Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 57: A traitor who has gone down in history


Seeing Song Zhilan being helped onto the imperial chariot and hurried away surrounded by everyone, Su Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Only two pills can be purchased in one world, and the medicine for Guiyuan Yangmai was just given out, and I don't feel much regret. The little emperor has been greatly shocked physically and mentally in the past few days, and because he is young and doesn't know how to take care of himself, he has already injured his lungs. If he is left alone, he will definitely feel better when he is old.

After all, Lu Li single-handedly raised the child...

Having come to this point, living a good life has actually become something that may not be easy.

Taking a deep breath to calm the surging blood, Su Shi turned around, nodded slightly to Song Rong, and walked out.

The carriage of the Wangfu was parked outside, he stepped on the steps, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he almost couldn't get up.

In a flash, he fell into a generous embrace. Su Shi was a little dizzy, and felt the familiar body temperature. He simply stopped struggling and leaned in relaxedly.

Song Rong held him firmly, with both sadness and joy in his heart, the entangled emotions were involved in the bottom of his deep eyes, and when the person in his arms looked up, he quickly returned to a quiet and gentle.

After a while of dizziness, Su Shi was safely carried into the carriage.

There was a solid temperature behind him, and he carefully unbuttoned his shirt with one hand, trying to show him the injury on his shoulder.

Su Shi wanted to stop him, but he didn't have the strength. He half-closed his eyes and met the black pupils in front of him, and said softly, "It's okay, I was in a hurry, and I lost my breath..."

"Qing Guang, come again a few times, your blood will almost be drained."

The blood had soaked through the bandage again, and even the inner garment was stained red with star spots. Even the soldiers of Kong Wu who were fighting on the battlefield could not stop the blood from flowing like this.

Song Rong sighed helplessly, carefully wrapped up the open wound for him, pulled him into his arms again, brushed his cold and pale forehead with his lips, and warm air hit his ears.

"Is what you gave him the medicine you want to take?"

Su Shi was startled and looked up at him.

Meeting the slightly surprised look in those eyes, Song Rong knew it in his heart, his arms tightened unconsciously, but his voice was still soft and soft.

"The reason why Zhuanji is called intractable poison is not because there is really no cure, but because even if the poison is undone, the pain will always be entangled like tarsal maggots, which is unbearable, and in the end it is still unbearable. Don't take death as an escape."

As he said that, he had already met those calm eyes like glazed glass, and raised his hand to caress Lu Li's temples that were faintly sweating: "You are hurting, Qing Guang."

His tone was very calm, as if he was explaining an extremely ordinary fact, but his eyes were already on the verge of a certain fragile limit, and the storm was silently condensed in the deep black eyes.

A slightly cool hand suddenly covered his, and the eyes were still clear and bright, and the moon flowed softly, causing Song Rong's hand to tremble suddenly.

He didn't dare to move, didn't dare to hug him even a little bit harder, didn't dare to hold that hand. He wasn't sure what level of touch would be enough to not disturb the already fragile body in his arms.

"No problem."

Taking advantage of the interval of pain, Su Shi's eyes were already filled with a gentle smile, and he said softly, "My medicine is better than theirs."

There are two medicines for Guiyuan's continuation of life, he only gives one, and his life will not be hindered.

As long as it is carefully recuperated, as long as there is no more intense stimulation, this body will only be a little weaker than ordinary people at most, and it will not suffer from such tragic torture day and night.

Song Rong choked for breath, and looked at him anxiously, his eyes finally showing strong uneasiness.

It's just a pain, it's not a big deal.

The smile finally soaked into his eyes, Su Shi sighed softly, clasped the other's wrist with his backhand, and pulled his body closer to him: "If you want to hug, hug him tighter, if you shake it a few more times, I'm afraid I'll fall straight..."

The carriage bumped again, Song Rong's arms trembled slightly, and suddenly tightened, holding him firmly in his arms.

"It's not that serious, it just hurts occasionally, and it will be fine after a while."

