Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 131: A pot that cannot be retrieved


"Hun Xiao... Dao Yun?"

He Tianlan stared at him blankly, as if he couldn't understand what he said.

His soul disappeared, he naturally knew what these four words meant, but suddenly he couldn't understand the meaning of Xuankong Immortal Venerable.

Obviously just now was still protecting him in secret. That power is not like the bone-piercing coldness of ordinary demonic energy, but rather elegant and moist, it reveals a bit of fairy air, and lightly and skillfully extinguished the flames that were almost enough to burn the world.

How could it be that in the blink of an eye, there was no trace of it anymore.

There was a little helplessness in his eyes, and he stepped forward to speak, but was frightened by the regretful eyes of Xuankong Immortal Venerable, and his chest suddenly became empty.

"I've checked all over here, and there's nothing wrong with it."

Xuankong Immortal Venerable opened his mouth slowly, shaking his head gently like a sigh: "I can't resist the power of the Holy King. Even if he enters the battle by chance, even if he uses the power of the whole formation, he can only transfer the Holy King." Go out and keep us safe for a while. But the backlash caused by this is absolutely beyond the ability of ordinary souls... "

There were rumors in ancient times that if the spirit and soul could merge into this cloud and dream formation by chance, it would become the spirit of the formation. As long as there is no external force to destroy the formation, it will be immortal.

If it wasn't for the purpose of saving them again, no matter what means Shengjun used, it would not affect Yunmeng Formation itself in the slightest. But if you want to forcibly pull the sage out of the formation, it is tantamount to confronting the power of the sage head-on, and there is only one remnant soul left, how can he still have the power to protect himself.

Now that the great formation has been broken, there are no traces left. I am afraid that even if it goes to the sky and enters the earth, it will be difficult to find any remains.

While speaking, the wounded immortal cultivators gradually came to their senses, and they instinctively adjusted their breathing and exercised their kung fu. He Tianlan closed his eyes, his face turned pale, and he finally lost his strength and sat down.

Xuankong Immortal Venerable sighed softly, and walked towards the entrance of the cave, but suddenly a hand grabbed the sleeve of his robe.

"Xianzun, was he... in this fog just now?"

Taoist Qingxu supported himself and got up, his voice slowed down unconsciously, as if he was afraid of alarming something: "He saw it? At that time—he could still see it?"

Xuankong Immortal Venerable did not respond to him, but just sighed, and brushed his sleeves to open the broken stone wall: "Leave as soon as possible, a phantom formation will not be able to do anything to the Holy Lord for too long. I can't wait here for a long time, and Zijin Mountain can't go back. Fellow Daoist Tianlan, do you have a place to stay temporarily?"

He Tianlan was silent for a long while before he opened his mouth, but an angry voice came from the side: "No! Since they are so capable, why rely on his legacy? It's just a matter of escaping each other!"

"Qinghua, this is not the time to be angry."

It's not surprising Qinghua's attitude at this time. Although He Tianlan was in pain, he still had reason. He persuaded him in a slow voice, turned around and said, "There is indeed a place where Hung-chien settled down. Qinghua and I have never investigated it carefully, but we only know how to get there, so it can probably be used as a place of refuge... "

"That's all. I've done all these evil things now, and I've come to this point. I have to bear the blame. What face do I have to go to Hongjian Demon Venerable's residence to ask for protection, and destroy his final purity for nothing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged Xianxiu suddenly smiled bitterly and said, with a look of despair in his eyes: "Since we know that the sage is a despicable person who is not what he looks like, we just go back and wait for him to make a comeback. , ready to fight to the death.”

He Tianlan frowned, and was about to speak again, but Xianxiu got up one after another, and staggered out of the cave.

When they chased all the way in, they still insisted on taking the man's life. Now when I go out from here and see the world outside the cave again, I feel ashamed, and even taking a step is as heavy as a thousand weights.

Su Shi didn't have time to pay attention to the people in the cave yet.

Seeing that his lover was about to blow himself up in a snap, he concentrated all his strength in the formation and took advantage of the force of breaking the formation to barely pull him out. He was dizzy from the backlash. Taking out half of the spirit power from Lingbao's body and merging it into one, finally stabilized slightly.

The celestial power in Shengjun's body was still surging, he hugged the body tightly in his arms, and looked for him in a trance, his dark eyes showed a rare and weak emptiness.

