Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 52: A traitor who has gone down in history


The sky was shining brightly, and it snowed all night outside the hall.

The white sunlight pierced through the window lattice, making people's eyes hurt. Su Shi opened his eyes and was shaken shut, but the white light in front of him still took a while to dissipate.

Sensing his movement, Song Rong subconsciously tightened his arms and lowered his eyes in concern.

As soon as those eyes opened, they were immediately shut tightly by the dazzling light, and they frowned slightly uncomfortably, and moved closer to his chest.

Although he knew it was just the other party's instinctive reaction when he first woke up, Song Rong's heart softened suddenly.

Taking off the heavy court clothes, he wrapped the little heat in his arms together with the people, and propped himself up to block the glare coming in from the window: "Is it better?"

After the fever subsided, his body felt colder and colder, and the heat source suddenly left again. Su Shi instinctively clutched the court robe and wrapped it tighter, and agreed very softly.

It is rare to see such a defenseless and gentle posture of the other party, Song Rong couldn't help showing a gentle smile, and covered the quilt tighter for him, and said in a gentle voice: "They brought the food, you can eat it in one day I haven't eaten any food yet, so eat a little bit, okay?"

Su Shi heard the conversation outside the door at that time, and was curious about what food was in the sky prison. He wanted to sit up, but Song Rong pushed him back with gentle force.

"Your fever has just subsided, and snow has just fallen outside. It's cold time, so you must not catch cold again."

His tone was very gentle, with the earnestness of discussion, so Su Shi had no choice but to lie down again. He opened his mouth to speak, but was choked by the cold air, and couldn't help coughing twice.

Song Rong was taking the porridge bowl out of the food box, when he heard him coughing, he hurried back, carefully helped him up, and took him into his arms.

His body, which has practiced martial arts all year round, is strong and powerful, and even in the cold morning, his chest is still warm.

Su Shi still planned to live until the little emperor's enthronement ceremony, so naturally he wouldn't have trouble with his body, so he simply stopped insisting, relaxed into his broad and strong embrace, and raised his hand to take the spoon in his hand.

After resting for a day, the scar on his wrist was finally no longer so red, swollen and glaring, and the strength in his hand also recovered a little bit, at least holding the spoon firmly was no longer a problem.

The porridge in the bowl is made of longan and lean meat. It is very delicate, and it looks like it is not the meal of my prison.

I don't know how Song Rong handled the other breakfast, Su Shi stirred it twice with the spoon in his hand, looked at the silent and concerned black eyes, swallowed back the question, lowered his head and drank slowly, still lukewarm porridge.

Seeing that he was still willing to eat, Song Rong finally breathed a sigh of relief, still holding the porridge bowl steadily for him, and covered the quilt up with one hand to prevent him from catching the cold inadvertently.

The stomach has been empty for a whole day, and when the porridge enters the stomach, the first thing it brings is a sharp pain.

Su Shi couldn't help frowning, and pressed his hand hidden under the quilt to his stomach cavity, and immediately met Song Rong's nervous and worried eyes.

"It's okay, it's just that I haven't eaten anything for a long time."

With no choice but to withdraw the hand holding his stomach cavity, Su Shi spoke in a warm voice, and when the discomfort was relieved, he lowered his head and drank a few mouthfuls of porridge, then put down the spoon.

He really didn't eat much, Song Rong frowned lightly, and tentatively said in a gentle voice: "Is it not to your liking? Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Not really, I just don't feel hungry."

Su Shi shook his head, and a thought suddenly came to his mind: "Can the lord cook noodles?"


His voice was very soft, Song Rong was slightly startled, and asked subconsciously. Su Shi had already dismissed that unrealistic idea, and shook his head: "It's nothing."

The first time he could only roast ready-made meat, the second time he learned how to cook instant noodles. There is no such easy-to-use instant food in this world, so he better not force others to do what he wants.

