Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 41: The gentle villain


"team leader!"

Looking at the powerless figure, the team members' eyes showed intense blood. The assaulter was almost about to rush forward, but was firmly held in place by the deputy team.

Yuan Zheng's ability is inherently capable of restraining zombies, which is an extremely precious ability in the apocalypse, but facing similar attacks, he still cannot restrain the metal and thunder systems, which are known to be invincible.

Of course, there will be wars between bases in the last days, but in the last days full of dangers, after all, there is still a tacit agreement among human beings, and it is rare that there is such a time of endless death.

After encountering such an unruly ambush, and being pressed and beaten for half a night for no reason, the team members all accumulated endless anger. Almost desperately rushing forward, the half-kneeling figure had already stood up again with difficulty.

"No one is allowed to come over."

Yuan Zheng's voice was a little hoarse, but his tone was still calm. With his back to the crowd, he slowly stood up straight, and the dazzling fire suddenly spread from behind.

He casually wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, and looked at the lightning-type supernatural user with a complicated expression in front of him, his gaze was calm and calm, and a cluster of golden flames burned in his raised palm.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't know what the purpose of your ambush here is. But you can't pass this line."

The scorching fire fell on everyone's eyes, almost scalding the dry eye sockets, and they fought more and more desperately with the remaining ambushers.

Doctors shuttled through the artillery fire, busy treating their own wounded. Suddenly, he found someone looking through his medicine box, pulled the person and turned around, but met a familiar face.

"Xiao Shi, what's wrong with you, where did you get hurt?!"

The blood on his body could not be seen clearly in the night, the doctor's eyes tightened immediately, and he helped him up and down to check: "If you are injured, you should tell, don't carry it, you understand?"

"I'm fine..."

After finally finding a roll of tape from the medicine box, Su Shi was in a hurry, replied in a low voice, and turned back into the darkness again.

His tone didn't sound right, and the doctor became more and more worried, so he wanted to catch up, but his teammates shouted from behind him.

The sniper was supported by the deputy team, with a large amount of blood on his shoulders, and half-kneeling on the ground in a daze, he was dragged back almost with the help of the deputy team.

Su Shi's figure had disappeared into the night. The doctor gritted his teeth, and walked over quickly to support his seriously injured teammate, his palm glowing white.

After all, it was a hasty fight, and the opponent had all the advantages in terms of equipment and strength. The situation was getting worse and worse, and everyone had already suffered a lot of wounds.

Yuan Zheng's chest rose and fell violently, but he still refused to back down. The lightning-type supernatural being looked at him with regret in his eyes, and raised his right hand silently.

The dazzling thunder cluster condensed in the palm, and it was actually bigger than ever before, and the terrifying coercion slowly spread.


Yuan Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, his surprise was fleeting, but a faint smile of relief appeared in his eyes, and he stood up straight again with difficulty.

"I never thought that I would die at the hands of an S-level supernatural being—who on earth could invite you to ambush us?"

"you do not need to know."

The electric light condensed to the limit, and the fierce arc collision sound continuously sounded in the palm. The lightning-type supernatural being opened his mouth in a low voice, pointed at the other party, and the ball of lightning shot towards Yuan Zheng.

The body was on the verge of collapse, Yuan Zheng sighed lightly, calmed down instead, closed his eyes and waited for the final settlement.

The expected pain never came.

The air that was almost stagnant suddenly became silent, and there were still subtle electric arcs crackling and dancing, but that group of thunder that seemed to be enough to destroy the world seemed to have never appeared.

In front of him, at some point, a mutated pitcher plant almost as tall as a person grew out. Its broad leaves patted the stem, and it belched contentedly.

"Bloodthirsty plants?!"

The lightning-type supernatural being shrank his eyes suddenly, and retreated more than ten meters back suddenly, but his eyes were still full of astonishment and vigilance. Looking around twice, he suddenly raised his head as if feeling something.

The two sides who were fighting were also frightened by the too weird changes, they slowed down unconsciously, and finally vaguely realized what happened, and their eyes suddenly showed strong fear.

The black wings folded silently, and the tall and thin figure slowly walked over, his eyes were cold and calm, and he glanced at the two confronting people indifferently.

The fire was still burning, reflecting his slightly pale face.

It was a very ordinary face, if it was placed in a crowd, it would be easily forgotten if it turned around.

His clothes were shabby, almost draped over his body, and even his glasses were barely wrapped up with tape. But as long as they meet those indifferent pupils that seem to have no trace of emotion, no one will have the slightest thought of ridicule.

"Is there any more? It's not full yet."