The powerful support seemed to lessen the pain in his body, Su Shi relaxed and leaned on his shoulder, raised his arms to wrap his arms around him, his voice was clear and warm.

"What are you afraid of? Since you are allowed to live forever, how dare I not live forever?"

The hand protecting him trembled, and water dripped down his neck, making him shiver from the ice, and he raised his head to make fun of the man, but his shoulder was pressed gently with force.

"Don't look."

It was rare for that person to put on the air of a prince, but he spoke with a thick nasal voice, so he couldn't hear the slightest bit of prestige.

Su Shi twitched the corners of his lips and chuckled joyfully. The arms behind him tightened as if punished. Then he suddenly remembered his injury and quickly relaxed carefully.

"By the way, there is one more thing that I forgot to tell you just now."

Thinking of the other party's growing courage, Su Shi coughed lightly, and suddenly spoke seriously.

Song Rong's heart tightened slightly, and he quickly looked at him with his breath held, his eyes focused and dignified, as if he was about to memorize everything he said.

Shi Shiran, the powerful minister and noble minister who was hugged, raised his eyebrows, and continued to talk leisurely: "There are rules for whether it hurts or not. If you are tired, anxious, beaten, or angry, it will all hurt... "

The more stunned Song Rong was when he heard it, he was stunned for a long time, but he still couldn't believe it: "Qing Guang, I just gave you a cold word, I slapped you, and I returned it, why do you still remember?"

Sure enough, he was so courageous that he had already started to learn how to bargain.

Su Shi took a deep breath and stood up before he was about to have a good talk with him. The sudden sway of the carriage aroused the lingering pain dormant in his meridians.

It's okay to joke casually, but he doesn't want to let the other party see his discomfort.

Hastily turned his head, coughed a few times and tried to cover up the past, but Song Rong regretted it to death, and quickly hugged him back into his arms: "Qing Guang, don't be angry, I said something wrong, if you do it again next time, you just punish him Me, how you punish me is up to you..."

Feeling helplessly relented by his eagerness to swear, Su Shi chuckled dumbly, and patted his arm comfortingly: "I don't blame you, I was just shaken by the carriage."

"I'll ask them to wrap the wheels with cloth when I go back, and bring back a few batches of docile horses."

This time Song Rong's reaction was extremely fast, and he continued without hesitation, and then hugged him in his arms so that he could lean more comfortably: "Does it still hurt now?"

Su Shi shook his head with a smile. The pain had been completely driven away by the warm breath. He wanted to say something, even a few jokes, to reassure the other party, but the weakness and sleepiness after his body relaxed made him just want to lean in quietly like this. .

Seeing the tired look in those eyes, Song Rong leaned over, and tentatively kissed carefully on the heavy black eyelashes: "It's okay, take a rest, I will guard you, always guard you..."

Taking his hand in the palm of his hand, Su Shi smiled at him, closed his eyes quietly, and leaned towards the familiar shoulder and neck.

Day and night, this life is still long.

The tense mood that had been tense since going to court finally completely relaxed, even with injuries and illnesses, Su Shi slept soundly for a day and a night as soon as he fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes, it was dawn, and I didn't know which morning it was. The body was still well embraced in the warm embrace, and Su Shi only moved, and a soft voice came from above his head: "Are you awake?"

"Does the prince never have to go to court?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was very hoarse. Su Shi pushed himself up and wanted to sit up, but Song Rong had already got up first, and with a stretch of his long arms, he pulled him into his arms for stability. He took the warm water that was drying in front of the couch, carefully fed it to his lips, and sighed lightly.

"This time I was wronged. I was called into the palace for a night of discussion before I came back to lie down. It took only half an hour..."

"Is it about the assassin?"

After taking a few sips of water, he finally relieved the dryness of his throat. Su Shi looked up, only to realize that the other party was indeed wearing a faint blue shadow.