Seeing that he was in good spirits, and he didn't mean to be unhappy because of his offense and disrespect last night, Song Rong finally let go of his heart, and leaned against the soft pillow with his body in his arms: "I asked them to get some hot water, but it's a pity that they didn't Duo—you are sick, you should have taken good care of yourself..."

"I'm not in the sky prison now, it's all thanks to the prince."

Su Shi was dumbfounded, and put the court gown on his body, trying to support himself up, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

Thinking that at least he could ask the other party to wipe his face, Song Rong was soaking a cloth towel in hot water, when there was a muffled sound behind him.

Turning around hastily following the sound, Song Rong's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he threw down the cloth towel and hurried over.

Lu Li fell to her knees on the ground, trying her best to support the edge of the couch with one hand, struggling to stand up, but she only managed to support herself a little before falling back down.

The man himself didn't seem to know what was going on, his usually cold and indifferent eyes showed some confusion, and he was still working hard in vain, but his legs couldn't exert any strength at all.

Song Rong hurriedly carried him back to the bed, worried and flustered in his heart, and pressed the two legs with ease: "How is it, do you feel any pain? Are you lying dead..."

"It's okay, you can feel it."

Before he could figure out what was wrong with him, Su Shi responded, leaning on the edge of the couch to sit up again.

Song Rong was not as indifferent as him, he frowned and apologized, carefully rolled up the bottom of his trousers, revealing his already red, swollen and hot knees.

"Qingguang—you don't even know it hurts..."

Fortunately, he didn't suffer any serious and irreparable injuries, and the extremely nervous mood finally eased a little. Song Rong heaved a sigh of relief, warmed his hands, and pressed them carefully on his knees: "How about it, this is terrible. better?"

The effect of the analgesic was still there, and Su Shi really didn't feel much pain. He nodded subconsciously, but felt a vague premonition in his heart for no reason.

"This is an old injury, and it doesn't show up if you take care of it carefully. When it's damp and cold, coupled with the falling snow, it will flare up again."

Although I was quite frightened by the situation just now, no matter what, old wounds are better than new ones.

Song Rong patted his knees on his behalf, his original worries dissipated, and he couldn't help raising his head again: "Qing Guang, what kind of injury have you suffered? How did you end up with such a trouble? Didn't you deal with it at the time?"

The situation is not good.

Su Shi's heart sank suddenly, and he finally remembered where this trouble came from.

He couldn't answer, but he had to answer. Once Song Rong discovered the connection between the two things, he would definitely become suspicious.

Song Rong didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't want to ask him to endure it silently. After a moment of hesitation, he got up and covered him carefully again with the brocade quilt: "I'll go out and have a look, and I'll be right back."

Su Shi was thinking about something on his mind, when he heard this, he just nodded. Song Rong quickly walked out of the palace gate, and slightly nodded towards the concerned Yu Linwei outside the gate: "Thank you for the hot water this morning, is there any wound medicine you usually use?"

Although the emperor forbade Lu Li to take special care of her, the imperial guards couldn't bear it in their hearts. As long as they could help, they would secretly take care of her.

"Yes, but the effect of the medicine is mediocre, and the brothers usually use it in private."

Hearing Song Rong's question, the leader of the Yulin Guard nodded quickly, took the wound medicine and handed it to him, and then said casually: "The weather is not good today, but has the right minister's leg injury happened again?"

Song Rong's eyes froze slightly, his heart skipped a beat for no reason, but his face became calmer: "Why, you guys also know?"

"I know, it happened five years ago, probably around this time - Lu Xiang was only serving in the Ministry of Education at that time. He heard that something happened in the army, and he didn't know what happened. He knelt on the stone steps outside the palace for three whole days. No matter how many people came to persuade him, he refused to listen. In the end, he was exhausted, vomited blood and passed out, so he was sent back to the mansion."

Probably remembering the situation at that time, Yu Linwei shook his head and sighed: "After that, Prime Minister Lu behaved in a manner, and he was no longer the same..."