The young man stood still beside the mutated pitcher plant, and turned to the lightning-type supernatural being. His voice was a little hoarse, and his tone was flat without any fluctuations.

Facing those eyes, the lightning-type supernatural user shuddered fiercely, took two steps back, and involuntarily whispered: "The son of hell..."


Hearing his voice, the young man turned his head to look at him, and a huge bloodthirsty vine broke out of the ground in response, and a black and ferocious shadow rose beside him: "Is there something wrong?"

The eyes of the lightning-type supernatural power user suddenly tightened, and immediately stepped back, the supernatural powers around him were quickly absorbed into the body, and even the mental power had been desperately compressed at all costs.

Even an S-level power user would not dare to deal with these two things in the bloodthirsty forest. They are naturally capable of devouring all kinds of abilities, and they are especially interested in the flesh and blood of powerful people with abilities. In the face of these terrifying mutant plants, human beings have almost no room to resist.

Everyone said that this is a creature that can only be found in hell, and it is a terrifying existence brought back to the world by the son of hell.

"You look delicious."

The young man's eyes fell on him, and the words fell, the bloodthirsty vines swam towards him like a giant python, lingering around his body, looking for subtle fluctuations in the air that belonged to supernatural powers.

"What do you want? All the weapons and supplies I brought - I'll give you everything, just let me go!"

The lightning-type power user wanted to back away, but he was afraid that a slight movement would trigger the attack of the bloodthirsty vines, and his forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

"Do you want clothes? I told them to bring you new clothes, and—and glasses, whatever you want, as long as you leave me alone..."

For some reason, the young man's always indifferent expression seemed to show some cracks. The chest of the thunder-type supernatural power user suddenly burst into severe pain, his face turned pale instantly, and he lowered his head stiffly, the tip of the bloodthirsty vine had pierced his chest.

"No one goes to the bloodthirsty forest, they are hungry and want to eat."

The young man raised his hand to adjust his glasses, lowered his eyes slightly, his expression had become cold again, as if the previous moment was just an illusion caused by his excessive nervousness.

The bloodthirsty vine did not start to suck blood immediately, the huge vine body was ready to go, as if waiting for his order.

"I'll bring you living people to the bloodthirsty forest, as many people as you want!"

The lightning-type power user immediately spoke, his voice almost hoarse: "Don't kill me, I'll tell you a secret, you must want to know..."

The bloodthirsty vine stepped back slightly, as if waiting for him to continue speaking.

As if the lightning-type supernatural being was amnesty, he felt that his body was almost softened, and he hurriedly said: "The doctor of darkness at the central base used you to do human experiments and experimented with various medicines on you. Alive! Don’t you want revenge? I know where he is, I’ll take you to him, let me go…”

Hearing his words, Yuan Zheng's suspicions that he had always had were finally fully confirmed, and his eyes suddenly sank.

No wonder that Dr. He secretly collected serum, and numbered Mu Shi's serum—if all of this was explained by human experiments, it would make perfect sense.

After the destruction of the central base, everyone has heard of the notoriety of the Dark Doctor, and they all know that he has done too many insane things. If these two people were indeed the same, sooner or later, this crazy ambitious person would definitely destroy the entire base, and even make all humans pay a terrible price.

"He's at Base B, isn't he?"

Since the matter of the serum can be explained, it is not difficult to guess the mastermind and reason behind this ambush. Yuan Zheng's eyes were slightly cold, and his tone suddenly became sharp.

Comparing the two, it is obvious that the more powerful thunder-type power user is more favored by the bloodthirsty vine, and Yuan Zheng has a rare opportunity to recuperate. Although he didn't dare to release his powers, he had secretly absorbed a few crystal nuclei and recovered most of his internal injuries. Now he may not be able to fight anymore.

Originally, he planned to use this matter as the capital of the negotiation, but he didn't expect that the other party also guessed the secret, and actually said it so bluntly.

The lightning-type power user suddenly turned to him, and was speechless, but his eyes showed a little panic, and he could only deny it: "Nonsense! How could you know—"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly let out a muffled snort, the bloodthirsty vine had been sent into his body fiercely, and the blood was sucked into the vine.

"You know where he is, you are with him."

Even when he mentioned his enemy, the young man's tone was still rigid and flat, as if he was stating an ordinary fact.

The lightning-type power user opened his eyes wide in astonishment, staring fixedly at him, with some regret suddenly showing in his eyes.

No wonder Doctor Dark is so afraid of that son of hell. Since he can survive alone in the wilderness of the last days, he doesn't just have powerful and terrifying abilities.

