Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 129: A pot that cannot be retrieved


There was no blood visible in the ink-colored robe, and no one noticed that he was injured.

Almost as soon as he sat down, Su Hongjian's face turned pale. There was a little tiredness between the delicate brows, but the light in her eyes was still clear, so bright that no one could see her identity at odds with decency.

Daoist Qingxu instinctively took a step forward, but was suddenly pulled back by a force, and after a shock, he was able to regain his senses, and met the stern gaze of Xuankong Immortal Venerable: "Xingshen, this is just an illusion. !"

Now they were trapped in the Yunmeng Formation, and they accidentally knocked Demon Venerable Hongjian to pieces, and those scattered souls had already merged into the formation.

What he saw and heard now was nothing but what happened many years ago in Mozun Hongjian's memory.

This formation is an ancient formation, and there are many strange things. If you encounter it rashly, you may suffer a big loss by surprise.

"I remember these, this is when we fought against the Yaozu..."

The middle-aged Xianxiu on the side spoke in a low voice, but frowned again, wondering: "Why didn't he heal his wounds? Isn't the wounds of Moxiu healed in an instant?"

He Tianlan glanced at him, with a complex look on his face. Qinghua couldn't help but sneered, and said in a cold voice: "The demon cultivator is no longer a human being? How many of you relied on him to cultivate demons and told him to come and go in the place of life and death? But someone asked him Will one sentence hurt?"

His question made many people look slightly embarrassed.

At the time of the Yaozu War, although they had a good relationship with Su Hongjian, they did instinctively think that Moxiu was not afraid of getting hurt, and entrusted him with many extremely dangerous and urgent tasks. At that time Qinghua had quarreled with them a few times because of this, but Su Hongjian calmed them down so that they never had any quarrels with them.

The atmosphere was suddenly suppressed. I don't know whether it was the illusion that would shake the minds of the people in the formation, or whether they were really guilty because of their negligence at the beginning, and many people had a faint look of shame on their faces.

Layman Mingkong gritted his teeth, suddenly got up anxiously, and said coldly: "It's just an illusion, don't we just have to stay here forever!"

Before he finished speaking, a tyrannical mana burst out from the magic weapon in his hand, shooting straight towards the figure of the black-robed youth.

Xuankong Immortal Venerable couldn't stop drinking, the magic power went straight through the real illusion in front of him, and disappeared instantly as if hitting the void, everyone's chest suddenly felt tight, and they felt that their bodies seemed to be a little heavy.

"Don't act rashly, all the attacks on the illusion now will be absorbed by this formation."

Imprisoned layman Mingkong with a wave of mana, Xuankong Immortal Venerable said in a deep voice, then turned his eyes back to the phantom: "We are all here now, no one will rescue us from outside, we can only find a way to save ourselves, Don't act recklessly."

Everyone was frightened and did not dare to make any rash moves, so they had to turn their attention back to the illusion again.

The young Moxiu didn't know that someone would come back to spy after many years, so he just sat down and rested for a while, and prepared to deal with the injuries on his body.

The arrow robe on the upper body was taken off, revealing a shocking injury. But he didn't seem to feel the pain at all, he took a deep breath, and the black devil energy surged around his body, healing the wound that was easier to treat, but the wound in his abdomen barely stopped the bleeding, and his strength was already exhausted.

Su Hongjian didn't deal with the wound immediately, but closed his eyes and leaned back hard, his handsome eyebrows trembled faintly, and a layer of cold sweat faintly leaked from his forehead.

Knowing that it was just an illusion of memory, many people still couldn't help but gasp, and even Layman Mingkong, who had always been the most indignant, fell silent.

Immortals and demons are not at odds with each other after all, even if they have personal friendships, they cannot cooperate with each other in battle. Moxiu mostly fights alone on the battlefield, and rarely has someone to help him.

Everyone in the world knows that the initial progress of magic cultivation is fast, and even if they are injured, they can recover immediately as long as the magic energy is sufficient, so they believe that they are not afraid of getting hurt, and naturally they will not deliberately distribute the already precious and scarce spiritual water pills to other people. he.