Can't be angry.

He obviously took the blame for himself when he came, but he couldn't just get him out and beat him up. Su Shi rolled up his sleeves and floated around him eagerly, meeting those eyes, but his heart softened uncontrollably.

Forget it this time, next time we must establish a family law.

Xianli has been shaken so badly, if the other party is forced to stop it, it is inevitable that he will suffer backlash. Su Shi pondered for a while, and simply stopped trying to snatch the spirit leopard away. Putting aside all his thoughts, he closed his eyes and concentrated his soul, and crashed straight into the body of the Holy Monarch.

Suddenly aware of someone taking the house, Shengjun's heart was shocked, and he instinctively wanted to be on guard, but he was instantly enveloped by the familiar refreshing soul power.

The clean and gentle power is like a gentle wind and drizzle, gently calming down the turbulent immortal power in his body, and filling in the subtle damage caused by the extreme pain and fear of the soul.

The blood all over his body suddenly boiled, his eye sockets were hot and sour, and his vision instantly blurred into a trance. In the turbulent sea of consciousness, a gentle voice resounded clearly.

"Lu Zhuo."

A sob suddenly choked up in his throat, he wanted to speak, but he just opened his mouth, and a huge wave rose up from the sea of consciousness, tightly wrapping the coolness.

The soul body is only a half-empty and half-real power condensed, but it still seems to be able to detect the turbulent emotions beneath it. As soon as the scorching golden light flashed by, he carefully slowed down his strength, hugging him and caressing him carefully, with a faint shudder still clearly hidden under the tenderness.

Su Shi's heart became more and more sore, he sighed softly, closed his eyes to relax his consciousness, and handed himself over to him: "It's me, don't be afraid..."

It's not that the opponent didn't catch up in time, it's that he was slashed by the sword as soon as he came, and he couldn't get back into his body, so how could he think that the opponent would bump into him by chance and make such a big oolong for nothing.

As soon as I came here, I saw myself lying on the ground without knowing my life or death. This person chased me to protect so many worlds, and I didn't know how frightened I must have been at that time.

Turning his thoughts around, Su Shi raised the corners of his lips dumbly, crossed his mind, and carefully inserted his soul into the original body.

Being fed a recovery pill by He Tianlan, there was always spiritual power to maintain in the phantom formation, and he was poured into the immortal power without hesitation by the other party, the wound was healed no matter how deep it was. Trying to control the body this time, the soul did not slip out directly.

The body in his arms moved slightly.

That body was full of scars, and without the support of the soul, it would have little effect if it was treated with immortal power again. Lu Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he covered his thin and thin back with his arms, not daring to make a sound, but just tentatively kissed her.

The warm and dense kiss fell carefully, quickly diluting the cold pain at the moment when the soul entered the body. The tense mind suddenly relaxed, Su Shi couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips, opened his eyes and looked at him, raised his hand to wipe away the mottled tears that had gradually dried up on his face: "When I came, it was already floating in the air. It was outside, and I was shocked."

The state of this body is not good, Lu Zhuo let go of his heart, and his heart hangs up again, and he hastened into the fairy power for him without a trace, and gently kissed his temples: "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

Painkillers have been prepared in advance, and the injuries on his body are so painful that he can't feel anything. Su Shi shook his head with a smile, and tried to sit up, but suddenly felt dizzy, and then fell back to the opponent's chest.

Ever since he arrived, he hadn't been free for a moment, rushing to break through the formation, circling around, and forcibly dragging his lover who was on the verge of self-destructing out of the illusion formation, Su Shi's soul power was exhausted. It's just that I don't feel it while floating, but as soon as the spirit enters the body, I feel drowsy and sleepy, and I don't even have enough strength to stay awake.

The pot is still flying all over the sky, so obviously nothing can be done. Su Shi closed his eyes, intending to release the power of the soul again, but he was covered with a warm palm, and the immortal power surged, and the soul was put back properly.

Su Shi was a little puzzled, blinked his eyes and looked up. Lu Zhuo was still looking at him, Hei Che's pupils were warm and gentle, and he took his gaze firmly into his eyes.

"It's too dangerous for the mind and soul to leave the body, you just need to rest at ease, and let me do what you need to do."