Song Rong nodded, and put the bowl aside: "I'm in a hurry to come back, the border has not been completely stabilized, probably because the Xiongnu saw the emptiness in the replacement of the old and the new, and moved their minds that shouldn't be moved."

Knowing the development of the plot, Su Shi was not surprised, and propped up his body a little: "Are you going to fight?"

He had already made a plan. If Song Rong went out to fight, he would find a way to follow him. If that person also happened to have the idea of living in seclusion, he would abduct him and feign death on the battlefield to escape.

After waiting for a while, Song Rong's eyes showed a little distress.

Su Shi frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, a thought suddenly came to his mind: "Isn't the emperor going to ask you to go?"

Meeting his gaze, Song Rong nodded lightly, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The emperor said that the military is the foundation of the country, and you can't always rely on me to support it. This time, I will call the new generals to practice. If it is still unsustainable , then call me to help.”

Su Shi was noncommittal, but his eyes still fell on him.

After being silent for a long time, Song Rong could only sigh softly, and continued to confess: "The emperor also said - I have been fighting outside all the year round, and it is inevitable that I have old hidden dangers on my body. Now it is rare to return to court, so I should take good care of myself. I sent a few imperial doctors over, but I declined..."

Song Rong was in his prime, and although he fought all the year round, he was still a body built from childhood, and if he wanted to talk about it, he was much tougher than the little emperor.

This is too medicinal material, so it is inevitable that the intention of giving it is too obvious.

Temporarily soft-hearted, after all, the flaws were revealed.

The two fell silent together, Su Shi closed his eyes for a while, and then said softly: "What else did the emperor say?"

"The emperor asked me if I'm used to living in Beijing, if I don't like the cold winter, and if I have anything I want. He said that he will ascend the throne at the beginning of next month. At that time, the world will be amnesty, and those who are guilty will be exonerated, and those who are implicated will be innocent Release."

Song Rong spoke slowly, his tone sank inch by inch, and finally showed a little sigh.

"He also asked me if I wanted to retire. He asked King Xiaoyao if I don't need to take care of anything, just stay in the capital, just watch him, watch him ascend the throne, watch him be a wise king, Watching him purge the court into—purge into the way it should be..."

He knew Song Zhilan wasn't asking himself, so he didn't answer.

Everything behind him has been settled, and the truth and falsehood have been settled. If Lu Li wants to leave, no one can stop him.

After closing his eyes and being silent for a long time, Su Shi smiled dumbly and sighed very lightly: "Tell him, you're just going out for a walk. You've been too tired all these years, and it's time to put down your burden and take a rest."

These two people clearly knew each other in their hearts, but they just wanted to use themselves to pass the words back and forth. Song Rong had no choice but to nod honestly: "Okay, I'll write it down."

"What did you write down, how did you learn how to cook noodles?"

Su Shi suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked up, causing Song Rong to shudder violently, and resolutely promised: "Before next month, I will definitely learn how to cook, and I will never ask you and me to travel, and we will have to run out of food..."

A silent smile flooded his eyes, Su Shi laughed and shook his head, and stood up: "If you don't go out, will you be sure of the battle?"

"I have already started to train junior generals. The last few battles have been handled by them themselves. Rather than saying that I was fighting abroad, it is better to say that I was just exiled by the late emperor."

Song Rong smiled faintly, took the clothes and put them on for him: "If you are worried, we will go to the side first. If there is a change in the war, we can take care of it in time."

Su Shi nodded, but his thoughts couldn't help falling on the original plot.

It turned out that the regent died quite strangely in the battle. The battle was clearly not that tragic, and the victory was not difficult. He originally thought that the little emperor had lost his bow, but seeing Song Zhilan's behavior, it was not like that A cold-blooded and ruthless monarch.

Looking at it now, even though he didn't know the truth, the original regent probably had a sufficiently awe-inspiring and decisive temperament.

Seeing him in a quiet trance, Song Rong didn't dare to disturb him rashly. He was about to go out and ask someone to bring in some water, but Su Shi raised his hand and held him back: "My eyes are blue now, why don't you sleep a little longer—don't worry, as long as If you go back to the palace, the emperor will not come to look for you."

