Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 48: A traitor who has gone down in history


Frightening away the eunuch who delivered the decree, Su Shi closed the main door and sat back at the table, unfolded the imperial decree rolled up on the table, and leisurely flipped through the contents.

Don't admit it, don't deny it, have a tough attitude and domineering style, this time the performance is good, and the pot will probably be stabilized.

His identity this time is Lu Li, the right minister of Xuan Dynasty. He was promoted to an official at the age of seventeen, and was promoted to the right minister at the age of twenty-three.

During the five years, Lu Li used tough tactics to suppress dissidents. Countless capable ministers and people with lofty ideals were relegated and expelled.

Since then, Lu Li has become increasingly arrogant and domineering, and even no longer respectful and loyal to the late emperor. Three months ago, soldiers even broke into the harem, killing the late emperor's noble concubines, killing more than eighty members of Zuo Xiang's family. The first emperor was so angry that he scolded the rebellious officials and traitors, vomited blood and fainted on the spot, lingered on the sickbed for three days, and finally passed away on the funeral day.

Rebellious officials and thieves have reached this point, and naturally become the target of public criticism.

The first emperor died, and the crown prince succeeded him. Taking advantage of the turmoil in the court, the new emperor, who has not yet reached the crown, made a thunderous move, joined forces with the emperor's uncle Song Rong to attack from inside and outside, and put Lu Li under house arrest in the prime minister's mansion.

Monopolizing the government, covering the sky with one hand, mutilating the loyal and good, and overwhelming the harem, arrogant and domineering, he has long had the heart of disobedience.

It was the first time I saw so many pots with my own eyes.

Su Shi took a deep breath, closed the imperial decree in relief, and was almost moved to tears.

"Right Prime Minister, the regent is here."

All the servants in the mansion had been dismissed by him ahead of time, and the rest were the Imperial Forest Army sent by the palace. Although he still called him by his old title, his tone was not very respectful.

Su Shi's eyes faded, he put the imperial decree aside, and said casually, "I don't see it."

As soon as the voice fell, the door had been pushed open from the outside.

The sky was already dark, and a tall and burly figure stood at the door, looking at him silently, his face was in the shadows, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

Su Shi raised his eyebrows, and simply leaned back: "Since the regent wants to break in, why bother?"

Song Rong didn't enter the door, and raised his hand to hold the door frame, his eyes fell on that exceptionally handsome face.

From the day when the princes began to seize the throne, he led the army to go out under the order of the emperor. The first emperor reigned for ten years, and he also fought for a full ten years.

The impression of this person in front of him is connected with the grand scene of the capital that has long been blurred in his memory.

He had just come out of the barracks that day, covered in rough sand, just in time to meet the new top scholar straddling the street. There was thunderous cheers and cheers. The young champion man was wearing a bright red official robe. He was full of splendor, but he couldn't hide his elegance and cleanliness at all.

His eyes fell on those shining eyes, and the reins in his hands loosened a little. The horse was startled by the firecrackers, and almost collided with the guard of honor.

The tall Malaysian stood up, and the street was full of exclamations, but the eyes of the refined and refined young champion were brightened instead. His body remained motionless, but he was still sitting firmly on the saddle, his legs firmly clamped the horse's belly, and he pulled back the rein in his hand, and lightly and delicately let the huge horse's hoof pass by the roadside stall and land on the smooth official road again.

Ear-sounding cheers suppressed the reverberation of panic, and the young man turned to him, with a bright smile still in his eyes, cupped his hands at him, turned back and rode his horse on the street.

Not long after that, he led his first army into battle. Only gold and iron horses and hot-blooded cool fronts are left in the world, and that figure was sealed into memory together with the prosperous Shengjing, and thirteen years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In thirteen years, he has changed from a prince who had no power and power and only knew how to train soldiers, to an uncle and regent with great military exploits. .

But that face didn't seem to have been polluted by any wind and dust, and overlapped with the memory, causing his eyes to slow down unconsciously, and he cupped his hands into the room.

"Minister on the right, Song Rong asks to see you."

