguely feeling that this kind of fragrance always seems to linger around his side, Su Shi suddenly had some guesses in his heart, raised his hand to put the Little Worm Emperor on the piano, and raised his hand to touch his tentacles: "It's because the power was distributed to me. , Is that why you can't grow up?"

The Little Worm Emperor quickly shook his head vigorously, then hugged his fingers back into his arms, and pressed his cheeks against them to rub gently.

Su Shi couldn't help laughing, and gently pulled his hand back, leaned over slightly, and kissed the slightly disheveled forehead of the little insect emperor comfortingly: "Don't move, let's try again, okay?"

The little worm emperor blinked and looked at him blankly. Su Shi took a deep breath, added an analgesic for himself, tried his best to stand up while supporting the edge of the piano, leaned on the support of his arms, and tried his best to move towards the piano bench.

According to Zhinao's evaluation, if his body had not undergone insect transformation, it would have been the peak if he could return to such a state. According to his usual luck, since he got such a task, if he morphs into an insect first and then completes it, it is very likely that two large iron tongs will grow out of the uncontrollable worm.

Under the shield of two layers of painkillers, his eyes were still blackened, and big cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

After reluctantly taking a few steps forward, his legs finally lost all strength, his arms suddenly softened, and his body fell down hard.

Instead of the expected stiff pain, what caught him was a warm chest that he was no longer familiar with.

Almost the whole person was scooped up, and the next moment the world turned upside down, and he was already tightly protected in a strong embrace. Su Shi's heart beat wildly, he slowed down the darkness in front of him, looked up along his arms, his gaze fell on that handsome and profound face, and he raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

The Zonghuang who was holding him sat up straight in an instant, his tentacles suddenly erected into two antennas, and his arms became stiff.

The sky had already dimmed, and another day was drawing to a close.

Su Shi leaned in the chair-like treatment cabin, slowly doing rehabilitation exercises for his hands, while distractedly checking the notice asking him to return to the military headquarters to report on his duties.

When reporting the mission, his whereabouts were classified as missing. Although there was no record of his disappearance in the Zerg territory, since he was missing, it would take more than three months to revoke his star registration.

The general deliberately blocked his whereabouts, and finally canceled the disappearance record for him when the matter was no longer enough to cause a huge reaction and was publicized. But if you want to retire smoothly, you still have to go back to the military to show your face.

The pot has been almost thrown away, and going back probably won't have any impact. Although Paul and the others are probably also there, but the military headquarters is so big, it is impossible to meet them just by going there.

The general has already helped him take care of all the things he needs to worry about, just showing up is enough. Su Shi clicked on the received option, yawned lightly, closed his eyes and leaned back.

After suddenly evolving and growing up off guard, he was picked up from the ground and put back in the wheelchair. The Zonghuang got into the kitchen, hid in the pot and refused to come out. He stood guard at the door for a while, seeing that the other party's attitude was too firm, considering that it might be some customary ritual of Zerg evolution, he didn't bother him much, and went back to the treatment room alone.

I don't know what kind of ceremony it is, but it took so long.

Every day, I am used to the little worm emperor fluttering and rubbing beside me, but I am not used to it when I suddenly quiet down in emptiness. Su Shi lay down for a while. Although he was exhausted, he couldn't fall asleep like every time. He was about to go to the kitchen again, when suddenly there was a mellow smell of hot cocoa from the door.

If Su Shi felt something, he raised his eyebrows and turned around to look over.

The door was gently pushed open a crack, and the Emperor of Zombies walked in cautiously, met his gaze, and tremblingly handed over a cup of hot cocoa.

The author has something to say:

Su Shi: ⊙▽⊙?

#Self-cooking to apologize#