Song Rong smiled shyly, shook his hand, and lowered his gaze: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. When the emperor asked me these words, I was really worried that he would come over desperately and force me to hand you over, and what threats would he use to tell you I have to go back to the palace..."

Lu Li is a person with the world in mind, he can let go of everything, but he can't let go of anything.

If Song Zhilan used the country, the throne, and himself to threaten him, Lu Li would definitely reappear in front of him like that day, and still protect him with an unquestionable attitude.

That's why Song Rong hurried back in the middle of the night, until he saw that the man was still lying on the couch, his heart finally settled down, he held him in his arms for half an hour, but he still couldn't close his eyes at ease.

He was still afraid, afraid that if he couldn't see it, Lu Li would be forced back by the little emperor by some means, and then he would continue to suffer and overdraw his already unhealthy body...

"Don't worry, it won't."

The flexible body leaned forward and landed on the broad and firm chest, and the cool kiss lightly touched the neck.

Su Shi spoke in a warm voice, hugged him firmly, and pressed him on the couch, his clear eyes gently drawn into those deep black pupils.

"He has learned to be afraid, so no matter what he does in the future, he will know how to look forward and know not to make himself regret."

Song Rong was pressed by his arm, his chest was heaving and unsteady, his eyes fell on the clear warmth in those eyes, he didn't understand what the other party was saying at all, and there was only the sound of a heartbeat as fierce as a drum beside his ears.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, tentatively embracing the other person's body, his eyes were still filled with a gentle smile of indulgence, and then slowly closed them, giving him his body in a relaxed manner.

The trembling kiss landed on the pale eyebrows and eyes, followed the delicate eye contours downward, the nose, cheeks, and lips, and the warm breath hurriedly hit the ear, which seemed to make the person in his arms a little itchy , There were some extremely gentle and soft chuckles from his chest.

So the warmth is infinite.

It was dawn, and the window lattice was hastily covered by the heavy court clothes. In the dark room, red candles danced lightly.

A body that has practiced martial arts all year round is not considered strong, but it has a flexibility that is different from that of a frail scholar. When he holds it with his wrists together, what silently surges along the palm lines is the pulse of life that makes people cry.

Intertwined, connected, entangled, and never let go.

In the dormitory, Song Zhilan sat quietly on the edge of the couch, holding the blood-stained imperial decree in his hand, his expression was so calm that no emotion could be revealed.

The imperial decree is the blood of Concubine Liu Gui. If he had seen what was written on it earlier—even one day, he might have felt a huge shock in his heart, and he would have been so heartbroken that he wanted to go crazy or commit suicide, and he would have driven into the Prince Regent’s Palace desperately go. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you still want to see the dead body, and then kneel down in front of that person, kowtow and bleed, begging his forgiveness.

His father didn't want to abolish him.

His father intends to kill him directly.

That's why Lu Li gave up all his efforts to hide his strength and bide his time, all his obedience to others and his concubine's obedience. He used his sword to force the palace to kill the noble concubine, and forced the late emperor to change the imperial edict and seal off the palace—that person probably planned to come back to find this dangerous man when the situation settled down. Abolish the edict, and then completely destroy it.

It never occurred to me that I would never come back.

Perhaps he didn't expect that he would strike so quickly. When he led the forbidden army to surround the Youxiang Mansion that day, there was even a flash of surprise in those eyes.

Then everything is irreparable.

"Are you sure—"

The young emperor's voice was a little hoarse, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "Are you sure, what I am serving is the Guiyuan Renewing Life Pill?"

"Returning to the Emperor, only the Yang Pill in Guiyuan Renewing Life Pill can have the effect of returning to heaven..."

The imperial doctor spoke tremblingly, not daring to raise his head: "At that time, the emperor's heart was shocked, and he also had a high fever overnight, external evils invaded internally, and he was stabbed and injured. At least he will be seriously ill for three months, and he will take half a year to improve slightly. The cold disease will still remain, and every deep winter, it will inevitably recur... "

But now, he is sitting here comfortably.