As soon as the still respectful tone fell, the figures of the people in the room suddenly froze slightly, their cold and haughty body froze for an instant, and their gazes swept over like lightning.

That face was originally very handsome and delicate, but the brows and eyes suddenly raised strange sharp arcs, but instead, a touch of beauty and bright color was added to the original gentleness, as if a blood-stained soldier was unsheathed.

Song Rong held his breath, his eyes fell on those eyes, his heart pounded.

The two lines of sight collided and intertwined in the dimmed light, almost bringing out the sound of gold and iron.

After a while, Lu Li brushed her sleeves back, got up and walked towards the inner room, with a clear tone: "No see."

"Presumptuous! How dare you talk to the Regent—"

The guard of the guard at the side almost burst into anger, and couldn't help yelling sharply, but was stopped by Song Rong raising his hand.

"I've read your reply to the emperor. If you continue like this, you won't have a chance to survive."

Song Rong was still standing outside the door, his eyes fell on his back, and his tone was sincere: "You don't say a word, I know you have resentment in your heart—"

"It's just a winner and a loser, the regent is too worried."

Upon hearing the other party's tone, Su Shi suddenly had a familiar premonition that things were going to get worse, and interrupted him without hesitation.

The protagonist of this world is the newly enthroned emperor, and Lu Li's story is just the beginning.

Those charges are indeed misunderstood by the world, but none of them are groundless. Lu Li had indeed done those things, forming a clique, dictatorship, regency, forcing the palace - he did everything a traitor and traitor could do, and finally managed to prop up a nearly collapsed court without collapsing.

Five years ago, Prime Minister Zuo's concubine entered the palace, and since then the harem favors only one person, and the court rewards and punishments are only based on a word from Concubine Liu Gui's pillow. Liu Shan, Prime Minister of the Left, seemed modest and upright, but took advantage of the power in the palace to amass a fortune, and even extended his hand to the military pay that the frontline depended on for a living.

Lu Li knelt outside the palace gate for three days, refused to obey, vomited blood and woke up from a coma. Suddenly, he threw away his arrogance and generosity, and imitated the way of flattering the superior and bullying the inferior, and plunged into the officialdom. Years have been ranked right phase.

Everyone on the right is flattered, and two ingots of gold are required to enter the door. Half of the money collected by greedy ink was spent on the front-line military supplies, and the other half was secretly distributed to those down-and-out loyal ministers who avoided the rivers and lakes.

Those loyal men of lofty ideals and capable ministers and generals were all expelled from the capital by him and relegated to inconspicuous villages and counties, only to escape the precarious disaster of death.

Zuo Xiang gradually felt threatened and ordered Concubine Liu Gui to persuade the old emperor Yi Chu to abolish the establishment and change the crown prince to Concubine Liu's youngest son. Lu Li accepted the imperial edict to abolish the crown prince, led the army of the prime minister's mansion into the palace, held concubine Liu Gui with a sword, and asked the late emperor to change the imperial edict.

The seal of the jade seal fell, and the long sword drank blood, scaring to death the old emperor who had lived in the deep palace for a long time.

All these things were gradually discovered by the new emperor after Lu Li's death, so he pardoned the Lu family's serious crimes, recalled the relegated officials, made every effort to abolish redundant officials, and the revival of the Xuan Dynasty began. The tablet of Lu Li was also reintroduced into the ancestral temple, where it was enshrined with incense for generations.

Su Shi read the synopsis of the plot three times from beginning to end, but he couldn't find the word Regent.

Song Rong saw that he was silent, and his tone became more and more gentle: "I have been fighting abroad all year round, and the affairs of the court and China are not clear. I came to the door today just to ask the court about the past."

Hearing this sentence, Su Shi unknowingly raised his eyebrows slightly, and then suddenly picked up the number, remembering who the regent was.

The little emperor's uncle, Song Rong, started to lead troops on the battlefield when he was young, and he never came back to the capital a few times. Although he is the regent, he has never taken part in politics hastily. When the prince succeeds to the throne and establishes a firm foothold, he thanked the royal power and led the army again. In the end, he died on the battlefield, and the coffin was returned to Beijing. The emperor went out of the city to greet the ancestral temple with a 30-mile burial.