Others refused to give, and Su Hongjian didn't know to take the initiative to ask for it. In front of others, he still just smiled clearly, as if he was okay. Only when he rested alone in a remote place, did he faintly show some exhausted fatigue.

He rested for a while, as if he had recovered a bit, he slowly propped himself up and sat up straight again, but he was still powerless to deal with the injury. Just taking out the bandage and potion to wrap the wound well, the movements seemed very skillful.

"The power of the magic cultivator is not obtained out of thin air. Apart from running the magic power step by step like a cultivator, there are only a few ways to improve quickly. Either directly absorb the mana of others and convert it into magic energy, or rely on natural materials and earth treasures The aura of heaven and earth in it."

After a while of silence, He Tianlan finally spoke in a low voice, dispelling the doubts in everyone's eyes.

Su Hongjian didn't have any natural talents and earthly treasures, and he didn't want to absorb other people's mana, so he could only do the same as ordinary immortal cultivators, slowly recovering from his injuries.

There was a moment of silence in the illusion.

Daoist Qingxu suddenly couldn't stand still, he wanted to see the injury on that person in reality, but he was frightened by the hostility in Qinghua's eyes, and his footsteps stopped unconsciously.

The wound was much more tragic than the one in the illusion, almost spanning the entire body, but it did not bleed anymore, but I don't know whether it stopped the bleeding or there was no more blood to bleed.

Doesn't it hurt

They used to resist the demon clan together, and they used to drink and socialize together, but it was not until they were forced to be trapped in the illusion formed by Su Hongjian's memory that they finally realized that the demon cultivator could also be injured and hurt.

That person used to prefer to bear the pain and heal his wounds alone, and never crossed the line. Why did he do so many evil deeds later, and even ended up being punished by himself

Although I was confused, I couldn't get the answer now after all. The young demon cultivator in front of him still had calm and clear eyes, and his sleeves were full, and the brand-new ink robe swayed on his thin back, covering his injured body just now, as if everything was fine as usual.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts were inexplicably relieved.

Su Shi was still running thousands of miles to the front of the formation.

In order to trap everyone in the formation, he purposely set the opening of the formation in a ravine dozens of miles away. Now that it was his turn to break the formation, he finally realized the feeling of being in a hurry when he couldn't run.

Fortunately, what he took away was the spirit leopard, which is known for its speed, so it wouldn't run too slowly. The systemized bell was tied to the leather buckle around his neck, jingling in a very novel way, while dutifully relaying the situation in the cave for him.

In the illusion, Su Hongjian had already laid down with his clothes on. The demon energy was consumed so much that he fell into a lethargic sleep almost as soon as he lay down. Almost clearly visible.

Forced to recall what Su Hongjian did back then, everyone in the formation looked embarrassed. Naturally, there are still many people who believe that he fell into the evil way due to lack of determination, but there are also some people who have been faintly shaken, and even blamed each other because of the old things.

The system had heard the story of Su Shi's upsetting that year. After watching it carefully for a while, he couldn't help but feel admiration: "Master, have you been ready to uproot the pot since then?"

Su Shi was on his way in a hurry, when he heard his words, he couldn't help being startled, and then smiled dumbly: "It wasn't originally."

Every time they enter the high-level world, they are assigned different roles, but the tasks they receive go to the same goal, all for the purpose of plundering and collecting precious resources in the current world.

The main system needs precious resources in these worlds, and will give them back extremely rich experience points. To put it bluntly, they are more like foreign intruders. No matter what stories they experience in any role, they are just to complete tasks and snatch resources. In the world of cultivating immortals and the world of advanced technology, this characteristic is especially obvious.

The system bell rang around his neck twice, but he was still at a loss. Su Shi twitched the corners of his lips, as if recalling some long and distant memories, his tone softened: "I just want to make some friends..."

I have always been in the endless cycle of tasks, and it is inevitable that there will be times when I am tired. Before he had to take the quest line, he always used to give himself a temporary vacation, like ordinary people, and make a few friends according to his heart.

But no matter how good a friend is, when he really gets on the quest line, he will always turn against each other. Before he started planning to make a mess, no one had ever firmly believed that he would not really do evil, and no one had ever thought to ask him if he had any difficulties.