When the host enters the world, if the body is attacked, the worst thing is that the character in the current world dies. But once the soul leaves the body, if it is attacked, the damage will directly fall on the host itself. At that time, even the medicine of the system will not help, and it can only be re-entered into the cycle and slowly repaired.

Su Shi didn't know there was such a situation, so doubts appeared in his eyes, but there was a sudden hum in the back of his mind, the light of the shrouded memory flickered, and the pain suddenly spread rapidly without warning.

This kind of pain was only experienced once when opening the secret room. Su Shi instinctively clenched the corners of his lips, and hit his shoulder with a muffled grunt. Lu Zhuo's heart tightened, and he quickly hugged him, and gently put the power of the soul into his body: "But it's already hurt? Don't worry—does it still hurt?"

The brilliant golden glow fell into the sea of consciousness, easily causing the strange white glow to lie dormant, and the pain dissipated in an instant.

Su Shi breathed a sigh of relief, slightly raised the corners of his lips towards him, and shook his head.

Lu Zhuo was still worried, stretched out his arms and took a look at his legs, then skillfully hugged him up: "You should have your own place, I will send you back first, take a good rest before making plans. What can I do for you?" Do it, don't worry?"


The other party was still holding his pot on the head, and Su Shi felt his stomach hurt when he saw it, but he couldn't bear to scream because he was disappointed by his frightened lover, so he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and nodded solemnly.

Lu Zhuo stood up with his sword in his arms, and when he saw the misunderstood expression on his lover's face, the light in his eyes immediately dimmed, and he embraced him back, raising his sleeves to protect the whole person in his arms inside.

Su Shi lost his temper, tugged at his sleeves, and patiently made three chapters: "You should remember, I'm here to steal the pot, and we can only go out safely if we complete the task, right? ?”

"I'll help you, whatever you do."

Hearing his tone softened, the dark eyes flashed, and the person hugging him became visibly happy again, and lowered his head to rub his cheek affectionately.

"What do you need me to do, you just say it, and I will definitely do it for you."

The last time the two were in the world of cultivating immortals, even when the other party's data was complete, they also actively cooperated with themselves to grab the pot, so there is no need to be too suspicious of their attitudes.

Su Shi was a little relieved, leaned on his chest and pondered for a while, and then made up his mind: "Before I left, I went to Shengjun to take a few blames on him, and he himself has a lot of bad deeds. It’s not in vain—it’s better to make the mistake and tell them to think I’m your subordinate.”

Lu Zhuo thought for a while, then nodded happily, "Is it enough to just let them treat you as my man?"

"I'll sleep first, it's enough for you to do this."

The warmth in his arms is so warm that it makes people sleepy. He used his soul power without cherishing it before, and his soul has actually suffered a little hidden injury. Su Shi couldn't help but yawned lightly, handed him the simplest task, and closed his eyes relaxedly.

Behind what was once empty, I don't know when it has become a solid and powerful arm.

Su Shi was wrapped in tiredness, and felt his consciousness faintly sinking, but suddenly a thought came to him that he had never thought of before: "We have met before, haven't we?"

The arms holding him tightened slightly, and the wind was a bit cool. Lu Zhuo covered him with his chest, and his voice sounded softly through his chest: "I have seen it."

"Is it this world? I don't remember..."

The perplexity that had always existed in his heart finally arose. He knew that he had forgotten something, but what was even more strange, his memory was clearly complete, and there was no missing piece, which could fill in those unsealed memories.

"Not here."

Lu Zhuo spoke softly, lowered his head and kissed the closed eyes, his lips touched the slightly fluttering slender black eyelashes, his chest shrank fiercely, he couldn't help lowering his head and kissed him deeper, letting the breath of life wash over and over again In the shadow of my heart.

This is just an ordinary high-level world, even if death leaves, there will be no more serious consequences, but when he saw that figure fell to the ground without a sound, he had already lost any ability to think for a moment.

He almost thought that he had lost this person again.

Not again.

The lover in my arms was already very tired, and fell asleep unconsciously in the tender kiss. The eyelashes were pressed down docilely, the gentle air flow hit his cheeks, his steady pulse lightly hit the palm encircling the wrist bone, and he slept peacefully.