Song Rong felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be frozen, leaving only a bone-chilling coldness.

What the other party said, he had no intention to listen carefully, he clearly held the wound medicine in his hand, but he didn't have the energy to turn around for no reason.

There seemed to be a big hole in his chest, and the cold wind poured in mercilessly, freezing his whole heart to the point of pain, but it also seemed like a raging fire was burning in the bottom of his heart.

In the winter five years ago, he knew better than anyone what happened in the army.

The border is uneasy, and the war is at its most tense. The army climbed the ice, lay down on the snow and fought desperately. One after another, the urgent documents of eight hundred miles were sent back to the capital, but they all seemed to sink into the sea.

The food stock in the army has been exhausted. If the army withdraws due to lack of food, the ten border cities will surely fall into the enemy's hands. If the battle does not retreat, the white snow will sooner or later become the burial ground of the soldiers.

Under the ice and snow, he beheaded his war horse with his own hands, and divided the frozen meat into pieces. His eyes were hot and his heart was cold.

Then, the food and payment suddenly arrived.

They have all worked in the army all year round, and it can be seen at a glance that the food and salary this time is obviously different from the past. The grain stacks were big and small, and the rice was old and new. In the end, there was really not enough food, and it was even stuffed full of bacon noodle cakes.

The tough guy who came to lick the blood with the knife head immediately put aside his resentment and despair when he saw Bentou. The generals handed out the hard-frozen pancakes, and the soldiers below put them in their arms and softened them, and ate them hungrily with the melted snow water.

They don't feel bitter when they have enough to eat. The soldiers talked and laughed loudly that the military rations were hard to come by this time, and they didn't know how many granaries the household department had stolen.

But he didn't laugh. In the unloaded food and salaries, he only saw poverty.

The shortage of money, the shortage of food - what kind of helplessness must be done, so that they have to spare no effort to pile up all the rations that can be imagined, and transport them over thousands of miles.

He hadn't returned to the court for a long time at that time, and he thought that there was a famine in the country, so he delayed the general's salary until now. So he completely lost his resentment towards that imperial brother who was far away in the capital, and instead felt deep guilt in his heart.

Because of this guilt, no matter how hard it is for the court to squeeze out the army, no matter how hard or difficult the battle is, he will never complain.

It was precisely because of this guilt that this time there was a change in the court, he did not even hesitate, and he resolutely rushed thousands of miles back to Beijing to help.

But he suddenly realized that he might be completely wrong.

The snowfall five years ago was even heavier than today's. I heard that the entire capital city was covered in white snow. Many literati improvised and wrote some heroic or exquisite poems and essays.

No one knows, and no one needs to know, that the army thousands of miles away was almost exhausted by the delayed military pay, and the young officials who had nowhere to ask were kneeling outside the gate of the palace and almost had a pair of legs crippled.

He was sure that Song Zhilan would regret it one day, he would regret it too much, and he would go crazy in pain, but he didn't expect that he would be the first to regret it.

"My lord—my lord?"

The worried voices around him suddenly pulled him out of his contemplation, and meeting the worried eyes of the guards of the forest, Song Rong regained consciousness in a trance, suddenly grabbed the bottle of wound medicine tightly, and strode back into the hall.

His footsteps became slower and slower, and his expression gradually calmed down. When he reached the door, the water in his eyes had faded.

After settling his mind, Song Rong pushed open the door and went in, walked slowly to the side of the couch, warmed his hands that were numb from the cold, and then began to carefully apply the wound medicine on Lu Li.

The skin under the palm was slightly hot, and the cool ointment was carefully applied, and it was carefully kneaded inch by inch persistently. Song Rong's chest rose and fell more violently, but the movements of his hands became gentler and gentler.

Finally, a hand reached out and grabbed his wrist.