If not, he doesn't want it either.

So I got used to leaving behind for myself everywhere, no matter what I do, I always have to find a witness. All the way down the road, he was very successful, but he was able to complete the task smoothly every time, and he often got angry with his competitors who had deliberately called on everyone to encircle and suppress him.

Just like this time, while Su Shi turned around and released the truth to wash himself clean, he also conveniently put a few blames on Shengjun's head.

The system supervision in the advanced world is actually very loose. Even if it is necessary to burn, kill, and loot, there is always a way to hide the situation and not involve innocent people, but it takes a lot of extra energy, and not many hosts are willing to do it.

Shengjun's hands were not clean in the first place, but he had not been discovered because of his concealment. After being dumped by him like this, he made He Tianlan break through the evil deeds by mistake.

He Tianlan's temperament is Fang Zheng's jealousy, so he gritted his teeth and determined to kill Tian Que, and joined forces with him to kill the Holy King. He took the opportunity to make a move on the top of Zijin Mountain, and he had actually successfully knocked the host who had taken home back to the main world.

Then, ten reports were made by the unknown host in a fit of anger. Adding the items reported by various hosts before, it was just enough to make up a thousand. So when the eyes turned dark and then turned on again, the experience points had already been confiscated, and they were packed and stuffed back into the lower world.

In a blink of an eye, it has been so long.

Although there are so many worlds rotated below, this memory is actually very vague, but when he returned to the previous environment, Su Shi gradually completed the specific situation before he left.

His task this time was very simple, just [keep the blame], but considering that he was the opponent who had unseen the blame, Su Shi still felt a lot of pressure.

After rushing all the way for a while, finally arrived at the eye of the formation, the sky has gradually dimmed.

Fortunately, the orc suit is still preserved, and the soul power is sufficient, and it can always transform into a human form to act. Su Shi stopped his footsteps and took a few breaths, closed his eyes and twirled with power, the spirit leopard jumped down, and when it landed, it had turned into a human form, a black robe flew down to cover his whole body, and walked slowly towards the eye of the formation .

Looking at the eyes of the formation that had been strengthened by at least ten layers of mana, and would suffer backlash if they broke the formation, Su Shi suddenly felt a little stomachache.

After all, the original plan was for these people to chase him into that cave, and then he would fight back vigorously, at least beat out a few people and save them from breaking the formation, while the rest saw the truth inside. Unexpectedly, something went wrong at that time, and now he is the only one who is still outside and capable of breaking the formation.

Su Shi sighed softly, sat down cross-legged with his eyes closed, and took out two Condensing Yuan Pills from the system and put them under his tongue, and his spiritual consciousness spread like a tide. Just as he was about to start breaking the formation immediately, his expression suddenly became slightly condensed.

Before he could make a move, a powerful attack had already slammed into the formation.

After the formation is completely opened, there are only two ways to enter the cloud dream formation, one is to find the eye of the formation here and transform the soul into the formation, and the other is to break through with strength. But if it is the latter, there may not be a few people in this world who can do it.

While thinking about it, the system has dutifully broadcast the live broadcast from the other side. Su Shi swept his gaze away, and suddenly there was more thought in his eyes.

The person who entered the formation was actually Tianque Shengjun, who should have been knocked back to the main system by him long ago.

In the high-level world, any character who is taken over by the host will be equivalent to being dissipated after the host leaves, and cannot be revived again. Since it is absolutely impossible for the original Shengjun to be replaced, maybe it is the guy who was cheated by him and came back to take revenge.

If there is a sage who is not dead with him to help, maybe he can still carry the blame. It's just that He Tianlan and Qinghua must be stopped as soon as possible, and they can't be told to tell the truth. If necessary, maybe their memories should also be erased, otherwise they will be regarded as a thorn in the side of Shengjun.

The mana that had been surging gradually calmed down. Su Shi thought about it quickly, and kept half of his spiritual consciousness in his body, and continued to work hard to break the mana seal on the formation's eyes, while the rest of his spiritual consciousness remained silent. integrated into the array.

In the cave, the phantom suddenly trembled, showing faint signs of disintegration.