The joy of being lost and found bumped against his chest, Lu Zhuo held him tighter in his arms, quietly released his breath, Yujian accelerated, and rushed towards the residence of Demon Lord Hongjian.

The task entrusted to him by his lover must be done well.

Outside the cave, Immortal Xuankong's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Although that aura was ethereal, he would never admit it was wrong. It seems that Shengjun must have gotten rid of the shackles of the formation, but for some reason, he didn't come to trouble everyone first, but went straight to a very strange direction.

With a sudden movement in his mind, he already had a premonition in his heart, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Fellow Tianlan, from now on, if you go southeast, is there any place worth visiting?"

"Shengjun went to the southeast?!"

He Tianlan was shocked, exchanged glances with Qinghua, frowned for a moment, and then said: "Immortal Venerable, I have to take a step first, please-"

"Full Peak... Does he still live there?"

Daoist Qingxu interrupted him suddenly, his expression showed some astonishment, and he said anxiously: "Didn't he already go to the Demon Palace? The Peak of No Return has been destroyed, so many people want his life, he How can I still live?"

After the battle of the Yaozu, there was still a period of time when everyone never turned against each other. At that time, Su Hongjian was living in Bufu Peak in the southeast, and the bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain was refreshing and pleasant, and summer vacation was the most relaxing time. Even though immortal cultivators were not afraid of the cold and heat, they would often go to the bamboo forest for small gatherings. The most relaxing time.

Not long after that, news spread that Su Hongjian had cultivated into a Demon Lord.

Immortals and demons are not at odds after all, and his cultivation base is growing too fast. After all, everyone is a master in the cultivation of immortals. How can he often come and go with demons? He was the only one left.

Later, it was heard that Demon Lord Hung-chien had fallen into the devil's way, snatching magic weapons everywhere, destroying villages and slaughtering sects. At that time, Shengjun took the lead in besieging him once, forcing Su Hongjian to detonate the peak of no return before he managed to escape into the magic hall. The bamboo forest where they had drank and joked had naturally been destroyed in it.

Hearing that he revealed the name, Qinghua's eyes shrank slightly, and his figure swayed suddenly. He gritted his teeth silently and clenched the sword by his side. After a long time, he said in a low voice: "It's useless to talk...you go, that sage is not easy to provoke." , Be careful of getting into trouble."

Everyone already felt torment in their hearts, how could they be willing to retreat at this moment. Immortal Venerable Xuankong sighed softly, raised his hand to press Qinghua's shoulder: "Now there is no way out, we can only face up to difficulties. He is wounded at this time, if he is asked to find it from Demon Venerable Hongjian Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure is recovering from its wounds, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to deal with—whether it is Hongjian Mozun or not, this battle is inevitable. I will leave a few reports, and the rest will go straight to Bufu Peak. There is no need to delay said."

His tone sank, and he even faintly carried the image of Jin Ge Fenglei. All the immortal cultivators had also recognized the situation, so they naturally had no excuses, they asked a few seriously injured young immortal cultivators to report back, and then rushed towards Bufu Peak.

Lu Zhuo put the lover in his arms on the warm jade couch, and happened to sense the momentum of chasing him from outside the mountain.

Leaving the warm breath surrounding his body, Su Shi instinctively opened his eyes. Seeing that he was still by his side, he relaxed a little. With a sweep of his consciousness, he roughly guessed what was going on.

"I will deal with them, don't worry, I will find a way."

Lu Zhuo leaned over to hug him, and kissed him on the forehead. Su Shi obviously didn't have his certainty, so he raised his hand to hold his arm, and sat up worryingly, leaning on his body: "I must have set up a mechanism here, but I just can't think about it for a while..."

There are so many worlds in the lower level, and it would be almost the same without a thousand years. No matter how good his memory is, if things don't come to an end, he might not be able to recall more details.

Those people have already arrived outside the Peak of Never Return, so they must deal with it as soon as possible no matter what. Su Shi rubbed his forehead, he had already made up his mind, and the two bells floated out of his palm, and he handed one to him: "Take it with you, and I will attach a wisp of spiritual consciousness to it, and adapt to the situation when the time comes—don't worry, I won't get hurt."

His eyes fell on the two bells, Lu Zhuo's breathing was slightly stagnant, but he nodded calmly, took the bell and held it in the palm of his hand: "Just let them know that I assigned you to do those things, and implement those evil deeds." That's enough, isn't it?"