Song Rong is not a very scheming person, and it is really a coincidence that the seat of regent fell on him.

At that time, the old emperor wanted to establish Concubine Liu Gui’s youngest son. In order to silence the mouths of the officials in the court, he gave the regent hat to this younger brother who was young and easy to fool. As a result, as soon as the edict was issued, Lu Li took the sword and forced the palace to change the edict. Only then did the edict to abolish and establish the crown prince be changed, and Lu Li stabbed Concubine Liu Gui conveniently.

The prince changed back, but the regent did not have time to withdraw, and the will was issued as it was, and Song Rong was called back from the front line thousands of miles away.

Su Shi suddenly had a stomachache.

This Prince Regent is undoubtedly the general who fought in the battlefield that Lu Li had secretly and anonymously funded for a long time.

Lu Li didn't want anyone to know about it at all, so naturally she had already done it extremely covertly. But as long as you do it, you will definitely leave traces. Su Shi, who had been washed out of his shadow, was beating wildly in his heart, but his tone became more and more cold.

"I don't explain it, just because there is nothing to explain. It's so chic and happy to be a sycophant, covering the sky with one hand. Lu Li is not even afraid of the retribution in the afterlife, so is he still afraid of the sword?"

After saying that, he raised his legs and was about to leave, but suddenly turned back, grabbed the imperial decree on the table, and disappeared into the backyard around the screen.

Song Rong's gaze was always on him.

The opponent's movements and demeanor are exactly the same as when he was a teenager, even more decisive and straightforward. On his way back to Beijing to help him, he had already heard countless people tell him how domineering and ruthless Prime Minister Right was, but he still couldn't connect with the boy in his memory.

After finally seeing Lu Li with his own eyes, his thoughts became more and more intense.

"What did Prime Minister Right eat today?"

He suddenly turned sideways and asked in a low voice, the imperial guard standing at the door was stunned and knelt down: "Regent, the emperor has a decree: the right minister has been extravagant and lustful all these years, and he has eaten all the delicacies of the mountains and seas. It's okay if he doesn't eat for a day or two... "

Song Rong's gaze sank, and he turned away without saying a word.

The study room is full of smashed porcelain, and books are thrown all over the floor. The Prime Minister's Mansion has already been ransacked once, and there is no room for people inside, so Lu Li had to sit in the lobby outside as soon as the show opened.

Patronizing to get rid of the regent who held inexplicable hostility towards him, Su Shi walked away majestically, only to realize that he had nowhere to stay inside. Standing at the door in silence for a moment, he still put the imperial decree into his arms, rolled up his sleeves and tidied up the study without any complaints.

Reluctantly gathering the broken porcelain into the corner, Su Shi bent over and picked up the books on the ground one by one, stacked them in his arms, and prepared to put them back together on the bookshelves that hadn't fallen apart.

Song Rong was standing outside the door with a food box in his hand, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and his eyes fell on the back of the man.

Apart from the prime minister's heavy and luxurious court attire, Lu Li was only wearing an ivory white long gown, the neckline and cuffs were embossed with delicate patterns of gold thread, which on the contrary showed a more refined look.

Such a person is born to stand in the clouds, but now he has to do the things that these servants do with his own hands, and he can't even eat a bite of food.

He wanted to go up to help, but he was worried that Lu Li would think that he had been humiliated instead, so he just stood there, unable to bear the unbearable regret in his heart.

While hesitating, the people in the room happened to stand up with a stack of books in their hands. Out of the corner of their eye, they caught sight of a figure, and turned around vigilantly, with a murderous look in their eyes: "Who!"

Song Rong met his gaze, walked over, put the food box in his hand on the table, and took the books in his hand: "The right minister shouldn't do these things himself."

"I'm no longer a right-hand man."

Unexpectedly, this person actually chased him in. Su Shi couldn't help but frowned, his eyes fell on the food box he brought, but his heart couldn't help but waver.

The original body was really hungry for two days, the aroma of the food came out from the food box, and the stomach cavity that was already numb from hunger began to ache again.