There was almost no strength in that hand, but Song Rong's movements suddenly froze, and he raised his eyes to meet the pair of light pupils that seemed to have a premonition.

"Those rations—how did you get them together..."

Song Rong took a deep breath, raised his hand to caress his shoulder, and tried his best to bring a relaxed smile into his tone, but just as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't help showing a choked nasal voice.

The voice fell alone and there was no response.

The glass-like Qingling pupils just looked at him quietly, without joy or anger, without ripples and ripples, as if waiting for a certain judgment that had long been destined.

The emotion in his chest suddenly became uncontrollable, and Song Rong couldn't bear it any longer. He pulled the man's thin body into his arms, and wanted to tighten his arms, but he was afraid that he would hurt him, and his hot breathing rushed out. On the side of the pale cheek, the vision is already blurred.

How desperate, how wronged.

When the head outside the palace gate couldn't kneel down, when he was mentally exhausted, vomiting blood, and comatose, he scraped together to make up for the life-saving rations, but he was afraid that it would not be enough, and he tried his best to stuff all the food that could be thought of in place of rations into the car.

Finally, I fully understand that being a loyal and admonishing minister is fundamentally powerless to control the emperor's obsessive and partial beliefs, and powerless to change the time when the court is rotten.

He still remembered the first time he met Lu Li, the young champion straddled the street, full of ambition and full of articles.

During those three days of long kneeling, Lu Li was actually dead.

Only a wandering soul survived, a wandering soul that gave up the integrity that he had insisted on since he was able to read and write, gave up his bony arrogance, and gave up the foundation of his life.

So I completely sank this body into the mud, and I don't want to be famous through the ages.

The body in his arms suddenly trembled and tightened, Song Rong's heart shrank slightly, and he lowered his gaze as if feeling something.

In those clear and cold pupils that seemed to never be moved, tears finally fell silently.

"Qing Guang..."

Holding his breath and stroking the cold water on his cheek, Song Rong's voice was hoarse, almost pleading: "Don't hold back, it doesn't matter, there is no one else here..."

"I'm not crying."

Of course, it is clear that once it is leaked at this time, Song Rong will definitely figure out everything by following the vines, and the favorable situation that has been won with great difficulty will never be recovered.

Su Shi spoke in a harsh voice, clutching the other person's clothes tightly, trying his best to restrain his overly strong emotions, but he was still powerless.

It wasn't him who was crying, it was the body that was crying.

His heart was throbbing, his chest was stuffy, every inch of his body was submerged in intense pain, and a cold chill crept across his body.

The cold night is long, looking around alone.

The broken body was no longer able to bear the overly intense emotions. Lu Li pressed against his neck tightly, her body trembling silently, and finally raised her hand hastily to cover her upper lips.

The pale and slender fingers were suddenly stained with a bright red.

"It's okay, just spit it out, it's okay, it's all over..."

Embracing the body that had finally slumped from exhaustion, Song Rong embraced the whole person, stroked the still faintly trembling back over and over again, clumsily repeating the monotonous comfort.

The person in his arms gradually became quiet, so quiet that he felt fear in his heart. Carefully holding him in his arms, he looked down and confirmed that there was still light in those eyes, and finally felt relieved.

Su Shi closed his eyes and raised his hand to hold his heart.

The knife-like pain gradually calmed down, and the last bit of obsession in this body seemed to have completely dissipated with that mouthful of blood.

"It's not over yet."

The eyes were opened again, and the cold light returned to those eyes, and they were bound to meet the staring gaze of the regent king.

It has not passed, the last step has not been completed, this body has not been completely returned to dust, and the last value of this life has not been drained.

He took over this body, not to be shaken by personal affairs, not to compromise in a moment of soft-heartedness, and then live on.

"I know what you want to do, you can't do it. I have been suppressing the prince for many years. Unless I beheaded, the emperor will never be able to establish the real power of the emperor and will always live in my shadow. Only Only by killing me can the atmosphere of the court be completely cleared away, and the old evils of the first court can be wiped away, so that those hands that are just about to move can be retracted."