Annoyed at his own cleverness, he was almost ready to die, but found that the eating speed of the bloodthirsty vine gradually slowed down, and finally stopped.

Suddenly there was a faint hope, and the lightning-type supernatural power raised his head with a pale face, hoping that he had already satisfied the appetite of the bloodthirsty vine, but he watched the young man opposite raised his head and looked over, suddenly raised his hand and shook it.

A sharp pain suddenly spread in his mind.

Before he could react, his crystal nucleus had already shattered instantly. The huge power lost its restraint, spewed out from the body, and was swallowed up by the mutated pitcher plant in a blink of an eye.

"The devil, the devil..."

When the crystal nucleus is shattered, the ability will disappear completely, and the body will suffer irreversible damage. Although he can still live, he is no longer as good as an ordinary person.

Shocked and remorseful, the lightning-type power user suddenly staggered and knelt down on the ground, spitting out blood, which instantly stained the ground red.

He was only temporarily moved by the conditions offered by the dark doctor, and accepted the commission to ambush this patrol team, but he didn't expect to encounter such a terrible opponent.

He regretted endlessly in his heart, but he no longer had the chance to speak out. The light in his eyes dimmed quickly, his body fell to the ground stiffly, and he stopped moving after struggling twice.

For the extremely strong, even if the crystal nucleus collapses, the spiritual power will not dissipate so quickly. As long as the spiritual power is used in time to repair and treat, they can still continue to live.

But his will has been swallowed up by fear and despair, and he has even given up on self-help, but within a short time, there is no movement at all.

The young man glanced at him, his eyes skipped over Yuan Zheng, and he turned to look at everyone in the forest.

In just a few words, the S-level ability user was completely killed, and he didn't even have time to make any effective resistance.

The two sides who were still fighting fiercely just now were frightened into silence. The ordinary figure in front of them almost became the embodiment of death, and even the pitch-black eyes seemed to have glistened with cruel blood.

The rest of the ambushers didn't have the guts to stay any longer. Seeing that he didn't intend to continue killing them all for the time being, they dropped their things tremblingly, turned around and ran away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Everyone in the patrol team was not reconciled, and still refused to leave their captain. Even though he was terribly scared, he still gritted his teeth and confronted that figure that seemed to come from hell.

The young man adjusted his glasses and turned his gaze to Yuan Zheng.

Although there seemed to be only a cold chill in those eyes, Yuan Zheng somehow didn't feel afraid. He just met the other's gaze, and his tone was even calm and gentle: "What do you want? Do you want my blood too?"

It seems that he is not used to staring at people, the young man's eyes swept over him, and then dropped again: "You are not strong enough."

Yuan Zheng was stunned for a while, and finally chuckled dumbly. He took a deep breath and raised his head: "No matter what your original intention is, you saved me and my team members. If I can reach the S-level one day, you can come and pick me up anytime. blood, okay?"

The young man seemed a little surprised and didn't respond. He just raised his eyes and glanced at him, then turned to leave without saying a word. But it seemed that he suddenly remembered something, turned around again, and walked towards the supplies that had been thrown away indiscriminately.

Although he hunted down the son of hell for more than half a year, it was the first time he saw a real person. No matter what the reason was, he was saved by the son of hell who came out to walk the bloodthirsty vine by accident.

The team members felt a little awkward in their hearts, and no one was good to speak. They just watched the real son of hell standing in front of the scattered supplies for a long time, and finally bent down to pick up a box of instant noodles, and put the small stainless steel bag that fell on the side. The pot was picked up.

The black wings spread out silently, and his figure sank into the deep night.

Seeing him leave, the oppression that followed him suddenly dissipated. The team members hurried up, scrambling to support Yuan Zheng's body: "Captain!"

"I'm fine."

Yuan Zheng summed up his physical condition succinctly, his gaze swept across the crowd, and his expression suddenly changed slightly: "Where's Mu Shi?"

"He was still there at that time, I said it was dangerous outside and told him to hide well—"

The Demoman turned around in a hurry, his expression changed: "Didn't any of you see him?!"

"I saw him looking through my medicine chest, but when I asked him, he just said it was okay..."

Thinking of the situation at that time, the doctor said in a low voice, feeling more and more uneasy: "I heard his tone was wrong, and I wanted to ask him again, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Hearing what he said, everyone felt a sense of uneasiness in their hearts. The joy of escaping danger disappeared in an instant, and they immediately turned back to the jungle, looking for the figure of the young man.

The night was still dark, and everyone looked around anxiously, but they found nothing.

"Could it be that he was taken away by the son of hell? Xiaoshi's ability is exactly the same as that of the son of hell, maybe he will be targeted..."