Xuankong Xianzun's expression suddenly shook, slowly opened his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Someone is rushing into the formation."

"how is this possible?"

Daoist Qingxu looked slightly stunned, and looked around: "People from all sects are here. It's still early, and no one will come to look for us for a while, let alone rescue us..."

He murmured, his voice lowered unexpectedly.

Those almost long-forgotten past events emerged one after another, but on the contrary, they aroused the unshakable determination for many years. The more I look down, the more apprehensive and doubtful I feel, and I even have some instinctive fear.

Is what they saw and heard the truth, what did Su Hongjian experience after that war, and why did he change from that gentle and clear young man to a monster that everyone shouted and beat. Before that, these questions had never shaken them in the slightest.

On the one hand, he was afraid of the truth that he might face, but on the other hand, he couldn't let go of it no matter what, so he inexplicably had the idea of not wanting to go out at this time.

Hearing that someone broke into the formation, everyone in the illusion had different expressions, and a few of them were also struggling. Most of them heard that there was a possibility of escape, but after all, they felt happy, and there was some hope in their eyes.

Xuankong Xianzun's eyes did not look relaxed at all, but became more and more dignified.

Those phantasms originally came in chronological order, but now it was still during the Yaozu War, and the Su Hongjian in front of them was just a pure and clear young man.

But when this external force bumped into him rashly, the phantom suddenly became chaotic, and the situation in front of him changed suddenly, and some ominous and dangerous images appeared faintly.

The cultivation realm of all the immortals is not as good as this, they just hold their breath instinctively, being attracted by the illusion in front of them, they didn't realize the danger around them for a while.

I don't know if it was pulled by an external force, the illusion changed violently for a while, and suddenly turned into pitch black.

"What happened?"

Humans are instinctively afraid of the dark, no matter how high their cultivation level is, it is difficult to avoid it. It was pitch black everywhere, and even mana couldn't illuminate it, as if some force had forcibly blocked the five senses. A young immortal cultivator in the corner finally couldn't hold back his fear, and asked loudly.

"This is his memory. There is probably such a period. Don't panic, the past will be fine."

Xuankong Immortal Venerable explained in a low voice before stabilizing the situation a little. Qinghua couldn't help but frown, subconsciously hugged the silent and cold body in his arms, and looked around blankly.

When he saw these people, he felt angry, and he was also angry with himself who was not firm enough at the beginning, so he simply held his breath and refused to speak, but Taoist Qingxu whispered what he thought: "But—in our memory, But I have never had such an experience…”

They dispersed after the battle of the Yaozu. No matter how fast the illusion changes, it will not be possible to just jump through the battlefield of hundreds of years. But if it happened before this, they obviously should have at least some impressions.

But now among the people present, it is clear that no one has any idea of such darkness.

Just being puzzled, a gleam of light suddenly lit up in the darkness, and the light gradually diffused, re-illuminating the illusion in front of me.

"How is this going!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd, which shocked everyone. They instinctively lowered their heads to check, only to find that there were an unknown number of immortal cultivators lying on the ground, all of them closed their eyes silently, and there was a faint black air in the Yintang. Checkmate.

Taoist Qingxu's heart sank slightly, and he instinctively took a step back, but his eyes suddenly narrowed, focusing on the face that was identical to his own.

They didn't have this memory because they were all unconscious at this time.

This kind of thought just came out, and the illusion in front of him changed at the same time, countless bright green demon fires suddenly lit up, tightly surrounding the black-robed young man in the center, but he couldn't get any closer.

"This is actually the Mietian Formation—you really entered the Mietian Formation?"

Immortal Venerable Xuankong suddenly spoke, his usual steady voice revealed a hint of astonishment. Taoist Qingxu raised his gaze subconsciously, but just shook his head lightly, his heart sank further and further: "We don't remember..."

The so-called Mietian formation is a formation specially used by the monster race to deal with humans. As soon as he enters the battle, there will be soul-transforming mist to corrode the soul, and even if there will be weak water rain, corpse forest wind, under the demon fire, if he can't get out in time, he will have to survive for three hours before he can escape safely.

This kind of formation is nothing to the physically strong monster race, but to human monks, it is a deadly formation.