He is already wearing a sinful body now, so if he sits down to have a meal, there will be no change.

Maybe the other party came to poison him to death. Su Shi comforted himself, and simply stopped refusing, put his clothes on and sat down at the table, and opened the food box.

The food was already cold, most of it was improvised from other houses, and it had nothing to do with the word exquisite.

He was already overly hungry, so he didn't pay much attention to these things, so he took the chopsticks and started to eat calmly.

Song Rong helped him put the books on the bookshelf, and deliberately turned sideways to pretend to tidy up the bookshelves, but his eyes still couldn't help falling on the man.

Probably really hungry, Lu Li ate fast, but her movements were still meticulous, without compromising the elegance of her body.

The emperor father was old and strong, and the first emperor was more than twenty years older than him. When he seized the throne, he was afraid of his outstanding military achievements, and when he was old, he was afraid of his youth and strength. Before Song Rong reached the crown, he was sent out to lead the army to fight. He struggled in the barracks for more than ten years, and the chance of returning to the capital was very small. Even more inseparable from that elegant figure like bamboo.

The peeping gaze was too blatant. Su Shi put a piece of cabbage into his mouth, finally put down his chopsticks, and looked up at him: "If you still expect me to confess something, just ask. It depends on your meal." , I can also reveal a few more minions of the 'Lu Party'."

Song Rong hastily turned his gaze away, wanting to ask the other party if he had anything to explain, but instinctively knew that he might not be able to ask anything at all.

Seeing him sullen and silent, Su Shi also lost his patience. He took a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, then pushed away the food box and got up.

"My lord is a leader in war. Since I don't understand the court, I don't have to force my way in. I don't have anything to say if I don't dare to admit it. It's getting late. If your lord is fine, please go back."

The eviction order could no longer be more obvious, Song Rong's eyes dimmed, he put the food box in his hand, turned and left without saying a word.

Seeing that he finally left, Su Shi breathed a sigh of relief, touched the imperial decree in his arms again, picked a book at random, sat at the table, and started to read it leisurely.

In order to humiliate Lu Li, the new emperor even ordered people to smash down all the sleeping rooms in the Prime Minister's Mansion. The original owner has been pampered and noble since childhood, and has always been in a high position all these years. He wanted to kill him, but he actually sat in the main hall for two days without eating or sleeping, and never said a soft word.

He had already circled back from the main hall, so he couldn't deliberately go back and sit down. After eating a full meal, my body was unable to extricate myself from deep sleepiness. After only turning a few pages of the book, I felt my eyelids sinking.

After staying up for two full days, this body was really exhausted, and after sleeping this time, it actually lasted until the next day when the sky was bright.

A burst of hurried footsteps woke him up, Su Shi straightened his clothes, straightened up calmly, and met the official in black suit who came in triumphantly.

"Did Prime Minister You sleep well last night?"

The Royal Forest Army of the Netherlands came in and surrounded the small study. The Shaoqing of Dali Temple who was in charge of taking people walked in with his hands behind his back, and cast a mocking glance at him.

"The emperor said: Since Prime Minister Right has nothing to say, and this Prime Minister's Mansion is not a place for people to live in, why don't you go to the prison to sleep and be clean. I don't know what Prime Minister Right will think?"

Su Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, and he understood roughly.

It stands to reason that he should wait until the court judges his crime before he will be sent to prison and beheaded. The little emperor made up his mind to humiliate himself, so he would naturally delay the process long enough to completely overwhelm himself. It would be best to kneel down in front of him and cry bitterly, begging for a quick death, to feel relieved.

But yesterday, the regent suddenly came to find him out of nowhere, and his attitude was unexpectedly gentle, which probably put a lot of pressure on the emperor who had just sat firmly on the dragon chair.

It seems that the person is not at all helpful.

Su Shi raised the corners of his lips lightly, and flicked his sleeves, the Yulin Guard who came up to put him in shackles: "The prime minister can sleep well, and the sky jail can sleep well too. Lu Li thanked the emperor for taking care of him."