Song Zhilan lowered his head and looked at his right wrist in a trance. There was once a hand firmly holding it, and he would not mistake that touch.

"The elixir, can you still find it?"

"I can't find it, Your Majesty. This is the legendary divine elixir. It is not easy to have a pair in this world for a hundred years. Among them, the yin elixir can detoxify all kinds of poisons and can continue a person's life, and the yang elixir can nourish the meridians and strengthen the body. Both of them Taking the medicine together is exactly the way to untangle the machine... "

If there is a chance, that person must have survived.

But he gave Yang Dan to himself.

Thinking of the records in the secret books in the palace, Song Zhilan felt chills all over with fear. He knows how painful it is to hold a chance. That person can survive after being detoxified, but if there is no Yang Dan, he will still be shrouded in boundless pain.

How could he ask Uncle Huang to run out and lead troops to fight at such a time.

Lu Li didn't want to see him. He knew that since that person was willing to stay by the uncle's side, that was fine. Looking at yesterday's situation, the pain is not irrepressible, there must be other ways, use the best medicine, find the best doctor, as long as that person can make a good—

Suddenly there was a cautious announcement from the servant outside the door, saying that the regent asked to see him.

Song Zhilan got up abruptly, and almost couldn't wait to run out, but his eyes froze when he met the thing in the man's hand, and his face turned completely pale.

"The emperor..."

Looking at his devastated look, Song Rong was not without emotion, but still handed over the seal in his hand.

He originally thought that Song Zhilan would not pick it up, but unexpectedly, the young emperor just stared blankly for a moment, then reached out to take it: "When is the emperor leaving?"

"Early next month, after the enthronement ceremony."

Song Rong's tone softened, looking at those dim pupils that could hardly find any light, he raised his hand to support his shoulder.

"... I'm just tired. I've been busy with one thing these years, and I finally have some free time, so I want to walk around..."

He spoke vaguely, but Song Zhilan undoubtedly understood, suddenly raised his head to look at him, grabbed his sleeves tightly, his eyes showed a faint light: "Is it just tired?"

Song Rong was slightly startled, met his gaze, nodded slightly, and said with a firm tone, "It's just that I'm tired, and I'll be fine if I take a rest."

"Okay, that's good, of course it's good to have a rest, very good, this is also very good..."

The young emperor's eyes turned red suddenly, and there was a look of crying and laughter on his face. He turned his eyes hastily, touched his body, and suddenly tore off the jade pendant and gave it to him, and ran back into the room: " Wait a minute, I'll tell them to prepare something, walk slowly on the road, don't rush too much, take good care of your body, remember to wear more clothes, it's cold—"

"Zhi Lan."

Song Rong called him warmly, and watched the figure suddenly froze at the door, walked over slowly, and gently wrapped him in his arms.

"This is the name he gave you. In charge of the country, he will watch you."

The boy's body trembled violently, as if he had stopped breathing.

Putting away the almost rude behavior, Song Rong took a step back, put away the jade pendant, turned around and walked out.


A voice soaked in tears suddenly came from behind him, Song Rong's heart softened, and he turned to him, but his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Song Zhilan knelt down towards him and silently kowtowed.

No one could bear the emperor's kneeling, all the servants knelt down, Song Rong hurriedly avoided, sighed softly, turned and left in a hurry without any hesitation.

The servants quickly came up to help, Song Zhilan was helped up numbly, the back in front of him was blurred by the color of the water, turning into an empty corridor.

In the long corridor, the elegant young man with warm eyes and a smile held the young child's hand firmly.

Walking through the shadows of swords, lights and swords, blood and rain, and the warm sun divided by shadows, we walked forward without haste.

Can't get to the end.

The author has something to say:

#Change HorsesChange#

#cooking noodles#

#On the Regent's strong desire to survive#