In their memory, there is no such a past.

The weak water fell in fine rain, and in a blink of an eye, scars were burned on the body of the black-robed youth, and they were quickly healed by the rising devil energy. The corpse forest wind was as sharp as a knife, mercilessly cut his skin, and completely stripped off his already tattered clothes, and dense wounds appeared on his emaciated body in a blink of an eye.

"Why doesn't he protect himself?"

The young immortal cultivator at the side was terrified and couldn't help but speak in a low voice, but Taoist Qingxu's eyes only became darker, and he said in a low voice: "He is supporting the magic weapon of the fairy..."

The fairy magic weapon does not tolerate the demon cultivator, it can only protect the immortal cultivator from harm, Su Hongjian can only bear the blood rain and corpse wind with his body. His soul was still there, and he clearly had a chance to escape, but he still just stood firmly in place, supporting that magic weapon without retreating half a step.

For three whole hours, new injuries continued to appear on his body, and he was healed by the devil energy, but more scars were added in the blink of an eye. The cycle goes on and on, causing people to faintly give birth to endless despair.

Taoist Qingxu couldn't bear it any longer, he took a step forward to push away the phantom, and told him not to hold on so stubbornly. But as soon as he touched that shadow, he suddenly felt a tearing pain from his whole body that he had never experienced before, and he broke out in cold sweat instantly, and fell to his knees uncontrollably.


The senior brother next to him spoke anxiously, and supported him: "What's going on, but what's wrong with that illusion?"

"As long as we touch him, we can understand how he felt at that time..."

Qingxu was supported by him, but cold sweat was still densely covered on his forehead, and he shook his head slightly with a pale face. Thinking of the bone-piercing pain of Ling Chi just now, I suddenly felt chills all over my body.

Such torture, how did Su Hongjian support them for three full hours, protecting them until the formation dissipated

Before the thoughts dissipated, a tall figure suddenly appeared blurry in the distance, and gradually became clear through the rain of blood, and it was actually a phantom of a demon saint walking from afar.

"It turns out that there are really human beings who can sustain themselves in this Heaven Extinguishing Formation."

The demon sage spoke slowly, and the eyes of the copper bell fell on him. When he spoke, he seemed to be accompanied by a strange metallic hissing sound, which caused a tearing pain in everyone's mind: "Why do you save them? One day in the future, there will be some people here. People will beat you to death and beat you to death."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's body trembled violently, as if some kind of force was strangling their throats, and they were suddenly so suffocated that they couldn't breathe.

Regardless of the fairy, demon and monster race, whoever is conferred a saint can see the secrets of the sky, and naturally can see the fate of a person. They knew this truth a long time ago, but they never imagined that Su Hongjian knew about it so early.

Facing the staring gaze of the ghost saint, Su Hongjian's body moved, his chest heaved for a while, then he opened his eyes with difficulty, and gently moved the corners of his lips: "I still have at least a few trustworthy friends..."

"If you are a trustworthy friend, will you not be able to trust you in the future?"

The demon saint seemed to be particularly interested in him, and asked another question. Su Hongjian's expression was still very calm, he just lowered his eyes and sighed softly: "Then you can't believe it."

Not expecting his reply, Yao Sheng showed some surprise in his eyes, and asked again: "If they not only can't trust you, but even fight you to death, must they get rid of you and hurry up?"

Hearing his words, those clear eyes were gradually filled with bewilderment, the lips that had already lost their blood color moved, and the voice suddenly softened.

"… why?"

His voice was very soft, but it was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's chest hard. Daoist Qingxu felt a sweetness in his throat, and took two quick breaths, his figure was already faintly unstable.

The demon saint said nothing, just looked at him with great interest, still waiting for his reply.

Su Hongjian waited for a while, but could not wait for his reply. After a moment of silence, he slowly relaxed his brows, lowered his eyes and smiled softly: "How could that be?"

They are all close friends and close friends, so how can everyone betray their relatives and never die.

Xu Guo lived and died together, how could he be besieged by crowds like that in the end, and his soul was scattered.

how come.

The author has something to say:

Su Shi: I can shut up.._:(Q_Q」∠):_...


# Picking up pot crematorium#