Now Shengjun's reputation is completely tainted, but Su Hongjian's notoriety can hardly be maintained. He could only take a step back and do the next best thing, at least to make outsiders think that those evil deeds were really done by Su Hongjian, even if it was regarded as being forced by the Holy King, it was still a big deal.

After going through the logic again, Su Shi nodded, and said uneasy, "Be careful, don't get hurt."

"Without you, Shengjun's strength is the best in the world, I just remember not to hit too hard."

With a warm smile in Lu Zhuo's eyes, he hugged him and kissed him, and then he cheered up, Yu Jian greeted him out of the mountain.

Under the peak of no return, everyone held their breath for a long time, and finally the sage came with his sword.

Knowing that his strength has reached the peak, none of the immortal cultivators would dare to take it lightly, and each of them is ready to fight. Xuankong Immortal Venerable took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Holy Monarch, Demon Venerable Hongjian has returned to heaven and earth. If you still have the slightest bit of conscience, you should stop coveting the relics of the deceased. Let us leave this peak of no return, Divide life and death quickly!"

Shengjun looked cold, held the sword he was guarding in his hand, and said unhurriedly: "These magic weapons of his were originally ordered by me to go out to find them for me. What's wrong with me coming back to use them?"

When he said this sentence, it was tantamount to admitting his position, but the meaning hidden in it made everyone even more frightened. Qinghua was so angry that he couldn't stand still, and said sharply, "You are talking nonsense! Hung-chien has a pure heart, even though he cultivated demons and never did evil, how could he be a running dog for people like you!"

After saying that, he couldn't bear to hold his sword and go straight to the Holy King. Shengjun just sneered, and shook his sleeve casually, and the mighty mana knocked him into the air, spraying out a mouthful of blood.


Taoist Qingxu was the closest to him, he rushed over with a cry, supported him and injected a mana, raised his head and said coldly: "It's your old trick to trick people, I've already been fooled once, so I won't fall for the second time." Second—if he works for you, why do you have to fight him forever? Why do you have to think hard to kill him with our hands?"

"The name of Demon Lord Hongjian is Demon Lord, but his strength has already reached Demon Saint. How did you drive him?"

He Tianlan knew more about the inside story, but he was shaken for a moment when he heard what he said. He stood there and pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind, and said in a cold voice: "I know you have always done bad things, is it because there is nothing you can do with him? , so that he designed all the immortal cultivators to besiege him, but he can't turn black and white here!"

Su Shi couldn't help but have a headache when he heard the bell, but Lu Zhuo was obviously more calm than he thought, just hooked the corners of his lips, and said lightly: "I don't believe it when I'm alive, but speak for him when I'm dead. It's really polite."

Being caught in the center of his words, everyone's chests were suddenly suffocated, and they were faintly shaken, and their originally tight defenses were also relaxed for a moment.

Murderous intent flashed in Shengjun's eyes, and the monstrous magic power burst out, breaking the barrier in an instant. Everyone felt as if they were being hit by a heavy hammer, and the intense pain suddenly rose, and they all staggered back, and many people even coughed up blood again and again.

"Destroying tigers and devouring wolves, but I'm too lazy to do it. Don't you want to know why I drove him? Then let you see..."

Shengjun walked forward slowly, narrowing his eyes slightly, taking advantage of his lover's absence, he let out a basketful of cruel words.

Although he wouldn't take their lives from these people in front of him, he didn't need to keep them, at least he had to make them suffer.

When Su Hongjian was besieged, no one thought of keeping his hand.

Vast mana pulsated around him, his robes and black hair fluttered, and his pure murderous aura was about to explode. Just as he was about to strike, a strange light suddenly burst out from the bamboo forest, turning into ethereal figures, and stopping in front of everyone.

Shengjun paused, his expression faintly stunned.

Seeing the situation in front of him through the bell, Su Shi's heart sank, and he finally slammed his head against the wall.

He finally remembered what was arranged here.

When he replanted the bamboo forest back then, he sealed a piece of his spiritual consciousness in the forest.

The author has something to say:

Saint · Coolie · Jun · Steal the Pot for Wife · Gong: ... Stomach pain. _(┐「Q口Q)_

#The number of paragraphs is different#