He has real kung fu, otherwise he wouldn't have to go to prison so many imperial guards to come. Seeing that Lu Li didn't intend to resist arrest, but just disdained others to put on shackles, Dali Temple Shaoqing heaved a sigh of relief, winked at the guards of the imperial forest, and stepped aside: "Mr. Right, please."

Su Shi glanced at him lightly, and stepped forward calmly, but his arms suddenly shook back.

The sleeves of the robe swept by with a strong wind, and the two imperial guards who were about to knock on his knees with their long halberds were knocked back a few steps, and they fell to the ground with pale faces.

"If you want to ask me to kneel, the current emperor doesn't have any confidence in his heart. It's better for a little bastard like you to think less."

His eyes never even fell behind him, Su Shi stopped and turned sideways, looked at the young minister of Dali Temple whose face changed suddenly, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly: "I am a dying person. A dying person will do nothing Accident, are you right?"

"Right, right, forgive me—the villain doesn't dare!"

Dali Temple Shaoqing stepped back in a hurry, but was so intimidated by the vast coercion on his body that he bent his knees instinctively, and didn't even dare to look directly at his face.

Su Shi, who was full of hatred, sneered, and strode away with a flick of his sleeves.

It seems that the ability of [Come and hit me] is indeed very useful.

He no longer resisted, and let the guards escort him out of the prime minister's mansion, and walked towards the prison.

Walking through the corner of the street, Su Shi's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The young emperor was standing quietly at the door, with a tall prison car beside him, his eyes fell on him, his eyes were gloomy, and his eyes were full of fierce sharpness that had not been precipitated by the years.

Standing behind the emperor, Song Rong raised his eyes and hesitated to speak when he saw him approaching. He obviously realized that his defense would only make Lu Li's situation more worrisome.

Su Shi ignored him, his eyes fell on the prepared heavy shackles and iron shackles, raised his eyebrows slightly, and slowly stood up straight.

The little emperor's name is Song Zhilan, and he took it out of the intention of ruling the world and Dingbo Anlan, or Lu Li picked it out for him at the beginning - this has happened more than ten years ago, if the other party knew about it, they probably wouldn't be willing to use this name again .

Parade is somewhat reluctant. Su Shi sighed lightly, but he didn't resist, and let others put heavy shackles on him in silence.

Just as he stood up straight, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a sharp edge from the corner of his eye.

The siren that threatened the protagonist's life was sharp and piercing. Su Shi frowned, and suddenly turned around like a clumsy imperial guard who couldn't bear to put him in the shackles.

Before he could speak, the cold light was because he turned around suddenly, and with a "clang" it slammed hard on the iron cuffs around his wrists.

"Assassination - protect the emperor!"

The imperial guards also reacted very quickly. After sternly yelling, they quickly wanted to protect the emperor in the car and leave.

The force on the hidden weapon was so great that it was inconvenient for Su Shi to move with his hands locked. He took a few steps back before he could release the force, and his gaze gradually sank.

The masked men in black jumped out of nowhere, and there were more than twenty of them at a rough glance, all of them were strong and strong, and Kong Wu was very skilled. Song Rong fought in the army all the year round, pulled the little emperor behind him, and led the imperial guards to fight with the assassins, but because of the large gap in numbers between the two sides, they were faintly overwhelmed.

The assassin is not afraid of death, and all his moves are aimed at Song Zhilan who has no force.

Su Shi couldn't let it go no matter whether it was because of the persona or the task. Holding the shackles and knocking down several men in black, he took advantage of the momentum and stepped sideways in front of Song Zhilan. Just as he was about to protect them without a trace, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Of the twenty or so assassins, more than half of them were attracted, and their moves were mercilessly greeted to him.

The assassin focused on beating him, and behind him he blatantly protected the little emperor.

Song Rong swung the assassin away, and said sharply: "Why are you stunned, hurry up and help the right minister!"

The author has something to say:

Assassin: Look at him angry! hit him! ! (*/≧□≦)/ ┴┴

#Save the car or save the pot#

#YourSpecial Effects: Come, come, hit me, there are still ten hours to expire#