The icy and cold eyes fell directly into the dark eyes, and the injured body suddenly burst out with an undeniable tyrannical majesty, and the hand holding him became more and more forceful, as if it was about to be strangled into the bones, and the flesh and blood blended.

"It's hard for me to get to where I am today, Song Rong, you can't ruin it..."

Hearing the other party call out his name clearly, Song Rong's body trembled, and the hand that was being held was suddenly clenched, and his burning heart finally became infinitely cold.

He had countless reasons to keep Lu Li, to clear him of his crimes, to help him rehabilitate, to let everyone understand his painstaking efforts and sacrifices, but all of these were not worth what the other party said.

It's really a pain in the ass for Lu Li to get to where she is today.

This is a road with a long-established ending. If he insists on forcibly changing it, the other party's painstaking planning will really be ruined. At that time, even if Lu Li survives, it will be meaningless.

The person in front of him had obviously reached his limit, but his eyes were still fixed on him persistently.

"I see... Don't worry, I won't interfere again."

Song Rong's heart sank completely, there was no heat left in his chest, but his tone was still extremely gentle, he suddenly leaned forward and hugged him into his arms again.

"Qing Guang, I never told you that we met in the capital thirteen years ago—that side, I still can't forget it."

Hearing his reassurance, the hard-fought light in those eyes suddenly flickered, and finally dimmed, and then the ice and snow melted, leaving only a peaceful tired relief.

As if she suddenly let go of all her guard and all her struggling support, Lu Li leaned meekly on his shoulder and listened to his words quietly.

The sharpness in those eyes finally softened, but it also dimmed all the dazzling brilliance.

Meeting his quiet gaze, Song Rong chuckled dumbly, and gently stroked his pale and delicate eyebrows.

"Since that day, I have always thought that Song Rong has no great ambitions since he was a child. If he can spend his life with him day and night, it will not be a waste of time."

His palms were full of rough calluses, and he didn't dare to use too much strength at all, he just brushed the eyebrows under his fingers as gently as possible, carefully releasing the slightly furrowed lines.

"Now that the day and night have been achieved, the wish has been fulfilled. Let Song Rong send the right minister for a ride, okay?"

The dark eyes were gentle and deep, but there was bloody pain hidden in the eyes.

Su Shi met his gaze and was finally relieved after a long time. He lowered his eyes and nodded: "Okay..."

Just uttering a word, there was a piercing sound of gold and iron from outside the hall.

The guards of the imperial forest shouted to stop, the noise was endless, and a rush of footsteps suddenly came from far to near, and rushed towards the direction of the two people.

Su Shi's eyes froze slightly, and his mind that had just relaxed was brought up again, and he raised his hand to hold Song Rong, who was instinctively on guard.

The emperor's uncle, the regent, who returned to Beijing to escort him, was actually confined in a side hall. Once an outsider saw him, even if he was not considered a fool, a tyrant who treated the royal family harshly and kept everything in his possession would probably be attributed to the little emperor.

"Don't worry, if the emperor wants my life, there is no need to make such a big show."

Comforting Song Rong in a low voice, Su Shi listened intently to the movement outside, stretched himself up and sat up.

Knowing that he must have his own ideas, Song Rong nodded slightly, only intending to cooperate with the other party no matter what, and went over silently, but suddenly saw a vague apology in those eyes.

Song Rong was taken aback for a moment, and was immediately ripped off the couch.

Taking advantage of the visitor still having a few steps to open the door and break in, Su Shi decisively grabbed Song Rong, and stuffed the person in under the couch.

"Don't come out until the necessary time, act in a hurry, you have wronged the prince."

The author has something to say:

Regent: _(┐「°ロ°)_

#Confession on the bed with the one I love#

#He promised#

#Now under his bed#