The deputy team spoke worriedly, but was interrupted by Yuan Zheng in a low voice: "No, the son of hell is actually more innocent than we imagined. I believe he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Just watched the son of hell squeeze out an S-level lightning-type power user alive, but when he turned his head, he heard the firm tone of his captain.

Everyone still had lingering fears about the hideous and terrifying black figure beside the Son of Hell, and when they heard Yuan Zheng's words, they looked at him with disbelief.

"You guys rest first, I'll look for it later."

Yuan Zheng didn't explain much, looked at the team members who were more or less injured, gave a soft instruction, turned around and walked towards the depths of the forest.

"Captain, let's divide up a few people to accompany you!"

The forest at night was full of dangers. Worried that something might happen to him, the deputy team walked over quickly before trying to persuade him again, but his eyes suddenly lit up: "It's Xiao Shi, Xiao Shi is back!"

The team members' eyes lit up, and they looked over quickly, and they saw the figure of the young man emerging from the darkness, running towards the crowd.

The boulder hanging in their hearts suddenly fell to the ground, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, with relaxed smiles on their faces.

Yuan Zheng was finally relieved, walked over quickly, supported the frightened young man, and looked him up and down: "Where did you go, did you get hurt?"

Originally, he was still worried about the effect of the glasses, but after seeing everyone's reaction, Su Shi's last bit of worry finally dissipated. He let him pull him and shook his head slightly: "I'm fine, I hid behind the car before."

"That's right, you can survive in the apocalypse if you are smart, and stop messing around like before."

Seeing him come back, the Demoman finally breathed a sigh of relief, grinned, and patted him on the shoulder vigorously.

"You missed the big scene. The real son of hell came here just now. Although he was dressed in tatters, his aura was really scary. I didn't even dare to breathe. I almost thought he was going to kill us all... "

"It's beyond our control to think we've been hunting him down for so long."

The sniper was seriously injured, his face was still a little pale, he shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed softly: "It's a good thing we didn't make any enemies with him, otherwise we wouldn't be able to escape today."


The deputy team worked tirelessly to pack up the scattered supplies and equipment, and suddenly made a sound, touching his chin with a complicated mood: "He even took away a box of instant noodles, the children of hell are really poor..."

"Okay, leave another box of ham sausage, pick some unworn clothes and put them here, and bring as much equipment and food as possible, we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

There are countless dangers in the jungle at night, Yuan Zheng showed some gentle helplessness in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to assign tasks, and everyone immediately got busy.

The car could no longer be driven, and the team members hastily cleaned up the battlefield, then re-entered the main road, and moved forward quickly, hoping to find a new repair point as soon as possible.

Su Shi followed behind the team, and his footsteps gradually became heavy.

It is a very dangerous behavior for human beings to absorb high-level crystal nuclei, and they must be in a sufficiently quiet environment, even if they are slightly disturbed, they may hurt themselves instead.

Mutated plants are spawned by his power, and will automatically return the devouring power back to his body, which is relatively safer than directly absorbing the crystal nucleus. But the overpowering lightning-type and gold-type powers were still raging in his body, causing blood to surge in his chest, causing his eyes to turn black from the pain.

Now is obviously not the time to stop. The members of the patrol team are all injured and urgently need to find a place to rest and recuperate, otherwise the safety of the team cannot be guaranteed at all.

The experience points have become negative, and even painkillers can no longer be bought. Su Shi frowned and suppressed the surging blood in his chest, his mental power tightly wrapped the violent lightning ability, and compressed it into the crystal nucleus recklessly.

"How about it, can you still hold on?"

Seeing Su Shi's speed gradually slowing down, Yuan Zheng was a little worried, so he deliberately slowed down, and gently supported his shoulder.

As soon as the hand fell, the young man suddenly grabbed the hem of his clothes, and crashed into his arms soundlessly, his body was already tensed to the point of trembling due to the intense pain.

Yuan Zheng's heart sank suddenly, holding his breath, he rolled over his body in his arms, and carefully embraced him.

Deep in the clear pupils is the intense pain that he tried his best to bear, and the tightly pressed lips have turned white. The person in his arms raised his head silently to look at him, and for the first time there was a faint look of weakness in his eyes.

Yuan Zheng suddenly came back to his senses, and almost instantly embraced his slumped body, half-kneeling down and told him to lean on his chest, his voice almost hoarse with anxiety.

"Stop marching, doctor—come here!"

The author has something to say:

"Murder, set fire, rob, but I know he's a good boy."

#Love the Son of Hell#

#What does it mean to keep ham sausage#